Wednesday, March 25, 2015

TERMIN: Georgischer Abend mit Filmvorfuehrung - oeSPEAK OUT! - im Artistania Atelier, Berlin 28.3.2015 (

Soli-evening for the WomenTMs Fund in Georgia 

( As we believe in art as the best tool to connect people, deconstruct stereotypes and foster social change, we felt we have to do something, when Ekaterine, a friend of Artistania from Georgia, asked us if we could organize a Soli-evening to support the work of Women’s Fund in Georgia. (more under:

It is a Fund, which supports creative initiatives carried out to support marginalized groups of women in Georgia. This time, the amount raised from the event will be directed to support group of women – “Survivors for Future” - who have been victims of violence themselves, but have survived and now help those who are in need. 

Violence against women is very common and prevailing problem in Georgia. The studies show that there is an extremely high rate of domestic violence and every 11th woman living with a partner/husband is subject to physical and sexual violence, not counting other more widespread forms of violence such as psychological and verbal violence, economic violence, etc. 

Ekaterine together with Women’s Fund in Georgia is working on changing this reality. She will present a 2015 documentary – “Speak Out!” filmed by the support of UN Women Georgia, which vividly depicts the current situation of violence that prevails towards women in Georgia.

With this evening we wish to create bridges of ideas and informations as well as artist/activist cooperations, apart from the mainstream medias and beyond borders. Everybody is welcome to join the discussion and the open stage to “speak out”.

Our program for this evening:

19:00 Film screening oeSpeak Out
20:00 Discussion and Georgian Dinner
22:00 Performance
23:00 Open stage

When? 28.03.2015 // 7 pm // /Artistania Atelier

Where? Artistania Atelier, Neckarstrasse 19

How Much? - 8-10 Euros
(dinner included). All the money goes to the WomenTMs Fund in Georgia
(more under:

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