Tuesday, January 11, 2011

VIDEO: Christmas Parade to Start in Tbilisi Georgia

iReport CNN — TBILISI, GEORGIA - The theatrical Alilo parade, analogous to last years’ parade, will begin at 14:00 hours in Republic Square of Tbilisi.

Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on the same day as Western . Oriental Orthodox churches also use their own calendars, which are generally similar to the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar began in 45 BC (709 AUC) as a reform of the Roman calendar by Julius Caesar. It was chosen after consultation with the astronomer Sosigenes of Alexandria and was probably designed to approximate the tropical year.
Georgian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on or near January 7 in the Gregorian (Western) calendar. This date works to be December 25 in the Julian calendar, which pre-dates the Gregorian calendar.

Participants in the parade will pass Rustaveli Avenue, Freedom Square, Pushkini Street and the Patriarchate of
Georgia, where they will meet with the Patriarch to receive blessings.

The parade will then continue through Baratashvili Bridge. some of the parade participants will head to the Presidential Residence, where the president will give them sweets and wish them Merry Christmas. The parade will end at Trinity Cathedral. People will also give sweets and presents to parade participants along the way. All sweets and presents will later be handed over to children in orphanages.

Video >>>

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  1. STOP KOPIEREN VON INHALT: Ralph Hälbig, “Double Content” ist sehr schädlich fuer dein blog und fuer andere auch! Kurz und ganz grob handelt es sich dabei um eine Seite im Net, die identisch unter zwei Adressen abrufbar ist. Oder im zweiten anzunehmenden Fall um eine Seite, die die Inhalte einer anderen Seite quasi 1:1 übernimmt und damit eine klassische Doublette darstellt.
