We are currently looking for volunteers for the below mentionned EVS placements. The deadline for application is postponed to 8th of August!
+++ Active Citizens in the Caucasus +++
European voluntary service in Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia
Dates: November 1, 2012 - October 1, 2013 (11 months)
We are currently looking for five motivated volunteers from Germany to take part in a European Voluntary Service in the Southern Caucasus. The project is already approved by the German National Agency of the Youth in Action programme and the departure of the volunteers is planned for November 1st, for 11 months.
Sending organisation: European Intercultural Forum e. V. (reference 2010-DE-31 in the EVS database ec.europa.eu/youth)
Hosting organisations:
1. Youth Initiative Center, Gyumri, Armenia (2011-PL-24): 2 placements
2. Youth Public Union "Bridge to the Future", Ganja, Azerbaijan (2012-PL-14): 2 placements
3. Academy for Peace and Development (2011-PL-33): 1 placement
The European Voluntary Service "Active Citizens in the Caucasus" proposes young people from Germany to integrate a local NGO in the Southern Caucasus for a long-term duration of 11 months. The idea is that the volunteers will discover the work of a youth non- governmental organisation, its activities, beneficiaries´ needs and working methods used to respond to them. More than that the volunteers are expected to get a full insight on the problems met by young people in a specific urban context (Ganja, Gyumri, Tbilisi) and the various support and opportunities that can be proposed to those young people to develop and foresee a brighter future.
The volunteers will get active promoting European values such as active citizenship, volunteering, social inclusion, equal chances for all by organising non-formal educational events and activities with local children and youth. The targeted local youth is in the thre placements youth with fewer opportunities: Internally Displaced People and refugees (Georgia, Azerbaijan), from deprived areas (Armenia, Azerbaijan), orphans (Armenia, Azerbaijan) and with low socio-economical profiles (all three countries).
The following types of activities are planned:
- non-formal educational activities with youth with fewer opportunities (outdoor activities, intercultural activities, linguistic clubs, artistic workshops, etc.) - 60%
- promotion of volunteering and active participation in youth clubs, schools, high schools and universities - 20%
- support to office work, local and international networking, fundraising - 20%
The activities targeted at young people will be fine-tuned according to the wishes and talents of the selected volunteers.
Complementary to the main lines given above, specific activities per placements include:
- for the placement in Georgia: proposing activities in the APD youth club for local youth and assisting the coordination of the CAUCULT project (intercultural encounters of young people from Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia)
- for the placements in Armenia: proposing weekly activities around the German culture and language to local youth and helping to organise arts exhibition of international artists in Gyumri
- for the placements in Azerbaijan: proposing cultural activities around the German culture and language and organising special youth sport competitions and outdoor activities during the holidays
The beneficiaries of the youth activities are:
- for the placement in Georgia: young people (14-30) who are IDPs (first and second generation) from Abkhazia of the secession war of 1992-1993
- for the placement in Armenia: young people (14-30) living in a deprived area (Gyumri, first unemployment rate in Armenia, around 30%) and orphans and disabled children placed in the local institution "Huys" (5-18)
- for the placements in Azerbaijan: young people (14-30) living in a deprived area (very low opportunities for cultural and leisure activities, gender inequality making it difficult for young women to access leisure activities), IDPs and refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh, surrounding occupied territories and Armenia (14-30), and orphans placed in the SOS Children´s village of Ganja (5-18)
Conditions: the programme covers the travel costs home-project-home of the volunteers, accommodation (in a furnished shared flat with other volunteers or in a host family), monthly food allowance based on local standards, local transportation costs, activities and materials costs, international insurance, language support, vaccination costs, preparation, monitoring and evaluation training and volunteers´ allowance (pocket money: 70 EUR per month for the placements in Armenia and Azerbaijan, 80 EUR per month for the placement in Georgia). The volunteers will work about 30-35 hours a week. Visa and residence permit costs for the placements in Armenia and Azerbaijan are as well fully covered.
Application procedures: send CV and motivation letter in English to eif.germany@googlemail.com
Deadline for application: August 8th, 2012.
Profile: resident in Germany, aged 20-30, being motivated and committed, willing to undertake cultural challenges, mature. For the placements in Azerbaijan, we highly encourage applications from male volunteers! Please mention the placement you apply for or the priority order.
European Intercultural Forum e.V.
Contact person: Tiphaine Coulardeau
European Intercultural Forum e.V.
Address | Prenzlauer Allee 176, 10409 Berlin - Germany
Mail | eif.germany@googlemail.com
Website | www.european-intercultural-forum.org
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