Wednesday, November 11, 2009

CULTURE: Azerbaijani Culture Days begin in Brussels (

Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA. Azerbaijani Culture Days began at the European Parliament in Brussels, Heydar Aliyev Foundation told APA. The event was organized within the joint project of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Azerbaijan’s permanent mission to EU. The days will last until November 13, Azerbaijani culture figures and artists will attend the events. Azerbaijani national cooks will also be presented at the event.

A large program was prepared for delivering substantial information about Azerbaijan to the European viewers. Works of Azerbaijani artists and ethnographic miniatures will be exhibited at the Yehudi Menuhin Hall of the European Parliament. The young mugham singers will perform tesnifs (mugham pieces) and Baku Stars dancing group will perform the folklore dances. There is a jazz trio performance in the concert program as well.

The participants will try the examples of Azerbaijani cuisine prepared by the well-known Azerbaijani cooks.


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