Monday, August 09, 2010

ARTIST BOOK: Unveiling: Rocket MT2010. By Andro Semeiko (

Unveiling: Rocket MT2010
Andro Semeiko

Artist book Unveiling: Rocket MT2010 tells a linear narrative about secret creation of a space rocket designed to fly to Mars with layered visual meaning. It features images created and compiled by artist Andro Semeiko, and texts specially written by Neil Mulholland and JJ Charlesworth. The blueprint and model of the Rocket MT2010 is developed in collaboration with Pierre Maré Architects and aircraft engineer Simon Heald. It is edited and published in collaboration with Basement Art Projects.

48 pages, edition of 1000, each copy is signed by the artist.
ISBN 978-0-9565406-0-7

Andro Semeiko is a Georgian artist living and working in London. He graduated from Goldsmiths College in 2001 and Royal Academy of Arts in 2006. Semeiko has exhibited widely in the UK and Europe including New Contemporaries, Camden Arts Centre, London 2001; Shine, The Lowry, Manchester 2002; Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam 2008; Expander Painting, Prague Biennale 2009 and Happy End, Yinka Shonibare’s Space, London 2010.

Dr. Neil Mulholland is an art historian, critic, curator and artist. His research focuses on contemporary art practice and theory with particular emphasis on creative ecologies, artwriting and ambient cultures. His essays have been featured in a number of books and art magazines. Mulholland is Associate Head of the School of Art and Programme Leader of MA Contemporary Art Theory at Edinburgh College of Art.

JJ Charlesworth has been writing about contemporary art since he left Goldsmiths College London in 1996, where he studied art. He now writes regularly on contemporary art for magazines such as Art Monthly, Modern Painters, Time Out London and ArtReview magazine, where he works as associate editor. He is a tutor in painting at the Royal College of Art, and is currently researching a doctoral thesis on British art criticism in the 1970s.
£14.00 +p.p.
To purchase the book from bookshops
Artwords Bookshop: 22 Broadway Market, Dalston, London E8 4QJ +44(0)2079237507
The Fruitmarket Gallery Bookshop: 45 Market Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1DF +44(0)1312252383

Published on the occasion of the exhibition
Andro Semeiko
3 April -23 May 2010
Berwick Gymnasium Art Gallery

For more information, please visit

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