Sunday, June 04, 2017

PHOTOGRAPHY: Chiatura, Georgia, 2014. By François Beaurain (

( Chiatura is located in western Georgia and is well known for its huge manganese deposit and its extensive cable car network transporting miners and ore up and down the valley. All the infrastucture was built during the soviet times and has been barely refurbished since. Chiatura seems trapped in time, like the workers who are also trapped to their machines, endlessly repeating the same gesture.

More Pictures, animations and stuff of this amazing Artist François Beaurain:

François Beaurain : quand la photographie s'anime (


François Beaurain was born in Bordeaux, France in 1976. Francois is a self-taught and multifaceted artist working predominantly as a photographer, but he sometimes extends to drawing, collages and sculptures. .

François studied physics and holds a PhD in Biology. He’s currently working as a climate change specialist in parallel to his artistic activities. He lives and works in Paris.


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