Monday, July 02, 2007


Hotel Patio in Sheki, Azerbaijan

Uploaded on October 31, 2006 by Tomke Lask
They were making a film using the hotel for the casting of the story. It was very funny, because I didn't know that there was a film being done and I wondered why there were so many people in strange and colourful traditional outfits in the hotel.
Azerbaijan (Set)
The pictures are from a trip to Azerbaijan following Alexandre Dumas' voyage as he described it in his book 'Le Caucase' (
It was on behalf of the Council of Europe and the European Institute of Cultural Routes that I participated in this mission that was to analyse the feasability of an Alexandre Dumas' cultural route from Daghestan to Azerbaijan and Georgia.
It was on behalf of the Council of Europe and the European Institute of Cultural Routes that I participated in this mission that was to analyse the feasability of an Alexandre Dumas' cultural route from Daghestan to Azerbaijan and Georgia.

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