Friday, June 08, 2012

EXHIBITION: Tbilisi 2012, Stanley Greene : Chechnya (

Med_stanley-greene001-jpgStanley Greene’s celebrated body of work has often taken him to the Caucasus. As the guest of honour of the third Tbilisi Photo Festival, we are especially pleased that the American photo-journalist will be present for the first exhibition of his work on the Caucasus featuring the war in Chechnya, barely 200 kilometres away from Grozny, just on the other side of the Greater Caucasus mountains. The organisers of the Tbilisi Photo Festival are delighted to welcome as great a photographer as Stanley Greene.

On the Road to Chechnya by Stanley Greene
May 31 to July 27, 2012
National Gallery
Tbilisi, Georgia

A trailer to promote Stanley Greene's new photo book: Black Passport. Black Passport is a visual biography. Compiled by Teun van der Heijden 


Photo Raw interviewed Stanley Greene in 2009 at the Visa pour l'Image international festival of photojournalism. More:

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