Wednesday, March 25, 2015

TERMIN: Georgischer Abend mit Filmvorfuehrung - oeSPEAK OUT! - im Artistania Atelier, Berlin 28.3.2015 (

Soli-evening for the WomenTMs Fund in Georgia 

( As we believe in art as the best tool to connect people, deconstruct stereotypes and foster social change, we felt we have to do something, when Ekaterine, a friend of Artistania from Georgia, asked us if we could organize a Soli-evening to support the work of Women’s Fund in Georgia. (more under:

It is a Fund, which supports creative initiatives carried out to support marginalized groups of women in Georgia. This time, the amount raised from the event will be directed to support group of women – “Survivors for Future” - who have been victims of violence themselves, but have survived and now help those who are in need. 

Violence against women is very common and prevailing problem in Georgia. The studies show that there is an extremely high rate of domestic violence and every 11th woman living with a partner/husband is subject to physical and sexual violence, not counting other more widespread forms of violence such as psychological and verbal violence, economic violence, etc. 

Ekaterine together with Women’s Fund in Georgia is working on changing this reality. She will present a 2015 documentary – “Speak Out!” filmed by the support of UN Women Georgia, which vividly depicts the current situation of violence that prevails towards women in Georgia.

With this evening we wish to create bridges of ideas and informations as well as artist/activist cooperations, apart from the mainstream medias and beyond borders. Everybody is welcome to join the discussion and the open stage to “speak out”.

Our program for this evening:

19:00 Film screening oeSpeak Out
20:00 Discussion and Georgian Dinner
22:00 Performance
23:00 Open stage

When? 28.03.2015 // 7 pm // /Artistania Atelier

Where? Artistania Atelier, Neckarstrasse 19

How Much? - 8-10 Euros
(dinner included). All the money goes to the WomenTMs Fund in Georgia
(more under:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

CALL: Europe East Culture Programme Coordinator (

( We announce the job vacancy for the position of Europe East Culture Programme Coordinator (part-time). All the details are provided in the link below. I’d be grateful if you could share the information with your friends, partners and contacts who you think might find the opportunity attractive. Deadline for the applications to be submitted is at noon 14 April.

Thank you in advance for all your help.

Best wishes

Maya Darchia | Arts Projects Manager
British Council | 34 Rustaveli Ave | Tbilisi | 0108 | Georgia
T+ 995 32 2 250407/ext.125 | BCTN 828011251

Thursday, March 19, 2015

VIDEO: The Old City of Tbilisi, Georgia (

Here is a video, filmed over the period of 4 days, of the Old City of Tbilisi, Georgia. For more videos from Georgia, search youtube under 'vstefanu georgia'

VIDEO: The Museum of Jewish History (Tbilisi, Georgia) / ებრაული ისტორიის მუზეუმი, თბილისი (

While going up Abkhazi street we can see Anton Catalicos street when turning to the right. Here we find the Museum of Jewish History in Georgia named after David Baazov. The Museum is in the building of a former cupola synagogue of the 19th century. During the Soviet regime, in the 20s, the synagogue was closed. Now it is being reconstructed and is closed for a while.

PHOTOGRAPHY: SOULLINES about Georgia & Abkhazia by Arthur Bondar and Oksana Yushko

Slide Show. Life in Crimea - Photographs by Arthur Bondar - Introduction by Sophie Pinkham []

Arthur Bondar was born in the industrial city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. After studying in his own town he studied at the National Linguistic University and moved to Kiev in 2000, where he earned a bachelors degree in English philology. He explored several career paths before he found his way in photography.

Bondar is now a freelance photographer, shooting his own documentary projects. He studied photography at New York University and was a participant of the Eddie Adams Workshop and NOOR-Nikon Masterclass. Bondar was awarded and granted the Magnum Emergency Fund, The Documentary Project Fund, National Geographic Grant and the Best Photographer of the Year in Ukraine. His work has been exhibited and shown in Canada, USA, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine. He is mentored by Donald Weber. Source:

LERNEN: GoEast Sommerschule in Georgien, 4.-18.9.2015

Die Staatliche Ilia-Universität Tbilisi (Georgien) veranstaltet vom 04. bis zum 18. September eine GoEast Sommerschule zum Thema Faszination Kaukasus 2015 - Kultur, Gesellschaft, Politik.

Die Sommerschule richtet sich besonders an Studierende der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften deutscher Hochschulen und bietet den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, sich mit ausgewählten Aspekten der Kultur und Politik im Kaukasus auseinanderzusetzen. Die Seminare und Gastvorträge werden durch vielfältige Ausflüge und Erfahrungen im Alltagsleben einer georgischen Gastfamilie ergänzt.

Bewerbungsschluss ist der 31. Mai 2015!

Die Seminare werden von Dr. Phil. Uwe Halbach (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin) und PD Dr. Florian Mühlfried (Friedrich-Schiller- Universität Jena) gehalten. Zusätzlich werden Experten, Künstler und Politiker aus Georgien mit ergänzenden Vorträgen zu Wort kommen. Die Veranstaltungssprachen sind Deutsch (Seminare) und Englisch (ein Teil der Gastvorträge). Die Teilnahme wird mit Zertifikaten ausgezeichnet. Es werden 3 ECTS vergeben. Die Voraussetzung des Scheinerwerbs ist ein Referat zu einem im voraus angekündigten Thema.

Weitere Infos zum Programm und der Bewerbung findet Ihr unter folgendem Link:

Mit besten Grüßen
Oxana Dick
Lektorin der Robert Bosch Stiftung

Monday, March 16, 2015

DISKUSSION: Die Deutsch-Georgische Beziehungen während des Ersten Weltkriegs - Mit einem Vortrag von Lasha Bakradze in Berlin (

Vortrag, Lesung, Gespräch: 26. März 2015 18:00 Uhr

Quelle: ( 

Museum Europäischer Kulturen 

Viele Georgier sahen in Deutschland eine Macht, die das bei den Georgiern ungeliebte Russische Imperium schwächen könnte. Die Deutschen ihrerseits wollten Teile der Kolonialarmeen zur Schwächung der Gegnermächte nutzen. In Berlin bildete sich sogar ein Georgisches Nationalkomitee, das mit deutscher Hilfe für die Unabhängigkeit Georgiens kämpfte.

Vortrag von Lasha Bakradze

Treffpunkt: Foyer Arnimallee 25

Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Arnimallee 25
14195 Berlin

Zugehörige Ausstellung
Phonographierte Klänge – photographierte Momente

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Ethnologisches Museum
Museum Europäischer Kulturen

Sunday, March 15, 2015

MUSIC: Sabina Chantouria & Dream Colors Concert @ Zazanova - Tbilisi []

Sabina is a Swedish/Georgian artist. Together with her guitar and song she´ll take you to a borderland between pop and folk sounds.



Sabina Chantouria Sweden
Model, Musician

I´m a half Swedish and half Georgian singer/songwriter living in Lund, (Sweden) born in July, 1991. I truly love to sing and write music, it has become something I can´t be without and feel a constant longing to. My georgian grandmother use to sing folklore and play guitar, I guess that´s from where my huge interest in music comes from. In the summer of 2011 I was chosen to represent Sweden among 30 other artists, dancers and actors in World Champhionships of Preforming Arts in Hollywood, L.A. Where I preformed two of my original works. I will never forget the first time I preformed my first complete song in front of an audience, it was in my second year in collage and that was a changing point for me, since then I´ve been determend to dedicate as much time I can in music. I studied "the music programme" in collage, Lund (Sweden) for 3 years. My main instrument has always been my voice but since 5 years back I also play acoustic guitar. I´ve been playing in some local band less