Siegfried Wöber woeber.siegfried@GMX.AT
Trainingskurs in Kobuleti, Georgien
(Youth In Action)
25. Juni - 02. Juli 2010
'Organizing a Youth Exchange - a Starter Pack'?
3 TeilnehmerInnen aus Österreich (der aktuelle Wohnsitz muss in Österreich sein!) gesucht. 70% der Reisekosten werden von den Veranstaltern (Human Rights and Equalities Charnwood und andere) gedeckt, Unterkunft und Rahmenprogramm sind organisiert.
Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch
Anmeldeschluss: 25. Mai
Informationen sowie die Anmeldeformulare erhalten Interessierte nach Anfrage bei, Austrian Helsinki Association - For Human Rights and Int. Dialogue, Betreff: Kobuleti
This project aims at fostering co-operation between Programme Countries and partner countries, namely East Europe and Caucasus Region, through training the participants in the basics of Youth in Action, project management, and youth exchange implementation.
The target group is young representatives from minorities across the European Union and ENP countries with no previous experience of youth in action projects, therefore we foresee an initial part of sharing about local realities and own NGOs, a middle part about project management, youth exchange implementation and training on budget and co-funding, valorisation and visibility of youth exchanges, and a final part of practice where participants are invited to form groups and network with each other preparing proposals for youth exchanges.
Moreover the training team foresees the figure of Coach, as when the training will be over the team of trainers will monitor the working groups and act as a reference for the participants who will apply for a youth exchange.
The following objectives have been set in order to reach a successful training:
· This project orginated from the original idea of Eastern Express implemented by SALTO EECA, this year due to causes beyond SALTOTMs control it will not be implemented, yet the training team who took care of the previous Eastern Express projects wishes to continue this succesful tradition, as it was mostly succesful in the past in number and quality of youth exchanges implemented between programme and partner countries.
· This project aims at empowering and providing networking opportunities to young people from ethnic and cultural minorities across the EU and Partner Countries. Particular attention given to those group who never had contact with the Youth in Action programme.
· Raising knowledge about each otherTMs situations and providing means of support such as Youth in Action will help raising in participants a sense of belonging to Europe and Europe was the body that brought the together and fosters co-operation among them. This will be the main mean to promote intercultural dialogue amongst
participants, to let them in more than one occasion be aware of their cultural, social, geographical and political differences and similiarities, especially comparing their minority status and its recognition by the national governments. Therefore through this project they will have means available to play protagonist roles in the development of youth policies in their realities and the promotion of active citizenship, counting also on the support of a strong network of similar organisations and youths in both Programme and Partner Countries. Especially for these reasons we decided that the training team on a voluntary basis will coach the assist the groups in their process of
The language of the course will be English. Participants should be proficient in English.
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