Thursday, August 09, 2012

CALL: Cultural Diplomacy – Training Programme For Eastern Partnership Cultural Managers

The Contrapunctum Foundation together with the Centre of Cultural Management in Lviv and New Art Union in Tbilisi are pleased to announce the 1st edition of the Polish-EaP cultural cooperation programme “Cultural diplomacy - training programme for EaP cultural managers”.

We invite to participate all cultural managers active in the Eastern Partnership countries: from the city officials in charge of cultural policies, representatives of Ngo’s and public institutions to freelancers.

The programme will enable the participants to analyse the European and Polish system of culture management, fundraising and lobbing opportunities, international cooperation and partnerships building, linking culture and commercial sector within the creative industries.

The project will also create the platform for meetings and collaboration between Polish and EaP cultural managers.


1. Application procedure: July 26th – August 25th

2. Local seminars:
a) Lviv: September 22nd
b) Tbilisi: September 27th

3. Study visit to Warsaw: October 18th – 28th

4. Sum-up conference – Kyiv: November 9th


1. Local seminars in Lviv & Tbilisi:
- diagnosis and analysis of existing and preparing cultural policies,
- European legislation; financial and non-financial support mechanisms,
- international cooperation & networks
- top European subjects: market intelligency, audience development, creative sector, media literacy, copyrights and media freedom

2. Study visit to Warsaw:
- strategies of cities and regions development
- Polish models of culture management: public, private and 3rd sector;
- Preparation of international projects
- Meetings and visits to the Warsaw leading cultural institutions

3. Conference in Kyiv:
- EuroEast culture – good practices;
- The future of support programmes for EaP countries;
- Creative Europe and its planned shape;
- Presentation of results and recommendations after the “Cultural diplomacy” programme.


The project is open for all cultural managers, having the EaP country citizenship and working actively in one of the EaP countries. You don’t have to already get the Schengen visa in advance; the valid passport will be enough to apply for the visa, once you are accepted for the programme.

The official language of the whole programme is English. To be an active participant, it’s compulsory to have a good knowledge of English: both written and spoken.


To apply for the participation in the programme you need to go through 2-phase application form. The 1st part contains mostly your personal data to be verified by the application operator. Then, you will get the instruction for your e-mail address about how to access the 2nd part of application. In the 2nd part you will have to put all the important information about your education, experience, previous career & plans for the future.

The link to the 1st part of application:  

The deadline for submitting the 2nd part of applications is: August 25th, so please start to fill the forms at least 5 days earlier, so that we could verify your personal data.

Once you sent the application, by clicking the button “Submit” you will no longer have the access to correct or change it.

The results of application process will be announced by August 31st.

The list of qualified participants will contain the people we would like to invite for the opening seminars:
- from Belarus, Moldova & Ukraine – to Lviv on September 22nd;
- from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia – to Tbilisi on September 27th.

After the seminars, the final decision about the participants of study visit will be made. Please note, that participation in the seminar is one of the requirements of approval for the study visit.


For the people qualified for the local seminars we cover the following costs:
a) accommodation costs for the people travelling over 200 km;
b) travel costs on the basis of valid train/bus/flight ticket - reimbursement;

The study visit to Warsaw participants will be offered:

a) bus/train/flight tickets provided by the programme operator;
b) accommodation in 2-/3- rooms in the nice hostel, located in the Warsaw city centre
c) full board

All the participants of Warsaw study visit will be also invited to attend the Kyiv conference; for the best selected by the project team we cover the costs of accommodation & travel.

The project is organized due to the cooperation and financial support of the City of Warsaw.

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