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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
NEWS: RFE/RL Caucasus Report - November 24, 2009 (
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the countries of the South Caucasus and Russia's North Caucasus region.
For more stories on the Caucasus, please visit and bookmark our Caucasus page .
Mediators Note Progress In Munich Karabakh Talks The Munich meeting was the sixth between the two presidents this year, and according to the French co-chairman, Ambassador Bernard Fassier, it was "particularly long, because very constructive, detailed, and in-depth discussions took place between the two presidents on all the basic elements that have yet to be agreed on. Some of these elements were discussed for the first time in such a detailed and deepened manner." More
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
PHOTOGRAPHY: Scheherazade. By Irma Sharikadze
Irma Sharikadze,
The Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA) is pleased to invite submissions for its Winter 2010 issue (Vol. 4, No. 1) and Spring 2010 issue (Vol. 4, No. 2) to be published respectively in the beginning of February 2010 and May 2010. Deadlines for submissions are December 15, 2009 for the Winter 2010 issue, and March 15, 2010 for the Spring 2010 issue. Submission guidelines can be viewed at .
CRIA is particularly interested in papers on the following topics:
Regional topics:
- Western energy interests in the South Caucasus and Central Asia;
- Prospects of the Nabucco gas pipeline;
- Prospects of the White Stream gas pipeline;
- European Union and the South Caucasus;
- European Union and the conflict resolution in the South Caucasus;
- Prospects of the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict;
- Turkish-Armenian rapprochement;
- Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey;
- Separatist conflicts in Georgia;
- Georgia and its NATO-membership aspirations;
- Russian policy towards the South Caucasus;
- US policy towards the South Caucasus;
- Prospects of the South Caucasian regional security;
- Regional integration in the South Caucasus;
- Situation in the North Caucasus;
- Ethno-nationalism and violence in the North-Western Caucasus;
- Different faces of Sufi Islam in the present-day North Caucasus;
- Israel in the Caucasus;
- Azerbaijan’s foreign policy;
- Azerbaijan's relations with the Moslem world;
- Islam in Azerbaijan; Islam in the Caucasus;
- Foreign policy of Armenia;
- Iran-Armenia relations;
- Azerbaijani community of Iran;
- Legal status of the Caspian Sea;
- Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan legal dispute over the oil fields in the Caspian Sea;
- Turkey’s new foreign policy;
- Turkey 's accession to the EU;
- Iran-Turkey relations;
- Iran’s nuclear program;
- New Islamic directions in Central Asia: internal and external dimensions;
- Global and regional powers in Central Asia;
- Energy security in Central Asia;
- Ukraine 's foreign policy;
- Moldova’s foreign policy;
- Armenian Diaspora and lobby in the US.
International relations and general topics:
- Theory of International Relations;
- Problems of the Modern International Law;
- US foreign policy;
- Russia’s foreign policy;
- China’s foreign policy;
- EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the foreign policies of the member-states;
This is a preliminary list. Please feel free to offer alternative topics, including book reviews, to the Editor.
All correspondence and submissions should be e-mailed to:
CRIA is a Germany-based quarterly peer-reviewed online academic journal published in English. The Review is committed to promote a better understanding of the regional affairs by providing relevant background information and analysis, as far as the Caucasus in general, and the South Caucasus in particular are concerned. CRIA also welcomes lucid, well-documented papers on other countries and regions including especially Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, as well as on all aspects of international affairs, from all political viewpoints. CRIA is indexed/abstracted in Columbia International Affairs Online, Directory of Open Access Journals, ProQuest Research Library, EBSCOhost Research Database, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, etc. The last issue of the Review can be viewed at .
Best regards,
Nasimi Aghayev
Caucasian Review of International Affairs
Eppsteiner Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel: +49 69 138 76 684
ISSN: 1865-6773
The Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA) is pleased to invite submissions for its Winter 2010 issue (Vol. 4, No. 1) and Spring 2010 issue (Vol. 4, No. 2) to be published respectively in the beginning of February 2010 and May 2010. Deadlines for submissions are December 15, 2009 for the Winter 2010 issue, and March 15, 2010 for the Spring 2010 issue. Submission guidelines can be viewed at .
CRIA is particularly interested in papers on the following topics:
Regional topics:
- Western energy interests in the South Caucasus and Central Asia;
- Prospects of the Nabucco gas pipeline;
- Prospects of the White Stream gas pipeline;
- European Union and the South Caucasus;
- European Union and the conflict resolution in the South Caucasus;
- Prospects of the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict;
- Turkish-Armenian rapprochement;
- Relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey;
- Separatist conflicts in Georgia;
- Georgia and its NATO-membership aspirations;
- Russian policy towards the South Caucasus;
- US policy towards the South Caucasus;
- Prospects of the South Caucasian regional security;
- Regional integration in the South Caucasus;
- Situation in the North Caucasus;
- Ethno-nationalism and violence in the North-Western Caucasus;
- Different faces of Sufi Islam in the present-day North Caucasus;
- Israel in the Caucasus;
- Azerbaijan’s foreign policy;
- Azerbaijan's relations with the Moslem world;
- Islam in Azerbaijan; Islam in the Caucasus;
- Foreign policy of Armenia;
- Iran-Armenia relations;
- Azerbaijani community of Iran;
- Legal status of the Caspian Sea;
- Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan legal dispute over the oil fields in the Caspian Sea;
- Turkey’s new foreign policy;
- Turkey 's accession to the EU;
- Iran-Turkey relations;
- Iran’s nuclear program;
- New Islamic directions in Central Asia: internal and external dimensions;
- Global and regional powers in Central Asia;
- Energy security in Central Asia;
- Ukraine 's foreign policy;
- Moldova’s foreign policy;
- Armenian Diaspora and lobby in the US.
International relations and general topics:
- Theory of International Relations;
- Problems of the Modern International Law;
- US foreign policy;
- Russia’s foreign policy;
- China’s foreign policy;
- EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the foreign policies of the member-states;
This is a preliminary list. Please feel free to offer alternative topics, including book reviews, to the Editor.
All correspondence and submissions should be e-mailed to:
CRIA is a Germany-based quarterly peer-reviewed online academic journal published in English. The Review is committed to promote a better understanding of the regional affairs by providing relevant background information and analysis, as far as the Caucasus in general, and the South Caucasus in particular are concerned. CRIA also welcomes lucid, well-documented papers on other countries and regions including especially Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, as well as on all aspects of international affairs, from all political viewpoints. CRIA is indexed/abstracted in Columbia International Affairs Online, Directory of Open Access Journals, ProQuest Research Library, EBSCOhost Research Database, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, etc. The last issue of the Review can be viewed at .
Best regards,
Nasimi Aghayev
Caucasian Review of International Affairs
Eppsteiner Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel: +49 69 138 76 684
ISSN: 1865-6773
INTERNET: is 1st Georgian Internet music magazine ( is 1st Georgian Internet music magazine, made by people who knows and loves music the main goal of the magazine is to let you know about the music news and write about what is happening in Georgian and foreign music industries.
as a newcomer magazine accepts any good advice from anyone.
we wish them good luck.
as a newcomer magazine accepts any good advice from anyone.
we wish them good luck.
PUBLICATION: Turkey, Russia and the Caucasus: Common and Diverging Interests (
Briefing Paper
Gareth Winrow, November 2009
- Ankara's rapprochement with Moscow has come under question after the August 2008 Russo-Georgian conflict. Turkish officials had believed that they shared common interests in preserving the territorial integrity of states in the Caucasus.
- The effectiveness of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party's good-neighbourhood policy is being seriously tested. Turkish policy-makers have called for a Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform to be set up.
- The August 2008 conflict opened up possibilities for Turkey to normalize its relations with Armenia, although this could be at the expense of Ankara's close ties with Baku if progress is not made towards resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.
- Problems with Azerbaijan over gas pricing, re-export and transit issues may make it more difficult for Turkey to reduce its energy dependence on Russia and could endanger the Nabucco project.
- Turkey is striving to be acknowledged as a major regional power. Turkish officials will therefore not look favourably on any relationship with Russia in which they perceive that they are a junior partner.
PUBLICATION: Georgia’s Relations with Russia: From 1991 to the Present (
Chatham House, October 2009
This is a transcript and summary of an event held at Chatham House on 13 October 2009.
POLITIK: Türkisch-armenische Annäherung und Aserbaidschans Revanche (
Wien/Baku/Eriwan - Über die Bande spielen und dem Gegner den Billardstock scheinbar unabsichtlich in die Seite stoßen, gehört zu den Grundfertigkeiten der hohen Diplomatie. Das lässt sich dieser Wochen wieder am Endloskonflikt um die armenische Enklave Berg-Karabach in Aserbaidschan verfolgen. Baku spielt gegen Eriwan, meint aber die Regierung in Ankara; Eriwan spielt auf Ankara, trifft aber nebenbei noch die Führung in Baku.
PHOTOGRAPHY: Edward Burtynsky's 'Oil' at the Corcoran, part two
Edward Burtynsky's photographs about our reliance on oil (on view now at the Corcoran) include a kind of trap. The pictures are beautiful. A Burtynsky picture of the landscape near extraction facility outside Fort McMurray, Alberta, looks like a classic Western landscape, complete with big sky, a reflection of a just-right cloudscape and endlessly unfolding hills.
But look closely: That sky isn't reflected in water, it's reflected in a pool of something that isn't nearly as pure. There's an oil refinery in the distance. Other photographs nearby show the gross, toxic process by which oil is freed from bitumen deposits. The beguiling, deceptive beauty in Burtynsky's photographs is effectively a metaphor for our fascination with, our at-almost-any-cost pursuit of, la belle vie. We're hooked.
Once Burtynsky hooks us on his work, he shows us how the black gold has enabled our lifestyle. The Corcoran exhibition starts with Burtynsky's pictures of how we get oil:Pumpjacks in the California desert, extraction from oil sands in Alberta and pictures of refineries. Then it shows us how we've used oil, how oil has helped us transform our landscape: Pictures of bizarre, artificial-lake-surrounding Las Vegas subdivisions, the Sturgis motorcycle rally, a NASCAR race and more. (I think that the NASCAR pictures is the one around which the show spins.) The exhibition ends with a section called 'End of Oil' that chronicles what happens to places and things after they're used up. These pictures include a spent, abandoned oil field in Azerbaijan andshipbreaking photos from Bangladesh. The Azerbaijan pictures complete a rhyme: Abandoned oil fields leave pretty reflected skyscapes too.
There are obviously a hundred other ways oil has impacted us and a hundred more ways in which our pursuit of oil has impacted the planet. Showing all of them would be impossible, so consider Burtynsky's project an introduction to an enormous subject. Burtynsky's inability to document the totality of all-things-oil should not be considered a fault of his project, but a reminder of how thoroughly oil suffuses human life on Earth.
Regardless, there's a particular cleverness to Burtynsky's approach: He has mixed the traditions of landscape art -- scale, beauty and grand vistas -- with the conceptual rigor of the New Topographics, the photographers who found smart ways to show us how humans were impacting the land. Burtynsky's pictures are huge -- four-by-five feet each -- which helps to enable the detail that draws the viewer right up to the surface of the pictures. Photographs by the New Topos were typically much smaller, measurable in inches.
The last galleries of the show drive home the point: They include pictures of the third-world work-sites and workers who break up the giant oil tankers that ship crude around the globe. The conditions are nothing short of disgusting. They are ultimately lethal. It is possible, even likely, that the people in these pictures are dead. Burtynsky's shipbreaking pictures are an appeal to conscience: Look what oil has enabled, but also consider the human cost of our reliance.
The exhibition's final picture, installed just outside the suite of galleries in which the show is installed, is of oil that appears to have seeped up onto a beach in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The oil is in the shape of a footprint, a kind of literal, poisonous carbon footprint.
Related: In the NYT, Ken Johnson found the beauty of Burtynsky's pictures to be problematic.
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Art Club Caucasus International,
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