Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PHOTOGRAPHY: Justyna Mielnikiewicz from Georgia in Paris for the "La Quatrième Image" Show.

©Justyna MIELNIKIWICZ-Georgia
For the "La Quatrième Image" show.
Paris, November 2013

Lives in Georgia, mainly focuses the countries of the former Soviet Union. Regularly cooperates with The New York Times, Newsweek Poland and Eurasianet.org. Her works have been published in various international publications such as Monocle, Newsweek International, Marie Claire , GEO France, Russian Reporter, Le Monde ,German Yearbook of Reporters without Borders - among others.

Between 2001-2010 worked on a project about the South Caucasus and its conflicts to be published as a book in 2013 and titled : Woman With a Monkey.

Since 2010, started to explore a new topic dedicated to women, sexuality and gender issues in the former Soviet space in a series of storied under the working title: “What Would People Say?”

more: laquatriemeimage.com

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