Thursday, November 02, 2006

PROJEKT: Strategic Options towards Sustainable Development in Mountainous Regions - a case study on Zemo Svaneti, Georgia

zur Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Auslandsprojekte 2006
des Seminars für ländliche Entwicklung, HU Berlin

Auslandsprojekt Georgien

Zeit: Montag, 06.11.2006, 09.30 - 12.00 Uhr :
Ort: Emil Fischer-Hörsaal, Hessische Str. 1-2, 10115 Berlin

Thema: Strategic Options towards Sustainable Development in Mountainous Regions - a case study on Zemo Svaneti, Georgia

Teamleitung: Erik Engel
Teammitglieder: Dorian Frieden, Karen Möhring, Constanze Schaaff,
Philipp Tepper, Henrica von der Behrens
Auftraggeber: Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC),
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED)

Project BackgroundZemo Svaneti, a mountainous district in Georgia, borders with The Abkhazian Autonomous Republic and The Russian Federation. The region is inhabited by 13,000 people living in 16 villages and settlements.
The regional capital is Mestia. Culturally, Zemo Svaneti is one of the unique areas in the whole Caucasus. With the break dow n of the Soviet System and the declaration of independence of Georgia, the situation in this remote region became desolate. Zemo Svaneti is one of the poorest districts in Georgia, additionally suffering from the adverse effects of frequent natural disasters. The reasons behind the lack of development of Zemo Svaneti are manifold and manysided. Among the first of them is sharp decrease of employment and, consequently, of income. The complete deterioration of the situation in this renowned region, with alarming data regarding social and economic indicators on one hand and the potential of this beautiful region and its people on the other hand is the reason for CTC to take the initiative for providing support for the development of this region.
CTC offers support primarily to development actors like civil society organisations, public or church institutions, local and self-government bodies. CTC seeks to promote the organisational and project management capacities of different institutions in order to increase their impact and organisational effectiveness for the progress of social and economic reforms.
Project purpose and activities Based on the above situation, CTC asked an interdisciplinary team of SLE in Berlin to conduct a study on potentials for sustainable development in the region and give recommendations for an intervention strategy including strategic options.This study has
three project purposes: 1. CTC and other development actors know strategic options for
sustainable development in Zemo Svaneti based on an analysis of socio-cultural, economic, ecological and political potentials.
2. CTC knows the priority needs for capacity building and training of the local population and potentials and obstacles for regional development of Zemo Svaneti in order to refine its intervention strategy.
3. CTC knows a replicable and participatory methodology for conducting an analysis of potentials and elaborating strategic options towards sustainable development. To reach this, baseline data
on all dimensions of sustainable development (political, economic, ecological as well as socio-cultural aspects) will be collected from existing sources, completed if necessary and verified in the field.
Concomitantly, capac ity building needs of the local population will be collected and prioritised. The baseline study and other existing documents form the basis for analysing potentials and obstacles for development in the region and thus for designing strategic options for potential development actors including CTC. The existing intervention strategy of CTC is to be assessed and analysed in order to be able to discuss recommendations for refining the strategy.
Finally, the applied methodology shall be taken over by CTC in to its portfolio. Therefore, training will play an important role in the study, both on the job and through workshops.
Constanze J. Schaaff

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