Sunday, April 28, 2019

CONCERTS IN TBILISI: 3615 Mort Subite - Georgian tour. Brass Band, Funk, Jazz from Paris & Grenoble, France.

3615 Mort Subite, a group of French brassband musicians playing brass music inspired by New Orleans Brass Bands, funk, jazz and french chanson.

For the occasion of the wedding of one of our members in Tblissi, we are preparing a tour in Georgia from May 4th to 10th, 2019. Our group is bringing together musicians and the repertoire from two different brass bands: La Mort Subite (The Sudden Death) from Grenoble and The 3615 Brassband from Paris.

Fanfare La Mort Subite

The sudden death, fanfare of Grenoble: sudden death, fanfare of Grenoble

The 3615 brass band, Parisian brass band:

Upcoming concerts in Georgia, Tbilisi: 3615 Mort Subite - Georgian Tour
4 May Concert at Amodi
5 May Concert at Backstage76
10 May Concert at Tbilisi Gate Gallery

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