Monday, August 19, 2013

PHOTOGRAPHY: Nagorny Karabakh (148 images). By Timo Vogt

Nagorny Karabakh - Images by timo vogt

Nagorno-Karabakh is a landlocked region in the South Caucasus covering the southeastern range of the Lesser Caucasus mountains. Officially still part of Azerbaijan Karabakh is in fact under control of armenian lead authorities who self-proclaimed Karabakh as a independent. A Ceasefire-Agreement has stopped a bloody secession war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1994. However armed clashes still continue along the "Line of Contact", while the Karabakh government slowly build an new armenian Nagorny Karabakh.

Podcast: Gespräch mit dem Kriegsfotografen Timo Vogt - 08.08.2013
Timo Vogt hat unter anderem in Syrien, Afghanistan, Georgien und Armenien gearbeitet. Die Rolle des Dokumentaristen einzuhalten, sei nicht leicht, sagt er, eine ganz ausgewogene Berichterstattung unmöglich: Man stehe immer auf einer Seite.

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