Friday, April 21, 2023

VIDEO: Virtual Tour in Tbilisi with Urban Planner Zurab Bakradze. Via Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus (2020)

Zurab Bakradze, Architect, Urban Planner highlights several problems in his Virtual Tour in Tbilisi.

First is the problem of losing the uniqueness of the city. Bakradze says, that Tbilisi has lost much of its uniqueness in the last 30 years and it hardly resembles Tbilisi from the past.

The second critical point is the relation between the private and the public. Bakradze observes how Tbilisi dealt with this challenges.

This video is prepared within the frameworks of Green Academy

Zurab graduated from Tbilisi University with a degree in architecture in the mid-1970s, became an urban planner from 1995 to 2012 and worked at the Institute for Art History in Georgia. Bakradze was also very active as an architect in Germany - worked for the architectural office aid in Kerfeld, MB-Meisterbau in Bonn, the design institute Kulturlandschaft-Stadt. In addition he was a co-initiator of the action “Guerrilla Gardening” and of the “Tbilisi Architectural Forum”.

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