Online story competition for citizen journalists, students of journalism and freelance journalists, no age limit [in deutsch:]
Period: September, 27th – October, 27th 2018
Deadline: 27.10.2018

Are you a curious person? Are you interested to look over the edge of your neighborhood? We would like to invite you to join our network of people who like to search for and share their stories about foreign roots in their own environment.
Who can apply?
We’re looking for citizen journalists or a student of journalism or a freelance journalist from one of the South Caucasian Countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia) and from Russia.
In general you should be an open minded person who like to exchange experiences and opinions with others despite of political, ethnical and /or social differences.
What to apply with?
If you are from Azerbaijan, Armenia or Georgia we would like to watch, see and hear your stories about traces of Russian culture, history, architecture, …. of common roots of each other’s culture in your own environment.
Or if you are from Russia tell your stories about traces of Caucasian cultures.
Send us your personal photo- (JPG or TIFF files) video- / text and/or multi-media story.
The language of your story has to be English or Russian.
Please name your story files: your family name_country code_ (and numbers, if necessary).
Please send your story data via (or another data transfer platform) to
What will happen with your works?
The results will be selected and jugged by a jury of media experts. Most of them will be published on our Kulturaktiv-website ( as well as on our fb-site "Traces of Togetherness". The best fifteen articles will be published in a special brochure which will be released at the end of this year.
The three most convincing stories will be awarded with price money of 100 Euro each.
For further information, please contact:
The competition is organized by NGO Kultur Aktiv e.V. ( based in Dresden/Germany and financed by the Foreign Office of Germany.