Saturday, January 30, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHY: Great Photos by Tina Kazakhishvili and Sebastian Canaud about Georgia (

tina kazakhishvili - Photographer Biography, Photography -

Фотографии пользователя Tina Kazakhishvili -

Issue 3 Féminin Tina Kazakhishvili

Série réalisée avec Sébastien /

PHOTOGRAPHY: After War Project - Georgia (

By Gega (Giorgi) Chumburidze

Morning Day when I was going to Tbilisi from eastern Georgia. I see the army but only see, without information.

And in the evening it was started….There was armed conflict in South Ossetia (Region of Georgia) between Russia and Georgia. Because of this, habitants from conflict zone were running away from their homes to escape from bullets. They lived in buildings of schools, kindergartens, cities of tents, etc. There were many villages destroyed in region.

slideshow >>>

CALL: Water poems, short stories and creative essays sought from the Caucasus region (

Poets and writers from Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkey are invited to submit poems, short stories and creative essays for publication in the book "Our First Element: Caucasian Water." Deadline: February 5.
The book will include photographs by Caucasian photographers, old legends, water ritual and celebration stories, proverbs and quotes, contemporary poems and short stories. Entries can display the human relationship to water or refer to any water issue in the Caucasus region.
The 20 best works will be published in the book in the Armenian and English languages.
The publication is supported by The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets in Armenia.

Works should be submitted to


Thursday, January 28, 2010

STUDIES: Freie Universität Berlin International Master’s Programs 2010 – Call for Applications (

Do you want to enhance your career with a web-based Master’s program in International Relations or East European Studies? The Center for Global Politics seeks qualified candidates interested in advancing their prospects on the global job market.
Hosted by the Freie Universität Berlin’s Center for Global Politics, and directed by Prof. Klaus Segbers, the two award-winning M.A. programs in East European Studies and International Relations use blended study formats, combining in-house and online sessions. Each degree confers 120 ECTS credits. Applications for fall 2010 are now being accepted.

Program Highlights
English language coursework within an international student and alumni community
Web-based learning environment enabling students to stay on the job while working towards their degree
Rewarding in-house classes in Berlin, Germany, featuring experts and decision makers
Renowned faculty from a broad array of international academic organizations
Networking platform with international faculty, fellow students, and alumni
Professional supervision and individual feedback

East European Studies Online (
E.U. expansion and rapid political, social and economic changes mark some of the latest developments in the dynamic region of Eastern Europe and provide the background for East European Studies Online. The accredited interdisciplinary M.A. program prepares students for high-level Eastern Europe-related assignments in business, media, non-governmental and international organizations, and the public sector. East European Studies Online was recently named one of the Top Ten International Master’s Degree Courses in Germany.

International Relations Online (
With globalization on the rise and a multitude of issues affecting today’s world politics, individuals with international expertise and a thorough understanding of global political, economic, and communication processes are in high demand. Candidates in the M.A. program gain in-depth, analytical knowledge of International Relations and global politics, enabling them to tackle global issues with a balance of hard and soft-skills. The degree provides candidates with top-tier academic credentials for the international job market.

Application Requirements
Undergraduate degree or equivalent
English language proficiency
Prior professional experience

Online applications are welcome through April 30, 2010 at and Programs start in October 2010.

Please visit our website or contact us at or
Amelie Heinrichsdorff
Application Officer
Center for Global Politics Freie Universität Berlin
Garystrasse 55 14195 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-838-55093 Fax: +49-30-838-53616

VERANSTALTUNG: Lesung und Gespräch mit German Sadulaev aus Tschetschenien in Berlin. (

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde,

der tschetschenische Schriftsteller German Sadulaev, der zurzeit Gast des Literarischen Colloquiums Berlin ist, hat kurzfristig zu einer Veranstaltung zugesagt.

Wir laden Sie herzlich am 30. Januar, 18 Uhr,
zu Lesung und Gespräch mit German Sadulaev ein.

Ort: Tschetschenisches Kulturzentrum, Prinzenallee 25/26, 13359 Berlin, 3. Hinterhof (Medienhof)

German Sadulaev wurde 1973 in Tschetschenien geboren, wo er seine Kindheit verlebte.
Zurzeit ist er Anwalt und Autor in St. Petersburg. Kürzlich erschien im Ammanverlag sein Buch "Ich bin ein Tschetschene".

German Sadulaev wird das Buch und sein in russischer Sprache erschienenen Erzählband "Bitsch boshii" vorstellen. Anschließend laden wir ein zu Tee und Gesprächen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ekkehard Maaß

Deutsch-Kaukasische Gesellschaft e. V.
Schönfließer Straße 21, 10439 Berlin
Tel 030 4457006 / mobil 0171 1773543
Spendenkonto HypoVereinsbank
BLZ 10020890 / Kto 5619661

ART: New Paintings by Maka Batiashvili (

"Away", 2009, oil on canvas, 10x15 cm. By Maka Batiashvili

"The Water" 2009, oil on canvas, 80x60 cm. By Maka Batiashvili

Monday, January 25, 2010

CULINARIA: Georgisches Kochstudio und Weinverkostung in Berlin (

Nach unseren erfolgreichen Start unserer Kochveranstaltungen findet dieses Jahr das erste Kochstudio am 12. Februar 2010 um 19:30 Uhr statt. Wir freuen uns auf alle, die Lust haben die Georgische Küche näher kennen zu lernen. Auf die guten alten Bekannten, die ihre ersten Erfahrungen dieser Küche bereits erfolgreich absolvierten und auf die Neugierigen, die diese Küche erstmals kennen lernen möchten.

Als Schwerpunkt dieses Kochstudios, habe ich als Seminarleiterin, die Speise "Georgische Tolma" auserkoren. Wir werden dieses Gericht zusammen zubereiten und ich werde Ihnen die verschiedenen unterschiedlichen Arten erklären. Es gibt viele Varianten dieser Form von Krautwickel auf der Welt. Wobei die aus dem Kaukasus mit Hackfleisch vom Rind und Reis in Weinblättern, Paprika, Auberginen und Kohl hergestellt werden. Selbst in Georgien gibt es regionale Zubereitungs-Unterschiede die sich geschmacklich unterscheiden. In Westgeorgien werden sie recht pikant mit Schweinefleisch zubereitet und im Osten lieben sie die Georgier lieber mild mit Rind oder Hammelfleisch. Selbst wenn die Rezepturen gleich sind, kocht jede Hausfrau ihre Tolma etwas anders. Lassen Sie uns die georgische Spezialität gemeinsam zubereiten, sowie wickeln und lernen Sie dabei, dieses Rezept selber zu kochen. Ergänzen werden wir dieses Speise durch den Salat "Kotrana", eine köstliche landestypische Zubereitungsform von Weißkohl und Walnüssen. Lernen Sie, lauschen Sie meinen Worten und freuen Sie sich auf georgische Weine, gute Unterhaltungen über Georgien, georgische Küchenkunst und unsere Kultur. Wir vom Kochstudio freuen uns auf Sie.

Preis pro Person 29,50 €

Anmeldung bei jeder Veranstaltung erbeten!

Weinhaus & Kunstgalerie GRUSIGNAC
Prenzlauer Allee 191, 10405 Berlin,
Tel.: 030/66 86 81 36

PHOTOGRAPHY: TBILSRESI by Gela Bedianashvili

Saturday, January 23, 2010

PROGRAMM: Getting Involved! Strengthening Civic Engagement among Young People (

Getting Involved! is pleased to invite young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to apply for participation in the program.
Eurasia Partnership Foundation and Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg launched Getting Involved! in February 2009 to strengthen civic engagement among young people in the South Caucasus. Participants learn how to shape their immediate surroundings by combining good ideas with the right tools. Working together, they carry out volunteer projects both in their home com-munities and in cross-border settings. In this way, they become familiar with new forms of collaboration and enhance their project management skills.

Who may apply for the program?

You may apply to participate in Getting Involved! if you:
> Are between the ages of 18-22;
> Live in Armenia, Azerbaijan or Georgia;
> Have knowledge of English (advanced written and oral);
> Are dedicated to the development of your community;
> Are interested in meeting and working with like-minded people from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

What does the program offer?
Selected participants will attend a series of three seminars, starting with a 8-day Project Development Seminar in March 2010.
During the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to write a project concept for their own voluntary project ideas or work or for the ideas of other participants to develop cross-border projects. The best projects will be funded by Get-ting Involved! During the course of project implementation, participants will attend a five-day Project Management Seminar in May 2010 and five-day Evaluation

Seminar in December 2010.

Where will the seminars take place?
All three seminars will take place in Georgia.

Who will cover the costs?
Board and lodging will be provided by the training organizers. Travel costs will be reimbursed upon submission of a copy of the travel ticket.

When are the deadlines?
The deadline for the application is February 19, 2010. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted in the beginning of March to verify English language ability. Decisions will be an-nounced on March 8, 2010. What is the schedule of the program?

The program schedule is as follows:
> Seminar 1 " Project Development " March 20-27, 2010;
> Seminar 2 " Project Management " May 7-11, 2010;
> Seminar 3 " Project Evaluation " December 3-7, 2010;
> Implementation of a voluntary project during the year.

Attendance in all three seminars is mandatory for completion of the program.

How can I apply for the participation in the program?

To apply, please complete the application form and send it in Armenia, by email to Tatevik Markosyan at
Phone: +374 10 586095
Fax: +374 10 586096

In Azerbaijan, by email to Lala Huseynova at
Phone: +994 12 437 29 4/41/42/43
Fax: +994 12 437 29 44

In Georgia, by email to Maia Tavadze at or by hard

copy to:
evraziis TanamSromlobis fondi
kavsaZis q. #3
0179 Tbilisi
Phone: +995 32 25 27 78/82
Fax: +995 32 25 39 42/43

*Getting Involved! "*
*Strengthening Civic Engagement among Young People*

Program Application

*Application Deadline: *

*Please complete the following form typewritten on a personal computer and submit it by email to the contact listed in the announcement or print it out and send it as a hard copy to the appropriate mailing address.*

*Personal information*

*Last name*

*Given name (s)*

*Date of birth* (dd/mm/yyyy)

*Place of birth*

*Gender *(male/female)


*Occupational status* (school student/apprentice/college or university student/employed/unemployed/trainee)

*Address* (street, house number, apartment)

*Postcode and city*

*Region and country*


*Cell phone*

* Fax*



*1^st native language*

*2^nd native language*

*1^st foreign language* (fluent/advanced/basic)

*2^st foreign language* (fluent/advanced/basic)

*3^rd foreign language* (fluent/advanced/basic)

*Educational Background*

*Educational institution*


Diploma received or expected to be received in dd/mm/yyyy)

*Additional qualification *(e.g. trainings, workshops)
*Current and/or past practical experience *(internships, voluntary services, jobs, employments, etc.)
*Civic involvement* (membership in non-profit organizations, voluntary
services etc.)
*Current and/or past experience with project management*
*Please describe a situation where you had to work as a member of team*
*Will you be able to travel to Georgia 3 times during the year?*
(Board and lodging will be provided by the training organizers. Travel costs will be reimbursed with submission of the copy of the travel ticket)**

*What do you hope to gain from participation in this program?*
*The Project Development Seminar is entitled: "Gender differences - How do they affect our reality?"*
*All the member of the civil society - men and women - should have equal rights and chances. Is this really the case in our societies or not? Do men and women have equal chances during studying, getting jobs, making career? Let's discuss these issues during the seminar.*
*Develop in an essay you own idea "What does Gender Equality Mean to You?"*
*(1000 " 2000 characters not including the blanks)*
(Essay Text)
*How did you hear about Getting Involved?*


BILDUNG: Sommerakademie Östliche Partnerschaft und Good Governance (

Im Mai des vergangenen Jahres wurde von der Europäischen Union die Östliche Partnerschaft initiiert. Zur Umsetzung möchte die Robert Bosch Stiftung im Rahmen des Carl Friedrich Goerdeler-Kollegs mit der ersten Sommerakademie zum Thema "Östliche Partnerschaft und Good Governance" einen Beitrag leisten.
Die Sommerakademie ist ein dreiwöchiges internationales Weiterbildungsseminar für Nachwuchsführungskräfte aus dem öffentlichen Sektor (öffentliche Verwaltung, öffentliche Unternehmen, gemeinnützige Organisationen etc.) aus Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Belarus, Georgien, Moldau und der Ukraine. 15 Nachwuchsführungskräfte sind eingeladen, vom 28. Juni bis 18. Juli 2010 an einem zweiwöchigen Seminar in Berlin und einer einwöchigen Hospitation im öffentlichen Sektor in Mitteleuropa teilzunehmen. In anschließenden gemeinsamen Projekten sollen sie zur zukünftigen Zusammenarbeit in Europa beitragen. Die Sommerakademie der Robert Bosch Stiftung wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Berlin und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter auf der Unterseite zur Sommerakademie. Der Bewerbungsschluss ist am 28. Februar 2010.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie uns bei der Verbreitung der Ausschreibung unterstützen und diese Email an Interessierte weiterleiten. Herzlichen Dank schon jetzt für Ihre Mithilfe. Mit freundlichen GrüßenMarie-Lena May

--- Marie-Lena May

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik
Zentrum für Mittel- und Osteuropa der Robert Bosch Stiftung
Rauchstraße 17/18
10787 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 25 42 31-13

Fax: +49 (0)30 25 42 31-16

NACHTRAG: Gedenkveranstaltung in Berlin (

Kurz vor seinem Zusammenbruch versuchte das sowjetische Regime verzweifelt, den Freiheitsdrang der nach Unabhängigkeit strebenden Völker der UdSSR mit Gewalt zu unterdrücken. Dabei wurde in Aserbaidschan wie auch in anderen postsowjetischen Ländern mit größter Gewalt gegen das demonstrierende Volk vorgegangen.
In der Nacht vom 19. zum 20. Januar 1990 fanden die Ereignisse ihren dramatischen Höhepunkt. An diesem Tag wurde der Drang nach Freiheit des aserbaidschanischen Volkes durch sowjetische Panzer brutal bekämpft. Die Zahl der Ermordeten überstieg die der Opfer in allen anderen Sowjetrepubliken, Tausende wurden verletzt. Aber zugleich war damit das Finale des Zerfalls der Union eingeleitet. In Erinnerung an den 20. Jahrestag des „Schwarzen Januars von Baku“ laden wir Sie recht herzlich zu einer Gedenkveranstaltung ein.

Mittwoch, den 20. Januar 2010, 18:00 ‐ 20:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort: Heilig‐Kreuz‐Kirche, Zossener Straße 65, 10961 Berlin

Begrüßung: Otto Hauser, Vorsitzender des Deutsch‐Aserbaidschanischen Forums e.V., Regierungssprecher und Parl. Staatssekretär a.D.

S.E. Parviz Shahbazov, Botschafter der Republik Aserbaidschan

Erinnerung an die historischen Ereignisse:
Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Auch, Universität Bonn, Abt. Osteuropäische Geschichte, Vorstand des Kultur- und Wissenschaftsvereins EuroKaukAsia e.V.
Auszüge aus dem Dokumentarfilm "Schwarzer Januar"
Dr. Rasim Mirzayev, Wissenschaftler und Journalist, Geschäftsführer des Vereins EuroKaukAsia e.V.

Musikalischer Teil: Einführung Samira Patzer‐Ismailova Vorstandsmitglied des DAF e.V. und KAD e.V.

Rena Ismailova (Köln) an der Orgel
Vasif Adigösalov (1935‐2006)– Mugam Fantasie
Qara Qarayev (1918‐1982) – Pavana , Wanderung; aus Symphonische Gravuren "Don Quijote" (Bearbeitung für Orgel Rena Ismailova)
Agshin Alisadeh (*1937) – Klänge eines Mugam zum Andenken an die Opfer des 20. Januar
Nasim Aliverdibäyov (1926‐1986)– Mugam "Bayati‐Schiraz"

Veranstalter: Deutsch-Aserbaidschanisches Forum e.V. in Kooperation mit dem Koordinationszentrum für Aserbaidschaner in Deutschland e.V. und dem Kultur- und Wissenschaftsverein EuroKaukAsia e.V.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung: Botschaft der Republik Aserbaidschan

Friday, January 22, 2010

BOOK RECENSION: Georgia and Russia- An American take on a war that fed conspiracies throughout Europe (

A Little War That Shook the World: Georgia, Russia, and the Future of the West. By Ronald Asmus. Palgrave Macmillan; 250 pages; $27 and £20.

TWO points about the war in Georgia in 2008 have stuck in outsiders’ memories. One is that it was quite unexpected. The other is that Georgia started it. Both, in Ronald Asmus’s view, are wrong.

The real cause of the war, he argues, was Russia’s determination to block Georgia’s American-educated and America-loving president, Mikheil Saakashvili. He had embarked on “a crash course to turn Georgia from a semi-failed state into a reform tiger that could become the catalyst for creating a democratic pro-Western corridor in the southern Caucasus…it was a breathtaking vision.”

Mr Asmus’s metaphors may be breathtakingly mixed, but his big point is right. Situated on the most promising east-west route for oil and gas, Georgia was becoming an economic and political success story under Mr Saakashvili, who took power in the “Rose revolution” of 2003. Its pluralism was a profound challenge to the authoritarian crony capitalism taking root in Russia under Vladimir Putin.

full article >>>

POLICY: Sweden to open ten embassies and close six - open office in Georgia (

The Government decided today to close Sweden's embassies in Bratislava, Dakar, Dublin, Ljubljana, Luxembourg and Sofia in the course of this year. At the same time, ten embassies will be opened, partly based on existing section offices.

The Government intends to strengthen Sweden's presence in the Caucasus and the Balkans by upgrading to embassies the present section offices in Pristina (Kosovo), Tbilisi (Georgia), Chisinau (Moldova) and Tirana (Albania). Similarly, Sweden's presence in West Africa will be strengthened by upgrading the section offices in Bamako (Mali), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Monrovia (Liberia). Section offices will also be upgraded to embassies in Kigali (Rwanda), La Paz (Bolivia) and Phnom Penh (Cambodia).

"Within the framework of the close cooperation that exists between the EU Member States, there is scope for developing new forms for maintaining bilateral contacts in future," says Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt.

"We want to be where we make the best possible use of the money that a Swedish presence costs. It is positive that we can use our resources to strengthen Sweden's presence in a number of nearby countries," Mr Bildt continues.

"Upgrading section offices to embassies is part of the process of supporting the implementation of Swedish-financed development assistance contributions in countries with which we conduct long-term development cooperation. A stronger presence on the spot is tremendously important for implementing effective, high quality and results-based development cooperation," says Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson.

The Swedish Foreign Service changes with the world around it. With today's decision and announced changes, Sweden will have opened 40 missions abroad and closed 54 between 1990 and the end of 2010.



Cecilia Julin
Head of Press, Information and Communication Department
+46 8 405 57 25
+46 70 867 39 94

VIDEO: Kaukasus Expedition (Super8-Film) (

ARTIKEL: Polizei stürmt einzige Homosexuellen-NGO (

Leiter Sabelashvili, wegen angeblichen Drogenschmuggels verhaftet, wieder auf freiem Fuß - Hatte Schuldeingeständnis unterschrieben

Paata Sabelashvili, Gründer und Leiter der georgischen Inclusive Foundation, der einzigen georgischen Organisation, die sich für die Interessen von Homo- und Bisexuellen sowie von Transgendern einsetzt, ist wieder frei. Das meldet das Monatsmagazin Datum auf seiner Homepage. Am 15. Dezember war das im Zentrum von Tiflis gelegene Büro von Zivil-Polizisten des Innenministeriums gestürmt worden - erst Ende Dezember wurde die Aktion bekannt. Sabelashvili, der noch wenige Tage zuvor gegenüber Datum die Diskriminierung von Homosexuellen in Georgien und die ständige Angst vor Repressalien und Übergriffen geschildert hatte, wurde wegen angeblichen Drogenschmuggels verhaftet.

Nach zwölf Tagen in überfüllten Gefängnis-Zellen - die Wachen hatten ihn gegenüber den Mitgefangenen als homosexuell geoutet - wurde Sabelashvili erst aus der Haft entlassen, nachdem er auf Anraten seiner Anwälte ein vom Staatsanwalt angebotenes Schuldeingeständnis mit einer Strafe von 1600 Euro auf Bewährung unterzeichnet hatte. "Jetzt bereue ich sehr, dass ich die Einigung unterschrieben habe. Ich würde lieber im Gefängnis bleiben, als das Verhalten zu erleben, mit dem ich jetzt konfrontiert bin", sagt Sabelashvili gegenüber Datum. Freunde und Mitstreiter hätten Angst, würden ihm nicht mehr trauen und nicht mehr mit ihm sprechen, weil sie glauben, er würde mit der Polizei kooperieren.

EXHIBITION: Irma Sharikadze in Moscow, 29.01.2010 (


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

FERNSEHEN: Jagd nach dem Goldenen Vlies. Film von Franz Leopold Schmelzer und Gerhard Rekel (

Sendungsinformationen ZDF-Terra X
Sonntag, 24.01.2010 19:30 Uhr
Länge: 45 min Dokumentation, Deutschland, 2009

livestream >>>

Als Jason mit seiner 50 Mann starken Besatzung in See sticht, liegt vor den griechischen Helden eine gefahrvolle Reise ans Ende der damals bekannten Welt. Für den Trip ließ der junge Heroe eine einzigartige Galeere bauen, die er "Argo" taufte. Das gewaltige Ruderboot soll die eingeschworene Gemeinschaft in das sagenumwobene Land Kolchis jenseits der Dardanellen bringen. Die Legende berichtet, dass niemand zuvor bis in die fremden Gestade vorgedrungen sei. Jason, der Prinz von Jolkos, aber riskiert die abenteuerliche Fahrt, denn er ist auf der Jagd nach dem "Goldenen Vlies". Er weiß, wenn er das heilige Widderfell wohlbehalten in seine Heimatstadt zurück bringt, warten auf ihn nicht nur Ruhm und Ehre, sondern auch der Königsthron.

Schon lange diskutieren Wissenschaftler über den Wahrheitsgehalt des antiken Mythos. Sie gehen davon aus, dass die Geschichte von Jason und den Argonauten die erste Entdeckungsreise der Menschheit ins Schwarze Meer beschreibt. Triebfeder für die Expedition war die Gier nach Gold, das seit jeher in den Flüssen und Bergwerken im heutigen Georgien vorkam. Die Herrscher wollten das Goldland am Fuß des Kaukasus zur eigenen Provinz machen. Nur so konnten sie das edle Metall in rauen Mengen importieren, ohne dafür gigantische Summen aufzubringen. Der Theorie zufolge berichtet die Sage auch von den gewaltsamen Übergriffen der Könige, um an den kostbaren Rohstoff zu gelangen.

Die These stützen Schmuck und andere Preziosen aus dem 11. Jahrhundert vor Christus, die Archäologen in Jolkos aus einem untergegangenen Palast holten. Lange wussten die Gelehrten nicht, woher das Material für die Objekte stammte. Im Jahr 2004 schließlich brachten Dr. Andreas Hauptmann und seine Kollegen vom Deutschen Bergbaumuseum Bochum Licht ins Dunkel der Wissenschaft. Das Team entdeckte in Georgien das älteste Goldbergwerk der Welt. Die Sensation war perfekt, als die Forscher einige der Fundstücke aus Griechenland per Elementaranalyse mit den Golderzen aus der 5000 Jahre alten Mine verglichen.

Die Dokumentation erzählt von der spannenden Beweisführung renommierter Forscher, um die historischen Fakten hinter dem Mythos aufzudecken. Zur Rekonstruktion der Zusammenhänge gehört auch ein Nachbau der "Argo". In einem Experiment belegen die Wissenschaftler, dass das bronzezeitliche Schiff technisch in der Lage war, die Strecke vom griechischen Hafen Jolkos bis nach Georgien zurückzulegen.

INTERNET: Publications on the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia (

Please find attached the new issue of Publications on the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

For an archive of back issues please visit

KICES – Koszalin Institute of Comparative European Studies
Research Centre for East European Studies / Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen
Publications on the Caucasus and Central Asia – A quarterly bibliography
(POCAU+CA) 4 – 2009
An overview of recent English- and German-language academic publications
on the Caucasus and Central Asia

Arutiunov, Sergey: Cultural Archetypes and Political Change in the Caucasus,
Nova Science, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-1607417392, Hardcover.
Coene, Frederik: The Caucasus: An Introduction,
Routledge, November 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415486606, Hardcover, pp. 240.
Cummings, Sally N. (ed.): Domestic and International Perspectives on Kyrgyzstans Tulip
Revolution: Motives, mobilization and meanings,
Routledge; December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415491907, Hardcover, pp. 166.
Das Ende des postsozialistischen Raums? (Ent-) Regionalisierung in Osteuropa, Beiträge für
die 17. Tagung junger Osteuropa-Experten, veranstaltet von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Osteuropakunde, der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa und der Europäischen Akademie Berlin,
Arbeitspapiere der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa No. 104, September 2009, pp. 158,
Dave, Bhavna (ed.): Politics of Modern Central Asia,
Routledge, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415468268, Hardcover, pp. 1776.
Domjan, Paul / Stone, Matt: A Comparative Study of Resource Nationalism in Russia and
Kazakhstan 2004–2008,
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 62 (January 2010), No. 1, pp. 35–62.
Emerson, Michael / Youngs, Richard (eds): Democracy's Plight in the European
Neighbourhood: Struggling Transitions and Proliferating Dynasties,
Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, 2009, ISBN 978-92-9079-926-9, pp. 171,
Ergun, Ayça: The presidential election in Azerbaijan, October 2008,
in: Electoral Studies, Vol. 28 (December 2009), No. 4, pp. 647–651.
Gendron, Renée: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the North Caucasus,
in: Caucasian Review of International Affairs, Vol. 3 (4) (Autumn 2009), pp. 333–341.
George, Julie A.: The Politics of Ethnic Separatism in Russia and Georgia,
Palgrave Macmillan, December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0230613591, Hardcover, pp. 260.
Gilligan, Emma: Terror in Chechnya: Russia and the Tragedy of Civilians in War,
Princeton University Press, November 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0691130798, Hardcover, pp. 288.
Gullette, David: The Genealogical Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic: Kinship, State and
Global Oriental, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-1906876104, Hardcover, pp. 272.
Hann, Chris / Pelkmans, Mathijs: Realigning Religion and Power in Central Asia: Islam,
Nation-State and (Post)Socialism,
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 61 (November 2009), No. 9, pp. 1517–1541.
Ishiyama, John: Historical legacies and the size of the red-brown vote in post-communist
in: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 42 (December 2009), No. 4, pp. 485–504.
Kabulov, Egamberdy: On the Results of the Presidential Election in Kyrgyzstan,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Karmazina, Lydia: Opposition in Kazakhstan: Nagging Problems,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Ostrowski, Wojciech: Politics and Oil in Kazakhstan,
Routledge, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415485807, Hardcover, pp. 212.
Rundle, Christopher: Central Asia,
in: Asian Affairs, Vol. 40 (2009), No. 3, pp. 453–457.
Sabanadze, Natalie: Globalization and Nationalism: The Cases of Georgia and the Basque
Central European University Press, December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-9639776531, Hardcover,
pp. 218.
Sattarov, Rufat: Islam, State, and Society in Independent Azerbaijan: Between Historical
Legacy and Post-Soviet Reality - with special reference to Baku and its environs,
Reichert Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-89500-692-0, Hardcover, pp. 394.
Shafer, Richard / Freedman, Eric: Press Constraints as Obstacles to Establishing Civil
Societies in Central Asia,
in: Journalism Studies, Vol. 10 (December 2009), No. 6, pp. 851–869.
Abushov, Kavus: Policing the near abroad: Russian foreign policy in the South Caucasus,
in: Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 63 (2009), No. 2, pp. 187–212.
Alturki, Fahad / Espinosa-Bowen, Jaime / Ilahi, Nadeem: How Russia Affects the
Neighborhood: Trade, Financial, and Remittance Channels,
IWF Working Paper 09/277, December 2009,
Averre, Derek: Competing Rationalities: Russia, the EU and the ‘Shared Neighbourhood’,
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 61 (December 2009), No. 10, pp. 1689–1713.
Bilgin, Mert: Geopolitics of European natural gas demand: Supplies from Russia, Caspian
and the Middle East,
in: Energy Policy, Vol. 37 (November 2009), No. 11, pp. 4482–4492.
Bishku, Michael B.: The South Caucasus Republics and Israel,
in: Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 45 (2009), No. 2, pp. 295–314.
Boonstra, Jos: The EU Strategy for Central Asia says ‘security’: Does this include Security
Sector Reform?,
EUCAM Policy Brief No. 10, November 2009,
Coene, Frederik: The Caucasus: An Introduction,
Routledge, November 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415486606, Hardcover, pp. 240.
Cruz-Del Rosario, Teresita: Risky riparianism: Cooperative water governance in Central
in: Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 63 (2009), No. 3, pp. 404–415.
Das Ende des postsozialistischen Raums? (Ent-) Regionalisierung in Osteuropa, Beiträge für
die 17. Tagung junger Osteuropa-Experten, veranstaltet von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Osteuropakunde, der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa und der Europäischen Akademie Berlin,
Arbeitspapiere der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa No. 104, September 2009, pp. 158,
Domjan, Paul / Stone, Matt: A Comparative Study of Resource Nationalism in Russia and
Kazakhstan 2004–2008,
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 62 (January 2010), No. 1, pp. 35–62.
Falkowski, Maciej: Turkey’s game for the Caucasus,
OSW Commentary No. 29, October 2009, Center for Eastern Studies,
Filippov, Mikhail: Diversionary Role of the Georgia–Russia Conflict: International Constraints
and Domestic Appeal,
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 61 (December 2009), No. 10, pp. 1825–1847.
Gänzle, Stefan: EU Governance and the European Neighbourhood Policy: A Framework for
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 61 (December 2009), No. 10, pp. 1715–1734.
Gavrilis, George: Beyond the Border Management Programme for Central Asia (BOMCA),
EUCAM Policy Brief No. 11, November 2009,
Gerber, Theodore P. / Mendelson, Sarah E.: Security Through Sociology: The North
Caucasus and the Global Counterinsurgency Paradigm,
in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 32 (2009), No. 9, pp. 831–851.
Hanks, Reuel R.: 'Multi-vector politics' and Kazakhstan's emerging role as a geo-strategic
player in Central Asia,
in: The Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Sudies, Vol. 11 (September 2009), No. 3,
pp. 257–269.
International Monetary Fund: Armenia: Detailed Assessment Report on Anti-Money
Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism,
IMF Country Report No. 10/9, January 2010,
International Monetary Fund: Armenia: Report on Observance of Standards and Codes-
FATF Recommendations for Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of
IMF Country Report No. 10/8, January 2010,
Ivanov, Vladimir: GUAM: Old Problems and New Challenges,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Karrar, Hasan H.: New Silk Road Diplomacy: China's Central Asian Foreign Policy Since the
Cold War,
University of British Columbia Press, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0774816922, Hardcover,
pp. 252.
Kavalski, Emilian (ed.): The New Central Asia: The Regional Impact of International Actors,
World Scientific Publishing Company, December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-9814287562,
Hardcover, pp. 300.
Lippert, Barbara / Fischer, Severin: Mehr Gleise: Energieaußenpolitik und
Nachbarschaftspolitik der EU,
in: Osteuropa, Vol. 59 (November 2009), No. 11, pp. 53–70.
Marat, Erica: The Military and the State in Central Asia: From Red Army to Independence,
Routledge, November 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415493475, Hardcover, pp. 176.
Marketos, Thrassyvoulos: Iran’s Geopolitics in the Midst of the U.S.-Russia-China Energy
Security Struggle for Geostrategic Control over Eurasia,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Mikaelian, Grant: The BSEC: Its Regional Integration Prospects for Armenia,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Mikhelidze, Nona: After the 2008 Russia-Georgia War: Implications for the Wider Caucasus,
in: The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 44 (2009), No. 3,
pp. 27–42.
Morozov, Yuri: Cooperation among the SCO Countries in the Humanitarian Sphere: Existing
Problems and Possible Solutions,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Naribaev, Marat: Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization as a Factor in the Development of Foreign Economic Activity Today,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Nikolaev, S.: Russia-Central Asia: Toward Prosperity and Security,
in: International Affairs, Vol. 55 (2009), No. 4, pp. 26–34.
Omelicheva, Mariya Y.: Convergence of Counterterrorism Policies: A Case Study of
Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia,
in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 32 (2009), No. 10, pp. 893–908.
Ostrowski, Wojciech: Politics and Oil in Kazakhstan,
Routledge, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415485807, Hardcover, pp. 212.
Overland, Indra et al. (eds.): Petroleum Politics of the Caspian,
Routledge, December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415549165, Hardcover, pp. 208.
Popescu, Nicu: EU and the Eastern Neighbourhood: Reluctant Involvement in Conflict
in: European Foreign Affairs Review, (2009) No. 14, pp. 457–477.
Rich, Paul B. (ed.): Crisis in the Caucasus: Russia, Georgia and the West,
Routledge, December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415544290, Hardcover, pp. 246.
Sadigbayli, Rovshan: The Implications of the 1993 U.N. Security Council Action for the
Settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict,
in: Caucasian Review of International Affairs, Vol. 3 (Autumn 2009), No. 4, pp. 342–370.
Sasse, Gwendolyn: The European Neighbourhood Policy and Conflict Management: A
Comparison of Moldova and the Caucasus,
in: Ethnopolitics, Vol. 8 (2009) No. 3–4, pp. 369–386.
Shelest, Anna: The Georgian-Russian Conflict, Energy Projects, and Security of the Black
Sea-Caspian Region,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Sierra, Pardo: Stabilizing the Neighbourhood? The EU’s Contribution to SSR in Georgia,
in: European Foreign Affairs Review, (2009) No. 14, pp. 479–500.
Slay, Ben: Energy Security, Poverty and Vulnerability in Central Asia and the Wider
European Neighbourhood,
CASE Network Studies and Analyses No. 396, 2009,
Tiede, Wolfgang / Schirmer, Jakob: Die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Überwachungsmission
der Europäischen Union in Georgien (EUMM),
in: Osteuropa-Recht, Vol. 55, No.4, pp. 403–413.
Tolstrup, Jakob: Studying a negative external actor: Russia's management of stability and
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in: Democratization, Vol. 16 (2009), No. 5, pp. 922–944.
Tomashot, Shane: Swamp of Terrorism: U.S. Foreign Policy in Central Asia,
Lampert Academic Publishing, November 2009, ISBN-13: 978-3838322940, Paperback,
pp. 116.
Tulmets, Elsa / Delcour, Laure: Pioneer Europe? The ENP as a Test Case for EU’s Foreign
in: European Foreign Affairs Review, (2009) No. 14, pp. 501–523.
Volkhonskiy, Mikhail: Medvedev-Sarkozy’s Six Points: The Diplomatic Aspect of the South
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Welt, Cory: The Thawing of a Frozen Conflict: The Internal Security Dilemma and the 2004
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in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 62 (January 2010), No. 1, pp. 63–97.

Alturki, Fahad / Espinosa-Bowen, Jaime / Ilahi, Nadeem: How Russia Affects the
Neighborhood: Trade, Financial, and Remittance Channels,
IWF Working Paper 09/277, December 2009,
Apergis, Nicholas / E. Payne, James: The emissions, energy consumption, and growth
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Arutiunov, Sergey: Cultural Archetypes and Political Change in the Caucasus,
Nova Science, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-1607417392, Hardcover.
Baylarov, Orkhan: Leasing contract in Azerbaijan and United States: Comparison Analysis,
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Bilgin, Mert: Geopolitics of European natural gas demand: Supplies from Russia, Caspian
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Birchwood, Diane: Explaining differences in sport participation rates among young adults:
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Charles, Robia: Religiosity and Trust in Religious Institutions: Tales from the South
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Chedia, Beka: The Georgian Orthodox Church in Current Georgian Policy,
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Coene, Frederik: The Caucasus: An Introduction,
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Council of Europe: Youth Policy in Armenia (2009),
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Danzer, Alexander M.: Battlefields of Ethnic Symbols. Public Space and Post-Soviet Identity
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Das Ende des postsozialistischen Raums? (Ent-) Regionalisierung in Osteuropa, Beiträge für
die 17. Tagung junger Osteuropa-Experten, veranstaltet von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Osteuropakunde, der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa und der Europäischen Akademie Berlin,
Arbeitspapiere der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa No. 104, September 2009, pp. 158,
Domjan, Paul / Stone, Matt: A Comparative Study of Resource Nationalism in Russia and
Kazakhstan 2004–2008,
in: Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 62 (January 2010), No. 1, pp. 35–62.
Gorton, Matthew / White, John: Export strategies and performance in the CIS: Case study
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in: Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 21 (December 2009 ), No. 4, pp. 475–494.
Gugushvili, Alexi: Political Economy of Old-Age Pension Reforms in Georgia,
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Gullette, David: The Genealogical Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic: Kinship, State and
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Hajiyev, Shamseddin / Murshudli, Fakhri: Azerbaijan Financial and Banking System during
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Hann, Chris / Pelkmans, Mathijs: Realigning Religion and Power in Central Asia: Islam,
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Hinote, Brian P. et al.: Post-Communism and Female Tobacco Consumption in the Former
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Hinote, Brian P. et al.: Psychological distress and dietary patterns in eight post-Soviet
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Kalyuzhnova, Yelena / Nygaard, Christian: Resource nationalism and credit growth in FSU
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Lerman, Zvi / Sedik, David: Rural Transition in Azerbaijan,
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Manning, Paul: The Epoch of Magna: Capitalist Brands and Postsocialist Revolutions in
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Mickiewicz, Tomasz M.: Hierarchy of governance institutions and the pecking order of
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Migranian, Aza: The World Economic Crisis and its Impact on the Economic Development of
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Mikaelian, Grant: The BSEC: Its Regional Integration Prospects for Armenia,
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Musabayov, R. / Shulman, R. (eds): Azerbaijan in 2008: Sociological monitoring:
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Naribaev, Marat: Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Shanghai Cooperation
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Nathan, Joy: Kazakhstan's New Economy: Post-Soviet, Central Asian Industries in a Global
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Orenstein, Mitchell A.: What Happened in East European (Political) Economies? A Balance
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in: East European Politics & Societies, Vol. 23 (2009), No. 4, pp. 479–490.
Ostrowski, Wojciech: Politics and Oil in Kazakhstan,
Routledge, October 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415485807, Hardcover, pp. 212.
Overland, Indra et al. (eds.): Petroleum Politics of the Caspian,
Routledge, December 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0415549165, Hardcover, pp. 208.
Racioppi, Linda / O'Sullivan, Katherine: Gender Politics in Post-Communist Eurasia,
Michigan State University Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-87013-866-9, Paperback, pp. 315.
Rechel, Bernd / McKee, Martin: Health reform in central and eastern Europe and the former
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in: The Lancet, Vol. 374 (October 2009), No. 9696, pp. 1186–1195.
Roberts, Ken et al.: Youth leisure careers during post-communist transitions in the South
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Roberts, Ken et al.: Young adults’ family and housing life-stage transitions during post-
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Samwel, Margriet / Gabizon, Sascha: Improving school sanitation in a sustainable way for a
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Sattarov, Rufat: Islam, State, and Society in Independent Azerbaijan: Between Historical
Legacy and Post-Soviet Reality - with special reference to Baku and its environs,
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Shafer, Richard / Freedman, Eric: Press Constraints as Obstacles to Establishing Civil
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in: Journalism Studies, Vol. 10 8 December 2009), No. 6, pp. 851–869.
Shelest, Anna: The Georgian-Russian Conflict, Energy Projects, and Security of the Black
Sea-Caspian Region,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
Slay, Ben: Energy Security, Poverty and Vulnerability in Central Asia and the Wider
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CASE Network Studies and Analyses No. 396, 2009,
Sultanova, Lola / Gaysina, Albina: The World Crisis and the Raw-Material Oriented
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Tolipov, Farkhad: Central Asia: Regional Response to a Global Challenge,
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Totadze, Anzor: The Population of the Caucasus,
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Tvalavadze, Giorgi: Gewährleistung nach deutschem, georgischem und UN-Kaufrecht: Eine
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Uzagalieva, Ainura / Menezes, António: The poverty effect of remittance flows: Evidence
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Vakhabov, Abdurakhim / Bobakulov, Tulkin: Uzbekistan’s Banking System and its Role in
Implementing the Anti-Crisis Program,
in: Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 58–59 (2009), No. 4–5.
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