Friday, June 29, 2018

CALL: Project Description “Traces Of Togetherness” - Stories of common roots of each others culture in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia

Ulyanovsk / RU, 22.08.2018 – 01.09.2018

The project ToT brings together citizens of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia to find and publish stories of common roots of each others culture.

One goal of the project is to enable people who are interested in story telling to improve their media skills as citizens journalists with the help of professional trainers. These "citizen journalists" will be trained in journalistic photography, videography, writing and multimedia/social media. The stories will be published online and as a brochure.

The second goal is to provide people from the participating countries - which partly face difficult political situations - the posibility to share, on a non-political basis their opinions and get to know each other better.

Five people from each of the countries will meet each other for ten days, End of August 2018 in the Russian city of Uljanovsk to present there stories of traces of Russian culture from their home countries and to research and present stories from traces of Caucasian life in Uljanowsk. Project language will be english (and russian).

Each country – group from the Caucasus will be joined by a mentor who chooses the participating "citizen journalists"  and coordinates the activities of the group in their home countries as well as during the workshop periode in Russia. After the workshop he/she promotes and partialy coordinates the following online story competition in their home countries.

It is also important to know, that the project funding is not 100% certain until now.
I hope to get definite commitments until mid of June....

Three "citizen journalists" and one mentor of each of the following countries:
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia will meet in August in Uljanowsk/ RU to develope and/or improve their journalistic/media skills in text, photography, videography, multimedia storytelling and social media. We look for participants who are interested in journalism/storytelling and are NOT professional journalists. If they have experiences in some of the journalistic technics that would be fine. They also should speak - in best case – both English and Russian or at least one of those languages.

Beside the technical aspects the project aims to promote intercultural understanding and communication as well as empowerment of the members of the civil society.

Therefor the topic of the workshop is "traces of togetherness", wich means that the participants will focus on different traces of other/foreign cultures in their own surroundings. That means specifically that each caucasian country team will research and produce between one and three stories (photostory and/or video and/or text and/or multimedia) about Russian traces in there home countries, which will be shown at the beginning of the workshop stay in Uljanowsk.

In Uljanowsk each group together with Russian participants will research and produce stories about caucasian traces in the City of Uljanowsk.The results will be shown at the end of the stay in Uljanowsk as well. All of the stories will be published online as well as some of them in a publication after the workshop week. To give that project a perspective and to invite more people to start a carrier as citizen journalist in this four countries there will be an open (citizen journalistic) competition in September where everyone who is interested can participate ...

The tasks for the mentor of each country team are basically

•to find and select the participants who are open, interested and willing to be part of this project

•to coordinate the production of the first story(s) which will be produced before August in each country

•to coordinate (partly) the preparation of the travel

•to coordinate (partly) the stay of the group in Uljanowsk and

•to help with the preparation of the story competition after the stay in Russia in their own countries

For the participants/mentors all travel/visa cost and costs of living in Uljanowsk as well as the costs for the journalistic trainer will be covert. The mentors receive an allowance of 600 Euro for the whole project.

So generally we are looking for open minded people who enjoy exchanging there experiences with others despite of political, ethnical and /or social differences.

If you are interested or if you have more questions please email or call me
(Whats App, Messenger, Viber )!
My mobile number is +49 (0) 179 5420 175
All the Best, Matthias Schumann

Funding is the Kulture Aktiv e.V., supported by Department of Foreign Affairs in Germany.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

AUSSTELLUNG: DYNASTIEN / Parallele Perspektiven - "Ich baue, was ich glaube" Dominikus Böhm - 27.06. bis 10.09.2018 in Tbilisi

For English please scroll down.

Eine Ausstellung des Goethe-Instituts Georgien in Zusammenarbeit mit dem National Museum Georgien []
Im Rahmen der Deutsch-Georgischen Kulturbegegnungen 2017/2018

Spektakuläre Bauten, wechselvolle Schicksale, Karrieren die ihresgleichen suchen: Die Ausstellung wirft einen Blick auf zwei unterschiedliche Baumeisterdynastien und will deren zeitgleiche Lebens- und Schaffensprozesse in ihren kulturellen Kontexten untersuchen.

Es handelt sich um eine historisch-kulturelle Untersuchung, die in Form einer Ausstellung realisiert ist. Verglichen wurden zwei Baumeisterdynastien, die beide vom 20. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart, in zwei politischen Systemen, tätig waren. Dabei bietet die Ausstellung traditionelle, familiäre, aber auch individuelle Anhaltspunkte: Einerseits für die Architekten aus der Kölner Baumeisterdynastie Böhm und andererseits für die Tifliser Baumeisterdynastie Kurdiani. Es werden sowohl die teilweise über mehrere Generationen andauernden Schaffensprozesse, wie auch Parallelen und Überschneidungen verdeutlicht. Die Untersuchung bezieht sich auf ca. 40 Gebäude.

Die Ausstellungschoreografie erzeugt Spannungsbögen zwischen den beiden Baumeisterdynastien und lässt vielschichtige Lesarten des Gezeigten zu. So mag der sich frei im Raum bewegende Besucher auf Entdeckungsreise gehen. Weltläufigkeit und die gezielte Abweichung von vorgegebenen Standards sind für ambitionierte Architekten meist bezeichnend. So will das Gesamtwerk beim Betrachter einen unverwechselbaren Eindruck hinterlassen, der dem Anspruch der Architektur, Baukunst zu sein, gerecht wird.

Architekten / Architektinnen
Dominikus Böhm, Gottfried Böhm, Elisabeth Böhm, Stefan Böhm, Peter Böhm, Paul Böhm, Grigol Kurdiani, Archil Kurdiani, Ketevan Sokolova-Porakishvili, Gia Kurdiani, Archil Kurdiani, Giorgi Kurdiani


Am 28.06.2018, 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Historisches Museum Tbilissi (Karvasla), Sionistr. 8
Vortrag von Arne Schmitt (Künstler, Fotograf, Köln/Berlin)
Podiumsdiskussion: mit Stephan Böhm, Peter Böhm und Paul Böhm, Köln
Moderation: Irina Kurtishvili
In deutscher Sprache mit georgischer Übersetzung

Von 29. Juni bis 10. September findet im Ausstellungsraum 3 das tägliche Filmprogramm statt:

12:00 – 12:45 / FILM 1
Stadion "Dinamo"
Regisseur: Shalva Shengeli
Georgien 2010, 42.48'
Der Dokumentarfilm handelt von der Geschichte des Fußballstadions "Dinamo" in Tiflis seit 1936 bis 2010 und zeigt dessen Bauprozess, wie auch verschiedene Phasen der Rekonstruktion.

13:00 – 13:30 / FILM 2
Family Unity
Regisseur: Sopho Chakvetadze
Georgien 2009, 29'
Der Dokumentarfilm handelt von der Geschichte der Familie Kurdiani, ihrer Gegenwart und Zukunft, sowie von ihren Vorfahren dargestellt anhand verschiedener Generationen.

16:00 – 17:30 / FILM 3
Die Böhms. Architektur einer Familie
Regisseur: Maurizius Staerkle Drux
Deutschland - Schweiz 2014, 87'
Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln

Der Dokumentarfilm "Die Böhms. Architektur einer Familie" dokumentiert die Arbeit, die Bauten und das Leben der Böhms. Er zeichnet ein intimes Porträt der Architektenfamilie. Für die Filmarbeiten lebte der junger Schweizer Regisseur (Absolvent der Film und Fernsehen Hochschule in München) länger als zwei Jahre mit der Familie Böhm in Köln zusammen. "Mit bewunderungswürdigem bildlichem Gespür setzt sich Maurizius Staerkle Drux mit den verschiedenen architektonischen Universen der Böhms auseinander und nähert sich darüber hinaus auch den feinen Unterschieden zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbild seiner Protagonisten. Der Titel des Films darf durchaus wörtlich genommen werden: Es geht vor allem um die Architektur einer Familie, erst danach um das Porträt einer prominenten Architektenfamilie." Ralph Eue, DOK Leipzig.

Architekturfotografen, Fotografen & Künstler Philipp Bösel, Markus Böhm, Hermann Claasen, Maurizius Staerkle Drux (Film), Harun Farocki, Arne Hofmann, Andreas M. Kaufmann, Dieter Leistner, Mario Lorenz, Giorgi Nebieridze, Sebastian Linnerz, Lukas Roth, Arne Schmitt, Christopher Schroeer-Heiermann, Ulrich Schwarz, Sandro Sulaberidze

Böhm Archiv
DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt

Fotografien Hermann Claasen
LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn
Fotografische Sammlung

Fotografien Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki GbR, Berlin

Historische Fotos Tiflis
National Archives of Georgia / Sakinformi Fotorchiv


The Goethe Institute, with the support of the Georgian National Museum, in connection with 200 years of relations between Germany and Georgia presents a project:

The Dynasties – Parallel Perspective
"I build what I believe in" Dominikus Böhm

The exhibition features almost century-long historic-cultural and, in particular, architectural legacy that has been created and developed in parallel in Germany and Georgia, representing two different architectural family dynasties - the Böhms and the Kurdianis - creating in Germany and Georgia respectively. The exhibition gives an overview of their creative history, emphasizing on parallelism in life.

Secular, public, sporting, residential, cultural, educational architectural objects - all these buildings are still functional both in Germany and Georgia and represent an integral element of their countries’ identity. The display represents all epochs through which both countries and each of the families lived and created in parallel, though individually. The Böhms’ architectural legacy has been repeatedly surveyed and acknowledged. The elderly member of the family, Gottfried Böhm is 98 years old today. He is the only German architect awarded the highest architectural prize – the Pritzker prize.

One may see exhibits and photos from the family archives associated with specific historic context. Documentaries will also be on display, featuring their creative life and key architectural projects created by the Bioms and the Kurdianis. The audience will have an opportunity to see compilation of photos by Harun Farocki (1944-2014) titled "Stalin’s Museum in Gori" that is exhibited in Georgia, Karvasla Hall for the second time. In his photos, Faruk underscores the importance of contexts created by ideologies and/or political regimes, or even contemporary forms of powers in the universe, under the disguise and veil of culture.

Dominikus Böhm (1880-1955); Gottfried Böhm, Elizabeth Böhm (1921-2012), Stephan Böhm, Peter Böhm, Paul Böhm, Grigol Kurdiani (1873 – 1957); Archil Kurdiani (1903-1988), Ketevan Sokolova-Porakishvili (1905-1988), Gia Kurdiani (1932-2014), Archil Kurdiani, Giorgi Kurdiani

The Author and Curator of the Exhibition: Irina Kurtishvili, Cologne

National Museum of Georgia; Tbilisi History Museum (Karvasla);
#8, Sioni street, Tbilisi.

Opening: 19.00 hours, June 27, 2018
Exhibition lasts from June 28 till September 10, 2018

Die Böhms - Architektur einer Familie []
Die Böhms – ein Jahr­hun­d­ert Ar­chi­tek­tur und Kunst []
Die Böhms – Architektur einer Familie []

Monday, June 25, 2018

INDIGENOUS OUTSIDERS: Explores the endangered architectural legacy of the Adjara region’s Muslim communities in Georgia (

( Across Adjara, over fifty mosques built between 1817 and 1926 survive today—some the center of religious revival in their communities, others abandoned. This research project showcases those wooden mosques, with the aim of broadening our understanding of Georgia’s rich and varied architectural heritage

Wooden Mosques explores the endangered architectural legacy of the Adjara region’s Muslim communities. This unique architecture flourished in the decades between the twilight of Ottoman rule and the rise of Soviet power. The Lesser Caucasus’ mountainous climate provided both architectural challenges and opportunities for craftsmen who traveled freely across the Georgian-Turkish border, rendering in wood and paint what would have been stone and tile elsewhere. Moreover, these mosques feature figurative decoration often thought to be forbidden by the faith. These remote structures are architectural testaments to multi-confessionalism in the Caucasus and represent a distinctive expression of vernacular mosque design that underscores the diversity of the Muslim experience worldwide. At the same time, these buildings in their design and decoration are unmistakably Georgian mosques built under Ottoman influence rather than Ottoman mosques imposed on Georgian territory.

Across Adjara, over fifty mosques built between 1817 and 1926 survive today—some the center of religious revival in their communities, others abandoned because of secularization, depopulation, or the appeal of newly-constructed mosques built with Turkish funding, materials, and design. This research project showcases many of these historic wooden mosques, selected for their diversity in location, design, and conservation status. Through an exploration of this architectural legacy, the project seeks to broaden our understanding of Georgia’s rich and varied architectural heritage.

Suzanne Harris-Brandts is a Canadian architect and PhD candidate in Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her work examines the politics of architecture, particularly with regards to symbols of power and national identity in the post-Soviet South Caucasus and Occupied Palestinian Territories. Prior to her doctoral studies, she received an MArch from the University of Waterloo. Her work has been published and exhibited in various international outlets, and she has worked at design/research practices across the globe, including in Toronto, Vancouver, London, the West Bank, and Abu Dhabi.

Angela Wheeler is a PhD student in architecture at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. Her work explores heritage, national identity, and architectural history in the former Soviet Union. After working with the International Council of Monuments and Sites as a Fulbright research grantee in Tbilisi, she completed an MSc in Historic Preservation at Columbia University (2016). Her thesis, Socialist in Form, National in Content, investigated the historical turn in late Soviet architecture and attempts to reconcile historic preservation with Soviet ideology in the Brezhnev era. She recently contributed a chapter on mosques of Russia and the Caucasus to Rizzoli's Mosques: Splendors of Islam (2017) and is currently writing the Tbilisi volume for DOM's Architectural Guides series (2018).

Vladimer Shioshvili is a Georgian-American photographer who documents street art and urban transformations in Tbilisi. He enjoys setting up his tripod and exploring odd angles. Vladimer’s work has been published online and in print in Tank magazine, the Guardian,, and the

There are over fifty mosque sites across the Adjara Region of Georgia, some of which are highlighted below. More informations:

INDIGENOUS OUTSIDERS INDIGENOUS OUTSIDERS showcases the architectural heritage of Georgia's minority Muslim community in Adjara. #GrahamGrantee

22 JUNE -06 JULY 2018
We are pleased to announce the Tbilisi showing of our exhibition "Wooden Mosques: Islamic Architectural Heritage in Adjara" from 22 June - 06 July 2018. Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, June 22nd @ 18:30 at the gallery at 9 Atoneli St, Tbilisi.

We look forward to seeing you there!

INSTAGRAM: indigenous.outsiders

Caring for Georgia’s old wooden mosques. By Clément Girardot The Caucasian nation might be predominantly Christian Orthodox, but it also harbours a valuable, often forgotten, Muslim heritage. The architecture and photography project “Indigenous Outsiders” carried by Suzanne Harris-Brandts, Angela Wheeler and Vladimer Shioshvili aims to let people discover the old wooden mosques of the Adjara province and raise awareness about their preservation. Interview with Suzanne Harris-Brandts for georgias old wooden mosques

Saturday, June 23, 2018

GEORGIAN POLYPHONY: Pearls of Georgian Chant / Artem Erkomaishvili

In 1966, Georgian folklorists, Prof. Grigol Chkhikvadze and Kakhi Rosebashvili invited the accomplished chanter Artem Erkomaishvili to Tbilisi State Conservatoire for the recording session of old Georgian sacred hymns.

The recording was performed with two tape-recorders in the so-called 'combined' manner. The first-voice part was recorded on tape-recorder and Artem tuned the second and bass parts to the top voice which was recorded with the second tape-recorder.

This way the unique recordings of all three parts of about 107 chants performed by the 79-year-old Artem survived; the recordings were cleaned, processed and the voice-parts were mixed as part of the joint project of Georgian Chanting Foundation and Tbilisi State Conservatoire.

The CD includes 37 selected chants.

℗ Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 1966
© Georgian Chanting Foundation, 2016
© Ilia Jgharkava, 2013-2016

My Grandfather, Artem Erkomaishvili (DVD and CD Included)

Authors: Anzor Erkomaishvili (Art Director of Rustavi, State Academic Ensemble of Georgian Folk Song and Dance, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia)

Book Description:
In the book My Grandfather, Artem Erkomaishvili, the musical biography of the great Georgian singer-chanter Artem Erkomaishvili is described.

He was born to a traditional family of singers in 1887. He finished school for chanters and became a professional chanter thereafter (he knew more than 2,000 hymns). After the October Revolution, chanting was forbidden in Georgia. Artem formed a choir in Batumi that won in the first Olympiad of the Republic. Since that time, Artem Erkomaishvili’s choirs have always deserved the highest appraisals.

Though Artem experienced a difficult life that was quite painful and tragic, he channeled his talent in order to persevere. The book also comprises quite a few references about old singers-chanters.

This book informs readers about old traditions and customs like the Georgian New Year, Christmas, and Easter holidays. It also contains information on the rules for performing the traditional songs “Batonebo” (a healing song), “Alilo” (a Christmas song), “Elesa” (a work song), etc.

The book is also interesting in terms of its ethnographic point of view. Cultural activities such as tree cutting, wine-making, the distillation of spirits like Russian vodka, Japanese sake, and Georgian araki, the raising of the silkworms, or the carving of the chonguri (traditional Georgian musical instrument) are described and detailed within this monograph.

The musical epoch of Artem Erkomaishvili’s period, which was full of severe repressions under the Communist regime echoes throughout the pages. Church hymns, traditional songs, and anything connected to this question was strictly banned. Artem Erkomaishvili and his followers saved Georgian songs chants at their own risk. It is Artem’s outstanding contribution to the recognition of the Georgian polyphony as a masterpiece by UNESCO. The book will act as a detailed reference for folklorists, and lovers of Georgian folk music will enjoy it very much. (Nova)

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. At Grandfather Artem’s Grave
Chapter 2. How I Remember Batumi
Chapter 3. The History of the Erkomaishvilis
Chapter 4. First Gramophone Records
Chapter 5. Artem Erkomaishvili at the Chant School
Chapter 6. Philimon Qoridze
Chapter 7. Artem Erkomaishvili’s Biography (His Own Handwriting)
Chapter 8. The First Group Festival in Kutaisi
Chapter 9. Artem Erkomaishvili’s Group in Leningrad
Chapter 10. Tbilisi Festival (1937)
Chapter 11. Artem Erkomaishvili’s Group on Festivals (1934-1941)
Chapter 12. How I Remember Gigo Erkomaishvili
Chapter 13. Recording of Chants in Ozurgeti (1949)
Chapter 14. How I Was Baptized
Chapter 15. VI Republican Festival
Chapter 16. Artem, the Head of Ozurgeti Choir
Chapter 17. Brothers Artem, Ladiko, and Anania Erkomaishvili
Chapter 18. Gigo Erkomaishvili’s Family
Chapter 19. Grigol Berdzenishvili
Chapter 20. Chanters Artem Erkomaishvili, Varlam Simonishvili and Dimitri Patarava
Chapter 21. Artem Erkomaishvili’s Family Tragedy
Chapter 22. Anzor Erkomaishvili in Tbilisi
Chapter 23. Giorgi Nakashidze
Chapter 24. Artem Erkomaishvili in Makvaneti
Chapter 25. Table Rules in Guria
Chapter 26. Ceremonial and Ritual Songs in Guria
Chapter 27. Nadi and Naduri (Work) Songs
Chapter 28. Artem Agriculturist
Chapter 29. Artem Erkomaishvili a Virtuosic Performer on the Chonguri
Chapter 30. Artem’s Relatives
Chapter 31. The Last Period of my Grandfather’s Life
Chapter 32. Artem Erkomaishvili’s Decease
Chapter 33. The Main Moments from Artem Erkomaishvili's Creative Life
Chapter 34. At the Tomb of Artem Erkomaishvili

Series: Fine Arts, Music and Literature
Binding: ebook
Pub. Date: 2018 - 1st Quarter
ISBN: 978-1-53612-638-9
Status: AV

Further links:
GEORGIAN FOLK Artem Erkomaishvili []
Analysis of the Tbilisi State Conservatory Recordings of Artem Erkomaishvili in 1966 []

Friday, June 22, 2018

INTERVIEW: Lisa Batiashvili @lisabatiashvili im Gespräch mit Tina Gerhäusser / via @DeutscheWelle

Lisa Batiashvili zu Gast bei der Sendung "Der Tag" mit Tina Gerhäusser auf DW / Deutsche Welle. (19. Juni 2018)

Mehr zu Lisa Batiashvili: