Thursday, March 19, 2015

PHOTOGRAPHY: SOULLINES about Georgia & Abkhazia by Arthur Bondar and Oksana Yushko

Slide Show. Life in Crimea - Photographs by Arthur Bondar - Introduction by Sophie Pinkham []

Arthur Bondar was born in the industrial city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. After studying in his own town he studied at the National Linguistic University and moved to Kiev in 2000, where he earned a bachelors degree in English philology. He explored several career paths before he found his way in photography.

Bondar is now a freelance photographer, shooting his own documentary projects. He studied photography at New York University and was a participant of the Eddie Adams Workshop and NOOR-Nikon Masterclass. Bondar was awarded and granted the Magnum Emergency Fund, The Documentary Project Fund, National Geographic Grant and the Best Photographer of the Year in Ukraine. His work has been exhibited and shown in Canada, USA, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine. He is mentored by Donald Weber. Source:

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