Monday, May 08, 2017

TBILISI PHOTO FESTIVAL: Original Masterclass with Yuri Kozyrev / Noor Images & Justyna Mielnikiewicz - in villages Shenako, Tusheti, Georgia

For its 8th edition, Tbilisi Photo Festival partners with AtlasGlobal air company to hold in July its Original Masterclass workshops with Yuri Kozyrev/Noor and Justyna Mielnikiewicz - two internationally-acclaimed photographers! Both of them share keen ability to communicate the profound knowledge of photography and are intimately familiar with Georgia.
© Justyna Mielnikiewicz. Women with a Monkey at a beauty trade show. Tbilisi, 2001.

The masterclasses will be held in the remote village of Shenako, 2000 meters high in the Greater Caucasus mountain range. This awe-inspiring hamlet of shepherds and horsemen was chosen for its breathtaking landscape and its photographic legacy in the name of Shalva Alkhanaidze, whose brilliant mid-20th century images of Tushetian life reveal a world of raw passion and somber frankness.

The Masterclass aims both to help photographers develop a personal photographic language and to discover Georgia by exploring one of its most enchanting regions.

In the frame of partnership with Atlasglobal the participants flying from European cities will get - 30% disscount on air tickets!

-10% discount on masterclass price for participants that register before May 15th!

To register, please check the details here and send an email to: Kozyrev/Noor Mielnikiewicz

More information ask Elina Valaite:
Masterclass coordinator (she speaks English, Russian and Georgian).

We hope to host you in Shenako!

Tbilisi Photo Festival 2017
Opening Week September 14 - 19
Tbilisi Night of Photography on September 16

Elina Valaite
Assistant of Artistic Director

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