Tuesday, July 04, 2017

ART: Tsisia Kiladze - Georgian Painter based in Tbilisi

Tsira Kiladze - Georgian Artist based in Tbilisi
Mouseover for the Gallery
Tsisia Kiladze was born in 1975 in Tbilisi, Georgia. She studied from 1992 at the Academy of Arts in Tbilisi, specializing in art history and theory. In 1999-2005 she was a Ph.D. student at the National Chubinashvili Institute for Georgian Art History, where she also promoted in 2005. This was followed by a DAAD scholarship and further education at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, 2010 September. Guest stay supported by Academic Swiss Caucasus Net at the University of Friborg, 2011 a one-year scholarship from DAAD scholarship for a research stay at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Further steps were the restoration and conservation of wall paintings in various churches in Georgia, publication of the book on painted staircases of Tbilisi and "Charm of Tbilisi". Since 2009, she has been teaching at the Chair of Art History at the Academy of Arts and since 2012 she has been a research assistant at the Staatliche Kunstmuseum.

As a painter, she is an autodidact and has been actively painting for years. She's on Various exhibitions and lives and works in Tbilisi.

In April (2016) your personal exhibition in Tbilisi took place in the gallery "Baia".

Born 21.09.1975
62, Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi, Georgia
tel: 2 22 -60- 01, mob: 599 90 73 34

Education and proficiency level

1992 - 1997 – studying at the Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Art, faculty of history of art and architecture
1998 September-1999-January - student of King Street College, London, UK, English course.
1999-2005 – Post-graduate student of Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Art, preparation of the
2000-2001- fellowship of the German academic exchange program. Albrecht-Ludwig University of art history, Freiburg, Germany
2002-2006 – art teacher of E.Takaishvili Tbilisi State University of Culture and Art
2002-2006 – internship in G.Chubinashvili Institution of History of Georgian Art.
from 2004 – Executive Director of Information Center of Cultural Heritage of Georgia www.heritage.ge
December 23, 2005 – dissertation in G.Chubinashvili Institution of History of Georgian Art.
2005 – translation of the book “ The History of Art - the introduction " from German into Georgian. The book is published with the financial support of the Fund of protection of historic monuments of Georgia
2005 – 2006 teacher of history of Fine Art and theory in Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Art.
from 2006 - officer of the national gallery and the author of the project `Compact Disk about Georgian National Gallery.`
from 2006 – the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Research centre for protection of monuments (NGO)
2006 – coordinator of work on restoration of the temple "Cross of Ascension" of Shiomgvime monastery.
from 2006 – scientific researcher of the G.Chubinashvili national center for Georgian Art History protection of monuments.
2006 – author and manager of the project "Certification of old Tbilisi entrances"
2007 – coordinator of works on restoration of paintings of the Church of Ascension in the village Vejini.
2007 – Fellowship of the German academic exchange program (DAAD), 3 month trip to the Albrecht-Ludwig University of art history, Freiburg, Germany
2008 – participant of the project "Georgian modernism" (web-site)
2008 – author of the Book –` Old Tbilsi Entrances`
2009 – 2010 officer of Department of tourism, Ministry of economics, Tbilisi, Georgia
2009 – coordinator of the project "Conservation works of mural paintings of the Church in Nabachtevi"
2009 – author of the album – "Charm of Tbilisi"
2010 – scholarship for professional study (20.09.2010-28 .09.2010), ASCN (Academic Swiss Caucasus Net), Switzerland Freiburg
October 2011 – January 2012 – DAAD scholarship at the University of Berlin Humboldt for scientific research
from 2012 – coordinator in Educational Department- Georgian National Museum
2015 - scholarship at the Institut of Art History for scientific research, munchen, Germany
from 2016 - teacher in the Tbilisi State Academy of Art
2016-04 Public Lecture in the Dimitri Shevardnadze National Gallery" the role of self-portrait in Shalva Kikodze’s art”

Author of many Articles and Publications about Georgian art.( 2004-2016)

Self - taught artist
Medium - Painting, drawing

Group exhibitions:
2011– Café- Art Gallery, Exhibition, Tbilisi
2013 – Exhibition – Gallery "book Corner"
2013 – Vanda Hobby Gallery
2015.12 – Gallery of G.Chubinashvili national center for Georgian Art History protection of monuments.
2015.02 – Auction for contemporary Georgian art , Tbilisi
2016.01 – Exhibition in Ilia Chavchavadze state university,Tbilisi
2016.03 – Exhebition in Gallery - "Musa" Tbilisi

Solo exhibitions:
2016.04 – Gallery "Baia", Tbilisis
2016.05 – Zentrum "Lyma", Wien
2016.12 – Gallery "Rote Quadrat", Tbilisi

Works held at
Private collections – Georgia, Russia, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Swiss

Languages Georgian, Russian, German, English

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