Saturday, June 21, 2014

FILM: Georgian Short Nominated in Grimstad (

( The European Film Academy (EFA) and the Norwegian Short Film Festival Grimstad congratulate:

Grimstad Short Film Nominee for the European Film Awards 2014
by Mariam Khatchvani
Georgia 2013, 14'38 min, fiction

The film was chosen by the festival's international jury. The jury statement reads as follows: "Our nomination for the EFA is a poetic film that paints a picture saturated with tradition in a moving and personal way. The theme that the film brings up sheds light on an issue that still echos in today's society." 

DINOLA is now nominated for the award 'European Film Academy Short Film 2014'. 

The EFA short film initiative is organised by the European Film Academy in co-operation with a series of film festivals throughout Europe. At each of these festivals, an independent jury presents one of the European short films in competition with a nomination in the short film category of the European Film Awards.

The next nomination for 2014 will be presented in co-operation with the Curtas Vila do Conde - International Film Festival in Portugal.

When the annual cycle is completed, the nominees will be presented to the over 3,000 members of the European Film Academy and it is they who will elect the overall winner: the European Film Academy Short Film 2014 which will be presented at the 27th European Film Awards Ceremony on 13 December in Riga.

Berlin, 18 June 2014

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