Friday, June 08, 2012

EXHBITION: Tbilisi 2012, Iran: The Unveiled Image

( Telling the truth in contemporary Iran is not easy but there still exists an abiding will to question the written assumptions, shake the foundations of the regime and knock down the walls and false pretences. Photography in Iran, however, is a complicated business: it becomes, at times, conceptual and, at other times, documentary, but it remains provocative, sly and disturbing. Those passing under the veil of reality are women: eight Iranians photographers are showing the images of their struggle.

Shadi Ghadirian’s portraits of Iranian women wearing the chador, but with household implements where their faces should be, strike a cheeky and humorous blow at convention. Tahmineh Monzari (who was arrested on 18 February) offers a selection of haunting images from the homeless and drug addicted women of Iran. Mehran Atashi goes deep inside the male-only world of traditional Iranian wrestling parlours in Bodyless, a series of mirrored photographs.

Iran : The Unveiled Image
June 4 to June 21, 2012
Literature MUSEUM
Tbilisi, Georgia 

The Hidden World of Shadi Ghadirian
Photographer Shadi Ghadirian was born in 1974 in Tehran, where she lives and works today. Ghadirian studied photography at Azad University, where she encountered some of the earliest works in the history of Iranian photography. These archival images sparked her own work, a series of photographs that capture the private worlds of Iranian women today, caught between eras, between tradition and modernity.

Produced by The Kitchen Sisters with Lacy Roberts and Patty Fung. 


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