Sunday, April 08, 2012

CULTURE: Caucasian Music Awards - Phoenix (

Hi Friends.

Caucasian Music Awards "Phoenix" This is New Caucasus.This is Big Chance to Help Caucasian Music, Build New & Stabile Stage/Infrastructure & Development for Caucasian Contemporary Music. This is Your Space. Take Part in this Event. Upload Your Video & Tell your Fans to Support you Here

Dear Fiends

ongratulations to musicians and their fans! This week marks the launching of the website for the Phoenix - Caucasian Music Awards. At the end of 2012, Phoenix will reveal the winners in 6 nominations + FaceBook (among musicians of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia).

The Phoenix is a logical continuation of our Caucasus Rock Festival, which has been taking place since 1995 and had already exhausted its function. Creation of a stable stage for development of the Caucasian music asked for a new vision and approach.

The winners of the 6 nominations + FaceBook will be determined by the panel of judges selected from all three Caucasian countries. These judges will be famous musicians and celebrated artists. At the end of the year the number of ‘likes’ received by each nominee will be counted and the judges will vote to determine the winners of the following nominations:

This is an experimental project, because an event of such caliber and genre is held in our region for the first time. We are only starting now. Initially, this idea/website will be constantly updated and transformed, to ensure that it is reflects reality, is in tune with the current events, satisfies modern needs and precisely reflects objective reality of the modern music in the region.

At the same time, we are making an effort to get the coverage of our event by the western TV channels and mass media, in order for the Caucasian music not to stay isolated as it is now, for it to adapt, and to partake and become an active participant in the processes of the world music.

Best of luck!

Phoenix organizing committee.

Caucasian Factory of Contemporary Art

NGO Caucasian Factory of Contemporary Art (CFCA). Organization was established in 2009 in Tbilisi, Georgia by Lado Burduli. Main goal of the CFCA is to create a stable platform of contemporary and experimental art in the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia) and promote new trends and forms in visual and performing arts. It aims at support of young talents in the realm of contemporary arts, promotion of new art movements and their development in the region. CFCA provides aid to contemporary experimental independent art from Caucasus in order to make it more popular and better known within and beyond the region. Among other activities it supports integration and active participation of Caucasian culture in global cultural processes, establishment of tolerant and liberal society, finding alternate ways of conflict resolution through cultural dialogue between different sides. NGO cooperates with legal as well as physical persons and international organizations for carrying out of creative projects and raising funds for different activities. CFCA has a long record of organizing cultural exchange projects, educational and charity events, local, regional and international concerts, festivals, awards, exhibitions, workshops and shows.

Caucasian Music Awards Phoenix

For Organizational Matter

For Technical Matter
ato Ostaev
Web.: B.O.APP

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