Tuesday, March 31, 2009
DOKUMENTATION: Was geschah am 9. April 1989? 20 Jahre danach. Verspätete Auswertung historischer Ereignisse
9.4. 2009 19:00
Kommunales Kino
Hamburg, Steindamm 52/54
In Anwesenheit /Gespräch
Dr. David Kakabadze und Dr. Frank Tremmel
Das Jahr 1989 markiert den Anfang einer neuen Ära. Der kalte Krieg geht zu Ende. Die Weltgeschichte wird neu geschrieben. Der Umbruch vollzieht sich mit besonderer Schärfe in der damaligen Sowjetrepublik Georgien.
Am 9. April 1989 wird in der Hauptstadt Tbilissi (Tiflis) eine friedliche Demonstration mit unbekanntem Giftgas und geschliffenen Spaten brutal niedergeschlagen. 20 Menschen werden getötet (darunter 10 Frauen und Mädchen), weitere sterben noch Wochen und Monate danach an den Folgeschäden des Giftgaseinsatzes.
Der mit mehrfach mit preisgekrönten Komödien bekannte Filmemacher – Eldar Schengelaia – bekommt von unbekannten einige Aufnahmen. Schengelaia versuchte trotz Nachrichtensperre – Botschaft vom Massaker in der Welt zu verbreiten. Wir können den Film 20 Jahre danach sehen.
Dr. David Kakabadze studierte Germanistik, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften in Tbilissi, Jena und Köln und ist seit 1993 bei RadioFree Europe/Radio Liberty tätig, zunächst als Redakteur, dann (seit 2005) als Leiter der georgischen Abteilung. Er hat zahlreiche Artikel über die politischen Ereignisse in Georgien in internationalen Presseorganen publiziert und ist durch sein multimediales Projekt „Tagebücher der Freiheit“ bekannt geworden. Er ist Autor der umfangreichen Filmdokumentation „Gefangen im Kaukasus“ (1999), die das Schicksal der 11 deutschen Gefangenen des 2. Weltkriegs schildert. Außerdem übersetzt er Werke der klassischen und modernen deutschen Literatur ins Georgische.
Dr. Frank Tremmel studierte Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Soziologie und Politologie in Hamburg, zur Zeit Mitarbeiter in der Marketingabteilung einer Hamburger Anwaltssozietät. Er arbeitet zu Fragen der Philosophischen Anthropologie und der Kulturanthropologie, beschäftigt sich vor allem mit Fragen der georgischen Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte.
Die Teilnahme von Minister für Diaspora Herrn Prof. Dr. Julon Gagoschidze wird erwartet
Weitere Info: 040 – 389 2222, 0171 851 3635 info@lile.de
link: www.lile.de
Friday, March 27, 2009
HISTORY: Arte Themenabend: Der Staat als Leugner der Geschichte (fr-online.de)
Am Tatort erinnert nichts mehr an den Mord. Und an dem Gebäude, in dem sich die Redaktion von Agos befindet, gibt es keinerlei Hinweise auf die armenisch-türkische Wochenzeitung. Dort vor dem Verlagshaus in Istanbul ist der Journalist Hrant Dink am 19. Januar 2007 erschossen worden. Dink war Armenier und Herausgeber von Agos, er setzte auf demokratische Entwicklungen in der Türkei, engagierte sich für die Versöhnung zwischen der Türkei und Armenien, und er hinterfragte die Grenzziehung von Identitäten.Zwar wurde schon ein paar Stunden nach seiner Ermordung der Täter gefasst; doch zur Klärung der Frage, warum Dink sterben musste, führte der offizielle Fahndungserfolg keineswegs. Der Frage nach den Gründen für den Mord an dem armenischen Journalisten aus Istanbul geht die Dokumentation "Mordakte Hrant Dink - Armenier in der Türkei" nach.
Der Journalist und Dokumentarfilmer Osman Okkan hat sich auf Spurensuche begeben und viele Menschen zu Wort kommen lassen. So erklärt vor laufender Kamera Fethiye Çetin, die Anwältin der Familie Dink, dass der Staat an der Ermordung beteiligt gewesen sei. Um die Verwicklungen zu verschleiern, seien Akten manipuliert worden.
mehr >>>
Dokumentation zu Hrant Dinks, im Arte online Portal Arte +7 noch für einige Tage hier >>>
Das Lied von Nahide
hier >>>
Beide Dokumentationen sind nicht mehr lange Online!
STATEMENT: Die Geopolitik der USA. Von Wolfgang Effenberger
Das kausale Verhältnis zwischen »Strategie-Kultur« und Geographie
Die Geopolitik der USA – Teil 1
Von Wolfgang Effenberger
Online-Flyer Nr. 188 vom 11.03.2009
„Eurasischer Balkan“ oder „Strategische Ellipse“ – jedenfalls „Herzland“
Die Geopolitik der USA – Teil 2
Von Wolfgang Effenberger
Online-Flyer Nr. 189 vom 18.03.2009
Das Seidenstraßen-Strategiegesetz führt direkt nach Zentralasien
Die Geopolitik der USA – Teil 3
Von Wolfgang Effenberger
Online-Flyer Nr. 190 vom 25.03.2009
Eine strategisch einflußreiche Familie: Der Brzeziński-Clan
Die Geopolitik der USA – Teil 4
Von Wolfgang Effenberger
NACHRICHTEN: Verhaftungswelle in Georgien rollt gegen Burdshanadse-Partei
Der ganze Text >>>
Alasania: Georgische Regierung schürt Angst mit Videos (26.03.)
Georgische Polizei soll auf Seite der Bevölkerung stehen (26.03.)
Verhaftungswelle in Georgien rollt gegen Burdshanadse-Partei (25.03.)
Alasania fordert von Saakaschwili Fakten zu Vorwürfen über angebliche Pläne zu Unruhen (21.03.)
Gouverneur: Wer gegen georgische Regierung ist, verliert Arbeitsstelle (20.03.)
Demonstration gegen Besuch von Premierminister in Technischer Universität (20.03.)
Einen Monat Frist für Aufgabe georgischer Staatsbürgerschaft in abtrünniger Teilrepublik (20.03.)
Georgische Konservative treffen Okruaschwili in Berlin (19.03.)
Opposition in Georgien wächst weiter zusammen (19.03.)
Beselia: Georgische Regierung startet neue Welle der Gewalt gegen Opposition (19.03.)
JOB: Program Officer, Central Eurasia Project. Open Society Institute New York (soros.org)
OSI's Central Eurasia Project (CEP) seeks a full-time Program Officer for Central Eurasia to be based in New York, starting immediately.
Working under the supervision of OSI's Director of the CEP and Middle East Initiatives, the Program Officer will have the following responsibilities:
* Monitor grants through extended site visits, review of narrative and financial reports and other communication with grantees;
* Focus in particular on human rights, labor migration and other areas as assigned;
* Work with applicants to develop and finalize grant proposals;
* Liaise with associated Foundations and non-governmental organizations in developing complementary strategies and approaches;
* Perform site visits of prospective and current grantees;
* Managing a grants program, including soliciting and evaluating grant proposals in the context of broader policy efforts, overseeing due diligence on grants implementation, and supervising 1-2 staff members.
* Master's Degree or higher
* Excellent organizational, communication, and analytical skills;
* Extensive regional knowledge;
* Strong verbal and writing skills in English;
* Fluency in Russian strongly desirable; knowledge of Central Asian or South Caucasus languages a plus;
* 10 years experience working in human rights, journalism and with civil society
Commensurate with experience; excellent benefits.
Start Date
To Apply
Email resume, cover letter and salary requirements, before April 15, 2009,
to humanresources@sorosny.org
Include job code in subject line: PO/CEP
Open Society Institute
Human Resources - Code PO/CEP
400 West 59th Street
New York, New York 10019
Application Deadline: April 15, 2009
For further information please visit here >>>
Opposition. Georgien vor Zerreißprobe (taz.de)
Nach der Verhaftung von zwölf georgischen Oppositionellen am 23. März und der für den 9. April angekündigten Großdemonstration gegen Präsident Michael Saakaschwili steht das Land vor einer Zerreißprobe. Die Verhafteten, Mitglieder der Partei "Demokratische Bewegung - Einiges Georgien" der Exparlamentssprecherin und Weggefährtin Saakaschwilis, Nino Burdschanadse, sollen illegal Waffen erworben haben. Sozar Subari, Ombudsman für Menschenrechte des georgischen Parlaments, bemüht sich derzeit, den Aufenthaltsort der Gefangenen herauszufinden. Sein Stellvertreter, Georgi Tscheidse, der einen Gefangenen besuchte, berichtet, er habe an dessen Körper Spuren von Misshandlung gesehen. Unterdessen berichten georgische Medien, dass auch die Verhaftung des Ehemannes von Burdschanadse unmittelbar bevorstehe.
Der ganze Text >>>
VORTRAG: Die Lage in Armenien ein Jahr nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen. Von Dr. Arthur Sakunts
Dr. Arthur Sakunts, Menschenrechtsaktivist und Leiter des „Helsinki Citizens´Assembly" in Vanadzor (http://www.blogger.com/www.hcav.am) wird uns über die informieren und über die Situation der Menschenrechte und die Beziehungen zu den Nachbarn sprechen. Nach dem Vortrag kann bei einem Glas Wein mit dem Vortragenden diskutiert werden.
Der Vortrag findet in Kooperation mit der Austrian Helsinki Association - For Human Rights and International Dialogue - statt.
Weiters möchte ich einen neuen Vortrag ankündigen, der am 14.05.2009 um18:00 in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Iranistik stattfinden wird: Frau Mag. Evelyn Rainer wird im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Kulturwissenschaftliche Iranforschung" in ihrem Vortrag
"Von billigen Arbeitskräften, ungeliebten Gastarbeitern und zerrissenen Familien" über Gründe und Auswirkungen der hohen Arbeitsmigration aus der zentralasiatischen Republik Tadschikistan in die Russische Föderation referieren. www.oeaw.ac.at/iran
Alle Veranstaltungen finden in den Räumen der Österreichischen Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall, 1010 Wien, Dominikanerbastei 6/6 statt. Sie erreichen uns mit der Ubahn U3, der Straßenbahnlinie 2 und der Autobuslinie 1A, Station Stubentor.
Ich freue mich sehr darauf, Sie bald bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!
Herzlichst, Ihre Silvia de Carvalho
Leiterin des Informationszentrums für Zentralasien und Südkaukasien (IZK)
Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer Purgstall
A-1010 Wien, Dominikanerbastei 6/6
Tel.: +43+1/512 89 36-16
silvia de carvalho
information center for central asia and southern caucasus c/o austrian
association for the middle east
dominikanerbastei 6/6, 1010 vienna, austria
phone: ++43 1 512 89 36 /16
e-mail: silvia.carvalho@orient-gesellschaft.at
Thursday, March 26, 2009
ENERGIE: Blick in die Röhre (merkur.de)
Erst sollten 250 Millionen Euro zugezahlt werden, dann verschwand das Projekt komplett von der Liste europäischer Wunschvorhaben, sodann sprach man in Brüssel von 50 Millionen Euro Zuschuss aus der Gemeinschaftskasse. Nun schließlich will sich die EU mit 200 Millionen Euro am Bau der Nabucco-Pipeline beteiligen. So bewegt kann eine Brüsseler Diplomatenwoche aussehen, wenn Staatschefs feilschen und ringen.
Fast fünf Milliarden Euro wollen die EU-Mitgliedsstaaten in den kommenden beiden Jahren für Infrastruktur ausgeben, insbesondere für neue Gasleitungen. „Wir brauchen eine vernünftige Streuung der Transitrouten für unsere Gasversorgung“, erklärt das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium. Aktuell kommen die jährlich benötigten 500 Milliarden Kubikmeter Gas zu knapp 42 Prozent aus Russland, 26 Prozent aus Norwegen, 18 Prozent aus den Niederlanden, und gut 14 Prozent aus heimischer Förderung. Da die europäischen Ressourcen zur Neige gehen, steigt die Abhängigkeit von Importen.
Deswegen sind neue Lieferwege zwischen Asien und Europa bereits im Bau. Mit den Alternativ-Pipelines will die Bundesregierung durch regionale Zusammenarbeit und Diversifizierung für mehr Sicherheit sorgen.
Der ganze Text >>>
NEWS: 26 Mar 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 486 (iwpr.net)
As unrecognised republic prepares for downturn, government promises measures to ease credit and increase national self-sufficiency. By Karine Ohanian in Stepanakert (CRS No. 486, 26-Mar-09)
Georgians on Abkhaz Border Feel Abandoned
In the bullet-holed village of Khurcha, victims of August war say central government has forgotten them. By Irakli Lagvilava in Khurcha (CRS No. 486, 26-Mar-09)
EXHIBITION: Armenia through the Eyes of Henrik Siravyan (panarmenian.net)
PanARMENIAN.Net/ Drawings of RA Honored Artist Henrik Siravyan portrayed the rich and colorful nature of Armenia. His works can he found in museums of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Yerevan and many foreign private collections. “Armenia through the eyes of Henrik Siravyan” exhibition to commemorate the 80th jubilee of the artist will launch in Armenian Artists’ Union. The exhibition will feature over 100 watercolor and oil paintings and graphical works. Henrik Siravyan (1928-2001) graduated from Yerevan State Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Painting. Siravyan worked in Martiros Saryan's studio from 1958 to 1966. Together they worked on picture "Armenia" in Sundukyan Theater and on triptych stained-glass window "Armenia" in Small Philharmonic Hall. Since 1956 he has been member of Armenian Artists' Union. From 1974 to 1986 his works adorned national exhibitions in Lagos, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Zagreb, Delhi, Barcelona, Paris and Montreal.
BUCH: Karl Wolff , "Von Tiflis nach Tbilissi. Reise an den Ursprung einer Sehn-Sucht" (pop-verlag.com)
ISBN 978-3-937139-66-1, 16,90 EUR
In 83 Kapiteln öffnet sich die pralle, sinnliche Welt Georgiens und nimmt den Leser Seite um Seite mit auf eine Reise in das nach dem russisch-georgischen Augustkrieg schon fast wieder vergessene europäische Land im Südkaukasus. Wie es den Nachfahren Medeas, die dem Argonauten Jason zum Goldenen Vlies verhalf, heute geht und dem an den georgischen Berg Kazbeg gefesselten Prometheus, erfuhr der von Land und Leuten verzauberte Autor, der als erster deutscher Schriftsteller als Musa-Stipendiat des Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft Georgiens drei Monate im Jahr 2007 das Land bereisen konnte, aus erster Hand.
Das Ergebnis ist ein facettenreiches Kaleidoskop sprachlich geschliffener Texte aus dem Lande der Rosenrevolutionäre , ein authentisches Buch mit literarischem Niveau über das moderne Georgien im 21. Jahrhundert. Eine Liebeserklärung an Georgien auf 250 Seiten.
Besik Adeischwili, der Nestor der georgischen Übersetzer, ein namhafter Dichter und Germanist, hat das Nachwort zum Buch geschrieben. Er zollt dem Autor "das höchste Lob" und urteilt: "Karl Wolff hat ein wunderschönes Buch geschrieben."
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
PROGRAMM: "Getting Involved! - Strengthening Citizen's Involvement among Young People" (pdf)
Freundschaften über die Ländergrenzen des Südlichen Kaukasus.
Bis zum 10. April 2009 können sich junge Menschen aus Georgien, Armenien und Azherbaidschan um die Teilnahme an dem ersten Einführungsseminar bewerben. Das Seminar finder vom 8. bis 17. Mai 2009 in Georgien statt und wird unter dem Thema "Self-esteem - Do we mean the same?" stehen. Bewerben können sich junge Menschen zwischen 18 und 25 Jahren, die Englisch in Wort und Schrift beherrschen.
Mehr Information und das Bewerbungsformular sind auf der Website des Theodor-Heuss-Kollegs und der Eurasia Partnership Foundation zu finden:
Strengthening Civic Engagement among Young People
Background Information
Eurasia Partnership Foundation and Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg are pleased to invite applications from young people for participation in the program Getting Involved!. Program participants are selected on a competitive basis.
Eurasia Partnership Foundation's (EPF) mission is to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity though hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and
their own lives. With locally registered offices in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, EPF is the legacy institution of Eurasia Foundation (EF), a privately managed non-profit organization established in 1992 to deliver seed capital to emerging civil society organizations in the former Soviet countries.
Supported by the United States Agency for International Development and other public and private donors, EF invested nearly $70 million in the South Caucasus through more than 1,700 grants and programs from 1992 until 2008.
For further information please visit our homepages at
Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg is a program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, a German foundation that has managed the philanthropic request of company founder Robert Bosch for more than 40 years, and MitOst, an international non-profit association with an office in Berlin, Germany. Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg supports young people who want to contribute as volunteers in shaping their environment and facilitating social change.
In individually developed projects, they have the opportunity to be active, develop friendships and gain important experiences. We assist in the implementation of the projects over the course of one year with training and international meetings. Individuals between the ages of 18 and 25, from German speaking countries, Central and Southeast Europe and CIS countries can become active and work together. The mission of Robert Bosch Stiftung - to promote understanding among nations - is effectively put into practice in
Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg. MitOst, founded as alumni-organization of Robert Bosch Stiftung fellows, involves 1700 members in 40 countries in voluntary projects and creates ties over national borders.
For further information,
Getting Involved! is designed to strengthen civic involvement among young people from the countries of the South Caucasus. It provides the space and the freedom to:
- Learn;
- Discuss a variety of interesting issues;
- Acquire practical management skills;
- Advance personally and professionally;
- Take responsibility for improving the living conditions in the communities;
- Promote understanding among nations in the region;
- Create ties over national borders. Through the program, the selected participants will
- Undergo capacity building education consisting of three seminars;
- Project Development Seminar (10 days)
- Project Management Seminar (5 days)
- Project Evaluation Seminar (5 days)
- Implement micro grant projects.
- Between the ages of 18 and 25;
- Interested in and dedicated to development of his/her community;
- Interested in meeting like-minded people from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia;
- Excellent team working skills;
- Advanced English language skills (written and oral).
Logistics of the Training
The trainings will take place in Georgia. Board and lodging will be provided by the training organizers. Travel costs will be reimbursed with submission of the copy of the travel ticket.
Application Process
The deadline for the application is April 10, 2009. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted in the middle of April to verify English language ability. Decisions will be announced on April 18, 2009. The capacity building education program schedule is as follows:
- Seminar 1 - Project Development - May 8-17, 2009
- Seminar 2 - Project Management - September 5-9, 2009
- Seminar 3 - Project Evaluation - December 5-9, 2009
To apply for this program, please complete the application form and send it to:
In Armenia, by email to Gayane Mkrtchyan at gmkrtchyan@epfound.am
or as a hard copy to:
Evrasia hamagortsakts`owt`yown
Zarobyan p`. 56
0009 Erewan
Phone: +374 10 586095
Fax: +374 10 586096
In Azerbaijan, by email to Qurban Karimbayli at gkarimbayli@epfound.az
or as a hard copy to:
Avrasiya @m@kdasliq Fondu
C.Cabbarli küç. 44
Kaspian Plaza, 6-ci m@rt@b@
1065 Baki
Phone: +994 12 437 29 4/ 41/42/43
Fax: +994 12 437 29 44
In Georgia, by email to Maia Tavadze at mtavadze@epfound.ge
or as a hard copy to:
evraziis TanamSromlobis fondi
kavsaZis q. #3
0179 Tbilisi
Phone: +995 32 25 27 78/82
Fax: +995 32 25 39 42/43
Ein Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung und des MitOst e.V.
Ivelina Kovanlashka
Schillerstr. 57
D-10627 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 315174 81
Telefax: +49 30 315174 89
Skype: ivelina.kovanlashka.thk
E-Mail: ivelina.kovanlashka@theodor-heuss-kolleg.de
"Die aeussere Freiheit der vielen lebt aus der inneren Freiheit der einzelnen."
(Theodor Heuss)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
NEWS: Georgia: Opposition buying guns to spark violence
The tapes shown to reporters included footage of one purported opposition activist saying Georgians seeking to destabilize the country are getting money
full article >>>
SCIENCE: PUBL.- Journal of Central Asian and Caucasian Studies, Volume 3, Issue 6
Posted by: Koray Guven <kgmirza@gmail.com>
The new issue contains the following articles:
"Andijon'da Nima Bo'ldi?": Terror, Security and Democracy in Uzbekistan (in Turkish)
Author: Salih BICAKCI
Predicaments and Prospects in Uzbek Islamism: A Critical Comparison with the Turkish Case (in English)
Author: Ihsan YILMAZ
EU's Response to the Georgia Crisis: An Active Peace Broker or a Confused and Divided Actor? (in English)
Author: Omer KURTBAG
Revisiting "Sovereign" Tatarstan (in English)
Author: Matthew DERRICK
Formation, Rising, and Declining Processes of States in Eurasia: Turkish and Russian Cases (in Turkish)
Author: Omer Goksel ISYAR
The Caucasian Politics of the Ottoman State at the Beginning of the First World War (in Turkish)
Author: Reha YILMAZ
The Relationship between Population and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from the Central Asian Economies (in English)
Author: Bilal SAVAS
Book Reviews
Recent Publications
Abstracts and Key Words
About the Authors
Notes for the Contributors
Central-Eurasia-L mailing list
List Info / Subscription: http://cesww.fas.harvard.edu/ces_cel.html
Change Your Subscription: http://lists.fas.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/central-eurasia-l
BLOG: Russia, Iran and Georgia: The New Great Game
by Stephen Smith
(original to La Russophobe)
In Obama’s first television interview, given to al-Arabiya, he said of Iran: “If [they] are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us.” Presumably at least a couple of fingers on this “clenched fist” that Obama speaks of represented Iran’s nuclear ambitions – an issue which has taken on an added urgency as UN officials reported recently that Iran is closer to having enough highly-enriched uranium to make a bomb than previously thought.
Unfortunately, though, Obama is unlikely to have much more success in dismantling Iran’s nuclear program than Bush did, since he doesn’t recognize the root cause of Iran’s nuclear ambitions: Russia’s ambitions for the Caspian Sea region.
full article >>>FILM REVIEW: 'Bourne-Style' Action Picture About Georgian War to Air (times.spb.ru)
VIDEO: Old Tbilisi 1900 (youtube.com)
RESEARCH: No.4 Migration, Refugees and IDPs (pdf)
This issue of the Caucasus Analytical Digest examines population flows in the region. It looks at labor migration in Georgia and refugee challenges in Armenia. The issue discusses the role and importance of Caucasus societies for Russia. It also provides statistics on migration from and to the countries of the South Caucasus between 1990 and 1998, remittance flows and refugees.
© 2009 Center for Security Studies (CSS), Heinrich Böll Foundation, Jefferson Institute, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa (FSOE)
Download: English (PDF · 22 pages · 1.0 MB)
LEBENSSITUATION: "Humanitäre Katastrophe". Warten auf russisches Geld
Der ganze Text >>>
POLITICS: OSCE head meets with Georgian leaders (upi.com)
Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, OSCE chairperson-in-office, met with government officials in Georgia on Monday to address the current situation in the country following a conflict with Russia in August over the Abkhazia and South Ossetia separatist regions, the OSCE reported.
Bakoyannis said following meetings with Georgian Prime Minister Nika Gilauri and the country's foreign minister, Grigol Vashadze, that despite the extension of the OSCE monitoring operation in Georgia until the end of June, an extended consensus is needed to achieve long-term stability.
Discussions on stability operations in Georgia are progressing among the OSCE, the European Union and the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Bakoyannis said. She said the tense situation on the ground in Georgia along the borders with Abkhazia and South Ossetia requires international attention and an OSCE presence.
"There is no doubt the OSCE's work to promote stability in the region is crucial," Bakoyannis said in a statement.
"The Greek chairmanship is intensively negotiating in an attempt to find a mutually acceptable solution for a continued OSCE presence in Georgia."
source: upi.com
REISEFÜHRER: Aserbaidschan. Unterwegs im Land des Feuers. (trescher-verlag.de)
Erster deutschsprachiger Reiseführer zu Aserbaidschan!
Philine v. Oppeln (Autorin), Gerald Hübner (Mitarbeiter):
Aserbaidschan. Unterwegs im Land des Feuers.
Trescher-Verlag Berlin 2009.
336 Seiten, ca. 150 Fotos, 37 Übersichtskarten und Stadtpläne
ISBN 978-3-89794-124-3
18.95 €.
Aserbaidschan ist ein im Westen nahezu unbekanntes Land, das mit überraschender Vielfalt aufwartet. Zwischen den Gipfeln des Großen Kaukasus, dem Kaspischen Meer sowie den Steppen und Wäldern des Südens gibt es auf engem Raum viele Landschaftsformen und zahlreiche Zeugnisse einer jahrtausendealten Kultur. Vom Tourismus bislang
nahezu unentdeckt, ist Aserbaidschan ein ungewöhnliches und manchmal widerspenstiges Reiseziel am Schnittpunkt von Europa und Asien.
Die Hauptstadt Baku strahlt dank der reichen Öl- und Gasvorkommen das Flair einer internationalen Metropole aus. In reizvollem Kontrast dazu steht ihr historischer Kern mit alten Moscheen und Karawansereien, der zum Weltkulturerbe zählt. Auf dem Land locken Feuertempel, antike Festungen, Moscheen und Felsmalereien sowie atemberaubende Gebirgslandschaften.
Dieser Reiseführer stellt Landschaften, Kultur und Geschichte sowie alle Sehenswürdigkeiten umfassend vor. Er bietet außer fundiertem Hintergrundwissen vor allem unzählige praktische Hinweise zu Unterkunft, Restaurants, Museen und Ausflugsmöglichkeiten. 40 farbige Stadtpläne und Übersichtskarten helfen bei der Orientierung.
Ausführliche Reisetips von A bis Z, ein Sprachführer sowie Internet- und Literaturhinweise helfen bei der Reiseplanung und -vorbereitung.
Auf www.aserbaidschan-blog.com berichtet die Autorin persönlich über das Land.
Infos und digitale Buchvorschau auf
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
THEATER: Kreidekreis im Kaukasus. Interview mit Gia Kitia. (youtube.com)
EDUCATION: Carnegie Research Fellowship Program!
Author: Nana
Date of Publishing: 16 March 2009
Tuesday 24 March 2009, by Emanuele G. - 6 lettureSpecifically, scholars in the social sciences and the humanities may apply for individual, non-degree research opportunities at universities and institutes in the United States. The program is directed at advanced researchers that already have a demonstrated track record in research. The research period lasts up to a full semester (4 months), starting either September 2009 or January 2010. In 2008-2009, two fellows from Georgia and one from Armenia have been sent to Harvard University, University of Chicago and University of Washington to do their research.
Individuals who are eligible to participate in the fellowship program:
Citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Advanced graduate students, university faculty and scholars at any stage in their careers who have not recently conducted research projects at U.S. institutions.
Scholars who hold a “Kandidatskaya” degree or higher, or who are working towards a “Kandidatskaya” degree at the time of application.
Scholars who have publications (advanced graduate students may cite papers presented at academic conferences) in a particular field.
Scholars who have a level of proficiency in written and spoken English that is sufficient to conduct independent research and engage colleagues.
Scholars who are able to receive and maintain a United States J-1 visa.
Scholars who are able to begin the CRFP in the United States in September 2009, or January 2010.
NCEEER, the American Councils, and the CRRC do not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, national or ethnic origin, and disability. For more information please visit NCEEER website.
Applications need to be submitted in a hard copy to your local CRRC office. Deadline for applications is April 30, 5 p.m., 2009. We suggest applicants to study details in the guidelines and the application form closely, and in good time, to avoid disappointment. We will be accepting applications in the social sciences and the humanities. All costs for the scholars are covered, including round-trip airfare.
The Carnegie Research Fellowship presents an extraordinary chance to researchers that can advance their work through a period of self-directed study in the US. Note that the application process is very competitive, since a concise research proposal is expected.
In order to get application materials, go to CRRC website. If you are interested in getting further training on how to improve your application, please email nana+nceeer@crrccenters.org with ’interactive online trainings’ in the subject line.
For further information: Crrc Blog
INTERVIEW: Georgia on my mind…with: Juliette Le Dore, European Commission Young Expert in Georgia 23 March 2009 - Issue : 826 (neurope.eu)
Are you still working on Human Rights Watch issues whilst you’re there or is this a 100 percent European Commission related project?
It’s a 100 percent EC job What do you have to do as an expert every day? Describe for us a normal day? I was assigned to the Economic section, so I am following everything that touches economic reforms in Georgia, the aftermath of the financial crisis, the Public Finance reforms, poverty reduction and income generation etc. I am also following some Human Rights Projects. Every day is different, sometimes packed with meetings with NGO’s, officials, International organizations, coordination meetings etc, sometimes I am in the field visiting projects and meeting with the population, sometimes there are calmer days and I take advantage of them to write reports and do some reading...How do you see the situation in Georgia now?
Due to the conflict last August, the loss of the two provinces Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and the outbreak of the economic crisis, the situation is quite tense both politically and economically in Georgia.
What would it mean if the observers were removed from Georgia and are the rumours that they will be leaving Georgia became true - does this mean that Russia will be more easily led to continue acts against Georgia do you think?
Those observers are part of the EU monitoring mission in Georgia, a provision of the agreement signed in Moscow by Presidents Sarkozy and Medvedev to put an end to the conflict. Their role is to monitor that there are no incidents near the borders of the two secessionist provinces. Their mission will not be ended in the coming months, they should continue to do their work in Georgia, especially since the renewal of the OSCE mission in Georgia’s mandate is not secured.
How do the people respond to you?
Georgian people are very pro-European, so we are welcomed in a very warm way. But there are reforms that are not easy to implement politically and that need urgently to go ahead. Fortunately, the Georgian government understands that those reforms are crucial to make Georgia stronger, more democratic, more powerful and more independent.
Are there many NGO’s and much interest in the EU in Tbilisi?
The NGO landscape is very vibrant in Georgia, with quite a number of them being very active in very different fields. They know the EU and we closely work with them in a very productive manner, financing their projects, giving them training, coordinating with them etc. The collaboration is usually excellent.
What has been the best moment so far?
There have been many. Watching some Georgian traditional dancers in Tbilisi (those dances are simply beautiful), discovering the amazing beauty of the Caucasus mountains, visiting small orthodox churches in Tbilisi... It’s a very nice country to live and work in.
Are you constantly writing reports?
No, I am also travelling to the regions to visit the projects we are financing and meet with the population. I am also meeting with officials, NGO’s, International organisations counterparts, attending conferences and workshops, and of course...writing reports, but mainly on very concrete projects or on the economic situation, both being very interesting to write.
What is the hardest thing about living in Tbilisi? Do you feel any danger or threat on a regular basis?
Tbilisi is the contrary of a difficult city to live in. People are extremely welcoming, art is everywhere, be it paintings in shops, jazz music in cafes, dance in restaurants, and literature discussions with taximen! All the expats here tell you how much they enjoy living here, and after one month, I must say I agree!
The EC Delegation to Georgia opened in Tbilisi in 1995 and in Armenia in 1999. The Delegation has a full diplomatic status and its role is to facilitate the development of relations between the Governments of Georgia and Armenia on the one hand and the EU institutions on the other. The Delegation represents the European Commission and ensures bilateral relations in the political, economic, commercial and co-operation fields. We are also here to promote and protect EU’s interests and values and pursue the EU’s policies in all areas.
The Delegation’s main tasks can be described under three headings: Political relations, Economic and Trade relations and Co-operation and External assistance. In carrying out our tasks we aim to maintain and develop good and effective contacts with our government partners in Georgia and the Republic of Armenia, as well as with EU Member States, international organisations and, where necessary, third countries. We observe and report regularly to Headquarters on political, social and economic developments in Georgia and Armenia. We seek to ensure coherence between the Commission’s trade policies, its economic and development cooperation activities and other external policy activities in our host countries.
As regards the co-operation and external assistance, this is shaped in a combination of countryspecific, regional and global strategic objectives. We have the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements, providing for close political relations as well as economic, social, financial and cultural cooperation. There is also the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The objective of the ENP is to share the EU’s stability, security and prosperity with neighbouring countries, offering them closer political, security, economic and culture cooperation. It will also open up a possibility to the countries to participate in EU programmes and to have a stake in the EU’s internal market, which will strongly support their own political and economic reforms.
The objectives of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and ENP Action plans for Georgia and Armenia are reflected in our cooperation and external assistance programmes. The ENP marks the beginning of a new chapter in the relationship between the EU and the partner countries Georgia and Armenia. During the period 1992 – 2006, the EU, through the European Commission, provided assistance to Georgia to a value of 502 million Euro. For Armenia, the assistance amounted to 386 million Euro. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, or do not understand some of the information given, do not hesitate to contact us, either in the Delegation in Tbilisi or in Yerevan. We have modest library facility, but more importantly staff members that are willing and able to assist you in your queries.
source: www.neurope.eu
FESTIVAL: Winners of the international festival "The World of Mugham" announced (anspress.com)
Azerbaijani singer Tayyar Bayramov has won the Grand Prix of the International Mugham Festival by the jury`s unanimous decision.
Bayramov was awarded with €20,000 in prize money and the festival`s emblem.
The top three winners of the festival - Uzbek Yulduz Turdiyeva, Iranian Muhammad Motamedi and Egyptian Mustafa Said - were awarded €15,000, €10,000, and €5,000 respectively.
Remind that, “The World of Mugham” international festival has ended today at the Azerbaijan State Puppet Theatre.
The three-day contest featured performances by a total of 20 singers from Azerbaijan, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Turkey and Germany.
Azerbaijan was represented by five singers.
The jury consisting of Azerbaijan People`s Artists Siyavush Kerimi, Ramiz Zohrabov and Arif Babayev, and UNESCO representative, professor at the French National Centre for Scientific Research Jean During, Vice-President of the International Council for Traditional Music Wim van Zanten, Turkish music expert Fikret Karakaya and International Peace Music Award winner, German Michael Dreyer announced the contest`s winners today.
The organizers of the festival are the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Azerbaijan Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Union of Composers of Azerbaijan. The organizational support was provided by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Education, National Academy of Sciences and Fund of Azerbaijan Culture Friends.
source: anspress.com
BOOK REVIEW: 'Riverbig,' By Aris Janigian (groong.usc.edu)
Terry Hong, Special to The Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle
March 23 2009
By Aris Janigian
(Heyday Books; 248 pages; $21.95)
Far too many immigration stories begin with an escape from tragedy - everything from economic hardship to devastating wars. The Armenian American experience is tragically rooted in the Armenian genocide of 1915 to 1918, the systematic massacre of an estimated 1 to 2 million Armenians. A near-century later, the tragedy continues to fester with the Turkish government's continued refusal to acknowledge that genocide occurred.
Among the surviving diaspora, California's Central Valley proved to be an immigration destination for many families. Aris Janigian, a Fresno-born, second-generation Armenian American, introduced readers to such a family in his absorbing 2003 first novel, "Bloodvine," about two half-brothers torn apart by jealousy and misunderstanding. In the ensuing rift, the younger brother relinquishes his inheritance - his claim to the family grape farm - to the elder, whose bittersweet victory results in far greater loss.
The brothers' division looms large in Janigian's sequel, "Riverbig," which follows the separated life of younger brother Andy Demerjian, who is struggling to support his wife and two young sons at the novel's opening. Denied access to his own land, he scrambles for odd jobs, weighed down by growing debt, with temporary relief found in alcoholic stupor. Two simultaneous farming opportunities save Andy from bankruptcy: A widow offers her land for lease, while a school acquaintance returns from the big city to propose that Andy manage a nearby land parcel.
The hoped-for success of Andy the lone farmer is clearly what frames Janigian's new novel. What gives the story heart, however, is a redemptive journey for Andy the man: Uprooted from his land, his parents long gone and now irreparably estranged from his brother and business partner, Andy is left seemingly untethered to his Armenian immigrant farming community. As he tends someone else's soil while negotiating nature's difficult whims, so, too, must he nurture tenuous relationships in order to reclaim belief in his own self, as both a deserving family man and trusted friend.
At home, Andy finds growing solace in his family-by-marriage. He learns that honesty brings him closer to his beloved wife, Kareen, whom he thought he was protecting by hiding their financial distress. He recognizes the courage of his mother-in-law, Valentine, who was witness to the harrowing genocide and somehow survived with her humanity intact. While Valentine celebrates her American life, she longs to be reunited with her last daughter, whom she left behind in Egypt after fleeing the Turks. Andy recognizes her loss and works to make the family whole, even as he comes to accept his own legacy as the American-born son of a genocide survivor with a dubious past.
Andy begrudgingly accepts the manipulative widow whose land he leases, and risks her wrath to give time to her damaged but artistically gifted daughter. Even as he drinks too much, he stands by the local bar's owner, a fellow Armenian American struggling to stay afloat in an ever-changing new social order of loyal customers and aggressive buyers. He reluctantly hires and befriends two hard-working African American brothers - a potentially dangerous challenge in a closed, pre-civil-rights-era community - reluctant only because he knows their wages must come out of his own much-depleted pockets.
Andy's farming journey of plowing, planting and hopes for eventually harvesting tomatoes from one plot and corn from another, ironically brings him further from the land and closer to the people and events that comprise his very existence. "Abe," he says silently to his lost brother, "you can take the certainty of the farm, all you can handle, and I will take life, with all its shabby uncertainty."
source: groong.usc.edu
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
MUSIC: MaerzMusik on the radio (soundexpanse.com)
MaerzMusik on the radio
There are two chances to hear what's going on at MaerzMusik this year without being in Berlin. The first is yesterday, from 8:03-10:30pm Berlin time. The second broadcast will be on Sunday. (More on that later.) I'm going to listen to the live stream from work today at 3:03 my time (in Boston) and hope the phone doesn't ring very often. It looks like it will be available on demand after that as well.
This year's festival is titled:
There is an excellent description (and English translation) of this year's programming by artistic director Matthias Osterwald.
more: MaerzMusic
BOOK: “Countries South of the Caucasus in Medieval Maps – Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan” book published (panarmenian.net)
Chapter four contains images and descriptions of 27 later [European] medieval maps (Nos 56-82) and 15 details.
The author concludes that in medieval times, due to lack of border demarcations and the rule of force, few borders were fixed for long, or could be even approximately determined. Consequently, most medieval maps lack bordering lines between countries which are shown just by mentioning their names somewhere in the area they occupied. Armenia appears in almost every map showing some sort of detail, and in many cases both Greater and Lesser-Armenia (Armenia Major and Minor) are depicted. Perhaps a more prominent position given to Armenia is due to the fact that it was the oldest and easternmost Christian nation, which proclaimed Christianity as the state religion in 301 CE, and due to the Biblical account of the Flood and Mount Ararat, where Noah’s Ark came to rest, Komitas Institute reported.
more: centralasiaharvard.blogspot.com
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
FILM: “Ararat-14 views” premiere to take place on Apr. 14 (panarmenian.net)
Mount Ararat is sacred to the Armenians. According to biblical tradition, this is where Noah’s ark landed following the Great Flood. Therefore, it remains a painful fact for the Christian Armenians that the mountain is located on Turkish territory, where it can only be seen from the distance. “Ararat-14 tesaran” does not address the question of borders, but deals with a gang of trigger-happy thieves involved in smuggling rare coins in the shadow of the great mountain. With unflinching passion, director Don Askarian has worked for five years on a film that is neither a tragedy, nor a documentary, nor an experimental film. The images shift from color to black and white, while animals – fish, snakes, birds, cats, dogs – infiltrate the screen to interact with the protagonists. The filmmaker studies Mount Ararat from fourteen different standpoints, thus creating a new reality. Flirting with magic, he escapes time and space, transposing a plot that turns into a wild odyssey or an escape. By and by, Don Askarian’s gaze becomes a vision, that of a powerful Armenian filmmaker, both hypnotic and amazingly rich.
Don Askarian was born in Armenia in 1949. He studied art history in Moscow and worked as an assistant-director and film critic before being arrested in 1975. He immigrated to Berlin in 1975, where he has lived and worked ever since. All of his films are anchored in the Armenian culture, and have been presented at many international festivals.
„Magischer Realismus“ – Filme von Don Askarian
Monday, March 23, 2009
NEWS: 20 Mar 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 485 (iwpr.net)
Amendments criticised as device to strengthen already overmighty presidency and limit people’s rights. By Zarema Velikhanova in Baku (CRS No. 485, 20-Mar-09)
Georgia Prepares for CIS Exit
Tbilisi may have been here before, but this time officials say there is no going back on moves to leave ex-Soviet club. By Mikhail Vignansky and Tamar Kadagidze in Tbilisi (CRS No. 485, 20-Mar-09)
Armenia Border Villages Suffer for Lack of Water
The villages of Sarigyugh and Berqaber lie right next to a reservoir – but its proximity to a hostile border means they cannot use the water. By Sara Khojoyan in Tavush and Armen Chatinyan in Yerevan (CRS No. 485, 20-Mar-09)
Project Highlights
Caucasus: Feb ‘09
Georgia journalists see aftermath of war for themselves. By IWPR staff (20-Mar-09)
Reporting Impact
Caucasus: Feb ‘09
An IWPR report on Georgian spy case causes furore. By IWPR staff (20-Mar-09)
BUCH: Manfred Quiring: Pulverfass Kaukasus. Konflikte am Rande des russischen Imperiums.
Wenn du die Wahrheit sagst, dann lass dein Pferd gesattelt, sagt ein kaukasisches Sprichwort. Nur was ist die Wahrheit in einer Region, wo auf einer Fläche, die nur wenig größer ist als die Deutschlands, mehr als 50 verschiedene Völker zu Hause sind? Wo noch mehr Sprachen gesprochen werden und die Gläubigen zu Allah, zum Gott der orthodoxen Christen oder zu Jahwe beten, während alle Glaubensrichtungen zugleich beeinflusst sind vom kaukasischen Naturrecht Adat. Wo regionale, russische, amerikanische und auch europäische Interessen im Widerstreit liegen und die Öl- und Gasfelder ebenso Begehrlichkeiten wecken wie die Bedeutung kaukasischer Staaten als Transitländer.
Der ganze Artikel >>>
Nach dem russisch-georgischen Krieg um Südossetien im August 2008 ist der Kaukasus erneut ins Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit gerückt. Es war der sechste militärische Konflikt seit 1990. Und noch immer ist reichlich Zündstoff vorhanden in einer kulturell und geografisch faszinierenden Region, wo auf 400 000 Quadratkilometern mehr als 50 verschiedene Völker zu Hause sind: Abchasen und Aserbaidschaner, Armenier und Darginer, Georgier und Inguschen, Osseten und Tschetschenen. Zwischen 40 und 50 Sprachen, nicht gerechnet die zahlreichen Dialekte, werden hier gesprochen, weshalb der Kaukasus in der Antike auch »Berg der Sprachen« hieß. Streitigkeiten untereinander und die Tatsache, dass Russland das Gebiet als seine naturgegebene, ureigene Einflusssphäre betrachtet, führen immer wieder zu Spannungen. Manfred Quiring, Korrespondent für Die Welt in Moskau, hat den 1500 Kilometer langen Gebirgszug und die angrenzenden Regionen seit 1982 immer wieder bereist, die Konflikte zum Teil persönlich miterlebt. In seinem Buch geht er ihren Ursachen nach, verbindet Geschichtliches mit der Neuzeit und eigenem Erleben.
Über den Autor
Manfred Quiring: Jahrgang 1948; aufgewachsen in Berlin; nach kurzem Zwischenspiel als Eishockeyspieler Journalistik-Studium in Leipzig; ab 1973 Redakteur der Berliner Zeitung und zweimal deren Korrespondent in Moskau (1982-1987 und 1991-1995); er bereiste die ehemalige Sowjetunion von Kaliningrad bis nach Kamtschatka, von Norilsk bis nach Turkmenien; 1989-1990 ein Jahr Korrespondent der Nachrichtenagentur ADN in Athen; seit 1998 für Die Welt in Moskau; zahlreiche Reisen durch den Kaukasus. Im Ch. Links Verlag erschien von ihm: »Russland. Orientierung im Riesenreich«, 2008.
AmazonShop: Books, Maps, Videos, Music & Gifts About The Caucasus
Nacnobi.com is a private website owned by Peter Hameister, in cooperation with Howdygroup Cyprus as software provider, dedicated to the people of Georgia.
NACNOBI.COM (launched in November 2008) creates first a virtual meeting point via an internet platform for people of Georgia. Users can get to know each other, stay in touch, maintain relationships but also get to know local news and gossips from their neighborhood. These new or maintained virtual relationships should also be extended to the real life where you can see and meet your friends. NACNOBI.COM wills at a later stage make real events and parties to let our members meet each other and at the end of the day that a real word community will be established.
www.nacnobi.com we unite all people of Georgia- NACNOBI.COM is an ethnic Georgian social network where people can meet and maintain relationships virtually but also in the real world.
Local first, global second
Even though we work in the internet which is by definition global we put a strong focus on the local market of Georgia. We want to serve the specific need of the people of this country. And will take their specific cultural background in consideration.
We will brand that name in Georgia only – because we don’t have the interest of going abroad but rather diversify our activity in the Georgian market.
We do believe all our content should be entertaining and make people feel good. We do not allow violence or discriminating content.
Description of service
NACNOBI.COM has the following content:
· Profiles of users, features to contact each other via, sending whispers, emails, chats
· Pictures, videos and blogs from its users,
· Local celebrity gossip written by some dedicated users,
· Party news through out the country also provided by users,
· Virtual beauty contests
· News from remote towns and villages where they don’t have or portal sites or online news
· Organization of real life events and parties, tickets can be bought online
Target Market
The target markets are people between 15 and 60 years old, with access to the internet and Georgian origin living in Georgia or abroad.
Registered users as of 20.Feb 2009: 10.100
Website statistics [1] 01 -31. Jan 2009
· Visits: 30.215
· Visitors: 7.941
Total Pageviews: 284.192
86,4 % logins from Georgia
Google Analytics
Sunday, March 22, 2009
DOKUMENTATION: "Mordakte Hrant Dink – Armenier in der Türkei“ (arte.tv)
Am 19. Januar 2007 wird der populäre armenische Journalist und Autor Hrant Dink auf offener Straße in Istanbul erschossen. Der Herausgeber der türkischen Zeitung „Agos“ und Henri-Nannen-Preisträger 2006 war ein unermüdlicher Kämpfer für die Versöhnung zwischen Armeniern und Türken. Er setzte sich für eine demokratische Entwicklung der Türkei und einen gleichzeitigen EU-Beitritt der Türkei und Armeniens ein. Mit seinem hartnäckigen Engagement für eine Auseinandersetzung mit der immer noch offiziell geleugneten Deportation und Ermordung von mehr als einer Million Armeniern 1915 und 1916 brach er aber auch ein Tabu in seinem Land. Seine Ermordung löste eine riesige Welle der Betroffenheit und Solidarität aus, der mutmaßliche Mörder wird gefasst. Doch die Rolle der vermuteten Hintermänner der Tat bei Polizei, Militär, dem Geheimbund Ergenekon und Staatsbediensteten bleibt bis heute ungeklärt.
Die Journalisten und Filmemacher Osman Okkan und Simone Sitte stellen im WDR-ARTE Dokumentarfilm „Mordakte Hrant Dink – Armenier in der Türkei“ das Leben eines Mannes vor, der Dialogbereitschaft und gegenseitigen Respekt forderte, der Feindschaften überwinden wollte und der für ein friedliches Miteinander warb. Der Film beleuchtet aber auch die Hintergründe seiner Ermordung und eines Prozesses gegen zwei Polizisten, der am 20.4.2009 stattfinden wird. Und sucht damit Antworten auf die Frage, wie Armenier und andere Minderheiten zukünftig in der Türkei leben können.
Wir zeigen Ihnen den Dokumentarfilm vorab als NRW-Premiere in der 80-minütigen Kinofassung in Anwesenheit von Frau Rakel Dink, des Filmemachers Osman Okkan, der Produzentin Gisela Marx und der Redaktion am Sonntag, 22.3.2009 um 11.30 Uhr
Filmforum im Museum Ludwig
Bischofsgartenstr. 15
0667 Köln
Nach der Filmvorführung findet eine Diskussionsrunde statt mit Prof. Dr. Hacik Rafi Gazer, Universität Erlangen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sabine Rollberg
ARTE Beauftragte des WDR
Der türkische EU-Traum und die Armenierfrage (Deutschland, 120mn)
Autor: Berke Bas, Osman Okkan
Produzent: Les Films d ici, Schnittstelle Köln, SonaMedia Köln
Noch immer ist es in der Türkei ein Tabu vom Genozid an der Armenischen Bevölkerung zu sprechen. Den Morden und Deportationen fallen in den Jahren 1915 und 16 mehr als 1 Million Armenier zum Opfer. Ziel des Verbrechens an den christlichen Armeniern war die Verwirklichung eines von den Jungtürken angestrebten Reiches auf islamischer Grundlage. Hitler sah in diesem Genozid, wie es die meisten internationalen Wissenschaftler bezeichnen, ein Vorbild für seinen Plan der Vernichtung des Judentums.
Die Frage der Anerkennung dieser Schuld und der historischen Verantwortung ist in den Augen vieler Europäer eine Schlüsselfrage für die heutige Türkei. Ist die Türkei bereit sich dieser Verantwortung zu stellen und Selbstkritik zuzulassen und geht sie damit einen wichtigen Schritt hin zu Toleranz , Dialogbereitschaft und Wiedergutmachung? Der ARTE-Themenabend möchte mit zwei Dokumentationen sich der schwierigen Frage des Verhältnisses von Türken und Armeniern heute widmen
MUSIC: Pincet. Electropunk all-girl band based in Armenia (myspace.com)
Thanks to this interesting blog gayarmenia.blogspot.com
more about this event here:
INAD rock band performing for the World AIDS Day 2008 in Yerevan, Armenia
AUSSTELLUNG: Georgischer Miniaturen von Mamuka Schengelia
Wir freuen uns sehr, zu der Ausstellung georgischer Miniaturen von Mamuka Schengelia, in der Evangelisch ref. Kirche St. Arbogast in Oberwinterthur einzuladen.
Vernissage: Donnerstag, 12. März 2009 19:00
Musik: Tamaz Chikadze und Konrad Hildesheimer spielen Tschurni (Kniegeige), Taragot, Blas- und Zuginstrumente, Mandoline. Einführung in die Ausstellung: Bruno Landa
Mamuka Schengelia wurde 1965 geboren und lebt in Tiflis, Georgien. Er arbeitet seit einigen Jahren an der Weiterentwicklung der Miniatur. Die Miniaturen sind auf Papier in Eitempera gemalt. Mamuka Schengelia hat diese Technik so weiter entwickelt, dass es ihm immer wieder gelingt, mittels reiben, kratzen und lasierendem malen, die Grenze zwischen Moderne und mittelalterlicher Buchmalerei sehr eindrücklich zu formulieren.
Die Bilder leben von feinen Details, Echtvergoldungen und dem ikonografischen Ausdruck des jeweiligen Motivs, das auch immer in Form eines kaligrafischen Textes, in georgischer Schrift, dem Bilde angefügt ist.
Währtend der Ausstellung findet, als Rahmenprogramm ein Vortrag und ein Konzert statt.
Am 19. März 2009 19:00 findet der Vortrag „Georgien, die Wiege der Menschheit“
(im Kirchgemeinde Haus) von Esther Zumbrunn statt. Sie erzählt, warum sie dieses
Land ins Herz geschlossen hat. Jugendliche aus Georgien die zwecks eines Schüleraustausches in Winterthur weilen, stellen ihr Land vor. Dazu werden Bilder aus Georgien gezeigt. Beim anschliessenden Apéro mit georgischen Leckerbissen gibt es Gelegenheit, Kontakte zu knüpfen, und georgischen Wein zu degustieren.
Am 15. April 2009, 20:00 laden wir zu dem Konzert „Sehnsucht“ (in der Kirche St.
Gesang: Gabriel Hildesheimer-Kissling, Tamar Buadze, Miriam Arveladze, Nana Chanidze, Intrumental: Tamaz Chikadze, Konrad Hildesheimer, Beat Weyeneth.
Unter http://www.worlddance.ch
Musikkurs Ostern 09 finden sich weitere Informationen zu den Musiken.
Freundlich grüsst
Gertrud Narmania-Schär
Forum für Kunst und Kultur
Bachtelstr. 98/100
CH-8400 Winterthur
tel. 052 203 27 15
fax 052 203 27 16