Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Südkaukasus-Interessierte,
da ich leider aus zeitlichen Gründen derzeit keine eigenen Kommentare schreiben kann, sende ich Ihnen einen kurzen Kommentar von Michael Emerson vom CEPS in Brüssel, der die Abchasien-Problematik in einer Weise fasst, die ich inhaltlich voll unterstütze.
Mit besten Grüßen, Walter Kaufmann
Walter Kaufmann
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Regional Office South Caucasus
5, Radiani str., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
T: +995-32-227705
F: +995-32-912897
Dear Colleague,
Please download the 37th Issue of the
CEPS European Neighbourhood Watch
Editorial by Michael Emerson: "After Bucharest"
NATO’s Bucharest Summit on 3 April ended with some crafty drafting in the communiqué about the prospects for Ukraine and Georgia’s membership action plans. The language is crystal clear, up to a point: “ Ukraine and Georgia will become members of NATO…. [Membership Action Plan] MAP is the next step for Ukraine and Georgia on their direct way to membership”. Foreign ministers have the authority to decide on the MAP applications, and will make a first assessment at the next meeting in December. The EU is, by comparison, not willing to say “ Ukraine and Georgia will become members of the EU”, so the NATO statement is far from meaningless.
However the wording is still ambiguous. France and Germany went to Bucharest determined to prevent a positive decision on MAP. Their reasoning included reasonable comments that there is still a divisive cleavage in Ukrainian political positions and public opinion over NATO, while Georgia’s unreso lved conflicts make for dangers of destabilization. But also there was the undercurrent that President Saakashvili decried as appeasement of Russia, which was amply illustrated by French Prime Minister Francois Fillon’s remarks that their membership would disturb the balance of power between Russia and Europe, a remark that would have fitted well into the discourse of the Congress of Vienna in 1815, but seems stupendously incongruous for today. But did French and German positions change there? Or do they simply retain their blocking positions for another day.
Apparently both Ukraine and Georgia went home from Bucharest happy with the outcome, which Putin’s earlier menacing speeches (like Ukraine will be divided and destroyed by pursuing NATO membership) did not prevent. What should these two countries now do?
For Ukraine it is obvious enough. The countries coalition leadership has to get its act together, at a time when President Yushchenko and Prime Minister Timoshenko appear to be in outright opposition on a whole host of issues from the economy to the constitution.
For Georgia it is time for President Saakashvili to take seriously the misgivings of his Western friends and supporters over his Abkhazia policy. The resolution of this separatist conflict can in theory be pursued by two different routes: renewed war, or a peaceful settlement. As for a renewed war, it means Georgia versus Russia - no further comment needed. As for a peaceful resolution the latest Georgia proposal for the highest autonomy for Abkhazia within a federative Georgian constitution is today a non-starter. Saakashvili is bashing his head against a brick wall. A third hybrid method, of proposing a peaceful solution with the vague threat in the background of the use of force, is equally hopeless, since it just pushes Abkhazia into deeper reliance on Russian protection. This third hybrid approach may be what Saakashvili finds the best political stance internally, but that does not increase its chances of success. The West’s recommendation to Saakashvili seems to be that for the time being he should truly open up the borders for road and rail traffic between, and let commerce and the interaction of people develop, and return to the final settlement question after some years of improving confidence and renewed mutual interests. This may be a difficult message for Saakashvili to digest, but it seems that his aspirations to join NATO have no chance of success unless he does so.
The CEPS European Neighbourhood Watch is distributed electronically and free of charge to over 8200 international recipients. Please forward it to those that might wish to subscribe to it. To subscribe, please click here. For further questions and to unsubscribe, please send an email to:
Michael Emerson and George Dura
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
CEPS – Thinking Ahead for Europe
Place du Congrès 1
B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 229 39 11
Fax: +32 2 219 41 51
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
REPORT: CEPS European Neighbourhood Watch 37
George Dura,
Michael Emerson,
Walter Kaufmann
STATISTIK: Zwischen 2005-2007 haben 96.122 Armenien verlassen.
1 Million insgesamt sind ausgewandert, 75% nach Russland, den Rest nach USA / Europa. 100.000 haben ihre armenische Staatsburgerschaft in Russland abgegeben und die russische genommen.
Hauptursache für die Immigration ist die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und fehlende Arbeitsplätze in Armenien.
Zwischen 2005-2006 sind 250-339 Millionen Dollar nach Armenien überwiesen worden.
Jeder 5. der ausgewandert ist, kann kein Geld nach Armenien schicken.
Einkommen im Ausland: 643 US-Dollar
Arbeitsbedingung: 10 Std. am Tag ohne Wochenende und Urlaub.
more >>>
Hauptursache für die Immigration ist die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und fehlende Arbeitsplätze in Armenien.
Zwischen 2005-2006 sind 250-339 Millionen Dollar nach Armenien überwiesen worden.
Jeder 5. der ausgewandert ist, kann kein Geld nach Armenien schicken.
Einkommen im Ausland: 643 US-Dollar
Arbeitsbedingung: 10 Std. am Tag ohne Wochenende und Urlaub.
more >>>
PHOTOGALLERY: Orthodox Easter in Baku - last weekend. By Hema Kotecha.
Hema Kotecha,
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 04-30-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
Conflicts—international press
1. Russia sends more troops to Georgian rebel regions
2. Georgia and Russia escalate war of words
3. Russia announces extra troops for Georgia regions: agencies
4. Russia building up troop in separatist Georgian regions
5. Russia will send more troops to Abkhazia
6. Russia increases number of peacekeepers in Abkhazia
7. Russian measures for Abkhazia dictated by situation – ministry
8. Russian envoy rules out Abkhaz agenda for Russia-NATO Council
9. Russia won't set up military base in Georgian breakaway region - deputy minister
10. Russian peacekeepers to remain in Georgian breakaway region - deputy minister
11. Tbilisi plans ‘military operation’ against Abkhazia
12. Tbilisi threatens Moscow
13. Russia not seeking to control Georgia's breakaway republics – ministry
14. video: Georgia preparing military operation against Abkhazia: Russian Foreign Ministry
15. Mission irreplaceable: Replacement of peacekeepers in Abkhazia with an international contingent is improbable
16. Georgia will go to any lengths to unleash war
17. How to conquer Georgia
18. Moscow accuses Tbilisi of plans to use force against Abkhazia
19. Use of force in Abkhazia to meet with adequate response
20. Moscow justifies legal links with Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
21. Russian ministry warns Georgia against use of force in Abkhazia
22. Separatist leaders reject Georgian president's appeal to build common state
23. Abkhazia awaiting Russian steps to ensure republic's security - foreign minister
24. Separatist Abkhaz official confirms build-up of Georgian troops
25. Tbilisi condemns Russian move to increase troops in Abkhazia
26. Additional Russian troops ‘aggressors’
27. Enlargement of Russian peacekeeping force to destabilize region – Gurgenidze
28. President Saakashvili’s televised address to Abkhazians and South Ossetians
29. Enlargement of Russian peacekeeping force is annexation attempt – Burdzhanadze
30. PM slams Russian plans to send more troops to Abkhazia
31. Georgia urges Russia not to enlarge peacekeeping force in conflict zones
32. Georgia says increasing Russian peacekeepers "destabilizing"
33. Russia preparing for "military intervention into Georgia" – official
Conflicts—international actors
34. OSCE Special Envoy in Georgia ahead of special Permanent Council meeting on Abkhazia incident
35. Supporting Ukraine and Georgia becoming members of NATO
36. Russia troop increase in Abkhazia "not wise" –EU
37. Increase of troops by Russia in Abkhazia ‘not wise’ – Solana
38. Georgian FM thanks Estonia for support
39. Georgia needs neutral peacekeeping forces - Estonian FM
40. 'Most important to have western unity' in face of Russian moves
41. Caucasian powder keg
42. OSCE to discuss drone downing
43. Russia's envoy to NATO says Georgia edited drone video
44. De facto leader discusses 20 April incident
45. Russia denies involvement in 20 April incident
46. video: Georgia to block Russia's WTO entry over breakaway republics?
47. Putin's decree does not contradict WTO terms
48. Georgia, Saudi Arabia only obstacles to Russian WTO membership
49. Georgia ends Russian WTO talks
50. Party lists
51. Party lists, CEC questioned as scandal erupts around MP elections
52. Surprise announcement throws National Party
53. Television stations, accused of pro-government bias, restart opposition coverage
54. Rustavi 2 and Mze ceased boycotting the united opposition
55. United opposition protesting tariffs for the political TV advertising subject to a fee
56. In Georgia, political views are often best said in song
57. A sign of change? Georgia floats its first international bonds
58. Income tax rate to be reduced, while dividend tax to be cancelled in Georgia gradually during the 5-year period
59. In January-March 2008, export increased in Georgia by 47,8% and import – by 34,9%
60. Coca-Cola Bottlers Georgia denies selling stakes
61. About 80 percent of building materials are imported to Georgia
62. Member states of GUAM transport route priorities
63. Ilya II against reality-shows
64. Fire destroys 15 hectares of woods in Adigeni
65. The president released 165 prisoners
66. GEL 2000 fine for insulting journalists
67. Tariel Sakvarelidze killed several people
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
Conflicts—international press
1. Russia sends more troops to Georgian rebel regions
2. Georgia and Russia escalate war of words
3. Russia announces extra troops for Georgia regions: agencies
4. Russia building up troop in separatist Georgian regions
5. Russia will send more troops to Abkhazia
6. Russia increases number of peacekeepers in Abkhazia
7. Russian measures for Abkhazia dictated by situation – ministry
8. Russian envoy rules out Abkhaz agenda for Russia-NATO Council
9. Russia won't set up military base in Georgian breakaway region - deputy minister
10. Russian peacekeepers to remain in Georgian breakaway region - deputy minister
11. Tbilisi plans ‘military operation’ against Abkhazia
12. Tbilisi threatens Moscow
13. Russia not seeking to control Georgia's breakaway republics – ministry
14. video: Georgia preparing military operation against Abkhazia: Russian Foreign Ministry
15. Mission irreplaceable: Replacement of peacekeepers in Abkhazia with an international contingent is improbable
16. Georgia will go to any lengths to unleash war
17. How to conquer Georgia
18. Moscow accuses Tbilisi of plans to use force against Abkhazia
19. Use of force in Abkhazia to meet with adequate response
20. Moscow justifies legal links with Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
21. Russian ministry warns Georgia against use of force in Abkhazia
22. Separatist leaders reject Georgian president's appeal to build common state
23. Abkhazia awaiting Russian steps to ensure republic's security - foreign minister
24. Separatist Abkhaz official confirms build-up of Georgian troops
25. Tbilisi condemns Russian move to increase troops in Abkhazia
26. Additional Russian troops ‘aggressors’
27. Enlargement of Russian peacekeeping force to destabilize region – Gurgenidze
28. President Saakashvili’s televised address to Abkhazians and South Ossetians
29. Enlargement of Russian peacekeeping force is annexation attempt – Burdzhanadze
30. PM slams Russian plans to send more troops to Abkhazia
31. Georgia urges Russia not to enlarge peacekeeping force in conflict zones
32. Georgia says increasing Russian peacekeepers "destabilizing"
33. Russia preparing for "military intervention into Georgia" – official
Conflicts—international actors
34. OSCE Special Envoy in Georgia ahead of special Permanent Council meeting on Abkhazia incident
35. Supporting Ukraine and Georgia becoming members of NATO
36. Russia troop increase in Abkhazia "not wise" –EU
37. Increase of troops by Russia in Abkhazia ‘not wise’ – Solana
38. Georgian FM thanks Estonia for support
39. Georgia needs neutral peacekeeping forces - Estonian FM
40. 'Most important to have western unity' in face of Russian moves
41. Caucasian powder keg
42. OSCE to discuss drone downing
43. Russia's envoy to NATO says Georgia edited drone video
44. De facto leader discusses 20 April incident
45. Russia denies involvement in 20 April incident
46. video: Georgia to block Russia's WTO entry over breakaway republics?
47. Putin's decree does not contradict WTO terms
48. Georgia, Saudi Arabia only obstacles to Russian WTO membership
49. Georgia ends Russian WTO talks
50. Party lists
51. Party lists, CEC questioned as scandal erupts around MP elections
52. Surprise announcement throws National Party
53. Television stations, accused of pro-government bias, restart opposition coverage
54. Rustavi 2 and Mze ceased boycotting the united opposition
55. United opposition protesting tariffs for the political TV advertising subject to a fee
56. In Georgia, political views are often best said in song
57. A sign of change? Georgia floats its first international bonds
58. Income tax rate to be reduced, while dividend tax to be cancelled in Georgia gradually during the 5-year period
59. In January-March 2008, export increased in Georgia by 47,8% and import – by 34,9%
60. Coca-Cola Bottlers Georgia denies selling stakes
61. About 80 percent of building materials are imported to Georgia
62. Member states of GUAM transport route priorities
63. Ilya II against reality-shows
64. Fire destroys 15 hectares of woods in Adigeni
65. The president released 165 prisoners
66. GEL 2000 fine for insulting journalists
67. Tariel Sakvarelidze killed several people
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
PHOTOGRAPHY: The Eagle in Tusheti
Photo: 29. April 2008 von The Alpinist: Roma Lomidze
Roma Lomidze,
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 04-29-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. upcoming event: Georgia’s Transformation into a Modern Market Democracy
2. Georgia’s democratic stalemate
3. Lunch with the FT: Mikheil Saakashvili
4. Saakashvili’s new team: Businessmen drafted in
5. Okruashvili receives French political asylum documents
6. MP Tevdoradze to become Deputy State Minister
7. Governor of Imereti replaced
8. Tbilisi Prosecutor involved in blatant violation of election law
9. Georgia challenges Russia's WTO bid
10. Georgia refuses to attend Russia's WTO accession talks
11. Tbilisi skeptical about Russia’s attempt to “normalize relations”
12. Dispute over flight schedules after Russia lifts air embargo
13. Georgia to resume WTO talks with Russia if it cancels April 16 decision
14. Georgia pushing for NATO intercession in row with Russia
15. Georgia to inform NATO Council on situation in breakaway reg
16. Bakradze visits NATO HQ
17. video: Georgia complains of Russian ‘destructive’ actions
18. NATO of protest: Georgia wants NATO to keep Russia in check
19. NATO says use of Russian military force in Abkhazia counterproductive
20. NATO calls for Russian withdrawal from Georgia's breakaway Abkhazia
21. NATO denies it wants RF peacekeepers out of Abkhazia
22. Georgian policy toward Russia provocative - Russian envoy to NATO
23. OSCE to consider Georgian plane incident next week
24. Lithuanian experts to help examine plane incident in Georgia
25. There could be war over Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Moscow's strongest ever warning
26. Russia can use force to defend its citizens in breakaway republics
27. Minister brushes off top Russian legislator's support for use of force
28. Georgia responds to Russian speaker's "threats"
29. Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Georgia
30. Amid war worries, Abkhazia hails the end of embargo
31. Abkhazia ready to sign military agreement with Russia
32. Russia denies its troops entered Georgia
33. Senior Russian senator says Russia to protect its citizens in Abkhazia
34. Russian peacekeepers stay in Abkhazia
35. Consultations set to begin to replace Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia, as part of peace plan
36. No war between Georgia and Abkhazia
37. Russian TV shows supposed Abkhaz pilot saying he downed Georgian UAV
38. Russian peacekeepers "escort aid convoy" in Georgian breakaway region
39. Tbilisi right place, right time to invest in real estate
40. SOCAR’s new terminal in Georgia to be officially opened on 16 May
41. Turkey to start construction of "Iron Silk Road"
42. Kindergarten nurses petition Georgian president and Ministry of Education
43. Residential house that turned into “asylum”
44. TV company “Maestro” blames court for biasness
45. Regional governor takes journalist to court and demands 10,000 GEL
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. upcoming event: Georgia’s Transformation into a Modern Market Democracy
2. Georgia’s democratic stalemate
3. Lunch with the FT: Mikheil Saakashvili
4. Saakashvili’s new team: Businessmen drafted in
5. Okruashvili receives French political asylum documents
6. MP Tevdoradze to become Deputy State Minister
7. Governor of Imereti replaced
8. Tbilisi Prosecutor involved in blatant violation of election law
9. Georgia challenges Russia's WTO bid
10. Georgia refuses to attend Russia's WTO accession talks
11. Tbilisi skeptical about Russia’s attempt to “normalize relations”
12. Dispute over flight schedules after Russia lifts air embargo
13. Georgia to resume WTO talks with Russia if it cancels April 16 decision
14. Georgia pushing for NATO intercession in row with Russia
15. Georgia to inform NATO Council on situation in breakaway reg
16. Bakradze visits NATO HQ
17. video: Georgia complains of Russian ‘destructive’ actions
18. NATO of protest: Georgia wants NATO to keep Russia in check
19. NATO says use of Russian military force in Abkhazia counterproductive
20. NATO calls for Russian withdrawal from Georgia's breakaway Abkhazia
21. NATO denies it wants RF peacekeepers out of Abkhazia
22. Georgian policy toward Russia provocative - Russian envoy to NATO
23. OSCE to consider Georgian plane incident next week
24. Lithuanian experts to help examine plane incident in Georgia
25. There could be war over Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Moscow's strongest ever warning
26. Russia can use force to defend its citizens in breakaway republics
27. Minister brushes off top Russian legislator's support for use of force
28. Georgia responds to Russian speaker's "threats"
29. Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Georgia
30. Amid war worries, Abkhazia hails the end of embargo
31. Abkhazia ready to sign military agreement with Russia
32. Russia denies its troops entered Georgia
33. Senior Russian senator says Russia to protect its citizens in Abkhazia
34. Russian peacekeepers stay in Abkhazia
35. Consultations set to begin to replace Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia, as part of peace plan
36. No war between Georgia and Abkhazia
37. Russian TV shows supposed Abkhaz pilot saying he downed Georgian UAV
38. Russian peacekeepers "escort aid convoy" in Georgian breakaway region
39. Tbilisi right place, right time to invest in real estate
40. SOCAR’s new terminal in Georgia to be officially opened on 16 May
41. Turkey to start construction of "Iron Silk Road"
42. Kindergarten nurses petition Georgian president and Ministry of Education
43. Residential house that turned into “asylum”
44. TV company “Maestro” blames court for biasness
45. Regional governor takes journalist to court and demands 10,000 GEL
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
PHOTOGRAPHY: Impressions from Baku. By Brendan Hoffman
Brendan Hoffman,
Caspian Sea,
JOB: DAAD-Sprachassistenz in Baku für das akademische Jahr 2008/09 zu besetzen
Jahresstipendium des DAAD. Deutsch lehren in der Hafenstadt Baku an der Universität für Fremdsprachen. Eigene Schwerpunktsetzung möglich: z. B. Literaturvermittlung.
Bewerbungsschluss: 9.5.2008
- Studienabschluss in DaF, Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft, Regionalwissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaften, Islamwissenschaften, Turkologie, Slawistik oder einem ähnlichen Fach muss bis Stipendienbeginn vorliegen
- Höchstalter: 30 Jahre zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung
- Unterrichtserfahrung / Deutschlehrerfahrung
- Kenntnisse in Russisch oder einer Turksprache von Vorteil
Weitere Informationen beim DAAD-Informationszentrum Baku
Bewerbungsunterlagen an Frau Sorau,
DAAD, Referat 326, Postfach 20 04 04, 53134 Bonn
DAAD-Informationszentrum Baku /
DAAD Information Centre Baku
Azerbaycan Texniki Universiteti
H. Cavid Prospekti 25
AZ 1073 Baku
Tel.: (+994-12) 439 12 65 & 564 06 51
Sprechstunden: Mittwoch und Freitag 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Consultation hours: Wednesday and Friday 2 pm to 5 pm
Bewerbungsschluss: 9.5.2008
- Studienabschluss in DaF, Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft, Regionalwissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaften, Islamwissenschaften, Turkologie, Slawistik oder einem ähnlichen Fach muss bis Stipendienbeginn vorliegen
- Höchstalter: 30 Jahre zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung
- Unterrichtserfahrung / Deutschlehrerfahrung
- Kenntnisse in Russisch oder einer Turksprache von Vorteil
Weitere Informationen beim DAAD-Informationszentrum Baku
Bewerbungsunterlagen an Frau Sorau,
DAAD, Referat 326, Postfach 20 04 04, 53134 Bonn
DAAD-Informationszentrum Baku /
DAAD Information Centre Baku
Azerbaycan Texniki Universiteti
H. Cavid Prospekti 25
AZ 1073 Baku
Tel.: (+994-12) 439 12 65 & 564 06 51
Sprechstunden: Mittwoch und Freitag 14.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Consultation hours: Wednesday and Friday 2 pm to 5 pm
BUCH: Die EU, Russland und Eurasien. Die Rückkehr der Geopolitik.
Lew Kopelew Forum Köln
Mittwoch, 30. April 2008, 19.00 Uhr: Politische Diskussion und
Die EU, Russland und Eurasien. Die Rückkehr der Geopolitik
Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag 2008
Die Buchvorstellung soll dazu anregen, eine Diskussion zu führen über die europäisch-russischen sowie die EU- Beziehungen zu den Ländern Osteuropas, des Kaukasus und Zentralasiens. Sämtliche zentralen Akteure der Großregion - die EU, Russland und die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) - befinden sich in einem labilen Zustand mit offener Perspektive. Frühere Grundpositionen müssen angesichts einschneidender Veränderungen im eurasischen Raum neu justiert werden.
Auf dem Podium referieren Herausgeber und Autoren:
Dr. Winfried Schneider-Deters, eh. Leiter des Büros der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Kiew
Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze, langjähriger Leiter der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Moskau
Dr. Heinz Timmermann, freier Mitarbeiter der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin, Köln
Moderation und Kommentar: Dr. Rolf Mützenich, Köln, MdB und Mitglied des Auswärtigen Ausschusses
UKB: 5,- EUR / 2,5 EUR LKF-Mitglieder, Schüler, Studenten und ALG-II-Empfänger
Lew Kopelew Forum e.V.
Neumarkt 18a, 50667 Köln, Neumarkt Passage
Tel.: 00492212576767, Fax: 00492212576768
Mittwoch, 30. April 2008, 19.00 Uhr: Politische Diskussion und
Die EU, Russland und Eurasien. Die Rückkehr der Geopolitik
Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag 2008
Die Buchvorstellung soll dazu anregen, eine Diskussion zu führen über die europäisch-russischen sowie die EU- Beziehungen zu den Ländern Osteuropas, des Kaukasus und Zentralasiens. Sämtliche zentralen Akteure der Großregion - die EU, Russland und die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) - befinden sich in einem labilen Zustand mit offener Perspektive. Frühere Grundpositionen müssen angesichts einschneidender Veränderungen im eurasischen Raum neu justiert werden.
Auf dem Podium referieren Herausgeber und Autoren:
Dr. Winfried Schneider-Deters, eh. Leiter des Büros der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Kiew
Prof. Dr. Peter W. Schulze, langjähriger Leiter der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Moskau
Dr. Heinz Timmermann, freier Mitarbeiter der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin, Köln
Moderation und Kommentar: Dr. Rolf Mützenich, Köln, MdB und Mitglied des Auswärtigen Ausschusses
UKB: 5,- EUR / 2,5 EUR LKF-Mitglieder, Schüler, Studenten und ALG-II-Empfänger
Lew Kopelew Forum e.V.
Neumarkt 18a, 50667 Köln, Neumarkt Passage
Tel.: 00492212576767, Fax: 00492212576768
Central Asia,
Lew Kopelew Forum,
JOB: ICG Caucasus Project Director
The International Crisis Group is looking for a Caucasus Project Director to be based in Tbilisi. We would like the person to have an extensive knowledge of Eurasia, at least seven years relevant experience, excellent English writing abilities, and knowledge of local languages or Russian. More information is available on our web site
If you know anyone who has these qualifications and might be interested in the post can you please forward this message to them or ask them to submit to me a motivation letter, CV and ideas for 1-2 future ICG reports, as soon as possible? Thank you very much for your assistance in filling this position. I hope that we will find an excellent director who will also serve as a valuable colleague in the field.
Sincere best wishes, Sabine
Dr. Sabine Freizer
Director, Europe Program
International Crisis Group
149 Avenue Louise - Level 24, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 2 536 0066; 0484 368 375 (m)
Crisisgroup email:
Crisis Group - the international conflict prevention organisation
Monday, April 28, 2008
PHOTOGRAPHY: Georgian Modell Nia. By Vaniko Goliadze
more: slideshow >>>
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 04-28-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. List of majoritarian MP candidates
2. Party lists for parliamentary elections
Republican Party
Christian-Democratic Alliance
nine-party opposition bloc
Christian-Democratic Party
Rightist Alliance–Topadze
3. MP says Burjanadze’s withdrawal new opportunity for opposition
4. As Burjanadze leaves election race, questions over ruling party’s fate
5. Nine-party bloc’s ad attacks Mze, Rustavi 2 TVs
6. Rustavi 2 TV suspends opposition boycott
7. Association of Regional Broadcasters expresses its concern about the approach towards private broadcasters
8. CoE delegation familiarized itself with the positions of the United Opposition and Rustavi 2 regarding the boycott
9. PACE monitors note low level public trust to electoral process
10. Two ways out for Georgia
11. Schizophrenia by design
12. Moscow is turning the mountains green
13. Stand up for Georgia
14. The dictators are back ... and we don’t care
15. Russian poll on NATO issues
16. The gymnast and the czar
17. Tbilisi promises not to give in at WTO talks with Russia
18. Russia urges PACE investigation of Zhvania's death
19. The moribund Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
20. Russian foreign minister interviewed on Abkhaz issue, ABM talks with USA
21. Georgian official accuses Russia of trying to renew war in Abkhazia
22. War of words increases between Moscow/Tbilisi
23. If they fly here again we'll respond in the same way
24. Russian threat violates international law
25. Russia threatens to use force to defend "compatriots" in Abkhazia
26. Tbilisi says Russia shifts policy re Georgia to "dangerous military dimension"
27. Tbilisi views Russian diplomat's statement as manifestation of aggressive plans
28. MFA warns of Russia’s ‘military aggression’
29. Tensions rise sharply over Abkhazia
30. Re-Action holds demonstration outside Russian embassy
31. Georgia urges international reaction to Russia's "military aggression"
32. Georgian official says Russia interested in hostilities in Abkhazia
33. Georgia to issue arrest warrants for Russian businessmen investing in Abkhazia
34. Georgia's certainty of its sovereignty is "wishful thinking"
35. Estonia's support to Georgia is considerable
36. video: Abkhazian monks pray for unity and peace
37. Peacekeepers escort aid convoy to distant S. Ossetian villages
38. South Ossetian journalists pleased they summoned the courage to attend Tbilisi news writing workshop.
39. An NGO looks for political prisoners
40. Georgian opposition urges president not to complicate relations with Russia
41. Politicians are going back to school
42. Nazi Aronia to become an ambassador
43. First Georgian hotels
44. Georgian business climate looks volatile
45. Economic Minister holds meetings in Kazakhstan
46. Kazakh, Georgian officials discuss oil transportation
47. We will not allow anyone to privatize the hippodrome!
48. Caucasus construction boom
49. Snubbing Georgian foods
50. World HealthCare Organization official meets with Georgian minister
51. Soup kitchen keeps impoverished rural residents going, as they hope for more local jobs
52. What’s in them thar hills
53. Diary of a foreign freelancer: Phone games
54. Project fosters growth of civil society in a notoriously complex region
55. Ministry of culture plans to support Georgian literature
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. List of majoritarian MP candidates
2. Party lists for parliamentary elections
Republican Party
Christian-Democratic Alliance
nine-party opposition bloc
Christian-Democratic Party
Rightist Alliance–Topadze
3. MP says Burjanadze’s withdrawal new opportunity for opposition
4. As Burjanadze leaves election race, questions over ruling party’s fate
5. Nine-party bloc’s ad attacks Mze, Rustavi 2 TVs
6. Rustavi 2 TV suspends opposition boycott
7. Association of Regional Broadcasters expresses its concern about the approach towards private broadcasters
8. CoE delegation familiarized itself with the positions of the United Opposition and Rustavi 2 regarding the boycott
9. PACE monitors note low level public trust to electoral process
10. Two ways out for Georgia
11. Schizophrenia by design
12. Moscow is turning the mountains green
13. Stand up for Georgia
14. The dictators are back ... and we don’t care
15. Russian poll on NATO issues
16. The gymnast and the czar
17. Tbilisi promises not to give in at WTO talks with Russia
18. Russia urges PACE investigation of Zhvania's death
19. The moribund Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
20. Russian foreign minister interviewed on Abkhaz issue, ABM talks with USA
21. Georgian official accuses Russia of trying to renew war in Abkhazia
22. War of words increases between Moscow/Tbilisi
23. If they fly here again we'll respond in the same way
24. Russian threat violates international law
25. Russia threatens to use force to defend "compatriots" in Abkhazia
26. Tbilisi says Russia shifts policy re Georgia to "dangerous military dimension"
27. Tbilisi views Russian diplomat's statement as manifestation of aggressive plans
28. MFA warns of Russia’s ‘military aggression’
29. Tensions rise sharply over Abkhazia
30. Re-Action holds demonstration outside Russian embassy
31. Georgia urges international reaction to Russia's "military aggression"
32. Georgian official says Russia interested in hostilities in Abkhazia
33. Georgia to issue arrest warrants for Russian businessmen investing in Abkhazia
34. Georgia's certainty of its sovereignty is "wishful thinking"
35. Estonia's support to Georgia is considerable
36. video: Abkhazian monks pray for unity and peace
37. Peacekeepers escort aid convoy to distant S. Ossetian villages
38. South Ossetian journalists pleased they summoned the courage to attend Tbilisi news writing workshop.
39. An NGO looks for political prisoners
40. Georgian opposition urges president not to complicate relations with Russia
41. Politicians are going back to school
42. Nazi Aronia to become an ambassador
43. First Georgian hotels
44. Georgian business climate looks volatile
45. Economic Minister holds meetings in Kazakhstan
46. Kazakh, Georgian officials discuss oil transportation
47. We will not allow anyone to privatize the hippodrome!
48. Caucasus construction boom
49. Snubbing Georgian foods
50. World HealthCare Organization official meets with Georgian minister
51. Soup kitchen keeps impoverished rural residents going, as they hope for more local jobs
52. What’s in them thar hills
53. Diary of a foreign freelancer: Phone games
54. Project fosters growth of civil society in a notoriously complex region
55. Ministry of culture plans to support Georgian literature
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Sunday, April 27, 2008
CONCERT: sTia Live - NightOffice, 1st of May, 10pm
Piano - Tinantin Kiknadze
Flute - Giorgi Mamnishvili
Violin 1 - Koka Nikoladze
Violin 2 - Salome Bukia
Viola - Gigi Oqropiridze
Cello - Nika Shamukia
Vocals - Nino Glonti, Koka Nikoladze
Visuals - Koka Ramishvili
Electronic Sounds, Conducter - sTia (Natia Sartania-Kituashvili)
Music by sTia
after party with dj Gio Baqanidze
Tickets for sale @ Meidan Palace, Leselidze street
price: 30GEL
more links:
Natia Sartania-Kituashvili,
STUDIES: Georgia, Russia in public relations battle
The shootdown of a drone off the coast of Abkhazia has sparked a war of words between Georgia and Russia, writes Richard Weitz for EurasiaNet.
By Richard Weitz for EurasiaNet (25/04/08)
Georgian officials are scoring points in the court of public opinion, as the spat between Georgia and Russia over the downing of a drone reconnaissance plane escalates into a broader, more philosophical discussion over the sovereignty of nations.
Georgia and Russia have traded accusations of skullduggery and nefarious intentions since the 20April downing of an unmanned Georgian reconnaissance plane off the coast of the separatist territory of Abkhazia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. On 23April, following a closed-door session of the United Nations Security Council, Georgia appeared to have gained the upper hand in the PR battle. After the session, which featured a debate on the drone shoot-down, four leading western countries issued a statement critical of Russia's recent behavior. The statement expressed specific concern over Russian leader Vladimir Putin's April 16 order enabling an expansion of commercial and political contacts between Russia and Abkhazia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. "We call on the Russian Federation to revoke or not to implement its decision," said the statement, issued by the United States, Britain, France and Germany.
Russian officials, having lost the round at the UN Security Council, effectively told the Western allies that they were dreaming if they thought Moscow would back down. "This is not something which is going to happen," Vitaly Churkin, Russia's envoy to the UN, said in reference to the statement.
Georgian officials, meanwhile, are intent on focusing international attention on the broader geopolitical picture in the Caucasus, believing that doing so will boost Tbilisi's efforts to gain membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Top Georgian leaders in recent days have been asserting that the shoot-down incident is part of a pattern of aggressive and expansionist behavior on Russia's part. Ultimately, Tbilisi hopes that if it can convince the West that Russia is an inveterate bully, then French and German resistance to Georgian membership in NATO will recede, if not evaporate.
Georgian Foreign Minister David Bakradze gave a detailed overview of recent Russian moves in Abkhazia - from Tbilisi's perspective - during an appearance 22 April at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. Russian behavior has "very much intensified the process of de-facto control over Georgian territories," Bakradze said. The Georgian foreign minister condemned Putin's 16 April edict, saying it represented "a very big step forward towards the practical absorption of this space into Russian legal system."
Bakradze also voiced concern about Russia's renunciation of its commitment to uphold the 1996 decision of the Commonwealth of Independent States not to deal directly with the separatist regime in Abkhazia without the approval of the central government in Tbilisi. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. By unilaterally withdrawing from the agreement, the Russians have "freed up their hands for their possible increased military presence in Abkhazia and that is a very, very, dangerous development," Bakradze said.
Bakradze said that developments related to NATO and Kosovo help explain Russia's actions in the Caucasus. At NATO's Bucharest summit in early April, Georgia saw its hopes for obtaining a Membership Action Plan (MAP) frustrated. Experts attributed the reluctance of France, Germany and other European members to give Georgia a MAP to a determined Russian PR offensive. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].
To placate Georgian leaders, NATO issued a statement essentially assuring that Georgia and Ukraine would become NATO members, without setting any timetable for accession. NATO also said that it would revisit the MAP issue in December. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. In Washington, Bakradze characterized the statement as a "compromise between supporters and skeptics" of Georgia's and Ukraine's membership bids. The problem with the Bucharest statement, according to Bakradze, is that it left Georgia in a "kind of grey zone" until at least December, which "worries us" since "people in Moscow" believe they have only a few months to try to frighten the Europeans into blocking Georgia's near-term MAP aspirations. "So from that viewpoint, we are now in the increased risk area, and I think one of the reasons of more active and more aggressive [Russian] policies is exactly the fact that this is the window of opportunity: to blow up Georgia in order not to make MAP in December possible."
Bakradze also believes that the circumstances surrounding Kosovo's declaration of independence have heavily influenced Russian behavior toward Georgia. In particular, "people in Moscow think that after Kosovo they obtained a kind of moral high ground, vis-à-vis United States, and vis-à-vis European Union, because of the way Kosovo was recognized." [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Moscow now feels more comfortable supporting separatists in Georgia's breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Another speaker at the SAIS forum, Matthew Bryza, the US deputy assistant secretary of state for Caucasus and Southeastern Europe, called the current crisis a "test" for all parties involved in the Abkhazia peace process. "It's a test for the international community," Bryza said. "It's a test for my government as one of the members of the 'friends' process on Abkhazia. It's a test for me personally as the US mediator."
The US government seeks "to do everything possible first and foremost to help Georgia restore its territorial integrity" through "a peaceful process to negotiate a compromise political settlement in Abkhazia as well as South Ossetia," Bryza continued.
He called recent Russian policy disappointing since, although Moscow formally recognizes Tbilisi's sovereignty over the two regions, the Kremlin has taken actions that seem to call that recognition into question. "So it's extremely serious when any steps are undertaken that seem to work against [...] that stated policy," Bryza said.
The existing peace process for Abkhazia and South Ossetia is not working, Bryza suggested, adding that participants have become bogged down in various details without ever "being able to get to a real discussion of the political settlement." The international community had yet to decide, for example, how internally displaced people might safely return to their former homes and how to prevent the inappropriate sale of their property until their return. In the past, Bryza and other US officials had urged the Georgian government not to try to change the format of the negotiations, but "now we're getting to a point where it doesn't seem like this friends process is making headway. And in fact is going a bit background. So we need to rejuvenate that process."
Richard Weitz is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC.
EurasiaNet provides information and analysis about political, economic, environmental, and social developments in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as in Russia, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. The website presents a variety of perspectives on contemporary developments, utilizing a network of correspondents based both in the West and in the region. The aim of EurasiaNet is to promote informed decision making among policy makers, as well as broadening interest in the region among the general public. EurasiaNet is operated by the Central Eurasia Project of the Open Society Institute.
In Georgia, Political Views Are Often Best Said in Song
Georgian politics has never been short on drama. But with less than a month to go before the country’s parliamentary elections, politicians are hoping that that the glitterati of Georgia’s music world can help them attract votes.
Georgia: Gaining the Upper Hand in the PR Battle With Russia
Georgian officials are scoring points in the court of public opinion, as the spat between Georgia and Russia over the downing of a drone reconnaissance plane escalates into a broader, more philosophical discussion over the sovereignty of nations.
By Richard Weitz for EurasiaNet (25/04/08)
Georgian officials are scoring points in the court of public opinion, as the spat between Georgia and Russia over the downing of a drone reconnaissance plane escalates into a broader, more philosophical discussion over the sovereignty of nations.
Georgia and Russia have traded accusations of skullduggery and nefarious intentions since the 20April downing of an unmanned Georgian reconnaissance plane off the coast of the separatist territory of Abkhazia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. On 23April, following a closed-door session of the United Nations Security Council, Georgia appeared to have gained the upper hand in the PR battle. After the session, which featured a debate on the drone shoot-down, four leading western countries issued a statement critical of Russia's recent behavior. The statement expressed specific concern over Russian leader Vladimir Putin's April 16 order enabling an expansion of commercial and political contacts between Russia and Abkhazia. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. "We call on the Russian Federation to revoke or not to implement its decision," said the statement, issued by the United States, Britain, France and Germany.
Russian officials, having lost the round at the UN Security Council, effectively told the Western allies that they were dreaming if they thought Moscow would back down. "This is not something which is going to happen," Vitaly Churkin, Russia's envoy to the UN, said in reference to the statement.
Georgian officials, meanwhile, are intent on focusing international attention on the broader geopolitical picture in the Caucasus, believing that doing so will boost Tbilisi's efforts to gain membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Top Georgian leaders in recent days have been asserting that the shoot-down incident is part of a pattern of aggressive and expansionist behavior on Russia's part. Ultimately, Tbilisi hopes that if it can convince the West that Russia is an inveterate bully, then French and German resistance to Georgian membership in NATO will recede, if not evaporate.
Georgian Foreign Minister David Bakradze gave a detailed overview of recent Russian moves in Abkhazia - from Tbilisi's perspective - during an appearance 22 April at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. Russian behavior has "very much intensified the process of de-facto control over Georgian territories," Bakradze said. The Georgian foreign minister condemned Putin's 16 April edict, saying it represented "a very big step forward towards the practical absorption of this space into Russian legal system."
Bakradze also voiced concern about Russia's renunciation of its commitment to uphold the 1996 decision of the Commonwealth of Independent States not to deal directly with the separatist regime in Abkhazia without the approval of the central government in Tbilisi. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. By unilaterally withdrawing from the agreement, the Russians have "freed up their hands for their possible increased military presence in Abkhazia and that is a very, very, dangerous development," Bakradze said.
Bakradze said that developments related to NATO and Kosovo help explain Russia's actions in the Caucasus. At NATO's Bucharest summit in early April, Georgia saw its hopes for obtaining a Membership Action Plan (MAP) frustrated. Experts attributed the reluctance of France, Germany and other European members to give Georgia a MAP to a determined Russian PR offensive. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].
To placate Georgian leaders, NATO issued a statement essentially assuring that Georgia and Ukraine would become NATO members, without setting any timetable for accession. NATO also said that it would revisit the MAP issue in December. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. In Washington, Bakradze characterized the statement as a "compromise between supporters and skeptics" of Georgia's and Ukraine's membership bids. The problem with the Bucharest statement, according to Bakradze, is that it left Georgia in a "kind of grey zone" until at least December, which "worries us" since "people in Moscow" believe they have only a few months to try to frighten the Europeans into blocking Georgia's near-term MAP aspirations. "So from that viewpoint, we are now in the increased risk area, and I think one of the reasons of more active and more aggressive [Russian] policies is exactly the fact that this is the window of opportunity: to blow up Georgia in order not to make MAP in December possible."
Bakradze also believes that the circumstances surrounding Kosovo's declaration of independence have heavily influenced Russian behavior toward Georgia. In particular, "people in Moscow think that after Kosovo they obtained a kind of moral high ground, vis-à-vis United States, and vis-à-vis European Union, because of the way Kosovo was recognized." [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Moscow now feels more comfortable supporting separatists in Georgia's breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Another speaker at the SAIS forum, Matthew Bryza, the US deputy assistant secretary of state for Caucasus and Southeastern Europe, called the current crisis a "test" for all parties involved in the Abkhazia peace process. "It's a test for the international community," Bryza said. "It's a test for my government as one of the members of the 'friends' process on Abkhazia. It's a test for me personally as the US mediator."
The US government seeks "to do everything possible first and foremost to help Georgia restore its territorial integrity" through "a peaceful process to negotiate a compromise political settlement in Abkhazia as well as South Ossetia," Bryza continued.
He called recent Russian policy disappointing since, although Moscow formally recognizes Tbilisi's sovereignty over the two regions, the Kremlin has taken actions that seem to call that recognition into question. "So it's extremely serious when any steps are undertaken that seem to work against [...] that stated policy," Bryza said.
The existing peace process for Abkhazia and South Ossetia is not working, Bryza suggested, adding that participants have become bogged down in various details without ever "being able to get to a real discussion of the political settlement." The international community had yet to decide, for example, how internally displaced people might safely return to their former homes and how to prevent the inappropriate sale of their property until their return. In the past, Bryza and other US officials had urged the Georgian government not to try to change the format of the negotiations, but "now we're getting to a point where it doesn't seem like this friends process is making headway. And in fact is going a bit background. So we need to rejuvenate that process."
Richard Weitz is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC.
EurasiaNet provides information and analysis about political, economic, environmental, and social developments in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as in Russia, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. The website presents a variety of perspectives on contemporary developments, utilizing a network of correspondents based both in the West and in the region. The aim of EurasiaNet is to promote informed decision making among policy makers, as well as broadening interest in the region among the general public. EurasiaNet is operated by the Central Eurasia Project of the Open Society Institute.
In Georgia, Political Views Are Often Best Said in Song
Georgian politics has never been short on drama. But with less than a month to go before the country’s parliamentary elections, politicians are hoping that that the glitterati of Georgia’s music world can help them attract votes.
Georgia: Gaining the Upper Hand in the PR Battle With Russia
Georgian officials are scoring points in the court of public opinion, as the spat between Georgia and Russia over the downing of a drone reconnaissance plane escalates into a broader, more philosophical discussion over the sovereignty of nations.
Molly Corso,
Richard Weitz,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 04-26-08--special national security edition
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Georgia on his mind
2. Robert Simons meets with officials, opposition
3. Moscow discourages Tbilisi from counting on NATO in dealing with Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
4. Russia says Georgia NATO bid will not solve regional problems
5. Georgia steps up its diplomatic push for NATO membership
6. Joint mission of Polish and Lithuanian presidents
7. Georgia wants speedy accession to NATO air space control programs
8. Georgia's NATO prospects depend on how it holds parliamentary elections
9. NATO questions Russia's ability to mediate in Georgian conflicts
10. NATO envoy's remarks on Russia's mediation in Georgia irresponsible – diplomat
11. Abkhazia disappointed over results of UNSC meeting on air incident
12. Lavrov calls on Georgia, OSCE to honestly probe incident with Georgian drone
13. Moscow downplays UN Security Council meeting on Georgia
14. Separatist ministry blames UN for "indulging Georgia's aggressive actions"
15. Moscow waits for Western reaction to Georgian flights in Abkhaz skies-Lavrov
16. Who shot the Georgian plane down?
17. Georgia-Russia spy plane row prompts OSCE mission
18. CoE envoys holding consultations
19. German Foreign Minister: Berlin committed to Georgia's territorial integrity
20. State Minister holds meetings in France
21. Lithuanian-Polish presidential consultative committee support Georgia’s territorial integrity
22. Joint mission of Polish and Lithuanian presidents
23. Russian, Finnish FMs discuss situation in Georgia in Moscow
24. Russia should not be allowed to threaten territorial integrity of Georgia - ex-US State Sec. Albright
25. EU and US appeal for Russian composure
26. Separatists appreciate Putin for backing
27. Russian threat to Georgia over separatists
28. Russia to use military methods in case of armed conflict in Abkhazia, S-Ossetia
29. Kosovo precedent complicates situation in Abkhazia, S-Ossetia – diplomat
30. Russia threatens to use force to defend "compatriots" in Abkhazia, South Ossetia
31. Western objections fail to influence Russia on Abkhazia, S. Ossetia move
32. We cannot permit violence or disloyalty
33. Russia sounds warning to Georgia over breakaway regions
34. Russia says ready to use force in Georgia regions
35. video: No crisis in Russo-Georgian relations:
36. Tremors in the South Caucasus
37. Moscow not sure US actions are positive in Georgian conflicts' settlement
38. Georgia urges Western backing in territory row
39. Russia may be seeking ‘joint state’ of Abkhazia-Georgia
40. Georgia demands coordination of Russian investments in Abkhazia
41. Abkhaz parliament regrets negative reaction to Moscow initiatives
42. Sokhumi slams western stance
43. Russia fears soonest beginning of military campaign in Abkhazia
44. Parliamentarian, Interior Ministry deny plans to launch military operation in Abkhazia
45. Russian military action in Abkhazia possible
46. Saakashvili wants peacekeepers out
47. Georgia increasing military presence near Abkhaz border – official
48. State of emergency in Abkhazia
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Georgia on his mind
2. Robert Simons meets with officials, opposition
3. Moscow discourages Tbilisi from counting on NATO in dealing with Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
4. Russia says Georgia NATO bid will not solve regional problems
5. Georgia steps up its diplomatic push for NATO membership
6. Joint mission of Polish and Lithuanian presidents
7. Georgia wants speedy accession to NATO air space control programs
8. Georgia's NATO prospects depend on how it holds parliamentary elections
9. NATO questions Russia's ability to mediate in Georgian conflicts
10. NATO envoy's remarks on Russia's mediation in Georgia irresponsible – diplomat
11. Abkhazia disappointed over results of UNSC meeting on air incident
12. Lavrov calls on Georgia, OSCE to honestly probe incident with Georgian drone
13. Moscow downplays UN Security Council meeting on Georgia
14. Separatist ministry blames UN for "indulging Georgia's aggressive actions"
15. Moscow waits for Western reaction to Georgian flights in Abkhaz skies-Lavrov
16. Who shot the Georgian plane down?
17. Georgia-Russia spy plane row prompts OSCE mission
18. CoE envoys holding consultations
19. German Foreign Minister: Berlin committed to Georgia's territorial integrity
20. State Minister holds meetings in France
21. Lithuanian-Polish presidential consultative committee support Georgia’s territorial integrity
22. Joint mission of Polish and Lithuanian presidents
23. Russian, Finnish FMs discuss situation in Georgia in Moscow
24. Russia should not be allowed to threaten territorial integrity of Georgia - ex-US State Sec. Albright
25. EU and US appeal for Russian composure
26. Separatists appreciate Putin for backing
27. Russian threat to Georgia over separatists
28. Russia to use military methods in case of armed conflict in Abkhazia, S-Ossetia
29. Kosovo precedent complicates situation in Abkhazia, S-Ossetia – diplomat
30. Russia threatens to use force to defend "compatriots" in Abkhazia, South Ossetia
31. Western objections fail to influence Russia on Abkhazia, S. Ossetia move
32. We cannot permit violence or disloyalty
33. Russia sounds warning to Georgia over breakaway regions
34. Russia says ready to use force in Georgia regions
35. video: No crisis in Russo-Georgian relations:
36. Tremors in the South Caucasus
37. Moscow not sure US actions are positive in Georgian conflicts' settlement
38. Georgia urges Western backing in territory row
39. Russia may be seeking ‘joint state’ of Abkhazia-Georgia
40. Georgia demands coordination of Russian investments in Abkhazia
41. Abkhaz parliament regrets negative reaction to Moscow initiatives
42. Sokhumi slams western stance
43. Russia fears soonest beginning of military campaign in Abkhazia
44. Parliamentarian, Interior Ministry deny plans to launch military operation in Abkhazia
45. Russian military action in Abkhazia possible
46. Saakashvili wants peacekeepers out
47. Georgia increasing military presence near Abkhaz border – official
48. State of emergency in Abkhazia
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
ART: tbilisiDEEPART magazine3 (with Magda Guruli)
tbilisiDEEPARTmagazine, an art transport project by patricia london ante paris
subscribe now at
I this magazin you can find some aspects about transfers a car from west to the caucasian area and from there to the Iran ....
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tbilisiDEEPART magazine3 >>>
with Magda Guruli (writer & curator)
subscribe now at
I this magazin you can find some aspects about transfers a car from west to the caucasian area and from there to the Iran ....
Otherwise you can read something about the writer and curator Magda Guruli ...
tbilisiDEEPART magazine3 >>>
with Magda Guruli (writer & curator)
PAPER: “Central Caucasasia” Instead of “Central Eurasia”
By Vladimer Papava, Central Asia and the Caucasus, 2(50):31-42, 2008
The Soviet Union’s disintegration not only gave rise to new independent states, a process of historic importance, it also began their integration into new geopolitical areas. Their geographic outlines visible under Soviet power were confirmed by the Soviet Union’s economic structure. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia together were called “Pribaltika;” Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia were known as the Trans-Caucasus while Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan together formed “Sredniaia Azia” (Middle Asia). There were also corresponding economic regions of the U.S.S.R. In some cases, Kazakhstan was viewed as part of “Sredniaia Azia,” but it was normal practice to discuss the Kazakh economic region separately because of its relatively large size. It comes as no surprise that the independence and sovereignty of these states raised the question of finding new names for these geopolitical areas to emphasize their newly acquired independence from Moscow. In fact, certain publications (mainly by Russian authors) are still using the names inherited from imperial times.1 Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have deemed it necessary to drop the term “Pribaltika” as a “Soviet holdover” in favor of the current “Baltic countries.” Today, the terms “Southern Caucasus” and “Central Asia” (which includes Kazakhstan) have essentially ousted the old terms “Trans-Caucasus” and “Sredniaia Azia” (Middle Asia). Recently the relatively new geopolitical term “Central Eurasia” had been gaining currency. It is normally applied to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, which are treated as a single geopolitical area. I am convinced that this is not completely correct from the geopolitical viewpoint since it still reflects the Russian idea of this geopolitical expanse. Here I have posed myself the task of revising some of the issues related to the region’s geopolitical content from the position of a descriptive approach, that is, irrespective of the aims the world or regional powers are pursuing there.
The Soviet Union’s disintegration not only gave rise to new independent states, a process of historic importance, it also began their integration into new geopolitical areas. Their geographic outlines visible under Soviet power were confirmed by the Soviet Union’s economic structure. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia together were called “Pribaltika;” Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia were known as the Trans-Caucasus while Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan together formed “Sredniaia Azia” (Middle Asia). There were also corresponding economic regions of the U.S.S.R. In some cases, Kazakhstan was viewed as part of “Sredniaia Azia,” but it was normal practice to discuss the Kazakh economic region separately because of its relatively large size. It comes as no surprise that the independence and sovereignty of these states raised the question of finding new names for these geopolitical areas to emphasize their newly acquired independence from Moscow. In fact, certain publications (mainly by Russian authors) are still using the names inherited from imperial times.1 Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have deemed it necessary to drop the term “Pribaltika” as a “Soviet holdover” in favor of the current “Baltic countries.” Today, the terms “Southern Caucasus” and “Central Asia” (which includes Kazakhstan) have essentially ousted the old terms “Trans-Caucasus” and “Sredniaia Azia” (Middle Asia). Recently the relatively new geopolitical term “Central Eurasia” had been gaining currency. It is normally applied to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, which are treated as a single geopolitical area. I am convinced that this is not completely correct from the geopolitical viewpoint since it still reflects the Russian idea of this geopolitical expanse. Here I have posed myself the task of revising some of the issues related to the region’s geopolitical content from the position of a descriptive approach, that is, irrespective of the aims the world or regional powers are pursuing there.
Central Asia,
Vladimer Papava
Friday, April 25, 2008
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 04-25-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Georgian opposition suspects Saakashvili of wish to thwart election
2. The National Movement without Nino Burjanadze
3. Four ministers resign to run for parliament
4. We demand the National Movement be banned from the election campaign!
5. Koba Subeliani thanks president
6. CEC response to ruling party list submission controversy
7. Opposition responds to Saakashvili’s call for cooperation
8. Opposition do not welcome discussions with Mikhail Saakashvili
9. Opposition parties turn down president's dialogue offer
10. No Russian plane flew to N Caucasus on April 20
11. Unmanned aerial vehicles become more sophisticated
12. Georgia says it provided radar data on downed plane to Russia
13. Georgia fails to convince UN over drone row with Russia
14. Georgia fails to convince UN SC in aircraft incident
15. Discussion of Georgian spy plane incident at UN Security Council was constructive
16. Estonia prepared to participate in investigation of Georgian aviation incident
17. UN Security Council wrong floor to settle Georgia's problems
18. Russian decisions in relation to Abkhazia, South Ossetia are in legal field
19. Dispute with Moscow escalates over breakaway regions
20. Western opinion will not change Russian decision on Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
21. Conflicts in the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
22. Russia must pursue sovereign policy re Abkhazia, S Ossetia
23. Russia dismisses western call to revoke Abkhaz, S. Ossetia move
24. Russia heats up frozen conflict
25. Forthcoming elections in Georgia hinder relations with Russia
26. Gaining the upper hand in the PR battle with Russia
27. Russia offers Georgia a stick and a carrot
28. Minister upbeat about row with Russia after meeting Rice
29. Georgia upbeat on "restoration of integrity" after UN communiqué
30. Georgia describes Russia's actions as "armed aggression"
31. Russian peacekeepers must go
32. Abkhazia could stop dialogue with intl mediators for their pro-Georgian position
33. War in Georgian Abkhaz conflict zone can start any time
34. Russian MP says NATO paving way for possible Georgian attack on Abkhazia
35. Georgian pundit warns against starting 'ruinous' armed conflict in Abkhazia
36. Saakashvili’s statement on Russian peacekeeping forces
37. Russia accused of 'creeping annexation'
38. Georgia lost Abkhazia forever
39. Russia for Abkhazia being able to state its views to UN SC
40. Separatists threaten to halt dialogue with "pro-Georgian" west
41. Sukhumi calls biased stance of Group of Friends of Georgia
42. Czechs turned off electricity to Russian peacekeeping forces
43. International leaders increasingly urge Russia to revoke its decisions, respect Georgia’s sovereignty
44. US officials questioned on NATO, Russia-Georgia tensions
45. U.S. presidential hopefuls condemn Russian moves
46. Inconvenient truths about John McCain [excerpt]
47. Statement of Senator Obama on Georgia's territorial integrity and sovereignty
48. Polish diplomacy emerging from communism [excerpt]
49. Slovak Foreign Minister: Russia’s move risks increasing tension
50. Statement by Germany, France, Britain, U.S. on Russia's Georgia move
51. Gratitude to UK, US, France and Germany for support
52. Statement of the Riigikoguin support of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia
53. Eastern solidarity
54. NATO condemns Russia’s "provocative acts" against Georgia
55. NATO special envoy arrive in Georgia
56. Russia calls statements by NATO envoy on "irresponsible"
57. Members of internet forum to rally outside Russian embassy
58. France grants political asylum to ex-Saakashvili ally
59. Saakashvili's former right-hand man gets political asylum
60. Ex-minister wins political asylum in France
61. Activists released after paying fine
62. The person having threatened a journalist was set bail
63. Tbilisi prosecutor involved in blatant violation of election law
64. Lawyers against legislation amendments
65. Dissident lawyer detained on drug charges
66. Maestro sued Georgian National Communications Commission
67. Central Elections Commission (CEC) published first week results of pre-electoral monitoring
68. Telavi administrative board newspaper penalized with 1 500 GEL
69. Ombudsman meets with US State Department representatives in Georgia
70. Western secret services plotted Chechnya’s separation
71. Visa changes leave religious communities in limbo [excerpt]
72. The government approved extra four projects under the program of cheap credits
73. Decision made on privatisation of Tbilisi, Rustavi and Mtskheta water supply companies
74. Georgian mineral water sales
75. MEP proposes Eastern European Union
76. I think price of Azerbaijani gas will rise significantly
77. Azerbaijan likely to resume gas supplies to Georgia
78. Adjara, tourism, and foreign investment
79. Estonia, Georgia start talks to open air link
80. Residential house that turned into “asylum”
81. Kindergarten nurses petition Georgian President and Ministry of Education
82. A step backwards: Judge Konstantine Kublashvili’s order?
83. Political motivated spike in murder rate in East Georgia
84. Short supply of president’s tractors and fuel vouchers
85. Skinny hunger-striking lawyer arrested
86. Opposition complains about “unequal conditions” in Gori
87. Doctors vs. medical monopoly
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Georgian opposition suspects Saakashvili of wish to thwart election
2. The National Movement without Nino Burjanadze
3. Four ministers resign to run for parliament
4. We demand the National Movement be banned from the election campaign!
5. Koba Subeliani thanks president
6. CEC response to ruling party list submission controversy
7. Opposition responds to Saakashvili’s call for cooperation
8. Opposition do not welcome discussions with Mikhail Saakashvili
9. Opposition parties turn down president's dialogue offer
10. No Russian plane flew to N Caucasus on April 20
11. Unmanned aerial vehicles become more sophisticated
12. Georgia says it provided radar data on downed plane to Russia
13. Georgia fails to convince UN over drone row with Russia
14. Georgia fails to convince UN SC in aircraft incident
15. Discussion of Georgian spy plane incident at UN Security Council was constructive
16. Estonia prepared to participate in investigation of Georgian aviation incident
17. UN Security Council wrong floor to settle Georgia's problems
18. Russian decisions in relation to Abkhazia, South Ossetia are in legal field
19. Dispute with Moscow escalates over breakaway regions
20. Western opinion will not change Russian decision on Abkhazia, S. Ossetia
21. Conflicts in the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
22. Russia must pursue sovereign policy re Abkhazia, S Ossetia
23. Russia dismisses western call to revoke Abkhaz, S. Ossetia move
24. Russia heats up frozen conflict
25. Forthcoming elections in Georgia hinder relations with Russia
26. Gaining the upper hand in the PR battle with Russia
27. Russia offers Georgia a stick and a carrot
28. Minister upbeat about row with Russia after meeting Rice
29. Georgia upbeat on "restoration of integrity" after UN communiqué
30. Georgia describes Russia's actions as "armed aggression"
31. Russian peacekeepers must go
32. Abkhazia could stop dialogue with intl mediators for their pro-Georgian position
33. War in Georgian Abkhaz conflict zone can start any time
34. Russian MP says NATO paving way for possible Georgian attack on Abkhazia
35. Georgian pundit warns against starting 'ruinous' armed conflict in Abkhazia
36. Saakashvili’s statement on Russian peacekeeping forces
37. Russia accused of 'creeping annexation'
38. Georgia lost Abkhazia forever
39. Russia for Abkhazia being able to state its views to UN SC
40. Separatists threaten to halt dialogue with "pro-Georgian" west
41. Sukhumi calls biased stance of Group of Friends of Georgia
42. Czechs turned off electricity to Russian peacekeeping forces
43. International leaders increasingly urge Russia to revoke its decisions, respect Georgia’s sovereignty
44. US officials questioned on NATO, Russia-Georgia tensions
45. U.S. presidential hopefuls condemn Russian moves
46. Inconvenient truths about John McCain [excerpt]
47. Statement of Senator Obama on Georgia's territorial integrity and sovereignty
48. Polish diplomacy emerging from communism [excerpt]
49. Slovak Foreign Minister: Russia’s move risks increasing tension
50. Statement by Germany, France, Britain, U.S. on Russia's Georgia move
51. Gratitude to UK, US, France and Germany for support
52. Statement of the Riigikoguin support of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia
53. Eastern solidarity
54. NATO condemns Russia’s "provocative acts" against Georgia
55. NATO special envoy arrive in Georgia
56. Russia calls statements by NATO envoy on "irresponsible"
57. Members of internet forum to rally outside Russian embassy
58. France grants political asylum to ex-Saakashvili ally
59. Saakashvili's former right-hand man gets political asylum
60. Ex-minister wins political asylum in France
61. Activists released after paying fine
62. The person having threatened a journalist was set bail
63. Tbilisi prosecutor involved in blatant violation of election law
64. Lawyers against legislation amendments
65. Dissident lawyer detained on drug charges
66. Maestro sued Georgian National Communications Commission
67. Central Elections Commission (CEC) published first week results of pre-electoral monitoring
68. Telavi administrative board newspaper penalized with 1 500 GEL
69. Ombudsman meets with US State Department representatives in Georgia
70. Western secret services plotted Chechnya’s separation
71. Visa changes leave religious communities in limbo [excerpt]
72. The government approved extra four projects under the program of cheap credits
73. Decision made on privatisation of Tbilisi, Rustavi and Mtskheta water supply companies
74. Georgian mineral water sales
75. MEP proposes Eastern European Union
76. I think price of Azerbaijani gas will rise significantly
77. Azerbaijan likely to resume gas supplies to Georgia
78. Adjara, tourism, and foreign investment
79. Estonia, Georgia start talks to open air link
80. Residential house that turned into “asylum”
81. Kindergarten nurses petition Georgian President and Ministry of Education
82. A step backwards: Judge Konstantine Kublashvili’s order?
83. Political motivated spike in murder rate in East Georgia
84. Short supply of president’s tractors and fuel vouchers
85. Skinny hunger-striking lawyer arrested
86. Opposition complains about “unequal conditions” in Gori
87. Doctors vs. medical monopoly
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
PHOTOGRAPHY: Portraits And Another Photos From Georgia By Donovan Driver
Photo: 24. März 2008 von Donovan Driver, more Portraits (Album)
Georgia 10 galleries with 724 photos
Donovan Driver,
PRESSE: Deutschsprachige Zeitungen über die Anspannungen zwischen Georgien und Russland bezüglich der seperatistischen Regionen.
Konflikt mit Georgien: Warnung an Moskau - 24. Apr. 2008
Georgien wirft Russland vor, vergangenen Sonntag ein unbemanntes georgisches Aufklärungsflugzeug über Abchasien abgeschossen zu haben. ...
Georgien und Russland im Wortkrieg NZZ Online
Georgien will wegen Abschuss seiner Drohne mit Moskau ... RIA Novosti
US-Außenministerium besorgt über aktuelle Lage um Georgien Georgien Nachrichten
Separatisten wittern Morgenluft n-tv - vor 23 Stunden gefundenRussland weitet seine Beziehungen auf politischem und wirtschaftlichem Gebiet zu den beiden völkerrechtlich zu Georgien gehören autonomen Republiken aus, ...
Vier UN-Staaten gegen russische Georgien-Politik
UN-Treffen zum Konflikt zwischen Russland und Georgien AFP
Warnung an Russland wegen Verletzung der Souveränität Georgiens NZZ Online
Georgien: Westen verstärkt diplomatischen Druck auf Moskau Die Presse - vor 22 Stunden gefunden
Das angespannte Verhältnis zwischen Russland und Georgien sorgt im Westen weiter für Beunruhigung.
USA unterstützen Georgien im Konflikt mit Russland Die Presse - 23. Apr. 2008US-Außenministerin Rice hat Georgien erneut versichert, dass es im Disput mit Russland um abtrünnigen Gebiete Abchasien und Südossetien volle amerikanische ...
Westen besorgt über Konflikt zwischen Moskau und Tiflis Basler Zeitung
Neuer Zündstoff zwischen Tiflis und Moskau Deutsche Welle
Russland beendet Handelskrieg gegen Georgien - Russlands Presse RIA Novosti
"Russland will den Konflikt nicht lösen" - vor 19 Minuten gefunden
Georgien, das einen NATO-Beitritt anstrebt, bezichtigt Russland, das die Rebellen in Abchasien unterstützt, den unbemannten Flugkörper abgeschossen zu haben ...
NATO wird nicht direkt an Beilegung von Konflikten in Georgien ... RIA Novosti
Litauens Präsident Adamkus für friedliche Beilegung "eingefrorener ... RIA Novosti
Lawrow macht Georgien für Krise im Kaukasus verantwortlich RIA Novosti - vor 3 Stunden gefunden
Der russische Außenminister brachte auch die Hoffnung zum Ausdruck, dass sich jene, die Georgien in die Nato drücken wollen, darüber gut im Klaren sind. ...
Solidarität mit Kiew und Tbilissi NZZ Online - vor 13 Stunden gefunden
Beim Gipfel Anfang April in Bukarest hatte die Nato der Ukraine und Georgien den Beitritt zwar versprochen, dabei jedoch weder einen Zeitplan genannt noch ...
Die Militärs rasseln mit den Säbeln Tages-Anzeiger Online - 22. Apr. 2008
Georgien und seine abtrünnige Region Abchasien spielen mit dem Feuer: Beide ziehen in der Grenzregion Truppen zusammen.
Moskau setzt Georgien unter Druck WELT ONLINE - 19. Apr. 2008
Moskau - Die Atmosphäre in Georgien und seinen beiden abtrünnigen Provinzen Südossetien und Abchasien heizt sich weiter auf ...
Besorgnis über Russlands Georgien-Politik SF Tagesschau - 18. Apr. 2008
Georgien bemüht sich um einen NATO-Beitritt, war jedoch Anfang April beim NATO-Gipfel in Bukarest mit dem Wunsch nach weiterer Annäherung zunächst ...
Entspannungskurs: Russland will Sanktionen gegen Georgien aufheben Die Zeit - 18. Apr. 2008
Im Konflikt zwischen Russland und Georgien deutet sich eine Annäherung an. In nächster Zeit könnten sämtliche Beschränkungen fallen.
Neuer Konfliktstoff zwischen Russland und Georgien Deutsche Welle - 17. Apr. 2008
Präsident Wladimir Putin hat die russische Regierung zu einer Zusammenarbeit mit den von Georgien abtrünnigen Regionen Abchasien und Südossetien angewiesen.
Russland morgen: Kaukasus und Eisenbahn - 24. Apr. 2008
Die beiden Gebiete gehören völkerrechtlich zu Georgien. Südossetien erklärte allerdings bereits 1990 einseitig seine Unabhängigkeit
Georgien wirft Russland vor, vergangenen Sonntag ein unbemanntes georgisches Aufklärungsflugzeug über Abchasien abgeschossen zu haben. ...
Georgien und Russland im Wortkrieg NZZ Online
Georgien will wegen Abschuss seiner Drohne mit Moskau ... RIA Novosti
US-Außenministerium besorgt über aktuelle Lage um Georgien Georgien Nachrichten
Separatisten wittern Morgenluft n-tv - vor 23 Stunden gefundenRussland weitet seine Beziehungen auf politischem und wirtschaftlichem Gebiet zu den beiden völkerrechtlich zu Georgien gehören autonomen Republiken aus, ...
Vier UN-Staaten gegen russische Georgien-Politik
UN-Treffen zum Konflikt zwischen Russland und Georgien AFP
Warnung an Russland wegen Verletzung der Souveränität Georgiens NZZ Online
Georgien: Westen verstärkt diplomatischen Druck auf Moskau Die Presse - vor 22 Stunden gefunden
Das angespannte Verhältnis zwischen Russland und Georgien sorgt im Westen weiter für Beunruhigung.
USA unterstützen Georgien im Konflikt mit Russland Die Presse - 23. Apr. 2008US-Außenministerin Rice hat Georgien erneut versichert, dass es im Disput mit Russland um abtrünnigen Gebiete Abchasien und Südossetien volle amerikanische ...
Westen besorgt über Konflikt zwischen Moskau und Tiflis Basler Zeitung
Neuer Zündstoff zwischen Tiflis und Moskau Deutsche Welle
Russland beendet Handelskrieg gegen Georgien - Russlands Presse RIA Novosti
"Russland will den Konflikt nicht lösen" - vor 19 Minuten gefunden
Georgien, das einen NATO-Beitritt anstrebt, bezichtigt Russland, das die Rebellen in Abchasien unterstützt, den unbemannten Flugkörper abgeschossen zu haben ...
NATO wird nicht direkt an Beilegung von Konflikten in Georgien ... RIA Novosti
Litauens Präsident Adamkus für friedliche Beilegung "eingefrorener ... RIA Novosti
Lawrow macht Georgien für Krise im Kaukasus verantwortlich RIA Novosti - vor 3 Stunden gefunden
Der russische Außenminister brachte auch die Hoffnung zum Ausdruck, dass sich jene, die Georgien in die Nato drücken wollen, darüber gut im Klaren sind. ...
Solidarität mit Kiew und Tbilissi NZZ Online - vor 13 Stunden gefunden
Beim Gipfel Anfang April in Bukarest hatte die Nato der Ukraine und Georgien den Beitritt zwar versprochen, dabei jedoch weder einen Zeitplan genannt noch ...
Die Militärs rasseln mit den Säbeln Tages-Anzeiger Online - 22. Apr. 2008
Georgien und seine abtrünnige Region Abchasien spielen mit dem Feuer: Beide ziehen in der Grenzregion Truppen zusammen.
Moskau setzt Georgien unter Druck WELT ONLINE - 19. Apr. 2008
Moskau - Die Atmosphäre in Georgien und seinen beiden abtrünnigen Provinzen Südossetien und Abchasien heizt sich weiter auf ...
Besorgnis über Russlands Georgien-Politik SF Tagesschau - 18. Apr. 2008
Georgien bemüht sich um einen NATO-Beitritt, war jedoch Anfang April beim NATO-Gipfel in Bukarest mit dem Wunsch nach weiterer Annäherung zunächst ...
Entspannungskurs: Russland will Sanktionen gegen Georgien aufheben Die Zeit - 18. Apr. 2008
Im Konflikt zwischen Russland und Georgien deutet sich eine Annäherung an. In nächster Zeit könnten sämtliche Beschränkungen fallen.
Neuer Konfliktstoff zwischen Russland und Georgien Deutsche Welle - 17. Apr. 2008
Präsident Wladimir Putin hat die russische Regierung zu einer Zusammenarbeit mit den von Georgien abtrünnigen Regionen Abchasien und Südossetien angewiesen.
Russland morgen: Kaukasus und Eisenbahn - 24. Apr. 2008
Die beiden Gebiete gehören völkerrechtlich zu Georgien. Südossetien erklärte allerdings bereits 1990 einseitig seine Unabhängigkeit
TSCHECHIEN: Eine Anna-Politkowskaja-Straße in Prag?
Tschechien - Lidove noviny
In Prag soll eine Straße nach Anna Politkowskaja benannt werden. Die regierungskritische russische Journalistin war im Oktober 2006 in Moskau ermordet worden. Zbyněk Petráček unterstützt den Vorschlag der Hilfsorganisation "Mensch in Not" für die Straßenumbenennung: "Wir würden damit auch unsere Schulden gegenüber den Städten in Westeuropa zahlen, die einst Straßen nach Jan Palach benannten… Der beste Ort für eine Politkowskaja-Straße wäre die Zufahrt zur russischen Botschaft in Prag. Groß protestieren könnte Moskau dagegen nicht. Nicht die Straße wäre eine Schande für Russland, sondern die Tatsache, dass der Mord an Politkowskaja bis heute nicht aufgeklärt ist." (25.04.2008)
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Mehr aus der Presseschau zu den Themen » Internationale Beziehungen, » Innenpolitik, » Geschichte, » Tschechien, » Russland
Alle verfügbaren Texte von » Zbyněk Petráček
In Prag soll eine Straße nach Anna Politkowskaja benannt werden. Die regierungskritische russische Journalistin war im Oktober 2006 in Moskau ermordet worden. Zbyněk Petráček unterstützt den Vorschlag der Hilfsorganisation "Mensch in Not" für die Straßenumbenennung: "Wir würden damit auch unsere Schulden gegenüber den Städten in Westeuropa zahlen, die einst Straßen nach Jan Palach benannten… Der beste Ort für eine Politkowskaja-Straße wäre die Zufahrt zur russischen Botschaft in Prag. Groß protestieren könnte Moskau dagegen nicht. Nicht die Straße wäre eine Schande für Russland, sondern die Tatsache, dass der Mord an Politkowskaja bis heute nicht aufgeklärt ist." (25.04.2008)
» zur Homepage (Lidove noviny)
Mehr aus der Presseschau zu den Themen » Internationale Beziehungen, » Innenpolitik, » Geschichte, » Tschechien, » Russland
Alle verfügbaren Texte von » Zbyněk Petráček
REISE: Autovermietung (Car Rental) durch Kaukasus-Reisen
mehr unter:
Thursday, April 24, 2008
CLIMBING ADVENTURE: North Caucasus mountains on Russian-Georgian border.
They were unexpected bookends for a journey that only vaguely resembled the trip I planned for myself and my hiking partner Ben Yeomans. But that's how adventures often happen in Russia -- unexpectedly, with wonder, bewilderment - and occasionally even nausea. more >>>
If You Go...
TIPS: Russia's North Caucasus is a volatile, corrupt and mind-boggling place, a mix of mindsets that is one part holdover Soviet bureaucracy, one part clan-driven, xenophobic distrust, one part anti-terrorist police policies. The rewards are immense if you have a thick skin, willingness to grease a palm or two, and the patience to weather capricious bureaucracy.
TIMING: For trekking or hiking, September is the best time to go, after the crowds have gone and the weather is cooler. July and August are peak hiking and climbing months. Be prepared for long lines of tourists if you are climbing Mount Elbrus. For skiing, snowboarding or ice climbing, late winter from February on is ideal.
VISAS: Most foreigners will need a visa, obtained well in advance, to enter Russia, and will need to register with authorities upon arrival and have permits for visiting Mount Elbrus, the park and border area. You may want to consult with a travel agent experienced in Russian travel.
GETTING THERE: Most routes involve flying to Moscow's Sheremyetevo or Domodedevo airports; then to Mineralniye Vodi, the city nearest Elbrus; then a three-hour drive south to the Baksan River, the jumping off point for Elbrus.
* Mount Elbrus & Caucasus English-language Web site:
* Elbrus National Park administrative offices, ul. Lesnaya, 2 Elbrus Kabardino-Balkariya, phone 011-7-(8)866-387-8141
* Guide services based in Russia: Elbrus Navigator,
* Travel agency based in Ireland with experience in travel to Elbrus region:
Adventure Alternative,
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 04-24-08
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Georgia – shooting down of unarmed UAV
2. Georgian spy plane reached the UN: The Security Council to discuss the situation in Abkhazia
3. video: UN debates Georgian spy plane row
4. Latvia to consider possibilities to help Georgia concerning downed plane
5. Georgia asks Russia to exchange radar data to find out who shot down plane
6. Russia hits back at Georgia in drone shoot-down flap
7. FM, Russia ambassador comment on recent incident
8. Russian commentator compares incident with Georgian UAV to Korean Boeing downing
9. Defence chief accuses Russia of shooting down Georgian unmanned aircraft
10. Lithuania shows solidarity with Georgia in drone issue
11. audio: U.N. takes up Russia-Georgia crisis over downed drone
12. video: Georgia denounces Russian 'harassment'
13. Russia to J'lem: Was downed Georgian drone Israeli-made?
14. Saakashvili convenes Security Council as UN debates Georgia Russia tension
15. Russia accuses Georgia of violating peace treaty
16. Russia’s armed aggression cannot be ignored
17. Russian Foreign minister to clear up situation
18. Russian advice Georgia to admit to mistake
19. Russian diplomat slams Tbilisi’s rhetoric
20. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Sean McCormack holds news briefing
21. video: Remarks with Georgian Foreign Minister Davit Bakradze before their meeting
22. US officials questioned on NATO, Russia-Georgia tensions
23. UK, US, France, Germany adopt communique on Georgia situation
24. West asks Russia to revoke move on Georgia regions
25. CoE head concerned over Russia’s direct ties with Sokhumi
26. Nato delay on Georgia 'helped Kremlin'
27. Kremlin's Message
28. Georgian leader lashes out at Russia ahead of key U.N. Security Council meeting
29. Georgia increases electric energy export to Russia
30. Russian doors open to a dialogue with Georgia, Russian ambassador Kovalenko told
31. Temur Iakobashvili met with ambassadors
32. Georgia accuses Russia of 'creeping annexation' in breakaway regions
33. Georgian Foreign Minister seeks US condemnation of Russia for moves in breakaway provinces
34. Russia shelves Georgian breakaway republics' request for recognition
35. Russia wants to annex Abkhazia
36. Separatist conflict in Georgia
37. Georgian fury at Russia’s Abkhaz moves
38. The Abkhazia factor
39. Saakashvili urged Russia to revise decision on Abkhazia, S Ossetia
40. Abkhazia insists on Georgia denunciation by UN
41. Abkhaz delight at closer ties with Russia
42. Separatists' carry on trainings
43. Russian TV reports on military exercise in Georgia’s breakaway region
44. Russia moots using Abkhazia airport for Sochi Olympics
45. video: Sergey Bagapsh interview
46. Abkhazia: Only Georgian Orthodox priest expelled
47. Abkhazia invites UNESCO experts to see state of cultural monuments
48. Provisional FC commission to discuss S Ossetia's independence bid
49. The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Lithuanian Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas
50. Lithuanian PM in Tbilisi to restate support to Georgian president
51. President meets delegation of the state officials of Lithuania
52. Lithuanian PM stops over in Tbilisi to show support
53. President Adamkus encourages international community focus on the unilateral steps by the Russian Federation
54. PACE delegation to visit Georgia
55. Ruling camp and SLD critical of president's Georgian initiative
56. Estonian parliament adopts statement in support of Georgia
57. Azerbaijan supports territorial integrity of Georgia and condemns steps, violating this principle
58. President Saakashvili’s televised address to nation
59. Saakashvili proposes consultations with opposition on security ahead of poll
60. President confirms parliament elections to be held May 21
61. Departure of top government figure brings internal ‘fight into the open’
62. Observers comment on ruling party list submission controversy
63. Christian-Democratic Movement party addresses international observation missions to act as a mediator
64. Eight representatives of national minorities included in Georgian National Movement’s election list
65. If the ruling party wins the elections, it will be thanks to Russia!
66. Gia Maisashvili is the majoritarian MP candidate from Saburtalo
67. Political leader addresses opposition
68. video: France grants rebel Georgian minister asylum: lawyer
69. France grants asylum to Okruashvili
70. Asylum to Okruashvili sign of Paris attitude to Georgia line
71. Okruashvili says France does not support Georgian government
72. OFPRA declines to comment on Okruashvili case
73. CDM addresses international organizations
74. Police arrest activists for ‘public disorder’
75. Governor sued journalist and requested 10 000 gel from him
76. Zaza Gorozia appeals the court against Ilia Kachibaia
77. Bearing witness to displacement in Georgia: Anne-Sophie Lois Forced Displacement, April 23
78. paper: Devalued Public Capital and the Third Sector at the Crossroads
79. paper: “Central Caucasasia” Instead of “Central Eurasia”
80. Poti port: The ‘project of a millennium’ begins
81. Financial sector most attractive target for FDI
82. Concern in Georgia over wheat prices
83. Entrepreneurs say business environment ‘normal,’ but confusing tax legislation a problem
84. Preparation underway for Marabda–Akhalkalaki railway
85. Her Majesty's Secret Service [excerpt]
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Georgia – shooting down of unarmed UAV
2. Georgian spy plane reached the UN: The Security Council to discuss the situation in Abkhazia
3. video: UN debates Georgian spy plane row
4. Latvia to consider possibilities to help Georgia concerning downed plane
5. Georgia asks Russia to exchange radar data to find out who shot down plane
6. Russia hits back at Georgia in drone shoot-down flap
7. FM, Russia ambassador comment on recent incident
8. Russian commentator compares incident with Georgian UAV to Korean Boeing downing
9. Defence chief accuses Russia of shooting down Georgian unmanned aircraft
10. Lithuania shows solidarity with Georgia in drone issue
11. audio: U.N. takes up Russia-Georgia crisis over downed drone
12. video: Georgia denounces Russian 'harassment'
13. Russia to J'lem: Was downed Georgian drone Israeli-made?
14. Saakashvili convenes Security Council as UN debates Georgia Russia tension
15. Russia accuses Georgia of violating peace treaty
16. Russia’s armed aggression cannot be ignored
17. Russian Foreign minister to clear up situation
18. Russian advice Georgia to admit to mistake
19. Russian diplomat slams Tbilisi’s rhetoric
20. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Sean McCormack holds news briefing
21. video: Remarks with Georgian Foreign Minister Davit Bakradze before their meeting
22. US officials questioned on NATO, Russia-Georgia tensions
23. UK, US, France, Germany adopt communique on Georgia situation
24. West asks Russia to revoke move on Georgia regions
25. CoE head concerned over Russia’s direct ties with Sokhumi
26. Nato delay on Georgia 'helped Kremlin'
27. Kremlin's Message
28. Georgian leader lashes out at Russia ahead of key U.N. Security Council meeting
29. Georgia increases electric energy export to Russia
30. Russian doors open to a dialogue with Georgia, Russian ambassador Kovalenko told
31. Temur Iakobashvili met with ambassadors
32. Georgia accuses Russia of 'creeping annexation' in breakaway regions
33. Georgian Foreign Minister seeks US condemnation of Russia for moves in breakaway provinces
34. Russia shelves Georgian breakaway republics' request for recognition
35. Russia wants to annex Abkhazia
36. Separatist conflict in Georgia
37. Georgian fury at Russia’s Abkhaz moves
38. The Abkhazia factor
39. Saakashvili urged Russia to revise decision on Abkhazia, S Ossetia
40. Abkhazia insists on Georgia denunciation by UN
41. Abkhaz delight at closer ties with Russia
42. Separatists' carry on trainings
43. Russian TV reports on military exercise in Georgia’s breakaway region
44. Russia moots using Abkhazia airport for Sochi Olympics
45. video: Sergey Bagapsh interview
46. Abkhazia: Only Georgian Orthodox priest expelled
47. Abkhazia invites UNESCO experts to see state of cultural monuments
48. Provisional FC commission to discuss S Ossetia's independence bid
49. The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Lithuanian Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas
50. Lithuanian PM in Tbilisi to restate support to Georgian president
51. President meets delegation of the state officials of Lithuania
52. Lithuanian PM stops over in Tbilisi to show support
53. President Adamkus encourages international community focus on the unilateral steps by the Russian Federation
54. PACE delegation to visit Georgia
55. Ruling camp and SLD critical of president's Georgian initiative
56. Estonian parliament adopts statement in support of Georgia
57. Azerbaijan supports territorial integrity of Georgia and condemns steps, violating this principle
58. President Saakashvili’s televised address to nation
59. Saakashvili proposes consultations with opposition on security ahead of poll
60. President confirms parliament elections to be held May 21
61. Departure of top government figure brings internal ‘fight into the open’
62. Observers comment on ruling party list submission controversy
63. Christian-Democratic Movement party addresses international observation missions to act as a mediator
64. Eight representatives of national minorities included in Georgian National Movement’s election list
65. If the ruling party wins the elections, it will be thanks to Russia!
66. Gia Maisashvili is the majoritarian MP candidate from Saburtalo
67. Political leader addresses opposition
68. video: France grants rebel Georgian minister asylum: lawyer
69. France grants asylum to Okruashvili
70. Asylum to Okruashvili sign of Paris attitude to Georgia line
71. Okruashvili says France does not support Georgian government
72. OFPRA declines to comment on Okruashvili case
73. CDM addresses international organizations
74. Police arrest activists for ‘public disorder’
75. Governor sued journalist and requested 10 000 gel from him
76. Zaza Gorozia appeals the court against Ilia Kachibaia
77. Bearing witness to displacement in Georgia: Anne-Sophie Lois Forced Displacement, April 23
78. paper: Devalued Public Capital and the Third Sector at the Crossroads
79. paper: “Central Caucasasia” Instead of “Central Eurasia”
80. Poti port: The ‘project of a millennium’ begins
81. Financial sector most attractive target for FDI
82. Concern in Georgia over wheat prices
83. Entrepreneurs say business environment ‘normal,’ but confusing tax legislation a problem
84. Preparation underway for Marabda–Akhalkalaki railway
85. Her Majesty's Secret Service [excerpt]
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
DONATION FOR THE INTERNET: Satelite Internet Antenna Was Installed In Khevsureti
Based on the initiative of the Pshav-Khevsuretian Revival Foundation ''Phkhovi'', satelite internet antenna was installed in Khevsureti. The satellite internet is the only means of communication for Khevsureti.
Khevsureti remains closed for the outside world for 7-8 months due to climate conditions, there is no mobile or other type communication available, except of internet communication.
Soon the 3 months funding for connecting the only computer to the internet world will be over.
The monthly internet prescribing fee amounts to 155 Euros.
The foundation "Phkhovi'' kindly asks you to make your contribution for paying internet prescribing fee for Shatili.
This is not only for connecting one computer to the internet. This is one step towards retaining and developing of one of the most beautiful regions of Georgia - 'Pirikita Khevsureti' - contributions made by companies will be priceless for the history.We count on your support.Our banking details are as follows:
TBC BANKBank code - 220101850
Beneficiary - ''Phkhovi'' (Pshav-Khevsuretian Revival Charitable Foundation)
account number - 70836080100003 / GEL
ფშავ-ხევსურეთის აღორძინების ფონდ "ფხოვის" ინიციატივით, 2008 წლის იანვრიდან ხევსურეთში დაიდგა სატელიტური ინტერნეტი. ეს არის ერთადერთი საშუალება კავშირის დასამყარებლად. ხევსურეთი 7-8 თვის განმავლობაში მოწყვეტილია გარე სამყაროს, არ არის მობილური კავშირი და არანაირი სხვა საშუალებები გარდა ინტერნეტით კავშირისა.
ამჟამად, სამწუხაროდ, ის 3 თვიანი დაფინანსებაც იწურება, რისი წყალობითაც შატილი ინტერნეტსამყაროს ერთადერთი კომპიუტერით დააკავშირეს. ინტერნეტით სარგებლობის ყოვთლთვიური სააბონენტო გადასახადია 155 ევრო (შესაბამისი კურსით ლარებში).
ფონდი "ფხოვი" მოგმართავთ შეიტანოთ თქვენი წვლილი შატილში ინტერნეტის სააბონენტო გადასახადის გადახდაშიეს უბრალოდ ერთი კომპიუტერის ინტერნეტში ჩართვა არ არის.
ეს საქართველოს ულამაზესი მხარის - პირიქითა ხევსურეთის შენარჩუნების და განვითარებისკენ გადადგმული ერთერთი პირველი ნაბიჯია და და ამ საქმეში ნებისმიერი კომპანიის წვლილი ბევრად მეტი იქნება ისტორიაში იმედი გვაქვს თქვენი დახმარებისა, საბანკო ანგარიშებს აქვე მივაწერ:
საბანკო კოდი (მფო) – 220101850
მიმღების დასახელება – "ფხოვი" (ფშავ-ხევსურეთის აღორძინების საქველმოქმედო ფონდი)ანგარიშსწორების ანგარიში – 70836080100003 / GEL
Paata Vardanashvili,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
BUCH: Der Orient für Christus. Johannes Lepsius - Biographie und Missiologie. Von Andreas Baumann
Der Theologe Johannes Lepsius (1858-1926) war Pionier der Mission unter Muslimen. Er erhob während des ersten Weltkrieges seine Stimme gegen den Völkermord am armenischen Volk, während andere aus diplomatischen Gründen schwiegen. Seine wohl wichtigste Schrift wurde während des 1. Weltkrieges vom Innenministerium des deutschen Kaiserreichs verboten. Das Buch bietet zum einen die bisher umfangreichste biographische Aufarbeitung des Lebens von Johannes Lepsius. Zum anderen wird ein Gesamtüberblick über seine Missiologie erarbeitet, die eine Fülle von interessanten Impulsen auch für die heutige Diskussion, besonders über die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Missionsauftrag und gesellschaftlichem
Broschiert: 566 Seiten
Verlag: Brunnen-Verlag, Gießen; Auflage: 1 (14. Mai 2007)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3765595462
ISBN-13: 978-3765595462
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
Der Theologe Johannes Lepsius (1858-1926) war Pionier der Mission unter Muslimen. Er erhob während des ersten Weltkrieges seine Stimme gegen den Völkermord am armenischen Volk, während andere aus diplomatischen Gründen schwiegen. Seine wohl wichtigste Schrift wurde während des 1. Weltkrieges vom Innenministerium des deutschen Kaiserreichs verboten. Das Buch bietet zum einen die bisher umfangreichste biographische Aufarbeitung des Lebens von Johannes Lepsius. Zum anderen wird ein Gesamtüberblick über seine Missiologie erarbeitet, die eine Fülle von interessanten Impulsen auch für die heutige Diskussion, besonders über die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Missionsauftrag und gesellschaftlichem
Broschiert: 566 Seiten
Verlag: Brunnen-Verlag, Gießen; Auflage: 1 (14. Mai 2007)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3765595462
ISBN-13: 978-3765595462
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
FILM: 1937 - ein Film von Nora Martirosyan (27.04./14:00 Uhr/Köln)
Niederlande/Armenien 2007, Experimental, color - b/w, 44'
Director: Nora Martirosyan
Camera: Artak Markarian
Screenplay: Nora Martirosyan
Director of Photography: Artak Markarian
Editor: Nora Martirosyan
Sound: Philippe Brière, Sylvain Grout
Composer: Nounée Garibian
Cast: Maria Djaraian, Nounée Garibian
Auf dem Höhepunkt der stalinistischen Säuberungsaktionen in Eriwan durch die Sowjetarmee: 1937, das Jahr, in dem Nora Dabagians Vater aus politischen Gründen verhaftet wurde.
Nora Martirosyan verbindet Interviews mit der über 70-jährigen Nora mit Spielszenen und stellt sie Ausschnitten aus Wochenschauen der Zeit gegenüber. 1937 ist eine Reflexion über das Erinnern und die Beziehung zwischen individuellem und kollektivem Gedächtnis.
1937 entstand aus einer Doppelleinwand-Installation Nora Martirosyans.
NORA MARTIROSYAN wurde 1973 in Armenien geboren. Sie studierte an der "Kunsthochschule Eriwan", an der "Gerrit Rietveld Academy" in Amsterdam, am "Studio National des Arts Contemporains Le Fresnoy" und an der "Rijksakademie Amsterdam". Ihre Videokunst wurde auf zahlreichen internationalen Festivals gezeigt.
Sintra by Nora Martirosyan
Sintra Nora Martirosyan. beautifull mysterious village first shown: 7 14 2001 Category: boring/still documentary international nature reality ...
Ellipsis... by Nora Martirosyan
Ellipsis... Nora Martirosyan. Lots of people walking around a square garden, followed by a moving camera. first shown: 11/10/2001 ...
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