am Freitag, den 30. April, 19:30 Uhr eröffnet die Ausstellung
"Hart am Glück"
mit: Tolia Astali/Dylan Peirce, Suse Bauer, Claus Becker, Carola Deye, Heike Gallmeier, Marc Gröszer, Internationale Surplace, Johannes Lotz, Stefan Panhans, Antonia Puscas, Anke Wenzel
Werkstatt der Künste 20. filmkunstfest M-V "Hart am Glück"
Zur Werkstatt der Künste 2010 werden die historischen Räumlichkeiten des Schleswig-Holstein-Hauses in ein "vorübergehendes Museum für Landeskunde" umgewandelt. 13 Künstler und Künstlerinnen aus Hamburg, München und Berlin erkunden für die Ausstellung "Hart am Glück" das diesjährige Gastland des filmkunstfestes M-V: Deutschland. Der Eröffnungsabend wird begleitet durch Musik des Jazztrios "Nemirowsky", einen Auftritt der Lesebühne „Schmalz und Marmelade“ und der Performance "Was ist Deutschland?" von der Choreografin Antje Reinhold. Im Anschluss an die Eröffnungsveranstaltung lädt das filmkunstfest M-V zum "Tanz in den Mai".
Eintritt: frei(filmkunstfest M-V und Schleswig-Holstein-Haus)
Schleswig-Holstein-Haus 19055 Schwerin Schelfstadt
Schleswig-Holstein-Haus, Puschkinstr. 12, 19055 Schwerin
Friday, April 30, 2010
KUNST: Werkstatt der Künste - Hart am Glück - mit Tolia Astali aus Georgien
Tolia Astali
ART: CCA - Center of Contemporary Art - Tbilisi (
Location: 10, D. Abashidze st.
Georgia has a new Center of Contemporary Art in Tbilisi. We believe it is of crucial importance to have an independent and open institution, which will work on the development and contextualization of contemporary visual culture and help artists to effectively address their creative products to local and international audiences.
Georgia is still in the midst of transformation from state-owned and managed system to private, which should lead to construction of a modern state.
The CCAT, as a private and independent institution, will act as a creative hub in Georgia, linking with similar organizations around the world. As a privately run art institution, CCAT will focus both on analytic reflection of past and strong commitment to creative work.
Art Club Caucasus International,
STIPENDIUM: PhD positions, Perception of Europe in UA and GE, University of Frankfurt
The Goethe-University Frankfurt is seeking to fill 3 PhD Positions in the new interdisciplinary research group EuroGaps (EG 13 TV-G-U, half-time)
for a period of 3.5 years starting in October 2010. The positions will be based in the Department of Human Geography.
The research group is jointly led by Dr. Veit Bachmann and Dr. Martin Müller and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It will examine external perceptions of the European Union in sub-Saharan Africa and the Black Sea Region. Each candidate will be responsible for one of three countries:
a) Senegal
b) Ukraine
c) Georgia
Candidates should be in possession of a Master´s degree (or equivalent) in a pertinent social science discipline such as (but not limited to) Human Geography, Political Science, Anthropology, Organisation Studies, Sociology, European Studies. While based in the Department of Human Geography, the research group will conduct interdisciplinary research, drawing on a range of diverse academic traditions.
Language Requirements
The group aims to establish itself on the cutting edge of international research. Command of English for academic purposes is therefore required, as the large majority of publications will be in English. Additional language proficiency is required for the posts in Senegal (French), Ukraine (Russian or Ukrainian, proficiency in both is an asset) and Georgia (Russian or Georgian, proficiency in both is an asset). If you don´t speak German, the willingness to learn German is required. Applications from candidates with an international background are explicitly encouraged.
Applications should be in English and indicate which of the three countries you are applying for. They should include a cover letter (800-1000 words) briefly laying out your motivation for the position, your experience in conducting fieldwork and your career plans. Applications should further include your CV, copies of relevant degrees and certificates, a sample (draft) publication or chapter of your thesis (not more than 10,000 words), and the contact details of two referees. Please understand that we cannot return application documents.
Please send your application in one pdf-file to and
Before applying we strongly encourage to contact Dr. Veit Bachmann (for Senegal) or Dr Martin Müller (for Ukraine and Georgia) for informal discussion.
Closing date for applications: 01 June 2010. Interviews will take place on 16 June 2010.
for a period of 3.5 years starting in October 2010. The positions will be based in the Department of Human Geography.
The research group is jointly led by Dr. Veit Bachmann and Dr. Martin Müller and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It will examine external perceptions of the European Union in sub-Saharan Africa and the Black Sea Region. Each candidate will be responsible for one of three countries:
b) Ukraine
c) Georgia
Candidates should be in possession of a Master´s degree (or equivalent) in a pertinent social science discipline such as (but not limited to) Human Geography, Political Science, Anthropology, Organisation Studies, Sociology, European Studies. While based in the Department of Human Geography, the research group will conduct interdisciplinary research, drawing on a range of diverse academic traditions.
Language Requirements
The group aims to establish itself on the cutting edge of international research. Command of English for academic purposes is therefore required, as the large majority of publications will be in English. Additional language proficiency is required for the posts in Senegal (French), Ukraine (Russian or Ukrainian, proficiency in both is an asset) and Georgia (Russian or Georgian, proficiency in both is an asset). If you don´t speak German, the willingness to learn German is required. Applications from candidates with an international background are explicitly encouraged.
Applications should be in English and indicate which of the three countries you are applying for. They should include a cover letter (800-1000 words) briefly laying out your motivation for the position, your experience in conducting fieldwork and your career plans. Applications should further include your CV, copies of relevant degrees and certificates, a sample (draft) publication or chapter of your thesis (not more than 10,000 words), and the contact details of two referees. Please understand that we cannot return application documents.
Please send your application in one pdf-file to and
Before applying we strongly encourage to contact Dr. Veit Bachmann (for Senegal) or Dr Martin Müller (for Ukraine and Georgia) for informal discussion.
Closing date for applications: 01 June 2010. Interviews will take place on 16 June 2010.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
CALL: Competition - Identity and Spirit of Old Tbilisi
The competition is a part of the project called Urban Heritage Preservation: Identity and Spirit of Old Tbilisi ("Old Tbilisi Identity and Spirit" at ).
For details look at:!%2Fpages%2FOld-Tbilisi-Identity-and-Spirit%2F337946047303%3Fref%3Dmf&h=c070b
The project, Urban Heritage Preservation: Identity and Spirit of Old Tbilisi, aims at exploring how the past interacts with the present and future, promoting a dialogue between cultures, sharing experience and building capacity in the country as Georgia moves forward in her development. The Project is supported by EC. The theme for this competition is the Heritage of Old Tbilisi perceived by locals and visitors.
We invite you to produce your idea in the shape of photographs, drawings, sketches or other media that capture what the spirit of Old Tbilisi as an idea might mean to you. The aim of the competition is to encourage the interested audiences to express through photography, sketches, drawings, etc their understanding of Old Tbilisi identity, spirit and heritage. The competition is open.
Prize – a camera for each of the three nominations
For best photo
For best sketch/drawing
For best work in other media
The works of the winners will be included in the publication with the Project materials.
The best 40 works will be exhibited at the Goethe Institute Exhibition Hall.
Deadline for uploading your works: 17:00 15 June 2010
Technical Requirements: How to Upload Photos to Facebook
Step 1 - Go to page “Old Tbilisi Identity and Spirit” at -!/pages/Old-Tbilisi-Identity-and-Spirit/337946047303?ref=mf
Step 2 - Login at the top right corner of the screen using your email and password.
Step 3 - You will be sent to “Old Tbilisi Identity and Spirit” home page and look at the page menu (it has the words Wall, Info, Photos, Discussions, Boxes, Notes…)
Step 4 – In the window -”write something” you should write your Name/Surname, the captions you want about your photo. Than click on the ‘Attach Photo’ button below the space
Step 5 – Click on the “Upload a Photo” button.
Step 6 – Now you can click ‘Browse’ and ‘Browse your Computer’ for the pictures you would like to upload.
Step 7 - After your photo has uploaded, click the "Share" button. You are done! Your photo will be placed in the Fan Photos Album of the page. Maximum number of works: You can upload up to three works
Minimum size of entries -1 megabyte;
Maximum size of entries: 5 megabytes
Format of the photographs: jpeg
Titles: In case of photographs, drawings and sketches, along with a title, you can add captions of up to 20 words to explain what the works are about.
Dates of the submitted works: Works can be created before the start date of the competition
Please consider the following:
Note 1: Images submitted as part of the competition may be used by the British Council and the Project Partners to promote the Urban Heritage Preservation: Identity and Spirit of Old Tbilisi Project
Note 2: Derogatory or obscene works will not be accepted. Any work considered to be of such a nature will result in immediate disqualification from the competition.
Note 3: Offensive words in the captions will not be tolerated. Any work considered to be of such a nature will result in immediate disqualification from the competition.
Note 4: All communication with you will be via the email address you provided when signing up.
Note 5: Participants must have written permission before submitting identifiable photos of anyone who is under the age of 16.
ARCHITECTURE: Lace Hill over Yerevan (
Instead of a towering Iconic image, disconnected from historic, horizontal Yerevan, Lace Hill stitches the adjacent city and landscape together to support a holistic, ultra-green lifestyle, somewhere between rural hillside living and dense cultured urbanity. The 85,000 square meter (900,000 sf) proposal is a new model of development for Yerevan and Armenia that supports a resilient, high-value spatial fabric, dense with overlapping natural and urban phenomenon.
To create a new, firmly rooted architecture-urbanism-landscape, the project morphs the common urban element of Yerevan, the superblock, to the site, a truncated hill along the natural amphitheater of the Yerevan. This act extends the amphitheater and completes the hill, creating more capacity or “seats” for the viewing of Yerevan and Mt. Ararat, the eternal icon of Armenia. Native plants irrigated with recycled gray water cover the hill. Intricate perforations recalling traditional Armenian lace needlework provide terraced exterior space, natural ventilation, and amazing views for the promenade, hotel rooms, residences, and office space.
Monday, April 26, 2010
ART: "Begegnung mit Pirosmani III – Georgien"
Georgisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft
Gocha Gulelauri
Sandukelistr. 16
0108 Tbilissi
Liebe Freunde und Kollegen,
Die Georgisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft wird im Herbst 2010 das Projekt „Begegnung mit Pirosmani III – Georgien“ durchführen. Das Projekt findet nun zum dritten Mal, nach 2006 und 2008, statt. Dieser Brief richtet sich an alle, die daran teilnehmen werden und Ihr Interesse bereits bekundet haben, und an diejenigen, die zur Teilnahme vorgeschlagen worden sind von Freunden, Kollegen oder früheren Reiseteilnehmern. Diese möchten wir hiermit herzlich einladen.
Die Idee des Projektes, das von Hans Scheib und Gocha Gulelauri entwickelt wurde, führt zurück auf den großen georgischen Maler Niko Pirosmani: „...laßt uns ein großes Haus bauen, wo wir uns treffen können...laßt uns einen großen Tisch und einen Samowar kaufen und viel Tee trinken und über die Kunst reden...“.
Das Ziel des Projektes ist es, deutsche und internationale Künstlern mit dem Werk von Pirosmani und zeitgenössischen georgischen Künstlern bekannt zu machen, Austausch und Begegnung zu ermöglichen. Eine Ausstellung mit Arbeiten aller beteiligten Künstler und Bildern von Pirosmani, gezeigt an zwei Orten (im Museum von Mirsaani, Pirosmanis Heimatort, und im Nationalmuseum von Tbilissi, der Karawanserei) und verschiedene weitere Veranstaltungen im Goethe-Institut Tbilissi (Lesung, Filmvorführung) werden vorbereitet. Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog.
Und wir werden eine Reise durch das Land unternehmen, seine schöne und beeindruckende Natur sowie seine geschichtlichen und kulturellen Denkmäler und historischen Stätten besichtigen.
Das Projekt wird finanziell gefördert und unterstützt vom Auswärtigen Amt der BRD, der Deutschen Botschaft in Georgien, der Deutschen Bank, dem Goethe-Institut Tbilissi, dem Georgischen Nationalmuseum und dem Pirosmani-Staatsmuseum. Damit können die Kosten für den Kunsttransport, den Katalog sowie die Versicherung gedeckt werden.
Die eigentlichen persönlichen Reisekosten werden von den Mitreisenden im wesentlichen selbst getragen, wobei wir uns bemühen, diese möglichst gering zu halten. Es handelt sich um die Ausgaben für den Flug, Unterkunft, Essen und den Bus, mit dem wir fahren werden. Wir schätzen, dass ungefähr 1000€ pro Person anfallen. Es könnte auch etwas weniger sein, wenn wir günstige Flüge bekommen.
Die Reise wird in der zweiten Oktoberhälfte stattfinden. Wir werden 10 bis 12 Tage unterwegs sein. Fest steht bereits der Termin für die Eröffnung der Ausstellung in Tbilissi: 21.10.2010.
Das ganze Projekt wird organisiert von Gocha Gullauri von der georgischen Seite sowie Matthias Unger und Susanne Rötschke von der deutschen Seite.
Jeder beteiligte Künstler kann zwei Arbeiten ausstellen. Für den Katalog brauchen wir von diesen Arbeiten digitalisierte Fotos dieser Arbeiten und Angaben zum Werk (Name, Größe, Technik, Preis bzw. Versicherungssumme). Weiter bräuchten wir eine Kurzbiografie sowie ein kurzes Statement, von eigener oder fremder Hand.
Diese Angaben bräuchten wir bis Mitte Mai.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Gocha Gulelauri, Susanne Rötschke, Matthias Unger
Gocha Gulelauri
Sandukelistr. 16
0108 Tbilissi
Liebe Freunde und Kollegen,
Die Georgisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft wird im Herbst 2010 das Projekt „Begegnung mit Pirosmani III – Georgien“ durchführen. Das Projekt findet nun zum dritten Mal, nach 2006 und 2008, statt. Dieser Brief richtet sich an alle, die daran teilnehmen werden und Ihr Interesse bereits bekundet haben, und an diejenigen, die zur Teilnahme vorgeschlagen worden sind von Freunden, Kollegen oder früheren Reiseteilnehmern. Diese möchten wir hiermit herzlich einladen.
Die Idee des Projektes, das von Hans Scheib und Gocha Gulelauri entwickelt wurde, führt zurück auf den großen georgischen Maler Niko Pirosmani: „...laßt uns ein großes Haus bauen, wo wir uns treffen können...laßt uns einen großen Tisch und einen Samowar kaufen und viel Tee trinken und über die Kunst reden...“.
Das Ziel des Projektes ist es, deutsche und internationale Künstlern mit dem Werk von Pirosmani und zeitgenössischen georgischen Künstlern bekannt zu machen, Austausch und Begegnung zu ermöglichen. Eine Ausstellung mit Arbeiten aller beteiligten Künstler und Bildern von Pirosmani, gezeigt an zwei Orten (im Museum von Mirsaani, Pirosmanis Heimatort, und im Nationalmuseum von Tbilissi, der Karawanserei) und verschiedene weitere Veranstaltungen im Goethe-Institut Tbilissi (Lesung, Filmvorführung) werden vorbereitet. Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog.
Und wir werden eine Reise durch das Land unternehmen, seine schöne und beeindruckende Natur sowie seine geschichtlichen und kulturellen Denkmäler und historischen Stätten besichtigen.
Das Projekt wird finanziell gefördert und unterstützt vom Auswärtigen Amt der BRD, der Deutschen Botschaft in Georgien, der Deutschen Bank, dem Goethe-Institut Tbilissi, dem Georgischen Nationalmuseum und dem Pirosmani-Staatsmuseum. Damit können die Kosten für den Kunsttransport, den Katalog sowie die Versicherung gedeckt werden.
Die eigentlichen persönlichen Reisekosten werden von den Mitreisenden im wesentlichen selbst getragen, wobei wir uns bemühen, diese möglichst gering zu halten. Es handelt sich um die Ausgaben für den Flug, Unterkunft, Essen und den Bus, mit dem wir fahren werden. Wir schätzen, dass ungefähr 1000€ pro Person anfallen. Es könnte auch etwas weniger sein, wenn wir günstige Flüge bekommen.
Die Reise wird in der zweiten Oktoberhälfte stattfinden. Wir werden 10 bis 12 Tage unterwegs sein. Fest steht bereits der Termin für die Eröffnung der Ausstellung in Tbilissi: 21.10.2010.
Das ganze Projekt wird organisiert von Gocha Gullauri von der georgischen Seite sowie Matthias Unger und Susanne Rötschke von der deutschen Seite.
Jeder beteiligte Künstler kann zwei Arbeiten ausstellen. Für den Katalog brauchen wir von diesen Arbeiten digitalisierte Fotos dieser Arbeiten und Angaben zum Werk (Name, Größe, Technik, Preis bzw. Versicherungssumme). Weiter bräuchten wir eine Kurzbiografie sowie ein kurzes Statement, von eigener oder fremder Hand.
Diese Angaben bräuchten wir bis Mitte Mai.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Gocha Gulelauri, Susanne Rötschke, Matthias Unger
NEWS: RFE/RL Caucasus Repor - 4/23/2010 (
4/23/2010 6:10:15 PM A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the countries of the South Caucasus and Russia's North Caucasus region. For more stories on the Caucasus, please visit and bookmark our Caucasus page .
Georgian Opposition Leaders In Russia The leaders of two Georgian opposition parties are in Moscow for talks about the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia with Russian politicians and Georgian diaspora groups. More
Kadyrov Rejects Murder Allegations A spokesman for Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov has rejected allegations that Kadyrov ordered the assassinations of three brothers. More
NATO Looks To Evolve Without Shedding DNA The first day of the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, was dedicated to the future of the alliance. Day two will tackle Afghanistan in talks conducted together with non-NATO nations contributing ISAF forces and relations with Russia -- albeit with no Russian officials in attendance. More
Federal Envoy Calls For Concession To Circassians Within weeks of his appointment as president of the Karachayevo-Cherkessia Republic in September 2008, Boris Ebzeyev managed to antagonize the republic's Circassian minority by naming a Greek, rather than a Circassian, to head the republic's new government. That perceived slight was instrumental in fuelling Circassian demands that the existing borders between the North Caucasus republics be redrawn to create a Circassian republic comprising the territories where Circssians currently constitute a majority of the population. More
European Court Rules Azerbaijan Should Release Jailed Journalist The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today ruled that the Azerbaijani authorities should release journalist Eynulla Fatullayev from prison and pay him 25,000 euros ($33,512) in moral damages. More
Clear Skies For NATO Meeting, Though Trouble Brews Over Russia, Afghanistan NATO foreign ministers are breathing a collective sigh of relief as skies in Europe clear from volcanic ash and their April 22-23 meeting in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, can now officially go ahead. Russia is expected to dominate the agenda of the meeting in the former Soviet republic. More
Daghestani Rights Group Plans To Sue Over 'Black Widow' Photos The co-chair of the advocacy group Mothers of Daghestan for Human Rights, Svetlana Isayeva, says her organization will file a lawsuit against the daily "Komsomolskaya pravda" for publishing the photographs of 22 women who law-enforcement officials say could potentially become suicide bombers. More
Excluding Azerbaijan Can't Bring Stability To The South Caucasus The Azerbaijani presidential administration's Novruz Mammadov argues that perceived attempts to pressure Ankara to abandon Azerbaijan are shortsighted and likely to backfire. More
Chechen Republic Head Implicated In Two Political Killings A Russian daily has published what it claims is an open letter from Moscow-based Chechen businessman Isa Yamadayev, together with a link to video footage in which Yamadayev's former bodyguard Khavazh Yusupov, who's charged with trying to kill Yamadayev, says in pretrial testimony that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov personally ordered him to kill Yamadayev. More
Moscow, Chechnya See Next Stage Of War Against Terrorism Differently Meeting with North Caucasus leaders in Makhachkala, just days after the suicide bomb attacks in the Moscow subway, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev outlined his vision of how terrorism can and should be eradicated. By contrast, having celebrated last week on a lavish scale the first anniversary of the official announcement that the 10-year counterterror operation in Chechnya had been brought to a successful conclusion, the Chechen leadership has adopted a different tack. More
Another Senior Turkish Diplomat Visits Abkhazia Nurdan Bayraktar Golder, head of the South Caucasus department of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, held talks in Sukhumi on April 19 with Sergei Shamba and Maksim Gvinjia, de facto prime minister and foreign minister, respectively, of the unrecognized republic of Abkhazia. More
Campaigns Start In Nagorno-Karabakh Campaigning officially began today for the May 23 parliamentary elections in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. More
What's In A National Anthem? A country's national anthem is linked to questions of political legitimacy, citizenship, and national identity. In Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine's third-largest city, citizens are talking about changing the country's national anthem, which they say is too depressing. In Tajikistan, a composer and a poet are together pushing for a new anthem, one that would replace the old composition handed to them by the USSR. More
Power Struggle Under Way In South Ossetia Over the past week, Vadim Brovtsev, who was named in August 2009 as prime minister of the unrecognized republic of South Ossetia, has been subjected to a torrent of criticism by government officials and the local media, which are controlled by de facto President Eduard Kokoity. More
New Life For Kazakhgate? A new prosecutor has been appointed in the long-stalled bribery case in which Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev and his allies are implicated. More
Georgian Opposition Leaders In Russia The leaders of two Georgian opposition parties are in Moscow for talks about the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia with Russian politicians and Georgian diaspora groups. More
Kadyrov Rejects Murder Allegations A spokesman for Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov has rejected allegations that Kadyrov ordered the assassinations of three brothers. More
NATO Looks To Evolve Without Shedding DNA The first day of the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, was dedicated to the future of the alliance. Day two will tackle Afghanistan in talks conducted together with non-NATO nations contributing ISAF forces and relations with Russia -- albeit with no Russian officials in attendance. More
Federal Envoy Calls For Concession To Circassians Within weeks of his appointment as president of the Karachayevo-Cherkessia Republic in September 2008, Boris Ebzeyev managed to antagonize the republic's Circassian minority by naming a Greek, rather than a Circassian, to head the republic's new government. That perceived slight was instrumental in fuelling Circassian demands that the existing borders between the North Caucasus republics be redrawn to create a Circassian republic comprising the territories where Circssians currently constitute a majority of the population. More
European Court Rules Azerbaijan Should Release Jailed Journalist The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today ruled that the Azerbaijani authorities should release journalist Eynulla Fatullayev from prison and pay him 25,000 euros ($33,512) in moral damages. More
Clear Skies For NATO Meeting, Though Trouble Brews Over Russia, Afghanistan NATO foreign ministers are breathing a collective sigh of relief as skies in Europe clear from volcanic ash and their April 22-23 meeting in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, can now officially go ahead. Russia is expected to dominate the agenda of the meeting in the former Soviet republic. More
Daghestani Rights Group Plans To Sue Over 'Black Widow' Photos The co-chair of the advocacy group Mothers of Daghestan for Human Rights, Svetlana Isayeva, says her organization will file a lawsuit against the daily "Komsomolskaya pravda" for publishing the photographs of 22 women who law-enforcement officials say could potentially become suicide bombers. More
Excluding Azerbaijan Can't Bring Stability To The South Caucasus The Azerbaijani presidential administration's Novruz Mammadov argues that perceived attempts to pressure Ankara to abandon Azerbaijan are shortsighted and likely to backfire. More
Chechen Republic Head Implicated In Two Political Killings A Russian daily has published what it claims is an open letter from Moscow-based Chechen businessman Isa Yamadayev, together with a link to video footage in which Yamadayev's former bodyguard Khavazh Yusupov, who's charged with trying to kill Yamadayev, says in pretrial testimony that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov personally ordered him to kill Yamadayev. More
Moscow, Chechnya See Next Stage Of War Against Terrorism Differently Meeting with North Caucasus leaders in Makhachkala, just days after the suicide bomb attacks in the Moscow subway, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev outlined his vision of how terrorism can and should be eradicated. By contrast, having celebrated last week on a lavish scale the first anniversary of the official announcement that the 10-year counterterror operation in Chechnya had been brought to a successful conclusion, the Chechen leadership has adopted a different tack. More
Another Senior Turkish Diplomat Visits Abkhazia Nurdan Bayraktar Golder, head of the South Caucasus department of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, held talks in Sukhumi on April 19 with Sergei Shamba and Maksim Gvinjia, de facto prime minister and foreign minister, respectively, of the unrecognized republic of Abkhazia. More
Campaigns Start In Nagorno-Karabakh Campaigning officially began today for the May 23 parliamentary elections in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. More
What's In A National Anthem? A country's national anthem is linked to questions of political legitimacy, citizenship, and national identity. In Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine's third-largest city, citizens are talking about changing the country's national anthem, which they say is too depressing. In Tajikistan, a composer and a poet are together pushing for a new anthem, one that would replace the old composition handed to them by the USSR. More
Power Struggle Under Way In South Ossetia Over the past week, Vadim Brovtsev, who was named in August 2009 as prime minister of the unrecognized republic of South Ossetia, has been subjected to a torrent of criticism by government officials and the local media, which are controlled by de facto President Eduard Kokoity. More
New Life For Kazakhgate? A new prosecutor has been appointed in the long-stalled bribery case in which Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev and his allies are implicated. More
INTERVIEW: "Aghet war der erste Völkermord in der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts" (
Von Lars Reichardt (Interview)
Fotos: dpa, getty/afp. Illustration: Reinhard Kleist.
SZ-Magazin: Herr Goltz, Schriftsteller und Journalisten, die sich zum Völkermord an Armeniern äußerten, wurden in der Türkei angeklagt – wie Orhan Pamuk – oder ermordet – wie der Journalist Hrant Dink. Sie beschäftigen sich seit dreißig Jahren mit dem Thema. Wird man auch als deutscher Wissenschaftler bedroht?
Hermann Goltz: Sie kennen die Radio-Eriwan-Antwort: im Prinzip ja. Wissenschaftler waren nie so gefährdet wie der ermordete armenisch-türkische Journalist Hrant Dink, wie Politiker oder Schriftsteller, deswegen treffen uns nur selten unappetitliche Anwürfe in irgendwelchen obskuren Chatrooms im Internet.
Sie waren wissenschaftlicher Berater für den Dokumentarfilm Aghet (Anmerkung: hier sehen Sie den Film), der vor zwei Wochen im deutschen Fernsehen gezeigt wurde. Haben Sie sich vor radikalen Türken gefürchtet?
Ich befürchtete vor allem die üblichen Verhinderungsmaßnahmen türkischer Politiker.
ART: New Drawings by Maka Batiashvili (
Sunday, April 25, 2010
KUNST: Tolia Astali auf der Kölner Kunstmesse - ART COLOGNE 2010 (
APRIL 21-25
HALL 11.3 BOOTH G 30
17-21 UHR/ 5-9 PM
17. APRIL–5. JUNI 2010
DO/FR 16-19 UHR
SA 12-14 UHR
+49 (0)211 157 76916
+49 (0)177 332 5397
LITERATUR: "Lamaras Briefe oder vom Untergang des Kommunismus" von Helga Kurzchalia. (
Im April 2010 erscheint der Roman "Lamaras Briefe oder vom Untergang des Kommunismus" von Helga Kurzchalia.
Das Buch ist über den Buchhandel oder über erhältlich.
ISBN 3-929905-23-X
Preis 14 Euro. Keine Versandkosten.
Mit Lamara gelingt der Autorin Helga Kurzchalia eine außergewöhnlich starke Protagonistin, die in einer Mischung aus Humor, Fatalismus und Lebensbejahung gegen die wachsende innere und äußere Entfernung zwischen sich und den Verwandten in Deutschland anschreibt. Ein Kunstgriff, der dem deutschen Leser nicht nur erlaubt, eine georgische Sicht kennenzulernen, sondern auch Deutschland "mit fremden Augen" zu betrachten.
György Dalos (Berlin)
Helga Kurzchalia erzählt in ihrem Briefroman eine deutsch-georgische Familiengeschichte. In den Jahren 1984 bis 1995 geraten alle Beteiligten in den Strudel der Geschichte. Briefe, wie die von und an Lamara, die zwischen dem ähnlichen und doch sehr unterschiedlichen Sowjet-Georgien und der DDR (später BRD) hin- und hergehen, ermöglichen dem Leser einen überraschend lebendigen und facettenreichen Einblick in ein Leben, das für Nachgeborene oder Außenstehende, die den Untergang des Ostblocks und die Wechselfälle jener Zeit nicht aus eigener biografischer Erfahrung kennen, heute oft nur noch schwer nachvollziehbar ist.
(Lasha Bakradze, Tbilissi)
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
Das Buch ist über den Buchhandel oder über erhältlich.
ISBN 3-929905-23-X
Preis 14 Euro. Keine Versandkosten.
Mit Lamara gelingt der Autorin Helga Kurzchalia eine außergewöhnlich starke Protagonistin, die in einer Mischung aus Humor, Fatalismus und Lebensbejahung gegen die wachsende innere und äußere Entfernung zwischen sich und den Verwandten in Deutschland anschreibt. Ein Kunstgriff, der dem deutschen Leser nicht nur erlaubt, eine georgische Sicht kennenzulernen, sondern auch Deutschland "mit fremden Augen" zu betrachten.
György Dalos (Berlin)
Helga Kurzchalia erzählt in ihrem Briefroman eine deutsch-georgische Familiengeschichte. In den Jahren 1984 bis 1995 geraten alle Beteiligten in den Strudel der Geschichte. Briefe, wie die von und an Lamara, die zwischen dem ähnlichen und doch sehr unterschiedlichen Sowjet-Georgien und der DDR (später BRD) hin- und hergehen, ermöglichen dem Leser einen überraschend lebendigen und facettenreichen Einblick in ein Leben, das für Nachgeborene oder Außenstehende, die den Untergang des Ostblocks und die Wechselfälle jener Zeit nicht aus eigener biografischer Erfahrung kennen, heute oft nur noch schwer nachvollziehbar ist.
(Lasha Bakradze, Tbilissi)
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
Helga Kurzchalia,
Lasha Bakradze,
VORTRAG: Das Kaspische Meer in Flammen". Reiseberichte aus Georgien, Aserbaidschan, Armenien, Kasachstan und Kirgisien (
Am Donnerstag, 22.4.2010 um 19:30 hatte Frau Mag. Dr. Ulrike Längle vom Franz-Michael-Felder-Archiv der Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek folgende Lesung gehalten:
Das Kaspische Meer in Flammen". Reiseberichte aus Georgien, Aserbaidschan, Armenien, Kasachstan und Kirgisien
Frau Dr. Ulrike Längle wird von der armenischen Sängerin Tsovinar Amiryan begleitet.
Silvia de Carvalho
Wie immer fand die Veranstaltung im Klubsaal der ÖOG, 1010 Wien,
Dominikanerbastei 6/6, statt.
Abendkarte: EUR 4,- (EUR 2,-)
Das Kaspische Meer in Flammen". Reiseberichte aus Georgien, Aserbaidschan, Armenien, Kasachstan und Kirgisien
Frau Dr. Ulrike Längle wird von der armenischen Sängerin Tsovinar Amiryan begleitet.
Silvia de Carvalho
Wie immer fand die Veranstaltung im Klubsaal der ÖOG, 1010 Wien,
Dominikanerbastei 6/6, statt.
Abendkarte: EUR 4,- (EUR 2,-)
EXHIBITION: Tbilisi Open Air Photo Fest - May 14th – 17th 2010 (
For the grand opening of Europe House in Tbilisi, Europe House, the House of Photography and the French festival les Rencontres d’Arles are organizing a photography festival week-end in Georgia.
The Arles special event, "Night of the Year," comes to Georgia for the first time ever. This free event will take place in country’s capital, Tbilisi on May 14th till May 17th 2010.
The Arles selection consists of preeminent photographs produced by associations, agencies and the press (Paris Match, Télérama, Vogue, VU, Noor, MYOP, VII, Le Monde 2 etc.) and will be projected in Tbilisi from nightfall till dawn.
In the pure tradition of Arles, the Tbilisi Open Air Photo Fest will allow visitors to stroll through the old city among a dozen screens scattered throughout the charming streets and squares of the capital.
Among the hundred works presented are: Les Petits Rats de l’Opéra by Jérôme Bonnet, Carnets Intimes by Nan Goldin, Route de la Soie (having become the drug route) by Stanley Green, Mode by Patrick Demarchelier, Coulisses du Parlement européen by Martin Kollar, as well as a selection of contemporary Georgian photography.
Georgian photography will also be honoured in a selection of photographs and magazines produced by the Photography House of Tbilisi.
This photography festival in Georgia is organized in partnership with les Rencontres d’Arles, the Photography House of Tbilisi, and Europe House of Georgia, a foundation promoting European values and culture in Georgia. Several thousand visitors are expected to attend this spring event.
During the week-end, the Magnum Prize for young Caucasian photographer will be awarded to Rena Effendi, chosen by Magnum. The three first winners will exhibit their work at Europe House, which will open its doors on this photo week-end.
Georgian Spring the journal project by ten Magnum photographers, will be projected outdoors on May 14th and will be the third exhibition of this work in the world, following the Berlin and Madrid exhibitions. The next is scheduled for the Palais de Tokyo in Paris from May 25th till June 6th.
The photo week-end closes with a presentation and sale of a selection of photographs by Michael Kenna, which were taken in Georgia in 2008.
Hope to see you amongst your guests. If you need more information, please write us...
Best Regards,
Nestan Nijaradzé
Artistic Director of the festival
Europe House Georgia
Press contact:
Zoé Reyners
+ 33 6 82 94 22 00
Magnum Photos,
Rena Effendi,
ANNOUNCEMENT: TBA & Nikakoi - live performance on electronauts 2009 (
Experimental Music,
Tusia Beridze,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
CALL: International Association of Art Critics. 5th Summer Seminars for Art Curators. (
Summer Seminars for Contemporary art Curators is an annual initiative organized by AICA-Armenia. It brings together newly practicing art curators from various contexts in a series of seminars, lectures, practical workshops, presentations and visits to art spaces. It started in 2006, and is organized annually, in July-August in Yerevan
Yerevan, Ijevan, Armenia
Event dates: August 15-20, 2010
International Association of Art Critics
5th Summer Seminars for Art Curators
Call for applications - Aesthetic Communities and Contextual Translation of Communal Art
There is always a loss in any work of interpretation, and this does not necessarily refer to the loss of the original meaning (the original historical context or the authenticity of an art work) as such but to the loss of the original conditions of reception.
In regard to the Soviet art of Stalinism and beyond, art critic Viktor Tsupitsyn argues in The Museological Unconscious that these works were produced with the collective aspect of reception embedded in the very production and he describes this phenomenon as a “collective museological unconscious.”
With the loss of the communal aspects of seeing which came with the demise of communism, these monuments of the times past are inherently deterritorialized and displaced when viewed in the context of Western representational structures, which condition an atomized, isolated and individuated viewer.
The question then is, how is it possible to recapture or rather representationally translate communal reception when the embedded specificity of communist community has itself undergone such a radical transformation? What is the role of the curator in the perceptual politics that perpetuates through and around a work of art? Can a work of art intended for a collective optical unconscious in the original context of its production create new forms of undetermined and situational communities when exposed, represented and reinterpreted anew? What happens to the work when both its intended message and its addressee are lost? What becomes of a specific community in which the work is situated? What is the role of the one –the critic, curator, historian and writer, who exposes, reinterprets and repositions the communal work?
Would like to pose the double question of communal art’s function within communities in which these works are physically located as well as the aesthetic communities that come into being temporarily around a work of art.
The program is comprised of two parts. The first part entitled “Aesthetic Communities and Contextual Translation of Communal Art” will take place in Yerevan, in August 15-17th, while the second part “The Communal Function of a Monument” will be held in Ijevan, in August 18-20, a city located in Northern Armenia and close to the Georgian and Azerbaijani borders.
For the first part in Yerevan we would like to invite proposals that deal with various theoretical frameworks, historical experiences and examples of aesthetic communities and contextual aspects of reception in terms of the production of aesthetic experience.
The second part takes the artistic forum called “International Symposium for Sculpture” organized in Ijevan in 1985-1991 by art critic Saro Sarukhanian in the context of perestroika politics and dissipation of pressure of the centralised bureaucratic and ideological apparatus of the communist party as a starting point to pose questions related to curatorial practices. Can these practices be connected to community art or it is an artistic prerogative to produce a communally visible and viable art? How can aesthetic objects from the past be engaged in re-evaluation of a site specific public sculpture in ways that this re-evaluation may empower local communities to engage in the striving for cultural and social change? How can we communally re-evaluate the work in ways that might permit escape from oblivion on the one hand and sacralisation on the other?
The Program is structured to accommodate daily lectures by invited specialists, round-table discussions and presentations by the participants. The presentations should focus on curating and aesthetic communities or curating community art.
There is no fee for participation. However, the participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. AICA-Armenia does not provide funding for logistics.
To participate, please send us your CV and a 300 word abstract of your proposed presentation.
All materials should be sent to Marianna Hovhannisyan at the e-mail address below.
More information on
Deadline: 15/05/10
International Association of Art Critics
Marianna Hovhannisyan
H. Kotchar str #13/99
0012 Yerevan
phone: +374 10 264619
fax: +374 10 270472
Event dates: August 15-20, 2010
International Association of Art Critics
5th Summer Seminars for Art Curators
Call for applications - Aesthetic Communities and Contextual Translation of Communal Art
There is always a loss in any work of interpretation, and this does not necessarily refer to the loss of the original meaning (the original historical context or the authenticity of an art work) as such but to the loss of the original conditions of reception.
In regard to the Soviet art of Stalinism and beyond, art critic Viktor Tsupitsyn argues in The Museological Unconscious that these works were produced with the collective aspect of reception embedded in the very production and he describes this phenomenon as a “collective museological unconscious.”
With the loss of the communal aspects of seeing which came with the demise of communism, these monuments of the times past are inherently deterritorialized and displaced when viewed in the context of Western representational structures, which condition an atomized, isolated and individuated viewer.
The question then is, how is it possible to recapture or rather representationally translate communal reception when the embedded specificity of communist community has itself undergone such a radical transformation? What is the role of the curator in the perceptual politics that perpetuates through and around a work of art? Can a work of art intended for a collective optical unconscious in the original context of its production create new forms of undetermined and situational communities when exposed, represented and reinterpreted anew? What happens to the work when both its intended message and its addressee are lost? What becomes of a specific community in which the work is situated? What is the role of the one –the critic, curator, historian and writer, who exposes, reinterprets and repositions the communal work?
Would like to pose the double question of communal art’s function within communities in which these works are physically located as well as the aesthetic communities that come into being temporarily around a work of art.
The program is comprised of two parts. The first part entitled “Aesthetic Communities and Contextual Translation of Communal Art” will take place in Yerevan, in August 15-17th, while the second part “The Communal Function of a Monument” will be held in Ijevan, in August 18-20, a city located in Northern Armenia and close to the Georgian and Azerbaijani borders.
For the first part in Yerevan we would like to invite proposals that deal with various theoretical frameworks, historical experiences and examples of aesthetic communities and contextual aspects of reception in terms of the production of aesthetic experience.
The second part takes the artistic forum called “International Symposium for Sculpture” organized in Ijevan in 1985-1991 by art critic Saro Sarukhanian in the context of perestroika politics and dissipation of pressure of the centralised bureaucratic and ideological apparatus of the communist party as a starting point to pose questions related to curatorial practices. Can these practices be connected to community art or it is an artistic prerogative to produce a communally visible and viable art? How can aesthetic objects from the past be engaged in re-evaluation of a site specific public sculpture in ways that this re-evaluation may empower local communities to engage in the striving for cultural and social change? How can we communally re-evaluate the work in ways that might permit escape from oblivion on the one hand and sacralisation on the other?
The Program is structured to accommodate daily lectures by invited specialists, round-table discussions and presentations by the participants. The presentations should focus on curating and aesthetic communities or curating community art.
There is no fee for participation. However, the participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. AICA-Armenia does not provide funding for logistics.
To participate, please send us your CV and a 300 word abstract of your proposed presentation.
All materials should be sent to Marianna Hovhannisyan at the e-mail address below.
More information on
Deadline: 15/05/10
International Association of Art Critics
Marianna Hovhannisyan
H. Kotchar str #13/99
0012 Yerevan
phone: +374 10 264619
fax: +374 10 270472
SCIENCE: Final communiqué of the Working meeting of the civil activists and historians of the South Caucasian countries.
(Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 11 – 14 November, 2007)
We, participants of the Working meeting, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian civil activists and historians, emphasize that it is important and beneficial for the peoples of the South Caucasus:
• To organize meetings of civil activists and historians of the South Caucasian countries on regular basis.
• To have immediate contacts between professionals, as it would facilitate better mutual understanding, exchange news and important information about global and regional developments, and the developments in the South Caucasian countries.
• To organize more meetings of the similar format that helps to create an atmosphere of tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding between civil activists and historians of the South Caucasus.
• To develop cooperation in the areas where our countries have close or matching interests; the positive examples from the history of our peoples’ cooperation and coexistence should be the starting point.
After having the debates and discussions we, participants of the working meeting, state that:
• There is a need to create an online information network for the cooperation of Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Georgian civil activists and historians;
• We are interested in publishing joint articles and essays in scientific journals and non-affiliated magazines, as proposed by some of the participants of the working meeting;
• The Tbilisi initiative of the Council of Europe, providing for a joint project on Caucasus History, is a positive example of cooperation of historians from the South Caucasian countries;
• This format is one of the directions for continued efforts of our countries’ citizens aimed to the development of civil society, finding historical factors that keep us together, democratization, and European integration of the South Caucasian countries;
• We are interested in a more in-depth study of the European experience in dealing with historical problems, on the examples of the French-German and Czech-German reconciliation, which will facilitate the process of universal reconciliation and creation of an atmosphere of peace and neighborly relationships in the South Caucasus;
• One of the results of our working meeting has been the creation of an initiative group for establishment of a South Caucasian Association of History teachers and lecturers.
The participants of the working meeting express their deep gratitude to those who initiated and organized our conference, with a special acknowledgement for Caritas France, whose support made our contacts and meetings possible.
13 November, 2007
We, participants of the Working meeting, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian civil activists and historians, emphasize that it is important and beneficial for the peoples of the South Caucasus:
• To organize meetings of civil activists and historians of the South Caucasian countries on regular basis.
• To have immediate contacts between professionals, as it would facilitate better mutual understanding, exchange news and important information about global and regional developments, and the developments in the South Caucasian countries.
• To organize more meetings of the similar format that helps to create an atmosphere of tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding between civil activists and historians of the South Caucasus.
• To develop cooperation in the areas where our countries have close or matching interests; the positive examples from the history of our peoples’ cooperation and coexistence should be the starting point.
After having the debates and discussions we, participants of the working meeting, state that:
• There is a need to create an online information network for the cooperation of Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Georgian civil activists and historians;
• We are interested in publishing joint articles and essays in scientific journals and non-affiliated magazines, as proposed by some of the participants of the working meeting;
• The Tbilisi initiative of the Council of Europe, providing for a joint project on Caucasus History, is a positive example of cooperation of historians from the South Caucasian countries;
• This format is one of the directions for continued efforts of our countries’ citizens aimed to the development of civil society, finding historical factors that keep us together, democratization, and European integration of the South Caucasian countries;
• We are interested in a more in-depth study of the European experience in dealing with historical problems, on the examples of the French-German and Czech-German reconciliation, which will facilitate the process of universal reconciliation and creation of an atmosphere of peace and neighborly relationships in the South Caucasus;
• One of the results of our working meeting has been the creation of an initiative group for establishment of a South Caucasian Association of History teachers and lecturers.
The participants of the working meeting express their deep gratitude to those who initiated and organized our conference, with a special acknowledgement for Caritas France, whose support made our contacts and meetings possible.
13 November, 2007
Stepan Grigoryan,
PUBLICATION: Essays on History of the South Caucasian Countries (A Multi-perspective View of History)
In November 2007, the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation together with its partners, Public Union of the Azerbaijan Historians and Caritas Georgia, initiated a meeting of historians and civic activists of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The meeting was organised with assistance of Caritas France.
Such a framework for cooperation was chosen because the experience of the recent few years’ developments in the South Caucasus had showed that many problematic issues in relations between the peoples of the region arise because of different interpretation of historical facts, different views and approaches to events that occurred in the South Caucasus. Therefore, it was needed to organise regular meetings and to develop cooperation between historians and civic activists of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The main result of the aforementioned meeting was the communiqué adopted on 13 November 2007. In the communiqué it was, particularly, said:
After having the debates and discussions we, participants of the working meeting, state that it is important and beneficial for the peoples of the South Caucasus:
- To organise meetings of civil activists and historians of the South Caucasian countries on regular basis that helps to create an atmosphere of tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding;
- We are interested in publishing joint articles and essays in scientific journals and non-affiliated magazines, as proposed by some of the participants of the working meeting;
- The Tbilisi initiative of the Council of Europe, providing for a joint project on Caucasus History, is a positive example of cooperation of historians from the South Caucasian countries;
- This format is one of the directions for continued efforts of our countries’ citizens aimed to the development of civil society, finding historical factors that keep us together, democratisation and European integration of the South Caucasian countries.
During the aforementioned meeting, the participants showed great interest for the working session dedicated to the experience of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian historians who had worked together on a book titled The History of Caucasus. That project was frozen in 2003 because of several disagreements between Armenian and Azerbaijani experts (we consider that one of the main reasons for such a failure had been the extremely different task assigned to the experts – to write joint history of the South Caucasian countries and to overcome all differences in approach). On the other side, the work that was done deserves close attention, because it was a positive example of cooperation between historians of three countries. We offered the authors who had worked on that project – Armen Khachikyan from Armenia, Aydin Aslanov from Azerbaijan and Paata Ramishvili from Georgia – to go back to the accomplished work and, using the experience they had gained, to prepare new essays on history of their respective countries, centred on a multi-perspective view. New essays would be based on the previously used materials, as well as would count on the new factors that emerged during the recent 10-12 years. In fact, that meant publishing the first comprehensive joint work of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian historians.
The newly-published book, Essays on History of the South Caucasian Countries, contains essays about the historical past of the peoples of the South Caucasus, from the ancient times till the establishment of the Soviet authority in the region. We hope that the book will be interesting and useful for the readers. The first part of the book reveals the historical context of the development of the South Caucasus from the ancient times till the establishment of the Soviet authority in the region, and the second part presents the cultural treasures of the South Caucasian countries. The book contains a number of illustrations.
Being addressed to both scientific and popular audiences, Essays on History of the South Caucasian Countries is addressed to a wide circle of readers, first of all, to civil society institutions, academics, state institutions, younger generation, as well as international organisations concerned with peacemaking and development of cooperation in the South Caucasus.
The authors worked on the book for near two years. They attempted to let the readers know about the main instances in the history of the three countries. It was important not just to provide some information, but also to introduce the readers to the neighbour peoples’ views to the same events, so the peoples of the region might develop tolerance and mutual understanding. Besides, the book provides different interpretations of a number of regional events, using a multi-perspective approach; in fact, that means having three different viewpoints on certain historical events. That is also important for readers living in the region, as well as outside, because they may see how contemporary historians from the South Caucasian countries interpret the historical events. It is natural that historians from different countries have different approaches according to their personal, cultural and national identities.
Such an approach has important characteristics:
1. The society of each country may get familiar with the viewpoints of others on the same historical events.
2. Historians from each country may have an opportunity to discuss the viewpoints of their colleagues from other countries within a scientific framework.
3. Being better informed will let the societies of three countries to develop dialogue.
So, the essays in the first part of the book may not match each other. Sometimes they may contain conflicting statements. As a result, any impartial reader will have to think. Any reader may choose one of the explanations for historical events, but it should be remembered that other explanations, which lead to other interpretations, also have the right to exist.
Finally, let us congratulate the historians and civil societies of the South Caucasian countries for publishing of the book, which is the first example of joint scientific work of academics from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in the period of independence of our countries.
Stepan Grigoryan,
Chairman of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC)
Such a framework for cooperation was chosen because the experience of the recent few years’ developments in the South Caucasus had showed that many problematic issues in relations between the peoples of the region arise because of different interpretation of historical facts, different views and approaches to events that occurred in the South Caucasus. Therefore, it was needed to organise regular meetings and to develop cooperation between historians and civic activists of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The main result of the aforementioned meeting was the communiqué adopted on 13 November 2007. In the communiqué it was, particularly, said:
After having the debates and discussions we, participants of the working meeting, state that it is important and beneficial for the peoples of the South Caucasus:
- To organise meetings of civil activists and historians of the South Caucasian countries on regular basis that helps to create an atmosphere of tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding;
- We are interested in publishing joint articles and essays in scientific journals and non-affiliated magazines, as proposed by some of the participants of the working meeting;
- The Tbilisi initiative of the Council of Europe, providing for a joint project on Caucasus History, is a positive example of cooperation of historians from the South Caucasian countries;
- This format is one of the directions for continued efforts of our countries’ citizens aimed to the development of civil society, finding historical factors that keep us together, democratisation and European integration of the South Caucasian countries.
During the aforementioned meeting, the participants showed great interest for the working session dedicated to the experience of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian historians who had worked together on a book titled The History of Caucasus. That project was frozen in 2003 because of several disagreements between Armenian and Azerbaijani experts (we consider that one of the main reasons for such a failure had been the extremely different task assigned to the experts – to write joint history of the South Caucasian countries and to overcome all differences in approach). On the other side, the work that was done deserves close attention, because it was a positive example of cooperation between historians of three countries. We offered the authors who had worked on that project – Armen Khachikyan from Armenia, Aydin Aslanov from Azerbaijan and Paata Ramishvili from Georgia – to go back to the accomplished work and, using the experience they had gained, to prepare new essays on history of their respective countries, centred on a multi-perspective view. New essays would be based on the previously used materials, as well as would count on the new factors that emerged during the recent 10-12 years. In fact, that meant publishing the first comprehensive joint work of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian historians.
The newly-published book, Essays on History of the South Caucasian Countries, contains essays about the historical past of the peoples of the South Caucasus, from the ancient times till the establishment of the Soviet authority in the region. We hope that the book will be interesting and useful for the readers. The first part of the book reveals the historical context of the development of the South Caucasus from the ancient times till the establishment of the Soviet authority in the region, and the second part presents the cultural treasures of the South Caucasian countries. The book contains a number of illustrations.
Being addressed to both scientific and popular audiences, Essays on History of the South Caucasian Countries is addressed to a wide circle of readers, first of all, to civil society institutions, academics, state institutions, younger generation, as well as international organisations concerned with peacemaking and development of cooperation in the South Caucasus.
The authors worked on the book for near two years. They attempted to let the readers know about the main instances in the history of the three countries. It was important not just to provide some information, but also to introduce the readers to the neighbour peoples’ views to the same events, so the peoples of the region might develop tolerance and mutual understanding. Besides, the book provides different interpretations of a number of regional events, using a multi-perspective approach; in fact, that means having three different viewpoints on certain historical events. That is also important for readers living in the region, as well as outside, because they may see how contemporary historians from the South Caucasian countries interpret the historical events. It is natural that historians from different countries have different approaches according to their personal, cultural and national identities.
Such an approach has important characteristics:
1. The society of each country may get familiar with the viewpoints of others on the same historical events.
2. Historians from each country may have an opportunity to discuss the viewpoints of their colleagues from other countries within a scientific framework.
3. Being better informed will let the societies of three countries to develop dialogue.
So, the essays in the first part of the book may not match each other. Sometimes they may contain conflicting statements. As a result, any impartial reader will have to think. Any reader may choose one of the explanations for historical events, but it should be remembered that other explanations, which lead to other interpretations, also have the right to exist.
Finally, let us congratulate the historians and civil societies of the South Caucasian countries for publishing of the book, which is the first example of joint scientific work of academics from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in the period of independence of our countries.
Stepan Grigoryan,
Chairman of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC)
Human Science,
Stepan Grigoryan,
BOOK: Positive Examples of Coexistence from the History of Peoples and States of the South Caucasus (
Yerevan 2009
Editor’s note
Stepan Grigoryan ... page 5
Haykaz Hovhannisyan. Caucasian Home: History and Reality Mikayel Zolyan. Armenians and Georgians: Divided By Common History ... page 11
Sevil Huseynova. Azerbaijanis and Armenians in Georgia: Spaces of Coexistence Sergey Rumyantsev.
Positive Examples of Coexistence from the History of Peoples and States of the South Caucasus. Collection of papers by historians and analysts from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (Yerevan, Armenia). – Yer.: Antares, 2009 - 140 pages.
Edited by Stepan Grigoryan
This book is published by the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) with support of Caritas France. The opinions expressed in this book are opinions of the authors from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and may differ from the official opinions of ACGRC and Caritas France.
ISBN 978-9939-51-162-7
© ACGRC, 2009
Edited by Stepan Grigoryan
This book is published by the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) with support of Caritas France. The opinions expressed in this book are opinions of the authors from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and may differ from the official opinions of ACGRC and Caritas France.
ISBN 978-9939-51-162-7
© ACGRC, 2009
Editor’s note
Stepan Grigoryan ... page 5
Haykaz Hovhannisyan. Caucasian Home: History and Reality Mikayel Zolyan. Armenians and Georgians: Divided By Common History ... page 11
Sevil Huseynova. Azerbaijanis and Armenians in Georgia: Spaces of Coexistence Sergey Rumyantsev.
Beyond Enmity: Everyday Practices of Mutual Help in Situations of Conflics ... page 33
Tamara Sikharulidze. From the History of Azerbaijani-Georgian Relations
Tamara Sikharulidze. From the History of Azerbaijani-Georgian Relations
Liana Davlianidze. From the History of Armenian-Georgian Relations ... page 57
David Petrosyan. Armenia Now: Inside and Outside ... page 87
Rauf Rajabov. Azerbaijan: From Financial Security towards Regional Priorities in Foreign Policy ... page 105
Vakhtang Kolbaya. Georgia Now: The Situation after the Russo-Georgian War ... page 121
About the authors ... page 137
Haykaz Hovhannisyan - Caucasian Home: History and Reality
Mikayel Zolyan - Armenians and Georgians: Divided By Common History
Editor’s note
Stepan Grigoryan
In November 2007, the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (Armenia) organised, in cooperation with its partners – Public Union of the Azerbaijan Historians and Caritas Georgia – a meeting of historians and civic activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The meeting was organised with support of the Caritas France foundation in Tsakhkadzor (Armenia).
This framework of cooperation was chosen because the experience of developments in the South Caucasus during previous years had shown that many problems in relations between peoples of the region had been a consequence of different interpretation of historical facts, different perceptions and approaches to historical events, and because of absence of papers and
books on history written in cooperation by scholars from three South Caucasian countries. Therefore, it was important to organise meetings and facilitate cooperation between historians and civic activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The main outcome of the mentioned working meeting was the communiqué adopted on November 13, 2007. The participants stated, particularly, that direct contacts are important as they let to understand each other better and to exchange information about global, regional and local processes; emphasised their interest in possible submission of common publications to academic and professional journals; stated that such a framework is one of the ways for continued efforts towards development of civil society, for searching common elements in our peoples’ historical past, and for democratisation and European integration of the South Caucasian countries; expressed interest in a deeper study of European experience of dealing with historical problems, which may contribute towards reconciliation and establishing an environment of peace and neighbourly relations in the South Caucasus.
Working meeting participants also expressed their distress concerning the reality in which the scientific potential of our countries is being used mainly for proving ancient roots and superiority of every people instead of working on common scientific and educational projects. Yet, science and education have a great potential for restoration of trust between our peoples and may serve as a fine instrument for development of neighbourhood and cooperation in the
The problems are aggravated by the unsolved conflicts that make the situation more difficult. It is, therefore, very important to establish contacts and stimulate cooperation between historians and civic activists in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. There are many positive historical examples of coexistence and cooperation between peoples of the South Caucasus; study of such examples and making them available to our societies is an important task.
This book is a collection of papers about the history of relations between Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Georgians. The first part of the book contains papers written by prominent scholars – Haykaz Hovhannisyan and Mikayel Zolyan from Armenia, Sevil Huseynova and Sergey Rumyantsev from Azerbaijan, and Tamara Sikharulidze and Liana Davlianidze from Georgia.
The authors have done meticulous archive work and analysis, and found a great number of examples of positive experiences in coexistence of the South Caucasian peoples. It is interesting that such examples include both the short periods when Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia were independent and time when our peoples fought for their rights and independence, protecting their identities and culture.
In the second part of the book civic activists with expertise in different areas – David Petrosyan from Armenia, Rauf Rajabov from Azerbaijan and Vakhtang Kolbaya from Georgia – provide analyses of the contemporary political, socioeconomic and international standing of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
This book contains scientific and analytical materials and may be interesting for a wide circle of readers, first of all, for representatives of civil society institutions, scientific community, state institutions, journalists, young citizens, as well as international organisations working towards reconciliation, establishment of peace and cooperation.
I believe that the time has come for thinking over many issues and attempting to live in accordance with contemporary ideas and approaches. That is the demand of time and future of the South Caucasian peoples.
Finally, I express our sincere gratitude to the Caritas France foundation for supporting our initiatives and making possible publishing of this book. Stepan Grigoryan - chairman of the board of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation.
July 27, 2009
Positive Examples of Coexistence from the
History of Peoples and States of the South Caucasus
«ANTARES» Publishing House
Yerevan–0009, Mashtots ave. 50a/1
Tel.` +(374 10) 58 10 59, 56 15 26
Tel./Fax` +(374 10) 58 76 69
David Petrosyan. Armenia Now: Inside and Outside ... page 87
Rauf Rajabov. Azerbaijan: From Financial Security towards Regional Priorities in Foreign Policy ... page 105
Vakhtang Kolbaya. Georgia Now: The Situation after the Russo-Georgian War ... page 121
About the authors ... page 137
Haykaz Hovhannisyan - Caucasian Home: History and Reality
Mikayel Zolyan - Armenians and Georgians: Divided By Common History
Editor’s note
Stepan Grigoryan
In November 2007, the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (Armenia) organised, in cooperation with its partners – Public Union of the Azerbaijan Historians and Caritas Georgia – a meeting of historians and civic activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The meeting was organised with support of the Caritas France foundation in Tsakhkadzor (Armenia).
This framework of cooperation was chosen because the experience of developments in the South Caucasus during previous years had shown that many problems in relations between peoples of the region had been a consequence of different interpretation of historical facts, different perceptions and approaches to historical events, and because of absence of papers and
books on history written in cooperation by scholars from three South Caucasian countries. Therefore, it was important to organise meetings and facilitate cooperation between historians and civic activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The main outcome of the mentioned working meeting was the communiqué adopted on November 13, 2007. The participants stated, particularly, that direct contacts are important as they let to understand each other better and to exchange information about global, regional and local processes; emphasised their interest in possible submission of common publications to academic and professional journals; stated that such a framework is one of the ways for continued efforts towards development of civil society, for searching common elements in our peoples’ historical past, and for democratisation and European integration of the South Caucasian countries; expressed interest in a deeper study of European experience of dealing with historical problems, which may contribute towards reconciliation and establishing an environment of peace and neighbourly relations in the South Caucasus.
Working meeting participants also expressed their distress concerning the reality in which the scientific potential of our countries is being used mainly for proving ancient roots and superiority of every people instead of working on common scientific and educational projects. Yet, science and education have a great potential for restoration of trust between our peoples and may serve as a fine instrument for development of neighbourhood and cooperation in the
The problems are aggravated by the unsolved conflicts that make the situation more difficult. It is, therefore, very important to establish contacts and stimulate cooperation between historians and civic activists in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. There are many positive historical examples of coexistence and cooperation between peoples of the South Caucasus; study of such examples and making them available to our societies is an important task.
This book is a collection of papers about the history of relations between Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Georgians. The first part of the book contains papers written by prominent scholars – Haykaz Hovhannisyan and Mikayel Zolyan from Armenia, Sevil Huseynova and Sergey Rumyantsev from Azerbaijan, and Tamara Sikharulidze and Liana Davlianidze from Georgia.
The authors have done meticulous archive work and analysis, and found a great number of examples of positive experiences in coexistence of the South Caucasian peoples. It is interesting that such examples include both the short periods when Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia were independent and time when our peoples fought for their rights and independence, protecting their identities and culture.
In the second part of the book civic activists with expertise in different areas – David Petrosyan from Armenia, Rauf Rajabov from Azerbaijan and Vakhtang Kolbaya from Georgia – provide analyses of the contemporary political, socioeconomic and international standing of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
This book contains scientific and analytical materials and may be interesting for a wide circle of readers, first of all, for representatives of civil society institutions, scientific community, state institutions, journalists, young citizens, as well as international organisations working towards reconciliation, establishment of peace and cooperation.
I believe that the time has come for thinking over many issues and attempting to live in accordance with contemporary ideas and approaches. That is the demand of time and future of the South Caucasian peoples.
Finally, I express our sincere gratitude to the Caritas France foundation for supporting our initiatives and making possible publishing of this book. Stepan Grigoryan - chairman of the board of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation.
July 27, 2009
Positive Examples of Coexistence from the
History of Peoples and States of the South Caucasus
«ANTARES» Publishing House
Yerevan–0009, Mashtots ave. 50a/1
Tel.` +(374 10) 58 10 59, 56 15 26
Tel./Fax` +(374 10) 58 76 69
more here:
Human Science,
Stepan Grigoryan,
CONFERENCE: “European Union and South Caucasus – A Security Partnership?”
On 27 November 2008, this year’s largest conference was organized in the Great Hall of the Congress Hotel in Yerevan, with the topic: “European Union and South Caucasus – A Security Partnership?”.
The conference was organized by the Analytical Centre for Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC, Armenia) and German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). The conference was supported by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Robert-Bosch Stiftung.
Welconme speeches and reports were given by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Arman Kirakossian, German Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin, head of European Commission delegation in Armenia Raul de Luzenberger, representative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Liana Marukyan and director of ACGRC Dr. Stepan Grigoryan.
Reports on issues of interest for Armenian society were delivered by Dr. Arif Yunusov (Institute for Peace and Democracy, Azerbaijan), Dr. Seyed Rasol Mousavi (Institute of Political and International Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran), Armen Rustamyan (member of the standing committee on foreign affairs of the national Assembly of Armenia), Aleksander Rusetsky (director of the South Caucasus Institute for Regional Security, Georgia), Diba Nigar Goksel (senior analyst, European Stability Initiative, Editor, Turkish Policy Quarterly), Özgül Erdemli Mutlu (ARI Movement, Turkey), Vyacheslav Igrunov (director of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, Russia), Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan (Country Director, Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Armenia) and Ivlian Khaindrava (director of the South Caucasus studies programme, Georgia).
The number of participants reached 300, instead of initially planned 150. Among the participants were ambassadors of Bulgaria, Germany, Iran, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania; heads of UN, EU, OSCE and Council of Europe missions in Armenia; head of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung office; representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia; diplomats representing British, German and Greek Embassies; Armenian political scientists, historians, sociologists, university professors; heads of political parties and NGOs; students; and journalists of the leading Armenian media.
Reports about the conference were broadcasted by a number of TV companies: Public Television of Armenia, Kentron, Yerevan TV, Shant, TV5, YerkirMedia, etc. Daily newspaper Aravot published a detailed report about the conference on November 28 and November 29. Reports were also published in other newspapers and by information agencies Noyan Tapan, Arminfo, PanArmenian, Armtown, etc.
The conference was organized by the Analytical Centre for Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC, Armenia) and German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). The conference was supported by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Robert-Bosch Stiftung.
Welconme speeches and reports were given by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Arman Kirakossian, German Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin, head of European Commission delegation in Armenia Raul de Luzenberger, representative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Liana Marukyan and director of ACGRC Dr. Stepan Grigoryan.
Reports on issues of interest for Armenian society were delivered by Dr. Arif Yunusov (Institute for Peace and Democracy, Azerbaijan), Dr. Seyed Rasol Mousavi (Institute of Political and International Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran), Armen Rustamyan (member of the standing committee on foreign affairs of the national Assembly of Armenia), Aleksander Rusetsky (director of the South Caucasus Institute for Regional Security, Georgia), Diba Nigar Goksel (senior analyst, European Stability Initiative, Editor, Turkish Policy Quarterly), Özgül Erdemli Mutlu (ARI Movement, Turkey), Vyacheslav Igrunov (director of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, Russia), Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan (Country Director, Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Armenia) and Ivlian Khaindrava (director of the South Caucasus studies programme, Georgia).
The number of participants reached 300, instead of initially planned 150. Among the participants were ambassadors of Bulgaria, Germany, Iran, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania; heads of UN, EU, OSCE and Council of Europe missions in Armenia; head of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung office; representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia; diplomats representing British, German and Greek Embassies; Armenian political scientists, historians, sociologists, university professors; heads of political parties and NGOs; students; and journalists of the leading Armenian media.
Reports about the conference were broadcasted by a number of TV companies: Public Television of Armenia, Kentron, Yerevan TV, Shant, TV5, YerkirMedia, etc. Daily newspaper Aravot published a detailed report about the conference on November 28 and November 29. Reports were also published in other newspapers and by information agencies Noyan Tapan, Arminfo, PanArmenian, Armtown, etc.
Robert Bosch Stiftung,
Stepan Grigoryan,
Monday, April 19, 2010
TELEVISION: Republic of Georgia's unique ballet (
CNNInternational — 17. April 2010 — CNN's Ivan Watson takes an inside look at the state ballet of the Republic of Georgia.
ARTIKEL: Interessanter Gedanke von Matthew Collin - Wodka oder Joghurt? (
Matthew Collin schrieb in seinem Blog einen kurzen Artikel über die angebliche 129-jährige, Antissa Khvichava. Laut einem Beitrag der BBC lebt sie in einem Dorf in Georgien. Gezeigt wurde, wie sie Backgammon spielt und Wodka trank. Eine georgische Rundfunkanstalt nahm das auf. Über die internationalen Medien (BBC) wurde das dann weiterverbreitet.
Natürlich gab es immer wieder Nachrichten über die außerordentliche Langlebigkeit der Menschen in bestimmten Regionen, die später nach eindringlicher Recherche und Überprüfung widerlegt wurden. Es ist keine Überraschung, dass einige georgische Experten die Wahrheit diesers Beitrags bezweifeln. Matthew Collin weißt auf einen bewundernswert skeptischen Bericht von Molly Corso auf der Website Eurasianet hin.
Doch trotz der offiziellen Statistiken über die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung in Georgien (75,3 Jahre für Frauen, 66,4 Jahre für Männer) hat die Region einen anhaltenden guten Ruf für die Erlangung eines hohen Alters. Selbst ein renommiertes Unternehmen warb damit für einen Joghurt in den USA. Matthew Collin postete ein Video, welches im Jahr 1977 gedreht wurde. Nach der Information, die kürzlich von der BBC verbreitet wurde, könnte ein Wodka-Hersteller Antissa Khvichava aufsuchen, um einen Clip mit ihr zur Förderung der Tugenden eines regelmäßige Einnahme von starken Alkohols zu drehen ....
Natürlich gab es immer wieder Nachrichten über die außerordentliche Langlebigkeit der Menschen in bestimmten Regionen, die später nach eindringlicher Recherche und Überprüfung widerlegt wurden. Es ist keine Überraschung, dass einige georgische Experten die Wahrheit diesers Beitrags bezweifeln. Matthew Collin weißt auf einen bewundernswert skeptischen Bericht von Molly Corso auf der Website Eurasianet hin.
Doch trotz der offiziellen Statistiken über die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung in Georgien (75,3 Jahre für Frauen, 66,4 Jahre für Männer) hat die Region einen anhaltenden guten Ruf für die Erlangung eines hohen Alters. Selbst ein renommiertes Unternehmen warb damit für einen Joghurt in den USA. Matthew Collin postete ein Video, welches im Jahr 1977 gedreht wurde. Nach der Information, die kürzlich von der BBC verbreitet wurde, könnte ein Wodka-Hersteller Antissa Khvichava aufsuchen, um einen Clip mit ihr zur Förderung der Tugenden eines regelmäßige Einnahme von starken Alkohols zu drehen ....
english blog:
Matthew Collin,
Molly Corso
Friday, April 16, 2010
PHOTOGRAPHY: New Photos by Alexander Bagration-Davidoff (
Alexander Bagrationi,
Pablo Daniel Sabetta (Jay West) Country: Argentina Occupation: Producer, DJ, Label Founder. Involved in: Candy Dealers
Sarunas Karalius (DJ Karalius, Ryralio DJs) Country: Lithuania Occupation: Producer, DJ, Label Founder. Involved in: Ryralio Records
Riley Reinhold (Triple R) Country: Germany Occupation: Producer, DJ, Magazine Founder. Involved in: TraumSchallplatten, Spex, De:Bug
Glen Nicholls Country: UK Occupation: Producer, DJ, Mix Engineer Involved in: En:Vision; Future Funk Squad
Andreas Rheise Country: Germany Occupation: Producer, DJ, Journalist Involved in: KREIDLER, la! NEU, BadFrench, Spex, APRIL
Matthew Collin Country: UK Occupation: Journalist, Writer Involved in: Books, Al Jazeera, Wired, Mojo, Time Out.
Thorsten Lütz (DJ Strobocop) Country: Germany Occupation: DJ, Producer, Journalist, Label Founder Involved in: De:Bug, Karaoke Kalk.
Christoph Braun Country: Germany Occupation: Journalist Involved in: Groove Magazine Sascha Kösch (DJ Bleed) Country: Germany Occupation: DJ, Producer, Journalist Involved in: De:Bug,
Michał Nogaś Country: Poland Occupation: Journalist Involved in: Radio Trojk
G.U.R.U. club:
Event date / time: 2010 წლის 16 04, პარასკევი
19:00, Rustaveli Ave.12, Tbilisi, Georgia
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