Saturday, October 20, 2012

STUDIES: A Broken Region: The Persistent Failure of Integration Projects in the South Caucasus. Thomas De Waal (

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A Broken Region: The Persistent Failure of Integration Projects in the South Caucasus
Thomas De Waal (Carnegie Endownent for International Peace)
Version of record first published: 01 Oct 2012.

To cite this article: Thomas De Waal (2012): A Broken Region: The Persistent Failure of Integration
Projects in the South Caucasus, Europe-Asia Studies, 64:9, 1709-1723
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This essay reviews failed historical attempts at regional integration in the South Caucasus since the early twentieth century, and in particular the failed Transcaucasian federations of 1918 and 1922–1936 and the breakdown of Soviet economic integration in the region. It argues that there is much that makes the South Caucasus a viable region in terms of geography, culture and economic potential, but political contradictions and persistent perceptions of insecurity make for a pattern of recurring fragmentation. Both Caucasians and outsiders have a role to play if voluntary integration is to work as a project in the future.



pages 1625-1649 

pages 1650-1666 

pages 1667-1683

pages 1684-1708

pages 1739-1757

pages 1758-1779

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