Sunday, April 17, 2011

BOOK: Agenda for Armenian Foreign Policy 2011 (


This is the second book dedicated to Armenia’s foreign policy written by ACGRC experts. The first one – Agenda for Armenian Foreign Policy 2009-2010 – received substantial attention of Armenian and foreign experts, stimulating us to continue that work.

In the recent two years, the global political situation and the situation in the South Caucasus have changed significantly, and Armenia’s foreign policy should be adjusted accordingly. For instance, as Turkey refused ratification of the Armenian- Turkish protocols, Armenian government had to freeze the bilateral relations with Turkey. At the same time, some of our recommendations included in the previous book still remain feasible, so they have kept their place in this book too.

The complex global processes require from Armenian authorities and political elites careful attention to foreign policy, which must be methodical and consistent in its essence rather than spontaneous, and must also be able to propose initiatives.

Thus, the main goal of this publication is to review some of the issues in Armenia’s foreign policy and to outline its most essential problems, as well as to provide recommendations for the officials, who are responsible for the country’s foreign policy. The content of this brochure includes some of the issues that we consider important for contemporary Armenian foreign policy. We do not suggest that the mentioned topics cover all important issues of Armenia’s foreign policy.

This publication has been prepared by experts of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC), who have significant experience of cooperation with international organisations, foreign experts and diplomats, as well as of participation in a number of international events organised in Armenia and abroad. Our experts tried to underline the most important issues of Armenia’s foreign policy and to present their views of the problems that our country is facing.

This book is published with support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and we express our kind gratefulness to the representatives of the foundation in Yerevan and the South Caucasus.

Stepan Grigoryan,

Chairman of the board of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation

full book (pdf) >>>

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