Monday, April 30, 2007

Georgische Filme u.a. mit Otar Iosseliani vom 16.-26. Mai 2007
Nüschelerstrasse 11, 8001 Zürich
Tel. 044 211 66 66
Filme aus Georgien

Das Kino der Kaukasusrepublik am Schwarzen Meer stach schon zu Sowjetzeiten durch eine Freude am Fabulieren und Phantasieren hervor, die sich von keiner sozialistischen Doktrin bändigen liess. Verwurzelt in der Literatur, der Malerei und der Musik ihres Landes, schufen Filmemacher wie Sergej Paradshanow, Tengis Abuladse, Eldar und Giorgi Schengelaja eigensinnige Filme voller List und Poesie. Unsere neunzehnteilige Auswahl ermöglicht einen kleinen Einblick in dieses wunderbar reiche Filmschaffen.
Speziell freuen wir uns, Otar Iosseliani, einen der ganz Grossen, mit seinem neuesten, in Frankreich entstandenen Film Jardins en automne und mit seinem Klassiker Pastorale in
Zü­rich begrüssen zu dürfen.

Vorstellungen in Anwesenheit von Otar Iosseliani:

Mi 16.05.2007, 18.15
Pastorale Regie: Otar Iosseliani, UdSSR (Georgien) 1976 Georg/d
(Gespräch mit dt. Übersetzung)

Mi 16.05.2007, 20.45
Jardins en automne Regie: Otar Iosseliani, Frankreich / Italien 2006 F
(Gespräch auf Französisch)

Diese Filmreihe entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Marika Lapauri-Burk, Deutsch-
Kau­kasische Gesellschaft Lile e.V., Hamburg
, und wird unterstützt von der Botschaft von Georgien in Schweiz. Herr Botschafter Levan Mikeladze wird zur Eröffnung der Film­reihe im Filmpodium anwesend sein.


Mi 16.05.2007, 18.15 / Mi 23.05.2007, 20.45
(Pastorali / Pastoral)
Regie: Otar Iosseliani, UdSSR (Georgien) 1976 Georg/d

Mi 16.05.2007, 20.45 / Mo 04.06.2007, 15.00 / Fr 08.06.2007, 15.00 / Mo 11.06.2007, 20.45
Jardins en automne
Regie: Otar Iosseliani, Frankreich / Italien 2006 F

Di 22.05.2007, 18.15 / So 27.05.2007, 18.15

Wie Luft zum Atmen
Regie: Ruth Olshan, Deutschland 2005 Georg/d

Der im Film porträtierte georgische Frauenchor Tutarchela tritt u. a. am 14. Mai im Moods und am 18. Mai in der Helferei Grossmünster auf.
Details siehe und

Di 22.05.2007, 15.00 / Mi 30.05.2007, 20.45,
Das Gebet
Regie: Tengis Abuladse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1968 Georg/d

Mi 23.05.2007, 18.15 / Di 29.05.2007, 20.45
Eine ungewöhnliche Ausstellung
Regie: Eldar Schengelaja, UdSSR (Georgien) 1968 Georg/f

Do 24.05.2007, 20.45 / Sa 26.05.2007, 15.00
Nimm's nicht tragisch!

Regie: Georgi Danelia, UdSSR (Georgien) 1969 Georg/f

Fr 25.05.2007, 18.15 / Sa 02.06.2007, 18.15
Meine Grossmutter
Regie: Kote Mikaberidse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1929 Stummfilm mit Musik, georg./dt. Zw'titel
Vorfilm: Musiker Regie: Michail Kobachidse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1969 ohne Dialog

Mo 28.05.2007, 15.00 / Do 31.05.2007, 20.45
Blaue Berge oder Eine unwahrscheinliche Geschichte
Regie: Eldar Schengelaja, UdSSR (Georgien) 1984 Georg/d/f

Di 29.05.2007, 18.15 / Fr 01.06.2007, 15.00 / Mi 06.06.2007, 20.45
Der Mann aus der Botschaft
Regie: Dito Tsintsadse, Deutschland / Georgien 2006 D/Georg/d

Do 31.05.2007, 15.00 / So 03.06.2007, 18.15
Regie: Georgi Schengelaja, UdSSR (Georgien) 1969 Russ/d

Fr 01.06.2007, 18.15 / Sa 09.06.2007, 20.45
Es war einmal eine Singdrossel
Regie: Otar Iosseliani, UdSSR (Georgien) 1970 Georg/d

Di 05.06.2007, 20.45 / Mo 11.06.2007, 15.00
26 Kommissare
Regie: Nikolai Schengelaja, UdSSR (Georgien) 1932 Stummfilm mit Musik, engl./frz. Zw'titel

Sa 09.06.2007, 15.00 / Mi 13.06.2007, 20.45 / So 24.06.2007, 18.15,
Die Legende der Festung Suram
Regie: Sergej Paradshanow / Dodo Abaschidse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1985 Georg/d/f
Vorfilm: Arabeske über Pirosmani Regie: Sergej Paradshanow, UdSSR (Georgien) 1985

Di 12.06.2007, 20.45 / So 17.06.2007, 18.15
Nächtlicher Tanz

Regie: Aleko Tsabadse, Georgien 1991 Georg/d

Sa 23.06.2007, 20.45 / Fr 29.06.2007, 18.15
Einige Interviews zu persönlichen Fragen

Regie: Lana Gogoberidse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1978 Georg/d

Di 26.06.2007, 20.45 / Do 28.06.2007, 15.00
Robinsonade oder: Mein englischer Grossvater
Regie: Nana Dshordshadse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1987 Georg/E/e
Vorfilm: Der Krug Regie: Irakli Kwirikadse, UdSSR (Georgien) 1970 Russ/f

Detaillierte Angaben zu den Filmen sowie einen Einführungstext in das georgische Kino finden Sie in unserem Programmheft im Kino und unter
Chemi Taobis Nostalgia

Uploaded on August 22, 2006 by Otar Chkhartishvili

More to Otar Chkhartishvili: Georgian Artist Otar Chkhartishvili died

Georgia News Digest 04-30-07
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at

1. Saakashvili hopes Georgia to join NATO soon
2. Is Putin's CFE Threat Aimed At The Region?
3. Russian Radio Pundit Contrasts "Democrat" Yeltsin With "Dictator" Putin [excerpt]
4. Will NATO and Russia once again count tanks and aircraft in Europe?
5. Aeroflot denies claims of allegedly resuming flights to Georgia
6. British Chancellor calls Georgia "beacon of democracy"
7. Georgia's radar detected in Georgia-S.Ossetia conflict area
8. Tbilisi Resumes Unilateral Demilitarization in S. Ossetia
9. Leader of breakaway region condemns "fascist regime" in Georgia
10. Yuri Morozov Laughs at Georgian Authorities
11. Georgian policeman detained in S. Ossetia
12. Georgia, South Ossetia blame each other for Thursday shooting
13. S. Ossetian PM Slams Tbilisi’s Initiative on Administrative Entity
14. Children living in the conflict zone have not been allowed to visit Tbilisi
15. Situation at Sokhumi University
16. Patriot camp in Upper Abkhazia
17. Turkish parliament to ratify Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad project deal
18. Allowing the exclusion of Armenia from important transportation routes would stymie the emergence of the region
19. Georgian Prosecutor General to Visit Baku
20. Artist refused travel visa for Irish exhibition
21. Georgian defence minister praises army performance in Iraq
22. Georgian defense minister inspecting national forces in Iraq
23. Special Law to Regulate Taxes in Tbilisi’s Old Town
24. Reconstruction Kakheti style
25. The curse of Bilbao [excerpt]
26. EU stresses need for closer energy cooperation with Georgia
27. Chkhorotsku Hydro Power Station Up for Sale
28. CanArgo Energy Corporation: Georgian Operations Update
29. Soso Robakidze Asserts High Officials Threaten Him with Death
30. City Court to Resume Probing into Case of Irakli Batiashvili
31. Parliamentary hearings on high-profile murders to be held
32. Georgian NGOs accuse MP Beso Jugheli of unleashing inter-ethnic tension
33. MPs Vote Down Opposition’s Initiative on Pensions
34. LTD Poultry Plans to Produce 1 m. Incubatory Eggs by the End of 2008
35. OSCE helps Georgia dispose of obsolete munitions
36. Government to Spend 17m GEL on Road Rehabilitation in Guria Region
37. Gudauri hotel to be sold
38. Ipolite Khvichia monument to be erected in Kutaisi
39. Georgian Academy protests shutting down the Bibliographic Centre
40. Institute of Psychology objects to Code of Ethics for broadcasters
41. Budgetary amendments to be discussed
42. "If I didn't sing, I would be emotionally unstable"

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Deutschlandfunk 24.07.2007

Geduldet, aber nicht anerkannt
Die armenische Minderheit in der Türkei

Am 24. April 1915 wurden mehrere hundert Armenier in Istanbul aus ihren Häusern geholt und abgeführt. Es war der Auftakt zu einer gewaltigen Vertreibungsaktion, mit der sich das untergehende Osmanische Reich seiner armenischen Untertanen entledigen wollte. Der Todesopfer wird alljährlich am 24. April von den armenischen Gemeinden gedacht, die seither über die Welt versprengt sind. Susanne Güsten berichtet aus Istanbul.

Pleinair Outside From Dshvari Near Mtshketa

Anjela - The Wife From An Artist

Georgia News Digest 04-29-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at

1. Saakashvili, UK Treasury secretary meet in London
2. Georgian Foreign Minister Visits Brussels
3. Georgian Officials Meet Ambassadors of 'Group of Friends'
4. Fight against nuke terrorism is priority of Georgian foreign policy - FM
5. Georgian Foreign Ministry Comments on Non-Proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction
6. Georgians rally for release of students held by separatists
7. Georgian youth rally at Abkhaz border to demand release of detained students
8. “Chven Davbrundebit!” Studies the Emotional Pull of the Fall of Sukhumi
9. Georgia denies alleged shooting at S-Ossetian villages
10. Tbilisi, Tskhinvali Exchange Accusations over Shooting
11. Next Boisterous Report of Public Defender
12. Ombudsman Reports on Human Rights
13. About 1,500 Georgians demand better social security
14. DPs are Being Evicted from Hotel “Kutaisi”
15. Decadence of the Country
16. Sister of Sadistically Murdered Brothers Is Threatened
17. Detention Of Arrested Ethnic Armenians In Georgia Extended
18. U.S. Destroyer Makes Port Call in Batumi
19. Georgian 2007 State Budget Up 641.2 m. GEL
20. Parliament to Discuss Budgetary Amendments
21. Zurab Nogaideli will be discharged from Saint Lukes Hospital on Sunday
22. Society to Make Its Own Conclusions – Nino Burjanadze
23. 'Akhali Versia' closed down
24. Advertising in Georgia
25. The Telephone Wars: Highline vs. United Telecom
26. Security Class Graduates Win Appreciation
27. Genetically Modified Georgia
28. Towards a Tidier Tbilisi: Trash Cans and Littering Fines
29. Bank of Georgia Ranked First Maka Dzneladze
30. GBDC Caucasia Comes to Batumi
31. Cleaning up Kutaisi’s Water Supply System: Cooperation between MCG, EBRD and the government
32. The First Ever Memorial to Fallen Journalists Pays Tribute to 3 Georgians
33. The Present State of Art Photography in Georgia
34. Electrifying Sukhishvilebi – the Show that Never Ends
35. film: "The Man From the Embassy"
36. Notes from the Caucasus: Missing
37. Notes From the Caucasus: Beyond the Maps
38. Like bad dates and the Bush administration

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Step To Happiness In The Church Dshvari in Mtskheta

Downhill of live...

Uploaded on April 27, 2007 by Paata Vardanashvili

news about the caucasus

Caucasus: Is Putin's CFE Threat Aimed At The Region? 28 Apr 2007 05:10, RFE/RL... the case of Russia are the North Caucasus and Pskov and Kaliningrad oblasts. A buildup ... Russian compliance with its commitments to either Georgia or Moldova. New NATO members that were ...
Millions impoverished as Eastern Europe and Central Asia prosper 27 Apr 2007 13:42, the populations of five countries: Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were caught below the ... their fifth birthday in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In Tajikstan and Albania ...
US-Azeri diplomatic row ends 27 Apr 2007 11:41, Baku Sun... which is dubbed Russias outpost in the Caucasus, enjoys support from both Moscow and Washington, ... the US in the region. Together with Georgia, Azerbaijan is considered to be a key ...
Press Release: IMF and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Regional Conference on Managing Strong Foreign Exchange Inflows in the Southern Caucasus and Central Asian Countries 27 Apr 2007 05:10, IMF News... Strong Foreign Exchange Inflows in the Southern Caucasus and Central Asian Countries" The Regional Conference ... region John Wakeman-Linn, IMF Mission Chief for Georgia, and Willy Kiekens, IMF Executive Director representing ...
Journalists told not to inflame anti-Muslim sentiment 26 Apr 2007 20:45, Middle East Times... independent newspapers, Eynulla Fatullayev, was raised by the European Union's special representative to the Caucasus nations of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, Peter Semneby. On April 20, Fatullayev was convicted for libel and sentenced to 18 ...
BRITISH COUNCIL TRUSTS ARMENIA 26 Apr 2007 17:51, A1 Plus... regional director of British Council in South Caucasus arrived in Armenia to participate in the ... will be deemed not as just Armenia, Georgia or Azerbaijan, but as a whole unity. ...
Putin Threatens Moratorium on European Arms Pact 26 Apr 2007 16:17, Voice of America... and a third unidentified nation in the Caucasus. Mr. Putin said the U.S. plan threatens ... the mass protests of neighboring Ukraine and Georgia, where long-serving Soviet leaders were ousted from ...
US tells Russia to drop Cold War logic 26 Apr 2007 15:04, IAfrica South African News... to a forward tracking system in the Caucasus, and wants the network operational by 2013. ... so until Russia withdraws its troops from Georgia and Moldova. "I propose we declare a ...
GEOFF HOON MEETS PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA 26 Apr 2007 14:54, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Offices... in London today, following my visit to Georgia last year. We had the opportunity to ... secure, democratic and prosperous Georgia and wider Caucasus region is in all our interests. The ...
Rice urges Russia to drop Cold War logic over missile shield 26 Apr 2007 14:25, Yahoo News... to a forward tracking system in the Caucasus, and wants the network operational by 2013. ... so until Russia withdraws its troops from Georgia and Moldova. "I propose we declare a ...
Georgia to build contract military after 2009 - defense official 26 Apr 2007 14:01, RIA Novosti... TBILISI, April 26 (RIA Novosti) - Georgia will abolish conscription in favor of a ... the ongoing defense conference in the South Caucasus country. "After 2009, the Defense Ministry will ...
Georgian gold may trigger Russian infighting 26 Apr 2007 13:36, Mineweb... Azerbaijan; Bolnisi Gold and EMED Mining in Georgia are the cases in point. Setting aside ... website, "at the western end of the Caucasus Mountains, Europe's highest mountains, this strategically placed ...
US tells Russia to drop Cold War logic 26 Apr 2007 12:51, IAfrica South African News... to a forward tracking system in the Caucasus, and wants the network operational by 2013. ... so until Russia withdraws its troops from Georgia and Moldova. "I propose we declare a ...
Georgia promotes its conflict-resolution plan 26 Apr 2007 03:15, Peace Journalism... President Mikheil Saakashvili's administration in Georgia is courting NATO and United Nations support ... social, political and economic developments of the Caucasus and Central Asia. It is a program ...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

There are pictures of the Abazin, Abkhaz, Avartsy, Aguly, Azerbaijani, Armenians, Balkartsy, Bezhtin, Greeks, Georgians, Dargin, Didoitsy, Jews, Ingush, Nogai, Laktsy, Ossetians, Rutultsy, Udin, Chechens.
Ossetian girl

Avarian Woman

Lakian girl

Uploaded on March 6, 2006 by labrigittah

News in Brief - April 27, 2007 -

The Parliament has approved today terms for consideration of government-initiated amendments in budget-2007. Proper bill was passed to the Parliament yesterday.
As the Ministry of Finance informs, extra funds will be allocated for reparation of population’s damages, caused by JSC Chiaturmarganets activity.
$1.74 million and 965,412 lari will be allocated for Chiatura municipality from reserve fund of government.

Oil and Gas Corporation of Georgia have acquired assets of Swiss NPL for $4.7 million, Aleko Khetaguri, director general of Corporation, said. The contract envisages transference of rights and obligations of NPL, as well as 50% in LLC Ioris Veli, founded with Swiss participation.
Goga Melikidze, finance analyst of Galt&Taggart Securities, told to Sarke that changes are to be made in list of Galt&Taggart Blue Chip Index (GTBCI) defining companies.
As Melikidze said, less liquid companies will be replaced with more liquid ones.
Mirian Dekanoidze, director general of JSC Tbilisi Railway-Carriage Repair Works, said to Sarke that producing of modern electric trains will began this year. Works will be launched in June, while negotiations with potential partners are undergoing.

TERMS FOR TAX DECLARATIONS’ INTRODUCING EXTENDED FOR TOP OFFICIALS TO JULY 1 The Parliament has adopted in third hearing amendments in Tax Code, concerning terms of declaration filling. The matter concerns top officials, the number of which makes up 1,000.
The Parliament approved in first hearing amendments, aiming reduction of the upper limit for state duty, being collected in courts. The amendments were initiated by oppositional fraction Industrialists.

politics & society
Tensions between Russia and Georgia are still in the limelight. Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili considered current tense atmosphere between the countries during his Moscow visit with his colleague
Petroglyph in Gobustan in Azerbaijan

Uploaded on April 27, 2007 by Sahil Warsi
News in Brief - April 26, 2007 -

Talks on attraction additional load from Central Asia and China are undergoing, Irakli Ezugbaia, director general of LLC Georgian Railway, said. Particularly, preferential transportation of wheat via Georgia is discussed with Kazakhstan.
National Bank of Georgia (NBG) considers that “competiveness of foreign sector has not been suffered in 2006 from lari rate changes”. The question is discussed in NGB annual report, which was passed to the Parliament’s financial-budgetary committee today.
Presidential program of skiing resort infrastructure developing is being prepared. The project aims to renovate infrastructure in resorts of Bakuriani and Gudauri, Giorgi Arveladze, Minister of Economic Development, said today at news conference.

Yoerg Shmolinski, director of JSC Georgian United Telecommunication Company, declared today that investments of $50 million will be made within next 3 year. He said that the funds will be used for the infrastructure and cable renewal in major cities of Georgia. Currently 50% of infrastructure and 75% of cables is useless, said Shmolinski.
As BTA Silk Road Bank informed Sarke, clients will be offered Visa Classic and Visa Gold plastic cards in May. At this stage bank issues only Visa Electron, which emission has been launched from the beginning of last year.
The Ministry of Finance and Economics of Ajara has announced auction on 25-year leasing of freight dock of Batumi port with attached land plot (11,000 square m). The starting price is $2.8 million.
Ministry of Economic Development grants LLC Transproekti (design and research institute) with the right of land direct privatization, in exchange of the land plot, which was passed free of charge to the state. The decision was made based on the institute appeal to be granted the right to acquire this land plot (with constructions) in preferential price.
As the Ministry of Economic Development informs, LLC Ertguleba will be given non-agricultural land plots in Liakhvi Gorge, Gori region. The lands are passed instead of repairs to be carried out in administrative buildings.
politics & society
Tensions between Russia and Georgia are still in the limelight. Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili considered current tense atmosphere between the countries during his Moscow visit with his colleague.
In Osnabrück: European Media Art Festival
17.30 Uhr: road movie NL 2005
17:00 Uhr: Stone Time TouchCDN/Armenien 2007 // 70:00

"Stone Time Touch"
Experimentell-dokumentarischen Essayfilm von Gariné Torossian

"Nach 18 Kurzfilmen hat Torossian mit diesem Collage-Werk ihren ersten Langfilm realisiert. "Stone Time Touch" (Heute um 17.30 Uhr im Cinema-Arthouse) verbindet zwei Entdeckungsreisen durch die christlich geprägte Kultur Armeniens. Die eine Sichtweise beschreibt die Filmemacherin als touristisch, die andere als analytisch. Diese Trennung wird für den Betrachter nicht sichtbar. In der verfremdeten Montage des dokumentarischen Materials verschmelzen die beiden Reisen zu einem sehr persönlichen Blick auf Tradition und Alltag im postsowjetischen Armenien."

internationales forum des jungen films: Stone Time Touch
freunde der deutschen kinemathek: Stone Time Touch. Gariné Torossian. Kanada/Armenien 2007
Stone Time Touch
HTML-Version STONE TIME TOUCH is my first feature-length film. It is an ... STONE TIME TOUCH schlängelt sich sanft durch das Land, zeigt
cine:plom - Berlinale 2007 #10: Stone Time Touch
Berlinale 2007 #10: Stone Time Touch Kanada / Armenien 2007, Gariné Torossian, 72 Minuten. Der Film ist das genaue Gegenstück zu Arslans Aus der Ferne ...
Stone Time Touch - []
Berlinale Mein erster Film auf der diesjährigen Berlinale: “Stone Time Touch” von Gariné Torossian. Ein visuell und akustisch beeindruckender, ...

Kurzfilm "Road Movie"
Busfahrt durch die armenische Hauptstadt Eriwan von der Videokünstlerin Nora Martirosyan


Nachrichten aus dem Kaukasus

Ende einer Erfolgsgeschichte Berliner Zeitung - Berlin, Germany
Russlands Präsident hat genug von der Nato-Ausdehnung und legt den KSE-Rüstungskontrollvertrag auf Eis
Lesen Sie auch:
Russland setzt Abrüstungsvertrag einseitig aus Berliner Zeitung - Berlin, Germany
Südwest Presse: Kommentar: Putin news aktuell (Pressemitteilung) - Germany
Vor allem nach Tschetschenien, Georgien und in andere unruhige Regionen im Süden wollen sie mehr Truppen schicken, als ihnen der Anpassungsvertrag gestattet ...
OMX kauft Börse in Armenien Finanztreff - Schweinfurt, Germany
Der Börsenhandel in Armenien sei derzeit klein, es gebe aber Wachstumschancen. Finanzielle Details wurden nicht genannt.
Der geleugnete Völkermord IDEA Evangelische Nachrichtenagentur - Wetzlar, Germany
Der Journalist und Armenien-Kenner Jürgen Th. Müller erinnert an die Tragödie eines der ältesten christlichen Völker. Der erste Völkermord des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Demonstration gegen Festnahme von Studenten in Teilrepublik Georgiens Georgien Nachrichten - Germany
In Tbilisi, Gori und Kutaissi sollen weitere Demonstranten hinzu stoßen. Die russischen Truppen in der abtrünnigen georgischen Teilrepublik haben als ...

Friday, April 27, 2007


Karmelitermarkt with Kafé Madiani in Vienna

Georgian Restaurant MADIANI, 1020 Wien, Karmelitermarkt 21-24

There are also restaurants and bars in the market. We already have our favorite, an artists hangout run by people from Georgia (in the Caucasus) that seves a delicious two-course

1020 Wien, Karmelitermarkt Stand 21-24
Telefon 00 43 /(0)664 /3573964
Website mit Anfahrtsplan: hier >>>

--- in german now ---
Küche: Russisch
Sonstiges: Schanigarten

Montag bis Freitag 8.30 bis 22, Samstag 8.30 bis 14; typisch georgische Speisen, z.B. Khinkali (mit Fleisch oder Käse gefüllte Teigtaschen) oder Khatschap'uri (Käsekuchen); Montag bis Freitag MM (Euro 6,50 bis Euro 7,50); Samowar-Tee mit verschiedenen eingekochten Früchten. Schanigarten für 75 Personen. luncheon menu for about $10.

"[...] Schön ist er, der Karmelitermarkt in Wien-Leopoldstadt - besonders wenn die Sonne scheint, ein paar Buben auf Radeln mit wehenden Peies über den Platz düsen, während mittendrin der Herr Kulturstadtrat und sein Sohnemann einen Fußball malträtieren. Nur, dass am ganzen, großen Platz kein einziger Baum mehr steht, lässt ihn ein bisschen arm aussehen. Beim "Kebapkönig Gülfirat" frieren derweil die Bobos in der Sonne und lassen durchaus anständige Sis Kebabs und Lahmacuns servieren. Bei Nana im "Madiani" geht es Georgisch zu, mit Nuss und Granatäpfeln, und das Frühstück der "Einfahrt" ist sowieso Legende. Im "Contor" gibt es guten Wein günstig, aber wo sollen all die unfrisierten Hedonisten hin, wenn der Abend sich über den Platz legt und die Marktstandeln dicht machen? [...]"

Uploaded on March 23, 2007 by Peter Unterweger


Die georgische Version bekommen nur die Mutigsten. Gäste, die das in Milch poschierte Ei mit Frischkäse und Minze bestellen wollen, macht man im Madiani gern darauf aufmerksam, dass das eine eher heftige Angelegenheit sei und man sich das gut überlegen soll. In Nana Ansari charmantem Marktlokal gibt's aber auch das klassische Wiener Frühstück mit Semmerln, Butter und Honig (2,50 Euro) oder so wertvolle erste Mahlzeiten wie Dinkelgries, Haferbrei oder Joghurt mit Früchten. Samstags ist der kleine Schanigarten mitten im Marktgeschehen ziemlich voll. Und hat man erst einmal einen Platz ergattert, kann es mitunter ein Weilchen dauern, bis man sein Frühstück auf dem Tisch stehen hat. Sicherheitshalber also schon zu Hause einen Kaffee trinken und was Kleines essen.

Fazit: Das charmanteste Marktbeisl der Stadt bietet leckeres, gesundes Frühstück, die georgische Variante ist vor allem nach einem deftigen Abendmahl eine Stärkung. Madiani, 2., Karmelitermarkt, Stand 21-24. Tel. 0664/456 12 17, Mo-Fr 8.30 bis 22, Sa 8.30 bis 15 Uhr.

Nana Ansari hat auch ein bemerkenswertes Kochbuch zur Georgischen Küche (Kaukasische Küche) herausgegeben - sehr zu empfehlen !!!


Georgia News Digest 04-27-07
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at

1. journal: Georgian Law Review
Special Edition 2007

2. Saakshvili’s Big British Adventure: Keeping Georgia on the Radar
3. Blair and Saakashvili hail cooperation
4. Soros Says Revolutions Don't Build Democracies [excerpt]
5. Outburst by Russian PM Draws Official Response from Merabishvili
6. Putin proposes moratorium on CFE treaty
7. Georgia hits back at Russian statement
8. Putin takes the gloves off
9. Russian Armed Forces (external) [excerpt]
10. The Russian Flag As A Black Symbol: One More Traitor and Agent of Moscow has been Found in Tbilisi
11. The NATO bogeyman
12. NATO to supply Azerbaijan and Georgia with new technical equipment
13. Shevardnadze unable to attend Yeltsin's funeral
14. Georgian delegation attends Yeltsin's funeral
15. Yeltsin a man of complexities, contradictions
16. Gela Bezhuashvili to leave for Brussels
17. Roman Gotsiridze leaves for Kazakhstan
18. report: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Security Issues and Implications for U.S. Interests
19. Chief of Coordination Council of BTK railway project appointed
20. Railway chiefs of OCR countries to confer in Tbilisi
21. Georgia joins Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
22. Russian MFA condemns 'puppet authorities'
23. Georgian students will possibly be released after Davit Sigua is released - Sergey Shamba
24. Abkhaz side obliges Georgian student to change their nationality
25. video: Abkhazia Rulezz: Sukhumi II
26. Majority MP appeals to Natelashvili to release students detained in Gali
27. Illegitimate Police Units: Georgia accuses Abkhazia of preparing an intervention
28. No incidents with peacekeepers in Abkhazia over past day
29. Student Detentions in Abkhazia: In Expectation of a Sukhumi Trial
30. Baghapsh’s Mysterious Hospitalization Spawns Abkhaz Power Struggle
31. Saakashvili Restores South Ossetia In Soviet Borders: Provisional administration is promised representation
32. Saakashvili Proposes Restoring South Ossetia’s Soviet Borders
33. National Forum reject recent porters actions
34. Sanitary Code postponement angers opposition
35. Horse-drawn carriage to appear in Tbilisi this summer
36. Tbilisi works out 10 year economic development strategy
37. Chinese Embassy in Tbilisi tried to build itself a wall
38. Rike Falls to the Bulldozer in Controversial New Privatization Flurry
39. Labour Party targets City Hall
40. Preaching the Verdict: President’s Lack of Restraint Neutralizes Judicial Function
41. Georgian opposition ends hunger strike, readies for mass protests
42. Zakareishvili Brouhaha Sows Apple of Discord
43. Court drops one of Batiashvili's charges
44. Ombudsman and Refugee minister trade barbs
45. Parliamentary hearings on high-profile murders to be held
46. President Saakashvili will not get accustomed to Okruashvili as an opposition
47. Jondi Baghaturia - "The administration hits all of us!"
48. Opposition demand to name their man to head audit agency
49. Public Defender: State Funding for New Regional Mass Media Creates Serious Problems to Active Newspapers
50. Seminar Held for Kvemo Kartli TV Staff
51. Giorgi Arveladze: Georgian Government to Implement Tourist Infrastructure Development in two Tourist Regions
52. MCG and EBRD to provide 24 hour water supply to Kutaisi
53. Car ownership increases in Georgia
54. Police official accused of taking bribe
55. Georgian gold may trigger Russian infighting: Russian miners are manoeuvring to bid for Caucasian gold assets
56. Georgia to build contract military after 2009 - defense official
57. U.S., Georgian Inventors Develop Microelectromechanical Structures Device Fabrication Method
58. The Immigration Challenge [excerpt]
59. A more human 'Animal Farm'

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
26 Apr 07 Caucasus Reporting Service 389

Chechnya: A Dubious Amnesty Militants who surrender voluntarily and are not protected by Ramzan Kadyrov are subsequently re-arrested.
By Laila Baisultanova in Grozny (CRS No. 389 26-Apr-07)
North Ossetia Rocked by Killings Several high-profile murders are seen as having political motives.
By Alan Tskhurbayev in Vladikavkaz (CRS No. 389 26-Apr-07)
Jailing of Azeri Editor Sparks International Outcry OSCE hits out at authorities after opposition editor handed jail sentence.
By Shahin Rzayev and Elshad Guliev in Baku (CRS No. 389 26-Apr-07)
Armenia, Azerbaijan Row Spills Over into Football Where will the two warring nations play their European qualification matches?
By Vafa Jafarova in Baku, Artur Nazarian in Yerevan and Naira Bulgadarian in Vanadzor (CRS No. 389 26-Apr-07)
Veranstaltungen im Goethe-Institut Tbilissi
im Mai
Sandukeli 16, 0108 Tbilisi/Georgien
Tel: +995 32 938945/920154/933178 / Fax +995 32 934568
Deutsche in Georgien:

*1.5. Film: Wolfgang Staudte: Die Mörder sind unter uns (georgisch eingesprochen), Einführung Gogi Gvakharia

2.5. Eröffnung der multimedialen Ausstellung "Herzliche Grüße" mit Faltsch wagoni, 17 Uhr Nationalbibliothek, Saal

*2.5. Ausstellungseröffnung "Gerhard Richter: Übersicht", 18.30 Karvasla (neben Sioni)

*3.5. Konzert: Faltsch Wagoni, Deutsch ist Dada! ab 19 Uhr im Hof des Goethe-Instituts mit Bewirtschaftung

*7.5. Jazztrio: [em] Wollny / Kruse / Schaefer, 19 Uhr Musikzentrum, D. Agmaschenebeli Prosp. 127

*07.- 09.05. Seminar und Workshop: Das Denken Benjamins und seine Aktualität, Goethe-Institut

*8.5. Prof. Wilhelm Grießhaber (Uni-Münster): "Sprachwandel durch Migration: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Deutschland!" 18 Uhr Goethe-Institut Saal, Vorttragssprache Deutsch

*15.05. Videovorführungen mit Imme Klages und Susanne Scheel: Int. Videofestival Bochum, ab 20 Uhr im Hof des Goethe-Instituts

*16 - 18.05. Videofestival: 40 Jahre Videokunst , 16 und 17.5 ab 20 Uhr im Hof des GI, 18.5 Kino Amirani

*24.05. Konzert/Musiktheater Ars Vitalis/Vorgruppe Tony O´Malley and friends ab 20.00 im Hof des Goethe-Instituts (bewirtschaftet)

*29.5. Konzert: Duett für Querflöte und Klavier, 18 Uhr Ketevan Schanidse/Lana Guldedava Debussy, Telemann, Cimarossa, Reinicke, Debussy, Piazolla)

*30.05. Engelberger Cello-Orchester, 19 Uhr im großen Saal des Konservatoriums

*5.6. Ausstellungseröffnung: Fotografien von Julia Mehls, 18 Uhr Goethe-Institut
( 27.5.- 2.06. Workshop Fotografisches Arbeiten mit der Lochkamera, auf Einladung!)

* ab 4.6. Experimentalfilmworkshop mit Kirsten Winter. Vorführung ihrer Filme im Goethe-Institut
Traditional Georgia - Photography by Sitwell & Lanevski

more: click on the picture

Pessimism in Georgian Photos

Sophie Sitwell and Maria Lanevski, owners of the photo studio, and professional photographers, who use their cameras as tools for creating photography equal to science were among the visitors at the exhibition-contest ‘Onto the Streets.’ “What I have noticed with the Georgian photographers is that their photos are very pessimistic,” said Sitwell who was among the jury that selected the best photos during the competition. “There was not enough optimism. The majority of the photos were focusing on the homeless, beggars and gypsies,” Sitwell told Georgia Today.
Photos that mirror the society we live in and the streets of London, dream city for many, will be displayed at Karvasla until March 25. In addition, on March 24, as a follow-up to the exhibition, the British Council has invited Rupert Gray, a leading London barrister specializing in copyright law and intellectual property rights, who will deliver a talk entitled: Privacy and censorship in Photography, an international perspective.
The exhibition will last until March 25.

Margaret Shakarashvili 23.03.2007

More: Georgian and British Street Photography on Display in Tbilisi (

Article about the exhibition: Street photography Exhibition at Karvasla

Top Things To Do In Georgia

• Go to a concert. Davit Aghmashenebeli Prospekt in Tibili is the base for the Georgian State Philharmonic Orchestra and the internationally known Georgian National Dance Troupe.
• In October, commemorate the founding of Tbilisi during the Tbilisoba, the largest annual celebration in Georgia. For commemorations in other cities, consult the Embassy of Georgia (see Contact Addresses).
• Experiment with health-giving sulphur baths in a domed, oriental-style 19th-century bath house just north of the Metekhi Bridge in Tbilisi. Popular with visitors today, Georgian sulphur baths were also frequented by writers such as Pushkin and Tolstoy.
• The spa town of Borjomi, 150km (93 miles) west of Tbilisi in the Tori region, developed by Tsar Nicholas in the 19th century as a spa town, produces much acclaimed mineral water. It is possible to hike in the surrounding hills.
• Set inside the Lesser Caucasus around the Borjami-Kharagauli National Park, the former health resorts of Abastumani, Saime, Badgadi and Nunisiare are returning to life.
• A seaside resort and port in the southwest of the republic on the Black Sea Coast, Batumi is the capital of the Ajarian Autonomous Republic. Close to the Turkish border (20km/12.5 miles), the town has a decidedly Turkish character. Its charm lies less in any particular sights than in its lush, subtropical setting, among citrus groves and tea plantations, with mountains rising up from the edge of the sea.
• Other sea resorts include Sarpi, Kueriati, Gonia, Kobuleh, Grigoleti and Ureki.
• 40 per cent of the country remains covered by forests. There are five national parks open to visitors to enjoy the country's unique beauty. Trekking and mountain activities are popular in the Tusheti National Park which is a mountainous landscape reaching up to 4800m. Many of the endemic species can be seen here, the Caspian sea wolf, Caucasian Lynx and many bird species. Tourists can explore the park by foot, horse or vehicle. The Tusheti Villages are protected as historical sites, and are situated here.
Vashlovani National Park and Nature Reserve is located in the innermost part of Georgia, where hyena, brown bear, wolf, lynx, griffin vulture and Egyptian vulture can be seen. This park can also be explored by foot or horse, but is open to scientific and educational tourism only.
Lagodechi National Park and Nature Reserve gives tourists the opportunity to trek through the untouched natural ecosystems, beautiful lakes and waterfalls.
• Other national parks are Borjomi-Kharogauti and Kolcheti National Parks. Note: For visits to national parks and organised treks visit Georgia's Protected Areas Development Project (tel: 3225 1566; website: or contact the Georgia Tourist Board (see Tourist Information). It should be noted that political unrest makes certain areas inaccessible and dangerous, notably the breakaway regions of Abkhazia (in the far northwest) and South Ossetia. Areas bordering these regions are also best avoided. The country's infrastructure can also present problems to those attempting to reach remote areas without their own transport. For these reasons, it is best to arrange trips through a specialist operator. A guide is usually necessary for visits to the mountains, and porters may be hired.
• The mountain regions of the Caucasus, which extend from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea, offer numerous opportunities for hiking, skiing, ski touring, heli-skiing and snowboarding. Mount Shkora is the highest summit at 5068m and Mount Kazbegi or Mkinvartsveri, meaning 'ice top', (5033m) is the most attractive to mountain-climbers. Accommodation is available in two meteorological stations along the way, and special equipment is necessary to attempt the summit. Gudauri and Bakuriani used to be the Soviet Union's most popular ski resort. Both resorts are suitable for skiiers of all abilities. Snow cover is guaranteed from December to April.
• The Roshka Valley with its glaciers and the Chaukhi Mountains also offer strenuous wilderness treks and stark mountain scenery. Lowland walks are possible in both the north and the south of the country.
• The area around the ski resort of Gudauri (120km/75 miles north of Tbilisi) makes a good starting point for summer walks through mountain meadows full of flowers. Even in the lowland areas, eagles soar overhead and spectacular views can be had. The mountains in the south and east can offer more gentle walks.
• These regions are also suitable for horse riding and mountain biking, and there are numerous mountain roads and tracks. Special Caucasian horses bred for their endurance and beauty, such as the Kabardo and the Tusheti, are the traditional means of transport in this area. Trips can be started at the mountain resort of Bakuriani. Gentler rides can be done along the Black Sea coast. From horseriding to village stays, to camping in the Tushetian mountains to river rafting and multi-day sports activities, trips can be organised from one day to three weeks in length.
Bird watching is another of Georgia's attractions. Approximately 360 species can be found, depending on the season, and the number of birds increases considerably during the spring and autumn migrations. Raptors including the bearded vulture, the long-legged buzzard and the white-tailed eagle can be seen in the Caucasus in summer. In the autumn, the wetlands and mountain steppes in the south near the Armenian border harbour white pelicans, white storks, cranes and Caspian snowcocks.
• Go wine tasting in the Kakheti province in the far east of the country, Georgia's wine-growing region. Apart from being an ancient tradition, drinking wine is also a social skill, with the traditional toast (or Tamada) being the prerogative of the most powerful male at the table. Other age-old rituals surround the harvesting, preparation and consumption of wine, which is usually of high quality.

Tourist Information
State Department of Tourism and Resorts

80 Chavchavadze Avenue
0162 Tbilisi
(32) 226 125.
Website: or


Have you more questions than ask Hans Heiner Buhr:

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hans Heiner Buhr painted this small portrait of his friend: Graf Otto von Rubin, Tbilisi

Armenische Geschichte und Tradition in Frankreich
Alle Ausstellungen dauern noch bis Herbst und Winter
Genaueres unter:

Ausstellungen von berühmten Malern : Hovhannes Aivazovski, Arshile Gorky, Sarkis ...

Armenier in Frankreich : De l’Arménie à Montmartre Le mouvement arménophile en France 1878 - 1923 Paris - Musée de Montmartre

Armenische Schätze in Louvre : Armenia Sacra
Die sakrale Kunst Armeniens. Ausstellung im Pariser Louvre.
Von Suzanne Krause (
Unter dem Titel "Armenia Sacra" werden Kunstwerke des Glaubens gezeigt. Der Bogen reicht vom 4. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert. Darunter findet sich manches Meisterwerk, das die Armenier selbst noch nie zu Gesicht bekamen. Frankreich feiert seit September das Kulturjahr Armenien mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen.

Armenische Widerstandskämpfer in 2.Weltkrieg : Missak & Meline Manouchian, Mihran Mavian, Henry Karayan, und noch 500 Namen waren aufgelistet an einer Wand.

Ein Duzend armenische Hauptstädte :
Paris - La Conciergerie

und viele andere Ausstellungen, Konzerte, Theater in ganz Frankreich ...
News in Brief - April 25, 2007 -

The Parliament approved today in first hearing package of amendments, according to which Oil and Gas Resource Regulating National Agency will be replaced by Gas and Oil National Agency. It will be established as substructure of Energy Ministry.
The Parliament adopted today in first hearing amendments to bills “On Basis of Fee System” and “On Tax, Non-Tax and Capital Revenues Distribution Between Budgets”.
Dimitri Kitoshvili, parliament secretary of the president, said that the amendments were conditioned by the inconsistence in legislation.

Parliament has ratified the agreement between Georgia and France on avoidance of double taxation of income and profit. The agreement was signed on March 4.
Agreement with German KfW bank has been certified by the Parliament today. The agreement envisages handing over obligation on KfW-allocated credit for emergency rehabilitation in Georgian energy sector.
As National Bank of Georgia (NBG) informs, net profit of banking system amounted to 25.4 million lari in the 1st quarter. This figure exceeds last year’s showing by 36.6%.
As Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation informs, the second phase of North-South gas main rehabilitation will start from Kazbegi district (Mtskheta-Mtianeti region). Millennium Challenge Georgia (MCG) foundation allots $25 million for that.

Share of Sakartvelos Banki (Bank of Georgia) increased from 32.799 lari (January 4) to 50.896 lari (April 24), Georgian Stock Exchange informs.
Securities of the mentioned bank hold the leading position in the Exchange’s turnover in 1st quarter – 313,650 stocks worth of 12.7 million lari (37% of total).

Kutaisi railway station reconstruction should be accomplished in 6 months, LLC Georgian Railway reports. The reconstruction should be conducted by leaser, who has to invest 300,000 lari.
Ministry of Economic Development announces an auction on sports ground in Digomi district of Tbilisi. Starting price of the object is $1 million lari.
The Ministry of Economic Development has put KinkishaHES and AchiHES with attached land plots at auction. Applications are to be submitted to May 24.

politics & society
Tensions between Russia and Georgia are still in the limelight. Georgian Foreign Minister Gela Bezhuashvili considered current tense atmosphere between the countries during his Moscow visit with his colleague.
Georgia News Digest 04-26-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at

1. Blair-Saakashvili Press Conference
2. Saakashvili Meets British Officials in London
3. Tbilisi Calls for Reasonable Stance from Moscow
4. Georgia commemorates first Russian President Boris Yeltsin
5. Georgian Speaker to attend Yeltsin's funeral
6. Does Putin have Georgia on his mind?
7. Georgia to Participate in CIS Meeting in Astana
8. Third military convoy leaves Russian base in Georgia
9. Next Russian military column left Akhalkalaki
10. Not in the Public Interest
11. Georgia Calls for Investment in Pipeline
12. Giorgi Manjgaladze Met with European Commission Delegation
13. A bad-looking model: Despite what US and EU officials claim, an independent Kosovo would set a precedent
14. Georgia dismisses Russian warning over separatist regions
15. Chechen rebel foreign minister accuses UN and EU of double standards
16. Russian Officials Visit Tskhinvali
17. South Ossetia threatening to block Transcaucasian Highway
18. Saakashvili lays out new plan for South Ossetia administrative unit
19. New South Ossetia plan is a step in the right direction
20. S Ossetia says it will never be Georgia's autonomy
21. Public Defender: Kokoiti’s Authoritarian so-called Government Keeps NGO Sector Under Constant Pressure
22. Public Defender: "Population of Abkhazia Breakaway Region Enjoy no Freedom of Speech"
23. Various Replies to "Sorry" Campaign
24. Abkhaz FM spells out conditions for detained students' release
25. Two Russian peacekeepers die
26. Ombudsman, Refugee Minister Spar over Resettled IDPs
27. IDPs Were Evicted from Temporary Shelter
28. "We Are Eco-Prisoners and not Eco-Migrants"
29. Opposition Deputy Criticizes Public Broadcasting
30. Head of Gori sakrebulo fined
31. Georgian Academy agree with protestors
32. Seminar opens at National Defence Academy
33. Political analyst's comments draw fire from student groups, ruling party
34. Kukava and Guntsadze joined rally organized by People's Party
35. Vast majority oppose rehabilitation tax-poll
36. Come to Georgia' campaign to be launched on CNN
37. Hunger striking Imedi union leader hospitalised
38. Villages flooded in Kakheti region
39. Interview of Kvareli region governor
40. One accusation of Irakli Batiashvili has been taken away
41. The Public Defender’s Office Started Monitoring of Shelters for Elderly People
42. Patrol Policeman Crashed Twenty-Year-Old Boy by Car
43. Students Having Graduated From the Gori State University, Have Not Received Diplomas Yet
44. We Will Have Experienced Directors Late This Year
45. Beaten Pupil Has Brain Concussion
46. Sopho Khalvashi [Eurovision entrant]
47. Photo biennale 2007 [excerpt]

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814