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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
PHOTOGRAPHY: Typical Khevsuretian Crafts from the Georgian Mountains (
JOB: Drei Freiwillige für ein FSJ in Georgien ab September 2009 werden gesucht. (
Unsere Hauptziele sind:
1. Den Aufbau von Jugendarbeit auf Grundlage des christlichen
Glaubens in Zentral- und Osteuropa zu fördern und zu unterstützen
2. Benachteiligte junge Menschen zu unterstützen, indem wir ihnen
eine Chance für eine berufliche Ausbildung eröffnen
3. Mitarbeiter zu schulen, die die Arbeit vor Ort langfristig
eigenverantwortlich weiterentwickeln können
Für die Kinderheime in Kodjori und Telavi werden junge Menschen mit Idealen gesucht, die im Rahmen eines Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahres (FSJ) dort mitarbeiten wollen. Für den Einsatz gelten die üblichen
Bedingungen für ein FSJ im Ausland. Die Landessprache ist Georgisch, auch Russisch ist sehr hilfreich. Deutsch und Englisch können nur bedingt zur Kommunikation eingesetzt werden. Die Freiwilligen werden in georgischen Familien untergebracht.
Wer Lust hat sich in einem ungewöhnlichen Land sozial zu engagieren, ist bei uns herzlich willkommen.
FIB e.V.
Lindenstr. 4
D-74246 Eberstadt
Phone: +49-7134/13 40 51
Fax: +49-7134/13 40 52
Monday, June 29, 2009
ARTICLE: A Cold Day for Georgia: NATO-Russia warm up relations in Corfu. By Kostis Geropoulos. (
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was due to hold informal discussions with Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and his counterparts from the 28 NATO allies in the framework of the NATO-Russia Council on the sidelines of a meeting of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), on the Ionian island of Corfu. US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was forced to cancel her trip to Corfu after she fell and broke her elbow at the State Department. Deputy Secretary of States James Steinberg replaced her.Russia broke off relations with NATO when the defence alliance expressed dismay about a short war between Russia and Georgia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Georgia’s breakaway republics, which have since been recognised as independent nations by Russia.
NATO has expressed interest in restarting the meetings since December, but had been rebuffed by Russia. Talks in May fell through over Russian anger at NATO manoeuvres in Georgia and accusations of NATO spying.
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KOMMENTAR: Kotau* der Nato vor dem Kreml. Von Georg Escher (
Die Nato gehorcht der Not. Sie, beziehungsweise die Staaten der Allianz, brauchen Moskau an vielen Stellen: in Afghanistan wie im Iran, im Irak ebenso wie in Nordkorea. Und die westlichen Staaten hängen ab vom russisches Gas. Zwar ist auch Russland auf die Unterstützung des Westens angewiesen. Doch wer sich das nicht laut zu sagen traut und sich so dumme politische Fehler leistet, muss einen Preis zahlen. Der psychologische Sieger jedenfalls sitzt eindeutig im Kreml.
Der ganze Text >>>
* Kotau
Das Wort "Kotau" hat es als eine der wenigen Vokabeln aus dem Chinesischen in den Sprachgebrauch des Westens geschafft. Im Kaiserreich China war der Kotau das ehrfürchtige Niederwerfen vor einem hohen Amtsträger, vor allem dem Kaiser: In entsprechendem Abstand zu dem zu Begrüßenden wirft man sich nieder und berührt mehrmals mit der Stirn den Boden. Nach dem Kotau verharrt man kniend oder sitzend. In der heutigen Diplomatensprache bezeichnet der Begriff das Kleinbeigeben im Angesicht eines mächtigen Gegenübers.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
KOMMENTAR: Eine Lösung für den Kaukasus? (
Bereits zum zweiten Mal in Folge war die Kaukasus Region ein Thema der Konferenzreihe, die das George C. Marshall Center einmal im Jahr in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin durchführt.
"Und dies hat einen Profunden Grund" betont Staatsminister Gernot Erler bei seiner Eröffnungsrede. "Der 5-Tage-Krieg im August 2008 hat gezeigt, wie schnell ein angeblich "erstarrter Konflikt" in eine akute militärische Auseinandersetzung umschlagen kann." Minister Erler wies auch auf den zweiten Krisenherd in der Region hin.
"Der Konflikt zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan ist ebenfalls in Bewegung geraten. Hier sind die Vorzeichen jedoch u.a. durch die beginnende Annäherung zwischen der Türkei und Armenien positiv." Gleichzeitig bezweifelte Erler, dass eine Lösung hier in greifbarer Nähe ist, da öffentliche Maximalforderungen und mangelnde Kompromissbereitschaft der Beteiligten diese noch verhindern.
In den folgenden drei Tagen haben sich die Konferenzteilnehmer über die regionale Herausforderungen unterhalten und haben in geführten Arbeitsgruppen versucht, Lösungsvorschläge für diese zu erarbeiten. In den Arbeitsgruppen hat sich aber noch einmal bestätigt, dass das Diskussionspotential größer als die Ideen für Lösungsansätze ist.
"Das Konferenzziel wurde trotz unterschiedlicher Standpunkte der Teilnehmer erreicht." bestätigt der Leiter OPD Oberst Dr. Karl-Heinz Rambke. Dieses Seminar sei ein Teil eines langen Prozesses in Richtung eines Lösungsansatzes.
Der ganze Text >>>
GESCHICHTE: Stalin wollte Hitler das Baltikum abtreten. (
Von Elke Windisch
Der ganze Artikel >>>
KUNST: Sevrugian: Bilder des Orients in Fotografie und Malerei. Grenzgänger zwischen Armenien und Persien (
Einzelheiten von Nimet Seker >>>
Die Ausstellung läuft in Frankfurt noch bis zum 12. Juli 2009. Von Oktober bis Februar 2010 wird sie in Wien und im Sommer 2010 in Teheran gezeigt.
ARTICLE: Russia's Maneuvers in Caucasus Highlight Volatility of Region (
Special to The Washington Post, Sunday, June 28, 2009
TBILISI, Georgia -- Military helicopters circled once again over Georgia's mountainous terrain. Amid the crackle of gunfire, soldiers ran across battlefields carrying comrades on stretchers. But this was no repeat of last summer's brief war with Russia. It was a training exercise -- and this time, NATO sent help.
The month-long exercises, which concluded June 3 and involved more than 1,000 soldiers from 14 countries, took place near Georgia's border with the breakaway territory of South Ossetia and were condemned by the Russian government as a "provocation."
full article >>>
BALLET: Swan Song: A Fond Farewell to Nina Ananiashvili (
After 16 years with the Company, Principal Dancer Nina Ananiashvili bids farewell to American Ballet Theatre June 27 with a last performance in her calling-card piece: Swan Lake.
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BLOG: Travelogue - 2 Wheels and 2,000 miles: Tbilisi to Tel Aviv (
more here >>>
ARTICLE: NATO, Russia restart ties despite Georgia row (
June 28, 2009
Corfu, Greece -- NATO and Russia on Saturday resumed formal cooperation on broad security threats but failed to bridge differences over Georgia in their first high-level talks since last year's war in the Caucasus region.NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said the two sides had recognized that it was time to press joint efforts against Afghan insurgents and drug trafficking, Somali piracy, terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
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ARTICLE: U.S.-Russia Moscow Summit Presents Last Opportunity to Avoid War in Georgia (
June 25, 2009 01:31 PM Age: 3 days
Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Home Page, Foreign Policy, Military/Security, Russia, Georgia, Featured
By: Pavel Felgenhauer
During the summit between presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in London on April 1, it was decided in the words of Obama, "to prepare by the end of this year a legally binding and sufficiently bold" new nuclear arms control agreement to replace the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which expires in December. It was provisionally planned that during Obama's visit to Moscow beginning on July 6, a framework agreement outlining a new START treaty will be endorsed (EDM, April 9).
full article >>>
BOOK: Azerbaijan A Country Study. By Federal Research Division
Number Of Pages: 152
Publication Date: 2004-06-17
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 141910862X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781419108624
Product Description:
This volume is one in a continuing series of books prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army.
The last two pages of this book list the other published studies. Most books in the series deal with a particular foreign country, describing and analyzing its political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions, and examining the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors. The authors seek to provide a basic understanding of the observed society, striving for a dynamic rather than a static portrayal. Particular attention is devoted to the people who make up the society, their origins, dominant beliefs and values, their common interests and the issues on which they are divided, the nature and extent of their involvement with national institutions, and their attitudes toward each other and toward their social system and political order.
The Soviet Union created the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region within Azerbaijan in 1924, when over 94 percent of the region's population was Armenian (see fig. 3). (The term Nagorno-Karabakh originates from the Russian for "mountainous Karabakh.") As the Azerbaijani population grew, the Karabakh Armenians chafed under discriminatory rule, and by 1960 hostilities had begun between the two populations of the region.
At the end of 1991, the formal liquidation of the Soviet Union was the surprisingly swift result of partially hidden decrepitude and centrifugal forces within that empire. Of the fifteen “new” states that emerged from the process, many had been independent political entities at some time in the past. Aside from their coverage in the 1989 Soviet Union: A Country Study, none had received individual treatment in this series, however.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Country Studies is the first in a new subseries describing the fifteen postSoviet republics, both as they existed before and during the Soviet era and as they have developed since 1991. This volume covers Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, the three small nations grouped around the Caucasus mountain range east of the Black Sea.
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
FOUNDATION: "Azerbaijan Gender Information Center" - AGIC (
In the beginning of 2002 year under the support of Fund "Open Society - Azerbaijan" started the project "Azerbaijan Gender Information Center" (AGIC).
The project of AGIC establishment was carried out by the coalition of republic women organizations ...
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ARTICLE: Nordkaukasus: Ausweitung der Kampfzone (
Tschetschenien ist durch das brutale Regime von Kadyrow "befriedet", der Konflikt mit Separitisten und Islamisten hat sich in die Nachbarrepubliken verschoben.
Am Montag wurde ein Bombenanschlag auf den Präsidenten der nordkaukasischen Teilrepublik Inguschetien verübt. Dieser Anschlag stellt den bisherigen Höhepunkt der Aktionen islamischer Separatisten auf dem Territorium der Kaukasusrepublik dar. Bereits in den letzten Wochen sind mehrere Vertreter der Staatsgewalt in der vorwiegend von Moslems bewohnten Teilrepublik ums Leben gekommen. Ein Umstand, der für den Kreml einen herben Rückschlag in seinen Friedensbemühungen bedeutet, denn im Gegensatz zu seinem Vorgänger sollte Junus-Bek Jewkurow ausgleichend und dialogbereit in Inguschetien für Frieden sorgen. Doch anscheinend lassen sich die Fehler der bisherigen Nordkaukasuspolitik, die in erster Linie für die Ausweitung des Konflikts von Tschetschenien auf die gesamte Region verantwortlich ist, nicht so schnell wiedergutmachen, wie von Moskau erhofft.
Der ganze Artikel >>>
DOKUMENTARFLM: Von Odessa nach Odessa (2/2) (
MDR, So., 28.06., 16:30 Uhr
Mitten durch Georgien verläuft bis heute eine militärisch hoch gesicherte Grenze. Die "abtrünnige" Kaukasusrepublik Abchasien besteht mit Waffengewalt (und Unterstützung Moskaus) auf ihrer Unabhängigkeit von Georgien. Der Checkpoint auf der Inguri-Brücke am Schwarzen Meer ist Ausgangspunkt des zweiten Teils der Reportagereise, einem Roadmovie, immer entlang der Küstenstraße rund um das Schwarze Meer. Georgien, die Türkei, Bulgarien, Rumänien und die Ukraine sind diesmal die Etappen der Reportage. Die Reiseroute führt durch Landschaften mit einer faszinierenden Vielfalt von Völkern und Kulturen. Dem Team begegnen rechristianisierte Georgier in der Nähe von Batumi - an den Ausläufern des Kaukasus. Hier verläuft die Trennlinie zwischen "christlicher" und "muslimischer" Welt. In diesem Grenzgebiet lebt das Volk der Lasen. Wie die Deutschen war es über Jahrzehnte durch den "Eisernen Vorhang" voneinander getrennt. Über die wenig bekannte türkische Schwarzmeerküste geht es nach Istanbul, der Passage zwischen Asien und Europa. Von dort über Bulgarien und Rumänien wieder zurück nach Odessa, dem ursprünglichen Ausgangspunkt der 5.000 Kilometer langen Rundreise. "Von Odessa nach Odessa" ist eine Reise zu Menschen am südöstlichen Rand Europas, zu ihrer reichen Geschichte und ihrer oft überraschenden Gegenwart, eine Begegnung zwischen "christlicher" und "muslimischer" Welt.
JOURNALISMUS: Einladung: Recherchereise für junge Journalisten nach Georgien (
Vor einem Jahr hat der russisch-georgische Krieg die Weltöffentlichkeit aufgeschreckt. Er setzte eine Reihe drängender Fragen auf die Tagesordnung: Welche Interessen verfolgt Moskau? Wie positioniert sich der Westen? Und nicht zuletzt: Wer hat überhaupt angefangen? Mit dem blutigen Konflikt im Sommer 2008 wurde deutlich, dass der Kaukasus eine instabile Region bleibt, nachdem die
verschiedenen Konflikte in der Region lange "eingefroren" schienen.
Die Reise von hilft zehn jungen Journalisten, sich ein Bild von den Folgen des Krieges zu machen. Die Bedeutung der Region hat auch für die europäische Politik wieder zugenommen, nicht zuletzt durch die neue Ost-Partnerschaft der Europäischen Union. Die
Lage im Kaukasus berührt energiepolitische Fragen ebenso wie das Verhältnis Europas zu Russland.
In Gesprächen mit prominenten georgischen Politikern sowie mit europäischen Beobachtern lernen die Teilnehmer Georgiens außenpolitische Perspektiven kennen. Außerdem stehen Treffen mit Entscheidungsträgern aus der Wirtschaft und gesellschaftlichen Akteuren auf dem Programm.
Anlässlich des Jahrestages des Krieges bietet sich die Gelegenheit für eine aktuelle und umfassende
Berichterstattung. An der Recherchereise können Journalisten teilnehmen, die nicht älter als 35 Jahre sind.
Der Teilnehmerbeitrag beträgt 400 Euro für Redakteure und für freie Journalisten, die von einer Redaktion geschickt werden oder hauptsächlich für diese Beiträge realisieren (für Selbstzahler
ermäßigt 350 Euro; für Volontäre und Journalistenschüler 300 Euro). In den Kosten enthalten sind die Flüge Berlin-Tiblisi, gemeinsames Programm inkl. Übersetzer und Transport sowie Unterkunft inkl.
Frühstück (DZ). Die sonstige Verpflegung wird teilweise, aber nicht komplett von übernommen. Die An/Abreise zum/vom Flughafen Tegel müssen die Teilnehmer selbst tragen.
Die Recherche-Reisen von werden von Journalisten für Journalisten organisiert. Unser Netzwerk lebt vom ehrenamtlichen Engagement, und wir freuen uns über eine aktive Teilnahme an der Reise.
Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:
Sie besteht aus 3 Teilen:
- kurzes Motivationsschreiben und Begründung Ihres Rechercheinteresses
(in der Email, max. 1 Din-A4-Seite)
- Lebenslauf (im Anhang)
- 2 bis 3 Arbeitsproben (im Anhang; keine Video- oder Audiodateien)
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 20. Juni 2009.
Teilnehmer erhalten bis zum 25.06.2009 eine Bestätigung. Die Reise wird von Guillem Sans Mora (Público) und Matthias Braun (freier Journalist) organisiert und betreut. Gefördert wird sie von
der Robert Bosch Stiftung und Lufthansa.
Programme und Reiseberichte vergangener Reisen können unter eingesehen werden.
Für Fragen stehen wir Ihnen unter gerne zur Verfügung.
CALL: Summer School: Conflict and Transformation in the South Caucasus
Beste Grüße
Nino Sologashvili
Summer School
Conflict and Transformation in the South Caucasus: State Building between National Identity and Europeanization
6 -- 10 October 2009
The summer school is geared towards up-and-coming young scientists of the South Caucasus as the future opinion-makers and decision-makers of the region. This group assumes a key role because they can take a mediating function between state institutions, international actors and societal organisations in the transformation processes and conflict management in the region. In order to support these processes the young scientists are to acquire and discuss peace, conflict, transition, European and regional studies together with international experts during the summer school. The aim is not only the discussion itself in terms of content but also the improvement of methodical and presentation skills. Altogether, the following five subject areas will be covered:
- Methods of social sciences, with main emphasis on comparative and regional studies
- National identity and social transformation
- Political transformation and state building
- Conflict and conflict management (including a practical training)
- The Caucasus and Europe (an integration)
The Summer School is jointly organised by the Institute for Political Science / Chair of International Relations and Development Policy and the Institute for Development and Peace of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Regional Office South Caucasus of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The conference is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Assoc.Prof. Dr. Wim van Meurs, Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), University of Duisburg-Essen; Radboud University Nijmegen
- Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Axt, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Dr. Iris Kempe, Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Dr. Giorgi Nizharadze, International Centre for Conflicts and Negotiations, Tbilisi
- Malkhaz Saldadze, Ilia Chavchavadze State University, Tbilisi
- Paata Zakareishvili, Center for Development and Cooperation
- Dr. Sergey Rumyansev, Scientific Institute for Philosophy, Politics and Law, Baku
- Dr. Alexander Iskandaryan, Caucasus Institute, Yerevan
- Dr. Viktor Voronkov, Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg
- Research topic must suit the Summer School
- Participants must reside in the South Caucasus
- Good oral and written proficiency of English
Please note: No conference fees will be raised. Travel expenses for participants coming from the South Caucasus region are paid for. Board and Lodging is provided.
Applicants are requested to submit the following documents:
a) Letter of Motivation (1-2 pages)
b) Curriculum Vitae (including possible publications)
c) Two References (Name and Contact)
d) Overview on previous studies / Transcript of Records
e) Draft Outline of Research Project (1-2 pages)
The files sent for the application must be in English and delivered in one e-mail.
The deadline for submission is 30 June 2009. The successful candidates will be notified no later than 15 July 2009. The application material should be sent to
For further information on the Summer School, please write to:
Nino Sologashvili
47057 Duisburg
Tel: 0203 - 36355966
Fax: 0203-2982925
STIPENDIUM: "Georgien und die Westintegration - Fortschritte und Hindernisse" (
Die Bewerbungsfrist für die Sommerschule endet am 25. Juni, die für das Stipendium am 30.6.2009.
Die Sommerschule richtet sich an Studierende deutscher Hochschulen. Angeboten werden Seminare mit politik- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Themen zu den Ländern des Südkaukasus unter der Leitung der zwei renommierten Kaukaususexperten Dr. Uwe Halbach (Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Otto Luchterhandt (Universität Hamburg) sowie einzelne Vorträge georgischer und internationaler Referenten zu georgienbezogenen Themen (zum Teil auf Englisch). Die
Referenten sind zum einen Professoren der Ilia Tschawtschawadse Universität, zum anderen Vertreter von Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsorganisationen sowie Vertreter aus der Politik.
Weiter Informationen finden sich unter:
DAAD-Informationszentrum Tbilissi
Gebhard Reul
Sandukeli Str. 16
0108 Tbilissi
Montag bis Freitag, 12:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
oder nach Vereinbarung
Tel./Fax: +995 32 -- 920 926
Mobil: +995 99 11 54 80
EXHIBITION: Tamara McGregor - Amsterdam exhibition (Erotism)
Amsterdam exhibition (Erotism) opening was 29th of May, and it's till 27th of July, another opening is 31th July till 28th of September, same gallery Art District, exhibition Homo-sapience.
p.s. it was also an article, small one in Penthouse
Saturday, June 27, 2009
PRESSEMITTEILUNG: Premiere "Asche und Phönix“
28. Juni 2009, 18 Uhr
Asche und Phönix, R: Merlyn Solakhan, Manfred Blank, D 2009, Dok., 95’
In Anwesenheit von Merlyn Solakhan und Manfred Blank
Einführung: Prof. Dr. Hermann Goltz (Lepsiushaus Potsdam e.V., wissenschaftlicher Berater des Filmprojekts)
Äußerer Anlass für dieses von der Kulturstiftung des Bundes geförderten Dokumentarfilmprojektes war Johannes Lepsius’ 150. Geburtstag im Dezember 2008. Der Potsdamer Theologe hat, unterstützt von bedeutenden Mitarbeitern, jahrzehntelang für das Überleben des armenischen Volkes gekämpft, das während des ersten Weltkriegs Opfer des ersten europäischen Genozids des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde. Die Regisseure haben in Deutschland, Armenien, der Türkei und Syrien nach Spuren des Hilfswerks von Johannes Lepsius gesucht und gefunden.
In Kooperation mit dem Förderverein Lepsiushaus in Potsdam e.V.
Eintritt: 5,-€, erm. 4,-€
Kartenbestellung: 0331-27181-12
Über eine Ankündigung würden wir uns sehr freuen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christine Handke
Filmmuseum Potsdam
Marstall/ Breite Str. 1a
14467 Potsdam
Tel.: 0331-2718114
Fax: 0331-2718126
ARTIST: Vladimir (Lado) Oniani (
NEWS: 25 Jun 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 499
As number of bank defaulters expands almost tenfold in only a year, calls grow for government to step in. By Natia Kuprashvili in Tbilisi (CRS No. 499, 25-June-09)
Global Crisis Squeezes Life From Armenia Border Town
The global recession has ended a brief era of prosperity and left most people without jobs. By Sara Khojoian (CRS No. 499, 25-June-09)
Uproar Over Controversial NGO Laws
Fate of package of amendments lies in balance following heated protests from civil society groups. By Samira Ahmedbeyli in Baku (CRS No. 499, 25-June-09)
MUSIC: String Quartett No.1 by Koka Nikoladze
Monday, June 22, 2009
TBILISI INTERNATIONAL, a new international festival of theatre, will bring leading artists from around the world to join with artists from Georgia’s long tradition of world class theatre, inspiring people to make professional and social connections on a national and international level.
For three weeks from the end of September until the middle of October, Tbilisi International will welcome everyone who aims to make peoples’ lives extraordinary and the world become a better place.
One of the core events of the Festival will be a programme of Georgian performances. The GEORGIAN SHOWCASE will run for four days from 9 – 12 October presenting performances from both state and independent theatres, as well as independent performing arts groups. It’s a chance to catch up with the latest developments from this most theatrical of cities.
The programme will be announced at the end of June but this advance notice is to enable you to put dates in your diary..
We promise a very interesting, creative programme with a unique opportunity to see a selection of high quality Georgian theatre from well-known masters of the stage together with the new generation of theatre professionals. Modern Georgian drama, top quality international companies, opportunities to meet actors, musicians, stage directors and writers with lively discussion over a Georgian table, with famous Georgian wine and food; it all adds up to an unforgettable experience that will enrich your artistic, professional and personal life.
The festival is just one part of the cultural life of Georgia and Tbilisi and will bring a unique atmosphere and experience to the family of International Festivals. Other events going on in Tbilisi include the Autumn Music Festival, GIFT Festival and the Opera Show Case.
If you’ve never been to Tbilisi or Georgia, now is the time to make your first visit. We say first because it certainly won’t be your last!
Ekaterina Mazmishvili
Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre
Marjanishvili 8 Tbilisi
0102 Georgia
Tel: + 995 32 95 40 01
Eimuntas Nekroshius Theatre
Change Performing Arts Company
DATES: 6-11 October
French Surrealist Louis Aragon wrote of Wilson "he is what we, from whom Surrealism was born, dreamed would come after us and go beyond us"
Istanbul Music and Sema Group
(Sacred Music and Dance)
OZ Productions
Istambul, Turkey
"Come, come by, come again!Whoever you are,Whether an infidel, or a worshipper of fire or idol,Whether you have repented for a hundred times,Whether you have turned back from your repentance for a hundred times.This gate is not a gate for despair;Come as you are!"
BY Oskaras Korshunovas
Date: 27 September
Philipe Genty Company
8-9 October
Venue: Royal District Theatre
The Master of Theatrical Fantasy and Illusion, Philipe Genty presents his performance for the first time in Georgia. "ZIGMUND FOLLIES" on the stage of Royal District Theatre
Sidi Larbri Sherkaoui/ Antony Gormley / Monks from ShaoLin Temple
October 5
This unique, profoundly imagined show takes the concept of cultural exchange to a whole new level”
The Guardian
CLOSE ACTS - The Netherlands
Charming white magical apparition – WHITE WINGS
Charming white magical apparitions called the White Wings, strides down the streets, demanding the public's attention. These white figures dance along the way and seduce and persuade their audience. Flirting with the audience causing sometimes hectic family affairs.As soon as they open their proud wide wings, everybody looks up to admire a wonderful dance. As this majestic white beings parade away, all which is left is sheer admiration and wonder.
Gecko Company
Venue and Dates: to be determined
Venue and dates to be determined
Family floz Company
INFINITA is a play about the first and last moments of life . INFINITA is a mosaic of life?s grand and less grand moments. Simple and yet masterfully composed, it is a short glimpse into the perpetual themes of Birth, Sex and Death and all else that is eternally comical.
"This is a theater piece filled with magical mask work, sublime shadow theater and glorious music."
TBILISI AUTAMN - INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL, artistic director Vakhtang Kakhidze
GIFT - INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS, artistic director Keti Dolidze
TBILISI INTERNATIONAL is an International Festival of Theatre and stage arts to be held for about three weeks from the end of September, until the second half of October in the capital of
Georgia, Tbilisi.
- Charm of one of the oldest cities in the world - Tbilisi - its style and diversity is something, that could create unforgettable memory for all participants
- The hospitality, welcome from audience, its confidence and energy could become unique experience for all artists
- Theater as live art unifies people and has no boundaries and unifies people in endeavor to live better life on the earth
With very high cultural achievements in Theater, Music, Cinema and Arts, Tbilisi traditionally was cultural meeting point and eventful city during the Soviet Times, it was one of the leading capitals of Culture in union of Soviet counties with strong resistance against regime and with constant innovative spirit in all directions.
With the Festival TBILISI INTERNATIONAL, we will try to become one interesting and challenging member of Festival’s big Family in world, connect artists with each other, became good partner for all theaters, performing arts groups and theater professionals.
We think, that the Festival can give birth to new cooperative projects, new ideas, conversations, stories and even tendencies!
With TBILISI INTERNATIONAL we will endeavor to be understood as a celebration of Tbilisi - as one of the most attractive, diverse , beautiful and theatrical cities in the world!
We think to inspire and attract !
Above everything, with the Festival atmosphere we suggest that everything human relations is most important creative tool in all times and everything.
With modern, popular and intelligent programming we show that creative possibilities of mankind has no boundaries.
Training and Educational Programs for young theater professionals and students
Exhibitions about theater and inspired by theatre
Also, special events and programs for artists, public and guests will add passion to FESTIVAL.
will be announced at the same time.
Founder: Municipality of Tbilisi
Organizers: Municipality of Tbilisi, Ministry of Culture of Tbilisi, International Festival Center
Opera House
Rustaveli State Drama Theatre
Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre
Royal District Theatre
Tumanishvili Film Actor’s Studio
Griboedov theatre
Theater of Music and Drama
Open Air Sites
Festival Center:
Will be announced by end of June
Participation in Festival
Selection is made:
1. BY invitation directly from Festival Organizers
2. BASED OPEN CALL OF proposals from different theater, theater groups and individuals (Section ‘NEW DISCOVERIES”)
the receipt of the information package (DVD and/or CD, technical rider and conditions)
The selection is made by an advisors committee of the Festival.
Financial and organizational conditions FOR THE Participants in "NEW DISCOVERIES" are provided with FOLLOWING:
· Accommodation
· In-country transportation
· Tourist package
· Receptions
Organizers will negotiate best possibilities of participation with all participants individually.
Dear Friends,
This is a first and very brief information about the Festival. We are in formation period and just in the period of creation of program. We even do not have our web-site so far.
BUT we are!
With this letter we invite you to join TBILISI INTERNATIONAL with your performances or yourself. We are open to any suggestion, idea, project. !
Please, contact us to:
Marjanishvili 8
Tbilisi 0102
Tel: + 995 32 950 250
Ekaterina Mazmishvili
General Manager
NEWS: 19 Jun 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 498 (
Authorities offer incentives for refugees to return, but little grows on their land and employment prospects are grim. By Lusine Musaelian in Stepanakert (CRS No. 498, 19-June-09)
Georgia’s Religious Battles
Dispute over Catholics’ use of Orthodox church highlights problems faced by Georgian minority faiths. By Fati Mamiashvili in Tbilisi (CRS No. 498, 19-June-09)
Azeri Internet Blues
Azerbaijan’s web users claim censorship and poor quality of service. By Maharram Zeynalov in Baku (CRS No. 498, 19-June-09)
PHOTO-EXHIBITION: The Russian-Georgian Conflict. A Humanitarian Perspective. By Uwe Schober. (

There will be a public debate "The Fate of Georgia’s IDPs: Grief, Challenges, Hopes?" beginning at 18:30. Speakers will include Ms. Medea Turashvili (International Crisis Group), Mr. Mark Mullen (Transparency International), Ms. Julia Kharashvili (Head of the Department for External Affairs at the Ministry of IDP Issues of the Georgian Government), Mr. Besik Tserediani (Consultant, Ministry of IDP Issues of the Georgian Government).
We are looking forward to welcoming you at our office at 38, Zovreti Street, 0160 Tbilisi.
A small buffet will be served.
Dr. Iris Kempe
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V.
38, Zovreti Str., 0160 Tbilisi
T 99532.38 04 67/68
F 99532.91 28 97
Thursday, June 18, 2009
BUCHVORSTELLUNG: Grosny-Zürich und zurück. Porträts von fünf Jugendlichen aus Tschetschenien. Von Elisabeth Gusdek Petersen
Montag, 22. Juni 2009, 19.00 Uhr: Tschetschenien im Fokus
Buchvorstellung: Elisabeth Gusdek Petersen, "Grosny-Zürich und zurück. Porträts von fünf Jugendlichen aus Tschetschenien", Zürich 2009
Moderation: Dr. Rupert Neudeck, Journalist, Gründer des Komitee Cap Anamur/Deutsche Notärzte e.V., Mitbegründer und Vorsitzender des Friedenskorps Grünhelme e.V.,
Spezialgast: Sulichan Asukanowa
eine der fünf Porträtierten
Fünf vom Krieg traumatisierte Jugendliche aus Tschetschenien begegnen der Schweiz. Elisabeth Gusdek Petersen zeichnet deren Lebensgeschichte in fünf einfühlsamen Porträts auf.
Morde, Verfolgungen, Säuberungen, Flucht und Vertreibung haben die Menschen in Tschetschenien schwer gezeichnet. Auf Initiative der Autorin, die über Jahre die russische Kaukasusrepublik besucht hat, konnten in den letzten Jahren fünf junge Tschetschenen in der Schweiz eine Ausbildung absolvieren, Sprachen lernen und eine neue Perspektive aufbauen. In ihrer Heimat hatten die drei Frauen und die zwei Männer schwerste körperliche und seelische Verletzungen erlitten, Angehörige verloren, Entwurzelung erfahren.
Elisabeth Gusdek Petersen holte die Jugendlichen in die Schweiz und unterstützte sie bei der Auseinandersetzung mit der fremden Kultur. Nicht immer ein leichtes Unterfangen. Das Buch vermittelt einen Einblick in den Kriegsalltag von Jugendlichen und beschreibt die Zukunftsperspektiven in einem kriegsversehrten Land.
Elisabeth Gusdek Petersen ist Juristin, Dozentin und Präsidentin des Forums für Zeitzeugen in Zürich. Als Verfechterin der Menschenrechte engagiert sie sich seit vielen Jahren für die Opfer des Tschetschenienkrieges. Sie lebt in Zürich.
UKB: 5,- ? / 2,5 ? LKF-Mitglieder, Schüler, Studenten und ALG-II- Empfänger
Lew Kopelew Forum
Neumarkt 18a, 50667 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 257 67 67, Fax: +49 221 257 67 68
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
CONCERT: Lado Burduli with String Quartet, Sunday 21 June 19:00
Lado Burduli with String Quartet
(love songs)
Enter with guest list please confirm your attendance.
Lado Burduli.
Machabeli str. 20/25.
0105 Tbilisi.Georgia.
tel.: + 995 32 98 27 79
BOOK: Georgia in Transition: Experiences and Perspectives. By Lorenz King and Giorgi Khubua (Publisher)
Der Band ist für 54,80 Euro in der Peter Lang Verlagsgruppe erhältlich.Georgia is a small country located in the Caucasus, which gained independence in April 1991 after several decades of socialistic structures of the Soviet Union. Like all other post Soviet countries, Georgia had to face the challenges of the transition process towards democracy and market economy. Today, more than 15 years after the beginning of the transition process, a lot has changed. This book portrays the development of Georgia in this difficult period. It gives an overview of the experiences Georgia has gone through during transition. The first part of this book deals with the jurisprudential and (security) political aspects of transformation. The section covers the problems concerning statehood and democratization in Georgia as well as electoral procedures. The second part of the anthology deals with the challenges arising from the transition from a planned economy toward market oriented economic structures, which Georgia has to face. Land use change and environmental problems are the main topics of the book's third part. Additionally, the book covers issues regarding climate change.
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
JOB: Head, Program Facilitation Unit, CGIAR Program for Central Asia and the Caucasus (
This collaborative program "Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus (CAC)" was jointly initiated in 1998 by a consortium of nine CGIAR Centers (CIMMYT, CIP, ICARDA, ICRISAT, IFPRI, ILRI, IPGRI, ISNAR, and IWMI) and the national agricultural systems (NARS) of the eight countries of the CAC region; Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in Central Asia, and Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Caucasus. It is designed to meet national goals by increasing agricultural productivity, improving natural resource management and conservation of genetic material, and strengthening agricultural research management and policy procedures. It fosters cooperation between CAC countries and between them and international research organizations. The partners include eight NARS, nine CGIAR Centers, donors, NGOs and other international and national research and development institutions. A Task Force of the CGIAR Center Directors General Committee (CDC) is responsible for CGIAR inputs and liaison between the participating Centers.
A Program Steering Committee (PSC) provides overall Program management, with responsibility for guidance, information exchange, progress monitoring, and review of research results. The Program is supported by a Program Facilitation Unit (PFU), housed at the Office of the ICARDA Regional Program for Central Asia and the Caucasus in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. ICARDA serves as the focal point to support the activities of the Consortium and implementation of the Program.
full offer >>>
FESTIVAL: Transkaukazja 2009 in Poland (
Main events of the festival will take place between 25th June 2009 (Thursday) and 5th July 2009 (Sunday) in Warsaw, but these are not the only attractions we've prepared for You.
In Gdansk and Łódź there will be also possibility to take part in Transkaukazja.
Moreover, art exhibitions in two most famous and prestigious contemporary art galleries in Warsaw – Center for Contemporary Art - Ujazdowski Castle and Zachęta (gallery Kordegarda) – will be displayed till 9th August and till 31th August 2009 respectively.
We’re glad to present you our day-by-day guide to the Festival, so you can plan your time in advance and fully participate in all the events.
Video art & experimental movies presentations will be held not only in Warsaw, but also in Gdansk (CSW Łaźnia) and in Łódź (Kino Charlie). | read more...
Works of more than 20 artists from Caucasus will be presented in Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. From this exhibition we start the presentations of the Transkaukazja visual art projects. | read more...
All&Now' exhibition in Ujazdowski Castle at Transkaukazja!
Works of more than 20 artists from Caucasus will be presented in Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. From this exhibition we start the presentations of the Transkaukazja visual art projects.
Exhibition opening: 28th of June, 19:00. The exhibition will run until 9th August.
Opening of the exhibition will be accompanied by the performance of Natalii Mali (Dagestan).
More than 20 artists from Caucasus will take part in the exhibition i.a. Vahram Aghasyan, Eldar Agamalov,Faiq Akhmedov, Farid Aliyev, Eliar Alimirzoyev, Agdes Bagirzade, Rena Effendi, Rafig Gambarov, Kahn Gasimov, Gamid Ibadullayev, Fahriya Mamedova, Jeyhun Ojadov, Sevinj Pirizade, Farid Rasulov, Mahmud Rustamov, Sabina Shikhlinskaya, Iliko Zautashvili, Archil Turmanidze, Niko Tsetkhladze, Elene Rakviashvili, Temo Javakshvili, Konstantin Sulaberidze, Kote Jinchardze, Konstantin Mindadze, Wato Tsereteli, Gio Sumbadze, Maia Sumbadze, Mikhail Gogrichiani.
The idea behind the project is to present various, independent approaches to culture and its uniqueness and simplicity:
- from Armenia: series of exhibition projects under the title 'Ghost town' ; works refer to earthquake, which took place in Giumri in 1988. Soviet authorities initited the building of new objects however they have never finished them. In his works Vahram Aghasyan presents half-finished ruins of the future, that never arrived.
- from Azerbaijan: the project titled 'La Vie en Rouge' is based on the works selected through a 'red filter'. This method of selection revealed extremely motley mix of completely different understanding of this expression.
- from Georgia: the aim of the project under the title 'Structural changes' is to show different approaches to results of changes, which are showed not only fragmentarily and figuratively, but also in broad outline.
ARTICLE: Knolevi – Village of Constant Stress. By Anna Chichinadze (
full article >>>
COMMENT: Reaction to the "Spiegel"-Article "Zerschmetterter Traum" ("Smashed Dream"). By Heidi Tagliavini. (
Comment of the Press and information Department on the article ''Zerschmetterter Traum'' (''Smashed Dream'') published in today’s edition of the German News Magazine ''Der Spiegel'' |
Question: How would you assess the article ''Zerschmetterter Traum'' ("Smashed Dream") that was published in today's edition of the German News Magazine "Der Spiegel" regarding the findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia?
Answer: Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot comment on this article, however notes that the Head of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini has responded to the issue. Below please find the above comment:
The German News Magazine "Der Spiegel" in today's edition (25/2009) published a two page article under the heading "Zerschmetterter Traum" ("Smashed Dream") which reflects on the work of IIFFMCG in a largely speculative and unsubstantiated way. In this context I would like to state the following:
The Spiegel's article is not based on information provided by the Head of IIFFMCG, Ambassador Tagliavini, or any other authorized sources. On behalf of IIFFMCG there has been no interview, background briefing or any other way of communication in order to provide information for the article.
The article's contents on the findings of the Mission are entirely fictious as regards the so-called majority views among Mission's members relating to the alleged responsibility for the outbreak of hostilities or the alleged violation by either side of the Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians.
The report which shall be presented to the EU Council of Ministers by 31 July 2009 comes under the sole and exclusive responsibility of Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini, and not under the responsibility of the Mission's experts or the majority of its experts. All experts' opinions are subject to the approval by the Head of Mission before being included in the Report, and not any of the contributions can be considered by itself as representing the Mission's findings.
Contrary to the allegations referred to in the article, there is not and has never been any reluctance or unwillingness on behalf of IIFFMCG to interview senior U.S. diplomats such as former Assistant Secretary for Europe Daniel Fried on America's role in the conflict. Assistant Secretary Daniel Fried was interviewed by Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini and her deputy former German Ambassador Uwe Schramm at the State Department in Washington on 14 May, together with other senior members of the U.S. administration such as Deputy Assistant Secretary Matt Bryza and others. U.S. Ambassador John Tefft had been spoken to already on several previous occasions.
The work of IIFFMCG is continuing. Until the process of collecting and evaluating of all relevant facts has been completed, no final conclusions will be drawn.
Heidi Tagliavini
Ambassador and Head of Mission
Тальявини: Статья Клуссманна в "Der Spiegel" - ложь
16.06.2009 23:16
Глава международной комиссии по расследованию причин военного конфликта между Грузией и Россией Хайди Тальявини призывает дождаться завершения работы комиссии и лишь потом делать выводы. Так она прокомментировала статью "Разбитые мечты", опубликованную накануне в журнале "Der Spiegel". "Статья не основана на информации, предоставленной ей или любым другим полномочным источником", - сказано в комментарии Тальявини, распространенном
во вторник МИД Грузии.
"Комиссия не давала в какой-либо форме информацию для данной статьи, и не проводила информационного брифинга", - отмечено в комментарии.
При этом сказано, что "содержание статьи о выводах комиссии полностью выдумано, когда речь идет о мнении т.н. большинства членов миссии о возможной ответственности в связи с началом военных действий, или о возможном нарушении с какой-либо стороны Женевской Конвенции защиты гражданских лиц".
Тальявини отмечает, что "в статье в основном высказаны гипотетические и неподтвержденные мнения в связи с прводимой работой миссии".
По словам главы комиссии, доклад совету министров ЕС должен быть представлен к 31 июля 2009 года. "Доклад представляет предмет эксклюзивной ответственности Тальявини и не представляет сферу ответственности экспертов миссии или большинства экспертов", - заявляет глава комиссии в своем комментарии.
По ее словам, "до вынесения доклада на рассмотрение ЕС, мнение любого эксперта должно быть подтверждено со стороны руководителя комиссии и мнение отдельного независимого эксперта не должно восприниматься как выводы комиссии".
"Комиссия продолжает работу. Окончательные выводы будут сделаны только после того, как завершится процесс сбора и оценки всех соответственных фактов", - отметила Тальявини. В немецком журнале "Der Spiegel" автор Уве Клуссманн (Uwe Klussmann) опубликовал статью «Разбитые мечты», где в частности говорится, что «неопубликованные документы международной миссии под эгидой Евросоюза по расследованию обстоятельств августовского конфликта на Кавказе содержат доказательства вины в первую очередь президента Грузии Саакашвили,
но также Кремля и осетинских военных".
Международная комиссия под эгидой ЕС по расследованию обстоятельств августовского конфликта официально приступила к работе в начале декабря.
Целью работы комиссии является объективное выяснение причин и обстоятельств, которые привели к возникновению конфликта в начале августа прошлого года.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
INTERVIEW: Georgien: „Das politische System ist kaputt“. Interview mit Michael Sarjveladze (
Von Ralph Menz
Wetzlar/Tiflis. Der Krieg am Kaukasus hat das kleine Georgien über Nacht in den Fokus der Weltpolitik gerückt. Im Interview erzählt Michael Sarjveladze, ein junger Georgier, der derzeit in Mittelhessen lebt (siehe unten), über sein Land, die Menschen und wie die Zukunft aussehen könnte.
1997 – 1998 Organisation & co-curating of expositions in IFA gallery (Institut of Foreign Cultural Relations) Berlin & UNESCO in Paris, 2000 - 2003
Founder member of the Bureau of Coordination of SEECAN, South East European Contemporary Art Network,
2002 – 2003 Charged of Missions (Apollonia), Co- curator of programme from South Caucasus, Expositions in Thessaloniki(Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Photography and Cinematography in Thessalonica), Strasbourg (Apolonia Space) & Bruxelles (CCA).
2003 – 2006 Founder & Artistic Direction of Karavansarai – Artistic Exchanges, Collaboration with N Gallery & Foundation of International Forum of Contemporary Art in Tbilisi, Georgia.
2007 curated & participated in Couriers Sud, ST. Exupery, House of photography in Tashkent; International photo & video Festival, East – West Tashkent Crossroad; “Heterotopias” Biennale of Thessaloniki, State Museum in Greece; “Neigbours in Dialogue”, Fechan I Amire in Istanbul; Karsi Sanat, Urbanconnections in Istanbul; Biennale of Tashkent, « Bonjour Montparnasse + Reflections »; SLIK, Contemporary Art Fair in Paris Bellevile; DIVA Digital & Vidéo Art Fair, Louvre des Antiquaires in Paris & « Doucement nous sommes pressés… » with Heartgalerie, Paris.
2008 Recently has curated Paris – Montparnasse – Tbilissi (Helene Akhvlediani & Vera pagava) in Museum of Montparnasse (with Jean Digne & Elisso Tarassashvili), realised photo & video reportages (with Arnaud Contreras) from the manifestation in Paris, protests against the Russian aggression in Georgia, August 2008 & participates in Month of Photography, House of European Photography, Paris.
Participation & artistic direction of events:
After first exhibition 1988 in Tbilisi, Shalva Khakhanashvili has participated in personal and group shows
History Museum and House of Artists of Tbilissi in 1988,
project “Abstinence” in 1992 Tbilisi, Organisation and direction of Contemporary Art Centre in Tbilisi 1994-96,
Presentation of Contemporary art from Georgia ‘Between Painting and Photography’ in Berlin 1997 "Arround the Circle” municipal Galery "Im Parkhaus" of Berlin, “Trans-Formation” in UNESCO, Paris 1998
Biennale Mitteleuropa - Schiltigheim in Strasbourg 1999,
“On the Other Side of History’ in Strasbourg, Paris, Thessaloniki (Musum of Contemporary Arts) & Rethymnon (Centre of Contemporary Arts) 1999-2001;
Paul Ricard space in Paris, Cultural Centre of Azerbaïdjan in London, Musum of Photography in Thessalonique 2002.
2003 - 2007 “Mains d’Oeuvres”, Centre of Contemporary Arts), Presentation of LaPlatforme in St. Ouen, « 7 + 7 »,
Exposition of Azerbaidjan & Georgian artistes « Aluminium » Festival of Contemporary Arts, the Museum of Arts, Baku.
2004 «A l’Est du Nouveau»,Mairie of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois, «Transformation»,
Toptasi Kulliyesi (karavansarai), Donusum, Istanbul, 1er Symposium d’Art Contemporain and exposition in Comrat, Moldavia, Caravansaraï, sensewell, N GALERY, Tbilissi, «AZART, 1st international Postcontemporary Art Exhibition » in Baku.
2005 Biennale of Venice, presentation of a book “Neigbours in Dialogue”, “Man & Woman” in Museum of Arts, Baku, Biennale, Academy of Arts in Tashkent, «Aluminium», Festival of Contemporary Art, Azerbaijan State Museum Centre.
2006 “Family, Union of Artists, Espace Lhomond” in Paris, « 1st Contemporary Art Salon, Ferme of Ayau », Roissy-En-Brie, France, “Caucasus” - National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA), Moscow, Heartgalerie, Caravansarai – Station Paris, Station Tbilissi – NAC (National Art Centre), Caravansaraï - Station Tashkent & Station Boukhara, Nuit Blanches, Paris – Everybody Wins, Video projections,
Canal St. Martin, Tyuap Art Fair, by Karsi Sanat in Istanbul, DIVA Hotel CUBE, installations & videos, Paris.
2007 Couriers Sud, ST. Exupery, House of photography in Tashkent; International photo & video Festival, East – West Tashkent Crossroad, Biennale of Thessaloniki, State Museum in Greece, Fechan I Amire, “Neigbours in Dialogue”, Istanbul, Turkey, Karsi Sanat, Istanbul Urbanconnections, Biennale of Tashkent, « Bonjour Montparnasse + Reflections », SLIK, Contemporary Art Fair, Paris Bellevile DIVA, Art Fair, Digital & Vidéo, Louvre des Antiquaires in Paris, « Doucement nous sommes pressés… », Heartgalerie, Paris
2008 Festival Vidéoformes in Clermont Ferrand, Galerie Claire Gastau, SECURITY, ConcentART, Berlin, Festival of Environnemental Image, Paris, “Paris Tout Court” (Les Cabinets de curiosité)International Festival of Short Films in Paris, Gallery Basia Embiricos, Paris, Canakkale Festival, Turkey.
Paris – Montparnasse – Tbilissi, 1) Expositions Helene Akhvlediani & Vera Pagava, Art of 20th from Georgia in Paris. 2) Actual Contemporary Art from Georgia, photos & videos.
“Neigbours in Dialogue”, Istanbul collection presentation in Sarajevo ARS AEVI Museum, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Artist 2008 Art Fair, Istanbul, Turkey.
Artisterium, International Art Exposition, Tbilissi, Georgia.
MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPY, European House of Photography & Basia Embiricos Gallery, Paris, France.
DIVA ART FAIR, Hotel Cube, Paris, France
University of Tcheliabinsk, Ural, Russia