Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ARTISTS: Four Georgian Artists 2011 AT LIA in Germany (Leipzig International Art -

I am very glad that I can expecting especially for a longer time four georgian artists in my hometown in the coming year 2011. This surprise for me came not abrubt ... Sure I know some people which are involved in the organisation like the curators Anna-Louise Kratzsch and Nini Palavandashvili.
For me it is a great feeling ... than some years ago I dreamed about that but I haven't a gallery or worked effectively in the art scene and I had not serious contacts for the realizing such a productive process with georgian artist. But my long true readers know my interests for the cultural scene from Georgia.

Okay ... 2005 we invited Georgian Artists for a Festival to Leipzig (OFF Europa, former Manöver-Festival). This was my first step to work with georgian artists. 2007 my friend Knut Geißler and me realised a small festival with artists from the area around the Black Sea. Sure I asked my friend and colleague whether we can invite one or two persons from Georgia again for this festival in the year 2007.

And than I invited the performer Nadia Tsulukidze and the curator Nini Palavandishvili (GeoAir - Collaborative Cultural Projects & Archidrome) for coming to Leipzig. Together with Nini Palavandishvili we opened a show in two places for georgian artists. Yeh ... we had no time, no budget ... thruthful we made in a short time an exhibition on the wall. Sure it would have been better ... but some georgian artists came there ... we had an nice time together. And one of my dreams would be truth: Nini Palavandishvili - she is a very active person - had known some german people in this time and otherwise she was good connected here in Germany before ... and nevertheless last year she had a fund for easteuropean curators on the GfZK in Leipzig. 2011 she will opening a professional organized exhibition with georgian artists there.

And the second surprise for me is: Four georgians will stay finaly in Anna-Louise Kratzsch Resistance (LIA) for artists in the next year: Sophia Lapiashvili, Tamar Botchorishvili, Luiza Laperadze and Guram Tsibakhashvili . With three artists from this group I had contact in the former times. I am very glad to spend time with this people here in Germany and not only in Georgia.

Anna-Louise Kratzsch was in a GeoAIR Residency in Tbilisi during October 2-23. During her residency at GeoAIR Anna-Louise Kratzsch was also participating in TRANSRELATION - International Symposium of Contemporary Arts Tbilisi, organized in cooperation with Goethe Institute Georgia and “Artisterum” 3rd Tbilisi International Contemporary Art Exhibition and Art Events.

Before this project I told my friend Anna-Louise Kratzsch about our tripp (the german artist Jörg Herold and me) to the southcaucasian area. She knows something about Georgia from our narratives. And nevertheless Nini and Anna came together and invited eachother ... Anna-Louise Kratzsch was in Tbilisi some weeks ago. And now: Georgian Artists will coming to Leipzig!!

Didi Madloba!! Ralph Hälbig

Leipzig, end of December 2010 - Best wishes for 2011!!


Sophia Lapiashvili ... was born in Tbilisi in 1977. She graduated from the faculty of fine art history and theory in 2000 Tbilisi State Academy of Art. In 1997 Sophia moved to Germany were she studied at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg until 2001. During her time in Germany she took a private photo class with Martin Geier. In 2004 she took part in an art curator workshop called „Grenzenlos Vorschen“ Switzerland. Furthermore, in 2006 she joined the Internationale curatorial workshop by bb4 (von Menschen und Maeusen) in Berlin.

2002 Photoexibition“Amirani”,Photography competition “Kolga” (Prize awarded for the best landscape)
2003 Artsfestival “Aleatoria” Batumi, Personal Photoexhibition club-bar „saxli“Tbilisi, Photography competition „Kolga“(Grand Prix)
2004 Photoexibition TV“Space“ Baku, Photography competition „Kolga“(Grand Prix)
2005 Personal Photoexhibition club-bar „saxli“Tbilisi, Art-caucasus 2005 (GTC, Tbilisi, Georgia)
2006 Photoexibition “transborder“ a project by „Monat der Fotografie“ Vienna

Work Experience
2001 ”Museum for Designing Basel”, Basel, Swiss
2003/07 Technical University chair of history and culture,teacher of decorative art
2004 Exposition at the gallery „G&M“ Batumi,Magazine „Anabejdi“, photography
2005 OCA (Office for contemporary Art .Oslo, Norway) lecture “Karsani- Residence, Dialogue-Space”
2005/06 BTA Silk road bank
2006 Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (project “Karsani- Residance, Dialogue-Space” (Artist in Residence)


Tamar Botchorishvili ... was born in Georgia on the 11th of February 1980. She is a graduate of the Tbilisi Academy of Arts. In 2004 she participated in a group exhibition at the State Academy of Arts.

1995-99 College of Art I. Nikoladze, painting. 1999-2002 Tbilisi Academy of Arts. Monumental and Decorative Painting. 2002-2005 Tbilisi Academy of Arts, Painting
2009- “Self-portrait” a group exhibition, Hobby Gallery, Tbilisi
2009- a group exhibition, Ministry of Interior and Administration - opening of a new facility, Tbilisi
2009- a group exhibition in CWORLD Gallery; opening
2009- Feminist Art Studio "Spero" & "Archidrome" , Tbilisi
2009-"Presentation and group exhibition" - Arsi Gallery , Tbilisi
2008 - “Pirosmani and Contemporary Art” - Karvasla Exhibition Hall, Tbilisi
2007- Participate in the opening of the Enamel Jewelry House, Limoges, France
2005- Enamel Jewelry Exhibition at Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU)
2004- Participate in the group exhibition at the State Academy of Arts
1999- a group exhibition "Mshobliuro chemo mitcav", Georgian Ministry of Culture,Tbilisi
1997- "Young Artists", Karvasla Gallery, Tbilisi.

Working Experience:
2005-2007- Rustaveli National Theater
2007-2008- „Wapmer Georgia“ Company. 3D Building Modeling Designer
2009-2010- currently employed at the 63 Tbilisi High School under the Professor of Art

In 2008 I worked at the studio „Spero“ as part of a project which supported female artists. Working for this inicitive was beneficial as I could see the developments and procedure. - I am part of the „Spero“ group which was created out of the „ARSI“ gallery project and I have been fortunate enough to display my work a the Contemporary art archive ”Archidrome”.


Luiza Laperadze ... was born in Tkibuli, Georgia in 1972. She is a graduate of the Tbilisi State Academy of Art and has gained her full qualification as a painter at the Faculty of Fine Art.

Projects & Exhibitions
2009 Project “TO BE A WOMAN” Baku, Azerbaijan
2008 Exhibition organized by one minute video art foundation “THE ONE MINUTES”, DEBUREN, Culture Centre Brussels
2008 Exhibition organized by one minute video art foundation “THE ONE MINUTES”, Cultural
Program of the World Olympic Games, Modern Art Museum. Beijing, China
2006 Installation “COLOR BARCODES”, Utrecht, Holland
2006 Exposition “JOURNEY INTO THE FUTURE” within the project „GEORGIA HERE WE COME!”
2006 Exhibition Hall of the platform voor jonge kunst - “EXPODIUM”, Utrecht, Holland
2006 Joint Exhibition of the Holland and Georgian Artists within the project „GEORGIA HERE WE COME!” National Art Centre Tbilisi.
2006 Action-Performance – “ONE DAY”, Chavchavadze Ave, Tbilisi.
2005 Project “TRIBUNE”, Exposition “ZOMBIE ROOM”, National Art Centre, Tbilisi
2005 Project “SANS SURPRISE” Exposition “OTHER CAUCASUS”, Art Caucasus 2005
2005 Action “CHAIRS”, Tbilisi State Academy of Art
2005 Project “WOOD BOX” Exhibition “INSIDE THE ACADEMY”, Tbilisi State Academy of Art Hall
2005 Project “THE TUNNEL” Exposition “WINGI” library of the Tbilisi State University
2004 Action “ICED RELATIONS” Freedom Square, Tbilisi

Work experience
2009-2010 Tbilisi Iv. Javakhishvili State University
Visiting Professor at the Visual Art Department
2007-2009 Tbilisi A. Qutateladze State Academy of Art
Visiting Professor at the Visual Art Department / Class of Painting
2006-2007 Tbilisi A. Qutateladze State Academy of Art
Assisting Professor at the Visual Art Department / Direction of Painting
2003-2006 Tbilisi A. Qutateladze State Academy of Art
Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Architecture / Visual Art
Department / Direction of Painting


Guram Tsibakhashvili ... was born 1960 in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. In 1982 he graduated from Tbilisi State University. 1990-1994 he taught theory of photography at the Tbilisi State University. Since 1988 he has been working for Georgian newspapers and magazines as a photographer. In 2000 he co-founded the Caucasian Center for Cultural Development and in 2007 the Tbilisi Photographer House. In 2007 he was chief editor of FOTO Amarta magazine.

Solo Shows (selection)
1989 “dom molodioji”Moscow,Russia, Artist ’s Central House,Moscow,Russia.
1990 Goethe Institute, Freiburg,Germany.
1997 Joyce Goldstein Gallery, New York,USA. 1997, Freiburg, Germany “Gan marte bani”, Filmfestival Cottbus, Germany, Ifa Gallery,Berlin,Germany, Apex gallery”, New York, USA, “Mesiac Fotografii”
Bratislava,Slovakia, “Filme aus Georgien” Vienna, Austria
2002 “New art” Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia;Out of Focus’, Tabla, Kunstverein Perron, Vienna
2003 ‘Transmission’, Gallery Priestor for Contemporary Arts, Bratislava; ‘Appendix II’, international art project, State Museum of Tbilisi History ‘Karvasla’;‘7+7 More Transparent’, Lenin Museum, Baku Azerbaijan
2005 Beyond Stereotypes’, Art Caucasus 2005
2006 ‘Transfusion’, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Basel “Atmosphere 41 degree”, National Center for Contemporary Arts, Moscow, Festival Est-Ouest, France
2007 ‘Masks’ personal , Ukrainian House, Ukraine; I Thessalonica Biennale

Goup Shows (selection)
2001 Karvasla,Tbilisi; UK,Bristol,London
2003 Basel, Switzerland, “Die Kraft der Stille”
2006 Vienna, Austria “Mond photographia”
2008 Nantes, muse des beaux-art de Nantes. “voyage a Tbilisi”; Tbilisi Gallery “arsi” person.
Presentation; Tbilisi, “artisterium”, karvasla
2009 Amsterdam, cobra museum, “born in Georgia”

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