Monday, August 20, 2012

CALL: Post-doctoral Researcher, Caucasus Studies Program, FSU-Jena (

Es gibt eine Stellenausschreibung, und zwar für einen Postdoc: // Here is a job advertisement for a postdoc position - bitte teilen // please share:

Post-doctoral researcher, Caucasus Studies Program, FSU-Jena

The Caucasus Studies Program at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena solicits applications for a three-year postdoctoral position to be funded by the Volkswagen-Foundation (subject to the final agreement of the grant organization). The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to participate in the activities of the research project entitled Transformations of Sacred Spaces, Pilgrimages and Conceptions of Hybridity in the Post‐Soviet Caucasus (chief investigators Kevin Tuite and Florian Mühlfried), including several months of fieldwork, writing, and taking part in annual workshops. On occasion, he or she might also be asked to teach a seminar in the Caucasus Studies Program. (Details to be decided in consultation with the Caucasus Studies staff; the seminars may be conducted in German or English). The postdoctoral fellow will also have the opportunity to carry out individual research, writing and other scholarly activity, with the agreement of the chief project investigators. Recent or nearly-finished PhDs with fieldwork experience in the North or South Caucasus, a doctoral dissertation on a Caucasus-related topic, and graduate training in sociocultural anthropology or a related discipline, are encouraged to apply. The candidate should be fluent in Russian and/or another language prevalent in the Caucasus. The funding allocated for the postdoctoral fellowship is 2100€ per month for a total of three years, beginning in January 2013, plus additional financial means for fieldwork.

Interested candidates should submit the following materials:
* Cover letter with name, address and current position of the applicant including a description of the candidate’s dissertation topic, research interests, accomplishments, and plans.
* A recently published article on a relevant topic
* Curriculum vitae
* Names, positions, institutional affiliations and contact information for two references

Electronic submission of all materials as PDF files is strongly encouraged but materials may also be sent by mail to:

PD Dr. Florian Mühlfried
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Fürstengraben 27
D-07743 Jena

Email submissions should be sent to PD Dr. Mühlfried at this address: To receive the fullest consideration, applications should be received no later than October 15, 2012.

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