Monday, May 07, 2012

PHOTOGRAPHY: Kolga Photo Contest in Tbilisi

It was a great pleasure to be in the jury of Kolga Photo Contest 2011.

We could feel an enthusiasm for photography in Tbilisi. Hundreds of visitors, mostly young people, came to the opening of the very good presentation of the winners and a big interest in our lectures and portfolio reviews.

This year the exhibition of the Kolga Photo Contest will be part of the new "Kolga Tbilisi Photo Meeting" with an extensive program of exhibitions, workshops, portfolio reviews and lectures by international photographers that Tina Schelhorn is curating and coorganizing. We will soon inform you with more details ...

bis 25.04.2012 Kolga Tbilisi Photo Prize 2012
KOLGA findet 2012 zum 11. Mal statt und wird international ausgeschrieben. Fotos können online zum Fotowettbewerb eingereicht werden und müssen dabei von einer PDF-Datei begleitet werden, die eine kurze Biografie und eine kurze Konzeptbeschreibung in englischer oder georgischer Sprache enthält.

»Entry fee is 15 EUR. Applicants can participate in any or all categories announced. After payment is made, you will be able to upload images using standard procedures. Applicants should only make one written entry for all their submissions.
Entry fees will be used for the winners’ prize money – 5000 USD.
The winner in each category will get 1000 USD (750 EUR).«

Photohaus KOLGA
Tbilisi History Museum KARVASLA
8, Sioni st.
0105 Tbilisi, Georgia

[Quelle: Tina Schelhorn und Herr Wolfgang Zurborn aus der Galerie Lichtblick in Köln unterstützen die Organisatoren des Fotowettbewerbs.]

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