Monday, October 30, 2006
PHOTOGRAPHY: Воды Лагидзе в Тбилиси - by Julia Vishnevetskaya
Photo from
HISTORY: The Extraordinary Journeys: The Silk Road

The majesty of the Silk Road is not as much in its tremendous trade turn, as in mutual enrichment and merging of different civilizations and cultures.
In the XIX century the flow of French travelers to the one of the most important region of the Silk Road - Trans Caucasus , particularly in Georgia has raised. Georgia played the outpost role for the European civilization in the Eastern part of the continent and at the same time it cleared the way for the Europeans to China via Central Asia.
We offer you the virtual exhibition, which represents the heritage of three French travelers: Jacques Francois Gamba, Frederic Dubois de Montpereux and Paul Nadar. The purposes of their visit to Georgia and Trans Caucasus were different, therefore in their composition is variously examined the importance of the region in the field of the West and East mutual cultural enrichment.
More Links (click on the banner) ...
The History of Silk Road
U.S. Official Criticizes Russia-Germany Gas Pipeline 13 min ago
... unease about Berlin's ties with Moscow. Matthew Bryza, the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for the Caucasus and southern Europe, indicated that the Baltic Sea pipeline would deepen Europe's dependence on Russian gas. Relations between ...
Moscow Summit Could Highlight Competition Over Black Sea 22 min ago
... papers, and grants, to foster a more informed debate about the social, political and economic developments of the Caucasus and Central Asia. It is a program of the Open Society Institute-New York. The Open Society Institute-New York is a private ...
Unfreezing of Karabakh Conflict Inevitable 39 min ago PanArmenian Network
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The situation in the South Caucasus is very unstable, it is an unstable balance, at the verge of war and peace, which cannot last long, Chief of the Department of CIS Countries of the Russian Institute of Strategic Research, ...
Central Asia and the Caucasus Conference opens in Tehran ISNA, Iran - 1 hour agoTEHRAN, Oct.30 (ISNA)-The 14th international conference of Central Asia and the Caucasus opened today in Tehran with the speech of Iran's foreign minister. ...
14th int'l conference of Central Asia, Caucasus opens in Tehran Islamic Republic News Agency
Iran not to renounce its right to peaceful nuke technologies - FM ITAR-TASS
Iran's Cooperation a Requirement for Regional Security Fars News Agency
Clouds over the Caucasus New Anatolian, Turkey - 5 hours agoWhile we await the Iranian or Syrian crisis, the Caucasus problem has appeared on our northeastern border. This well-known powder ...
A Front-Row Seat at the Saakashvili Show The Moscow Times
OSCE organizes Caucasus conference on media business International Journalist's Network - 2 hours ago“The Business of Media” is the theme of an upcoming conference for South Caucasus journalists and managers. The event is scheduled for Nov. ...
14th International Central Asia-Caucasus Meeting Starts Work Fars News Agency, Iran - 4 hours agoDuring the two-day conference dubbed 'Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Prospects and Opportunities', the participating domestic and foreign experts and ...
Crossfire War - Moscow - NATO Understanding Concerning Georgia ... NewsBlaze, CA - 26 Oct 2006... Relations between Russia and Georgia have been tense ever since, especially since Russia still regards all of the Caucasus as its exclusive sphere of
Analysis: Tensions in the Caucasus on the rise World Peace Herald, DC - 27 Oct 2006... WASHINGTON -- The row between Georgia and Russia is stalling progress in the Caucasus, experts say, after a surge of democratic sentiment had earlier raised ...
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Geplante Veranstaltungen in Leipzig November - Dezember 2006
Für die Monate November - Dezember 2006 sind noch folgende Veranstaltungen in unserer Zweigstelle in Leipzig geplant:
* Bulgarien: ein Land voller Hoffnung auf seine Zukunft
* Ausstellung kaukasischer Künstler - in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein "Kultur und Integration Leipzig e.V."
* Kulturabend Kasachstan- gemeinsame interkulturelle Weihnacht- und Neujahrsfeier
Andreas Bernatschek:
Natavan Mirzayeva: 0341-3019785
Reports: 300 Russians protest against xenophobia in St. Petersburg
International Herald Tribune
... racially motivated attacks in Russia that target dark-skinned foreigners and immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus. This year, 39 people have been killed in apparent hate crimes and a further 308 attacked, according to the Sova rights center ...
Russia goes on an ugly binge
... a fixed quota of places in the country's open-air produce markets-traditionally controlled by immigrants from the Caucasus-in order to "protect the interests of the native Russian population." That truculent rhetoric has not gone unnoticed.
So. Caucasus between Russian claims and Georgian pro-western policy
Groong Armenian News Network
The South Caucasus in between Russian claims and Georgian pro-western policy 28.10.2006 15:15 Armen Manvelyan "Radiolur" This week the constantly sharpening relations between Russia and Georgia turned into a ...
History Continuously Rewritten in Azerbaijan
Groong Armenian News Network
... In 2003 Alexander and Rudolf Yaskorskies, emigrants from Hanler published a book; `Germans of Black sea and the Caucasus' (concerning the origin and life of the German ethnic group of Black Sea and the Caucasus)', where photographs and documents ...
Why Russia and China can not save Karimov?
If there was a one simple answer for the question, then that would be - "Uzbeks have not tasted one fruit "freedom" yet, like other Central Asian countries". From Caucasus to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan they all ...
Women and Children at Risk in the CIS
Wilson Quarterly
... Arlington, VA Dr. Fujimura will be presenting on the subject of child victimization in Russia and the Caucasus. While it is understood that certain factors are common to all nations that experience any degree of child victimization, differences ...
Armenian expert recommends to Georgia to pursue more balanced policy
Groong Armenian News Network
... If the process prolongs, Georgia will inevitably close its borders; then, Russia's connections with its own ally in Caucasus will be cut off.' `It is clear; analyst Ramaz Sakvarelidze expressed both his own opinion and position of Georgia's ...
Turkey wants to gain a strong foothold in the Caucasus
Groong Armenian News Network
Agency WPS DEFENSE and SECURITY October 27, 2006 Friday TURKEY WANTS TO GAIN A STRONG FOOTHOLD IN THE CAUCASUS; The vice president of the parliamentary assembly of NATO thinks that issue of the Gabalinskaya ...
RusAl re-launches foil plant in Armenia after $70 mln upgrade
Groong Armenian News Network
... its main sales markets would be Europe and the U.S. Armenal is the only aluminum foil production facility in the Caucasus and Central Asia and has already received enough orders to operate at full capacity. RusAl is considering the possibility of ...
Sweden interested in expanding relations with Armenia
Groong Armenian News Network
... henceforth his country will provide greater time and attention to its relations with the countries of the South Caucasus, including Armenia. As an impulse for further development of bilateral cooperation the parties mentioned RA president Robert ...
Armenian newspaper sees Iran as transport alternative to Georgia
Groong Armenian News Network
... from the further deepening of cooperation with Iran in the context of new developments in efforts to settle South Caucasus conflicts? Those developments obviously suggest that each of the "projects" being offered to Armenia - the western and the ...
Caucasus-Poti to Work Also for Armenia
Groong Armenian News Network 18:56 26/10/06 CAUCASUS-POTI TO WORK ALSO FOR ARMENIA It is most likely that Caucausus-Poti ferry crossing will work also for Armenia in December, 2006 or January of the next year, Arsen Ghazaryan, ...
German coalition at odds over presidency priorities
... on the state of democracy and the rule of law in Russia and about the role Russia plays in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus". The SPD states that: "Russia is a key factor of our energy supply, especially as concerns gas." Foreign minister Steinmeier ...
Russia to ask NATO about expansion plans
Free Republic
... Grushko particularly referred to Georgia, saying NATO's decision to launch an "intensified dialogue" with the Caucasus nation that aspires to join the alliance in 2008 had been "interpreted by the Georgian authorities as an incentive to pursue a ...
Russian diplomat warns of 'new military-political situation'
Free Republic
... not to see a link there,' Grushko told Interfax. Russia has since cut diplomatic and transport ties to the Caucasus nation. A final sticking point Grushko said Russia would bring up in talks with de Hoop Scheffer was NATO's failure to ratify the ...
EU rules out Georgia peacekeeping role
... of the EU." The Finnish politician praised the "good offices" of the EU's informal diplomatic efforts in the South Caucasus and put weight on Georgia to "commit itself" to non-use of force. "If the parties there do not want a peaceful resolution, ...
This review is to thank publisher and author for opening up what was the closed book of Azerbaijan and making it possible,imperative even, to get out and make the most of life in a fascinating country. Written with an attention to (sometimes quirky) detail which denotes enthusiasm and respect for both country and traveller. Background and perspective provide the human face which is so often missing in the formula guides (viz, sadly, Lonely Planet's recently-produced barebones approach to the same country)and the general western viewpoint. A friendly, challenging and inspiring read, it is one of the three essential books for anyone planning to stay or visit (Thomas Goltz and Qurban Said wrote the others).
Deadline Friday 24. November 2006
Experience 2 years
Background Education and Training International Ltd is a British owned and managed English Language Training Company with a Head Office in London and regional offices in Georgia , Azerbaijan and Russia . ETI has been working in the Caucasus since 1996, both in Tbilisi and in Baku and also operates in the regions. ETI Ltd has a wide customer base in Georgia and Azerbaijan providing General and Technical English to public course and company course students. Teaching with ETI Georgia The majority of the teaching is at the ETI office in Tbilisi with groups of Public Course students and highly motivated personnel from Tbilisi-based companies. The normal workload is 25 hours per week and this may occasionally include some weekend work. The type of person who would be most successful and thus happiest in our environment will have some previous non-teaching work experience and will have travelled extensively outside of Europe or the USA , ideally in the CIS. We provide solid teaching support and back up but assume that teachers will be able to cope with the vagaries of working in the ex Soviet Union.
The successful candidate should have at least two years experience of English language teaching preferably to adults and the ability to teach work-specific English in a range of fields. A high degree of autonomy placed upon the teachers. The materials that we use include UK-published ELT texts and a range of materials that we have created ourselves. Applicants should have a CELTA or TEFL certificate
Monthly salary in USD $1400
October 31 an international conference on `New Threats and GlobalChallenges in the 21st Century' will open in the Yerevan StateUniversity. The event is timed to coincide with the 60th anniversaryof the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, therefore the second day ofthe conference will be held in Byurakan.
The international conference will provide a theoretical overview ofnew threats and global challenges of the 21st century; the methods andmeasures for Armenia to adequately and effectively confront them andthe new threats and global challenges of the 21st century within thecontext of the OSCE area. The main objective of this effort is tocarry this conference forward and to leverage this event as an impetusfor greater and continued co-operation.
Scientists, researchers and academia representatives from the USA,Europe, Southern Caucasus and Armenia will participate in the event.The event is organized by the OSCE Office in Yerevan in co-operationwith the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.
Some Ossetian politicians question the merits of holding another independence vote
By Irina Kelekhsayeva in Tskhinval
"Do you want the republic of South Ossetia to preserve its current status as an independent state and be recognised by the international community?" This is the question the population of the unrecognised republic will in a referendum on November 12.
Source: Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)
Date: 27 Oct 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Berufsfelder: Erziehung, Bibliothekswesen
Studienrichtung:Lehramt (Deutsch als Fremdsprache), Bibliothekswissenschaften, Pädagogik Sprache(n): Englisch, Grundkenntnisse in Georgisch

Vorschlagen von: Annemarie Plassmann, Hilfe in Georgien (Caritas Bochum)
Beitrag versenden Druckversion
Liebe Georgischinteressenten,
es schreibt Euch Tinatin - Georgischdozentin bei der Sprach- und Kulturbörse der TU-Berlin. Ich habe eine gute Nachricht - es hat sich noch eine Interessentin für Georgisch gemeldet. Die Kurse können stattfinden, wenn sie minimum 4 Kursteilnehmer haben. Wenn wir nun die 4. echte Person finden könnten, können wir den Kurs eröffnen. Allerdings beginnen wird der Kurs erst die übernächste Woche. Also, bitte aktiv werben. Das tue ich auch.
Ich habe jetzt richtig Lust bekommen, Georgisch zu unterrichten. Hoffen wir doch , dass wir es schaffen, den Kurs zu eröffnen.
Schöne Grüsse!!
Tinatin Panchvidze
Naeheres zum Georgischunterricht:
Der Kurs beginnt am 6. November und wird immer Montags stattfinden AoV Mo 18:00-21:00 Die gesamte Stundenzahl betraegt 30U/St. Pause machen wir zwischen dem 19. Dezember und dem 14. Januar. Der letzte Termin ist voraussischtlich der der 22. Januar. Da das der Anfängerkurs ist, fangen wir natuerlich mit dem Alphabet an und lernen neben dem Lesen und Schreiben die ueberlebenswichtige Ausdruecke und den oekonommischsten Umgang mit dem noch geringen Wortschatz. Ich versuche dann durch verschedene Medien: Filme , Zeichentricks, Lieder , Zeitungsausschnitten und Ausfluegen den Kurteilnehmern georgische Sprache und Kultur etwas nahezubringen. Wenn man ab und zu fehlen wird, sollte man dieses eine Woche vorher mir mitteilen, ich werde dann vorzeitig das Unterrichtsmaterial zur Verfügung stellen. Auserdem besteht immer die Moeglichkeit, mit mir im Mail-Kontakt zu bleiben und den verpassten Stoff per E-mail zu erfragen.
Wir arbeiten ausschliesslich mit den Kopien, die ich bereitstelle und wofuer ich 2,00 Euro Entschädigung von jedem Kursteilnehmer am Anfang des Kurses bekomme.
Der Preis des gesamten Kurses betraegt € 66,00 für Studierende/ Schueler,/ TU-Mitarbeiter/ Rentner und Schwerbehinderte und € 92,00 fuer Erwerbstaetige.
Liebe Gruesse und hoffentlich bis bald!!
Justyna Mielnikiewicz ...
She was born in Poland in 1973 and has been working as a professional photographer for 7 years. She graduated from Jagiellonian University in Krakow with a Masters in New Media and Culture Management. Immediately after finishing university she started to work as photojournalist in the daily newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza.
In 2001 she became a freelance photographer and moved to Tbilisi/Georgia to work on a time project on the South Caucasus. The project was awarded an honorable mention at the 2003 Dorothea Lange R. Taylor Prize and at the 2003 Santa Fe Project Competition, and received a grant from the European Culture Foundation.
Since then, in addition to work on personal projects, Justyna regularly photographs news events – mainly in the Caucasus area. Her recent work has appeared in: Newsweek Poland, Paris Match, New York Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, among others. The project was screened in Arles 2005. In 2005, her work was distributed by Cosmos Agency and currently by World Picture News.
Mobile: +995 77 73 2003
Skype justynamiel
AOL justmiel
Zura from Kutaisi was living in Moscow for last 6 years-he was deported after random document check on Moscow street .All deported Georgians spent last 7 days in special prison for deportees in Moscow. Among others small children and old people stayed there with only personal belongings they carried while they were arrested.
A Russian Emergency Ministry IL-62 passenger plane carrying 119 Georgian deportees landed at the Tbilisi airport on October 10. Russian Emergency Ministry’s plane took back 150 Russian citizens from Georgia as part of “the partial evacuation” announced by the Russian authorities after a spy row erupted between the two countries on September 27.
This was the second planeload of Georgians deported from Russia for migration offences. Over 130 Georgians arrived in Tbilisi on a Russian Emergency Ministry cargo plane on October 6.An official from the Georgian Embassy in Moscow said that about 70 Georgians remain in various police stations in the Russian capital awaiting deportation. (Justyna Mielnikiewicz)
Georgia / Russia © Mielnikiewicz Justyna
Line for Check-in for Tbilisi Moscow flight. Russians citizens -mostly of Georgian origins- awaits their flight to Moscow at Tbilisi airport. It is... [more]
- EKA-POST SOVIET STORY © Justyna Mielnikiewicz
Eka’s life is a microcosm of the harsh realities many people face in Georgia, as she has fallen through the threadbare net that the current country’s... [more]
Member of of collective EVE
NYT Abkhazia -Audio Slideshow
NYT Azerbaijan Elections / slideshow
Contact Sheets
ABKAZIA -Shared Sorrows , Divided Lines
Americans Training Georgian Army -GTEP programe
Georgia-Tourism Development as new agenda of Government
Abkhazia 2006
AZERBAIJAN elections 2005
Abkhazia 2006
ARMENIA-J.Chirac visit GEORGIA-RUSSIA protests , deportations
Friday, October 27, 2006
Justyna Mielnikiewiczs großartigen und preisgekrönten Kaukasus-Fotos
Justyna Mielnikiewicz bezieht sich auf den polnischen Ethnologen Kazimierz Moszyński. Sie meint, dass der Welt nicht klar ist, dass der Kaukasus in einen Morast regionaler Konflikte versinken kann, die wahrscheinlich ebenso destruktiv und gewalttätig sein können wie sie auf dem Balkan immer wieder waren. Mielnikiewicz sagt, dass die Konflikte und Unterschiede nicht nur auf ethnische Unterschiede zurückgeführt werden können; das Bild ist viel komplexer. Ihre Fotos sind eine beeindruckende Dokumentation in dieser Hinsicht.
Mit der Unabhängigkeit von den Sowjetunion, begannen in Georgien, in Aserbaidschan und in Armenien blutige Kämpfe, die die zärtlichen Infrastrukturen zerstörten. Millionen Menschen haben ihre Heimat verlassen und entsetzlich gelitten. Territoriale Konflikte blieben ungelöst. Wie auf dem Balkan haben Despoten den Nationalismus und die Angst benutzt, ihre politischen Ambitionen durchzusetzen. Die Verwüstung von Tschetschenien und die Flüchtlingsproblematik zeigen, dass Russland immer noch auf ihre Vorherrschaft im Kaukasus beharrt. Mielnikiewicz kritisiert, dass der Westen dem Kaukasus zwar eine gewisse demokratische Stabilität garantiert, wobei sie auch die kaspischen Energienressourcen im Blick behält, (und gegen den Terror vorgehen will), so geht er andererseits recht gleichförmig mit vielen grundlegenden Problemen im Kaukasus um.
"Um den Kaukasus zu verstehen, müssen wir zuerst fragen, „Was ist der Kaukasus“?"
Justyna Mielnikiewicz reiste durch weitgehend vergessene und ignorierte Gebiete dieser Region, und zwar dorthin, wo Europa auf Asien trifft, wo das Christentum und der Islam aufeinandertreffen, wo östliche und westliche Welten im südlichen Kaukasus miteinander zurechtkommen müssen. Hier muss mit der Arbeit begonnen werden. Hier müssen die Religionen, die Sprachen und die kulturellen Hintergründe erforscht werden. Erst dadurch können wir wahrnehmen, was ethnische Unterschiede und Ähnlichkeiten bedeuten und bewirken, dann erst können wir Probleme begreifen und entdecken, wir werden also erfahren, welche anderen Einflüsse ebenso beachtet werden müssen.
Mielnikiewicz Fokus liegt dabei auf solchen Gebieten wie Abchasien, Nord- und Süd-Ossetien, wie das Pankisi-Tal, Nagorno-Karabakh, Ingushetien und die LänderAserbaidschan und Armenien. Die Fotografin zeigt uns die Menschen die in diesen Konflikt-Regionen ihr Leben fristen. Diesen beeindruckenden Fotos kann man ihre Sorge entnehmen, ob die Menschen einen Frieden erleben können. Die Frage ist, ob der Kaukasus ein Gebiet des Friedens, des Vertrauens und der Zusammenarbeit wird, oder es eine Zone bleibt, wo sich Konflikte, Rivalitäten und Verdächtigungen fortzusetzen? Ihr Fazit ist, dass wir die zerbrechliche Unabhängigkeit in diesem Teil der Welt nicht mehr ignorieren können.
Mehr Fotos und Informationen auf der Website von Justyna Mielnikiewicz: &
ORGANISATION: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia
Folklore, April, 2003 by David Hunt
Written evidence from the hunting folk literature of the Caucasus is presented together with the suggestion that the origin of the unicorn lies in hunting mythology and that remnants of it are to be seen in the figures in "The Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries in France.
This paper discusses the association between the figures of the lady and the unicorn, particularly in light of records of survivals of the cult of a hunting goddess in the Caucasus Mountains. The hunter might be considered as a subsidiary figure in this association. The basic argument of the paper will incorporate the following . full text>>>
Washington Monthly, Nov, 2000 by Jacob Heilbrunn
PHEW! FOR A BRIEF MOMENT there, it looked like the 1970s all over again. The booming American economy was suddenly saddled with rising oil prices, which threatened to lead to stagflation--or high unemployment and inflation rates. The even more vulnerable western European countries experienced long gas lines and protests. To top it off, the old Israeli-Palestinian conflict flared up again. The 1970s retro-look looked as if it was becoming the real thing. full text>>>
Source: A Man's Caftan and Leggings from the North Caucasus of the Eighth to Tenth Century (
Mit einer stillen Demonstration will eine Gruppe georgischer Studierender am kommenden Freitag auf die Lage der georgischen Staatsbürger in Russland aufmerksam machen, die seit Wochen unter den Repressalien der russischen Behörden zu leiden haben. Dazu soll eine Veranstaltung vor der russischen Botschaft in Berlin stattfinden.
Ab 15:00 Uhr am Freitag, dem 27.10., soll die Demonstration vor der russischen Botschaft, Unter den Linden 63, in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Brandenburger Tor, beginnen. Um 17:00 Uhr soll die Veranstaltung zu Ende gehen.
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Das Leugnen des Genozids an den Armeniern unter Strafe: Brüssels Kritik am französischen Beschluss
Von Anne-Marie MOURADIAN
Der am 12. Oktober vom französischen Parlament angenommene Gesetzentwurf stellt das Leugnen des armenischen Genozids in Frankreich unter Strafe. In Fr...
Russisch-georgische Krämpfe – Tribüne von Eric Hoesli
Von Eric HOESLI, Autor des Buches „À la conquête du Caucase: Épopée géopolitique et guerres d’influence“ (demnächst bei éditions des Syrtes), und Herausgeber der regionalen Tageszeitungen der französischen Schweiz 24 Heures und La Tribune de Genève
Das Interessante an der „Spionage“-Krise ist nicht so sehr die mögliche – und wahrscheinliche – Spionageaktivität russischer Offiziere auf georgischem Territorium als vielmehr die spektakuläre Inszenierung, die die georgischen Behörden organisiert ha...
Will der Kreml Saakaschwili zu Fall bringen?
Von Nathalie OUVAROFF
An sich eine banale Spionageaffaire, die auf diplomatischem Wege hätte geregelt werden können, in der Tbilissi auf Anraten Washingtons die Spione übergeben hat – doch die gegen Georgien verhängten Sanktionen zeugen davon, dass der Kreml die Regierung...

“Georgia’s NATO Membership is in Russia’s Interest”
Interview with Mamuka Kudava, Georgian Deputy Minister of Defense...
Punishing the Denial of the Armenian Genocide: Brussels Criticises the French Vote
Approved by France’s lower house of parliament, the National Assembly, on October 12, the bill would make it a crime for French citizens to deny that the Armenian genocide occurred. Such a decision is being made in a country home to 500,000 descendan...
Russo-Georgian Convulsions—Editorial by Eric Hoesli
By Eric HOESLI, author of On the Conquest of the Caucasus: Geopolitical Epic and Wars of Influence (to be published by Les Editions de Syrtes) and director of the regional daily newspapers of francophone Switzerland, 24 Heures and La Tribune de Genève.
What is interesting in the ‘spy’ crisis is not so much the probable and likely espionage activity of Russian officers on Georgian territory, but the spectacular production organized by Georgian authorities to sensitize domestic public opinion (filmed...
Helden auf allen Seiten
Der georgisch-russische Konflikt von ute weinmann
»Wer sich vor Folgen fürchtet, ist kein Held«, lautet ein kaukasisches Sprichwort. Der georgische Präsident Michail Saakaschwili muss sich diesen Spruch zu Herzen genommen haben, als er Ende September seinem Nachbarn Russland die Faust zeigte. Vier in Georgien stationierte russische Offiziere wurden der Spionage verdächtigt und zu zwei Monaten Haft verurteilt. In der Vergangenheit hatte Georgien russische Spione immer diskret und ohne mediale Aufbereitung abschieben lassen. mehr >>>
Von Natia Arabuli
Foto: Hans Heiner Buhr (
Natia Arabuli wurde 1967 in Dschuta (Foto) geboren. Nach abgeschlossenem Philologie-Studium und anschließender Lehrtätigkeit studierte sie von 1997 bis 2002 Fernsehregie an der Iwane-Dshawachischwili-Universität in Tbilissi. Sie drehte schon mehrere kurze Dokumentarfilme. Ihre Regieausbildung vervollständigte Natia Arabuli durch ein Aufbaustudium an der Bayerischen Akademie für Fernsehen in München. 2004 kehrte sie nach Tbilissi zurück und gründete eine eigene Produktionsfirma. Parallel dazu arbeitet sie als Dozentin an der Universität.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The following stories appeared on EurasiaNet over the past week:
Molly Corso
Fresh from an overwhelming victory in this month's local elections,
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has proposed pushing up the date
of the country's presidential vote to 2008. Opposition leaders are
accusing the president of attempting to hasten the consolidation of his
personal authority.
Marianna Grigoryan
Mina Muradova and Khazri Bakinsky
Ariel Cohen
Emil Danielyan
NZZ FOLIO: Der Kaukasus – NZZ Folio 09/95

Zum Thema -- Wo Berge sich erheben
Von Peter Haffner Mehr
Eine russische Hassliebe
Aspekte einer Kolonisation. Von Regula Heusser-Markun Mehr
Ein Nationalheld vieler Völker
Schamil, Führer des kaukasischen Widerstands. Von Moshe Gammer Mehr
Am Fuss der blauen Berge
Tschetscheniens Alltag zwischen Krieg und Frieden. Von Martin Woker Mehr
Inseln im Chaos
Armenische Firmen suchen den Markt. Von Patrick Läderach Mehr
Dagestans Los
Völker- und Sprachenvielfalt im "Bergland". Von Marie Bennigsen Broxup Mehr
Unter dem Wunschbaum
Eine Reise auf der Georgischen Heerstrasse. Von Peter Haffner Mehr
Risky Biznes
Die Händler von Mars und Coca-Cola. Von Vicken Cheterian Mehr
Poker in Baku
Ölfieber in Aserbeidschans Hauptstadt. Von Amalia van Gent Mehr
Meister Arbi Rassuchanow, Kunstmaler
Von Martin Woker Mehr