Friday, November 30, 2007
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 11-30-07
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at
1. upcoming event: Georgia's crisis: What's behind it and where to go from here?
2. Speech of Mr. Lado Gurgenidze, PM of Georgia, delivered at the Parliament
3. Newspaper notes new PM’s ‘first major mistake’
4. information note: Improvements to Georgia’s election code
to subscribe to the Information Note series, send email to
5. Levan Tarkhnishvili: Updated transparency, extra fairness
6. Burdzhanadze pledges to have democratic presidential election
7. Presidential marathon
8. Plebiscites: necessary questions or campaign tactics?
9. Estonia hails Georgia’s readiness to receive election observers
10. Natelashvili plans to annul post of president
11. Natelashvili backs improving ties with Russia
12. Natelashvili lays out priorities
13. Sarishvili challenges Saakashvili to debate
14. 19 remain in presidential race
15. Gamkrelidze commits to non-use of force
16. Khidasheli criticizes Estonia’s role in Tbilisi crisis
17. TV at heart of Georgian crisis: Fate of opposition television station is subject of intense political haggling
18. Opposition protests at TV stations' generous coverage of Saakashvili
19. Court sanctions financial probe into Imedi TV
20. Small TV station due back on air
21. Polish mediator meets Georgian opposition over closed TV station
22. Georgian opposition happy about meeting with Polish media ombudsman
23. Authorities want Imedi to change hands
24. Cable TV channel taken off for plans to broadcast political talk show
25. Official says government not behind suspension of cable TV
26. Official links disconnection of “Maestro” to technical problems
27. Small TV station due back on air
28. video: Georgian rebel minister faces court cliffhanger
29. video: Georgian rebel minister jailed in Germany
30. Okruashvili placed in German custody for 2 months, denied political asylum - Georgian ambassador
31. German police hold wanted former Georgian Defense Minister
32. Germany has no complaints against Okruashvili – prosecutors
33. Okruashvili's arrest in Berlin is normal juridical process
34. Ex Georgian minister, arrested in Germany, to meet with his lawyer
35. Okruashvili's lawyer preparing documents for German investigators
36. Will Lado Gurgenidze and 'Liberty Institute' find a common language?
37. Tbilisi and Washington: The end of the affair?
38. Georgian reality
39. Top Romanian diplomat confident of Georgia’s democratic orientation
40. The main two plagues in the Georgian media
41. No one in his circle spared Misha Saakashvili
42. Komninoi: Modernization of Georgia’s legislation and training of civil servants and judges
43. EP calls on Georgia to respect democratic principles and freedom of expression
44. Giorgi Manjgaladze met with representatives of member states of “Group of Friends”
45. Citizens should decide Georgia’s NATO integration
46. Interview with the Minister of Defence of Estonia, Jaak Aaviksoo
47. NATO/PfP new liaison officer
48. Georgian peacekeepers return from Kosovo
49. Putin's copycats Whether pro-western or pro-Moscow, repression, corruption flourishing in Russia's neighbours
50. Moscow is joking
51. Russia has not sent arms withdrawn from Georgia to Nagorno-Karabakh
52. If Kosovo goes free: Why Georgia's enclaves would love to follow, but will probably fail
53. Russia not to yield to Georgian provocations
54. Election maneuvering added to list of Russo-Georgian cold war shenanigans
55. Bezhuashvili hopes to discuss problems with Lavrov
56. Peacekeepers hinder Tbilisi’s hostile plans
57. Georgia accuses Russian peacekeepers of illegal arms trade, drug trafficking
58. Official Tbilisi did not give consent to Moscow to open election districts in conflict zones
59. video: Abkhazian separatists use secret German weapon
60. Ministry of Healthcare of Abkhazia to organize medical checkup for IDPs
61. Salford to address all banks in Georgia
62. BoG to start biggest CSR project ever
63. NBG supposes to soften inflation pressure in near future
64. Georgia expects changes in national state budget 2007
65. 8% inflation rate targeted for 2008
66. Government, NBG pledge to curb inflation
67. Looking for export options, Georgian businesses learn about EU Markets
68. Export - panacea for Georgian unemployment?
69. Gas fuddle
70. To drill or not to drill
71. Energo-PRO Georgia started active phase of rehabilitation works of Rustavi power grid
72. Temporary administration of NBG to spend two months at Standard Bank
73. Russia tops, South Africa last, in literacy study [excerpt]
74. Seminar held for Iranian businessmen in Georgia
75. 70 000 pedagogues to benefit form health insurance vouchers
76. Renovated historic chamber to be opened in Supreme Court of Georgia
77. Former economic adviser warns against further street unrest
78. Property registration procedure to be simplified for IDPs
79. New employment scheme to start December 5
80. Parliament passed law on amnesty
81. Psycho-rehabilitation program “Atlantis” launched in #6 Prison
82. Civil Registry has 99 percent precise database
83. The South Caucasus-Old Neighbors, New World to appear on air of radio stations of South Caucasus
84. bmi launches London-Tbilisi service
85. Thrilla in Manila: Georgian contestant cracks the great eight
86. Kids & marriage
87. Georgian holy fathers (Part Two)
full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
REISE: Jacqeline Richard aus Leipzig erkundet Reisetrends für
Von Jacqeline Richard
Nach den politischen Herbststürmen versucht die Kaukasus-Republik Georgien in den Alltag zurückzukehren. Grund zur Abreise, fand Jackie Richard und machte sich auf den Weg nach Aserbaidschan: 550 wilde Kilometer von Tiflis nach Baku am Kaspischen Meer.
Der ganze Text >>>

Überall plakatiert - der Alijew-Clan

Photos on October 14, 2007 by Ralph Hälbig
Tbilisi 2007 (Set) & Azerbaijan 2007 (Set) dieser Reise von Ralph Hälbig
KINO: Spielplan für die deutschen Filme der Reihe "Made in Germany" in Tbilisi
Wie Sie auf dem Zeitplan sehen könne zeigen wir durchaus aktuelle Filme, von denen zwei (Ping Pong und Fata Morgana) am Wettbewerb teilnehmen.
Mit besten Grüßen
Werner Wöll
Goethe-Institut Georgien
Sandukeli Str. 16
0108 Tbilissi
Tel. +995 32 / 93 89 45
Fax:+995 32 / 93 45 68
Mo. 03.12., 17.00 Uhr
Karwasla, Ausstellungseröffnung
« Location Georgien »
Di. 04.12., 19.30 Uhr
Festivalseröffnung: „Flandria“ (Frankreich)
Kino Rustaveli, Saal 1
Mi. 05.12., 15:00 Uhr
Vortrag: „Was ist deutsch am deutschen Film“
(W. Beilenhoff) GI Tbilissi,
19:30 Uhr, Eröffnung: Made in Germany
YELLA 89 min (Natia) Rustaveli Saal 4
Do. 06.12., 14:30 Uhr
„Prater“, Ulrike Ottinger, Saal 4
17.00 Uhr, 2. Film der Reihe Made in Germany
(Sehnsucht/Tamta) 88 min. Rustaveli Saal 4
“Fata Morgana”, Simon Groß, 88’ m Deutsch. 2006 Saal 5 (im Wettbewerb)
19:30 Uhr/ 3. Film DVD- Raum
(Wim Wenders frühe Jahre) 100 min /Natia Rustaveli Saal 2
Fr. 07.12., 14:30 Uhr Vortrag über Fassbinder /Döblin
(W. Beilenhoff) Rustaveli Saal 2
17.00 Uhr 4. Film Made in Germany (4 Minuten / /Tamta) 111 min. Rustaveli Saal 4
19:30 Uhr DVD- Raum Fassbinder Film, Lili Marleen, 120 min, Rustaveli Saal 2
Sa. 08.12., 14:30 Uhr 6. Film Made in Germany im Wettbewerb
(Ping Pong 89 min /Tamta) Rustaveli Saal 5
17.00 Uhr, 5. Film Made in Germany
(Ein Freund von mir/ Natia) 84 min. Rustaveli Saal 4
19: 30 Uhr Schließung des Festivals, Wind im Haferfeld, Saal 1
21.00 Uhr, DVD- Raum, Fassbinder Film, Die Ehe der Maria Braun, 120min, Rustaveli Saal 2
So. 09.12. 12:00 Uhr
Kinderfilm “Die wilden Hühner 2”, 108 min, (Natia), Rustaveli Saal 4
17.00 Uhr DVD- Raum, Fassbinder Film, Die Sehnsucht der Veronica Voss, 100 min., (Tamta), Rustaveli Saal 2
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ballet Dancer by Maia Chkhaidze
PRESSE: Artikel zu Dito Tsintsadzes Film "Der Mann von der Botschaft"
Vanity Fair Online - München, Bayern, Germany. Der Schauspieler ist "Der Mann von der Botschaft". VANITY FAIR ONLINE sprach mit ihm über Regen und Kinder ...
Im Kinofilm "Der Mann von der Botschaft" spielt Burghart Klaussner ("Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei") den deutschen Diplomaten Herbert Neumann, der in der georgischen Hauptstadt Tiflis auf einem Markt von dem 12-jährigen Flüchtlingsmädchen Sashka bestohlen wird. Der antriebsschwache Neumann schließt Freundschaft mit dem Mädchen, das in einem Flüchtlingslager am Rande der Stadt lebt, und beide blühen auf – aber die Verbindung zwischen dem Mann und der Minderjährigen schafft schnell mehr Probleme, als beiden lieb sein kann.Für seine Darstellung des Herbert Neumann erhielt Burghart Klaußner beim Filmfest in Locarno 2006 den Goldenen Leoparden als Bester Hauptdarsteller. VANITY FAIR ONLINE traf den Schauspieler an einem recht verregneten Tag in München.
Botschaft in der Fremde Deutsche Welle - Germany
Der Regisseur Dito Tsintsadze stammt aus Georgien und lebt schon lange in Berlin. Europaweit heimst er Preise für seine Filme ein. ...
Der Mann von der Botschaft Nordkurier - vor 8 Stunden gefunden
Es wird nicht viel gesprochen im neuen Film von Dito Tsintsadze („Schussangst“). Der großartige Burghart Klaußner („Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei“), ...
Können auf Knopfdruck Merkur Online
"Es ging nur mit Bodyguards"
«Der Mann von der Botschaft» - Kino-Kammerspiel der Gefühle - 26. Nov. 2007
Der georgische Regisseur Dito Tsintsadze entwickelt in seinem jüngsten Film «Der Mann von der Botschaft» die schwierige Freundschaft zwischen dem Mann und ...
Feierliche Deutschlandpremiere von DER MANN VON DER BOTSCHAFT in ... Georgien Nachrichten
Der Mann von der Botschaft Film Dienst - 19. Nov. 2007 Mit Burghart Klaußner hat der georgische Regisseur Dito Tsintsadze einen solchen Schauspieler gewonnen: einen, der dazu fähig ist, Nebenrollen so mit Leben ...
NEWS: 29 Nov 07 | Caucasus Reporting Service 421
Doctor says his detention and suspension followed criticism of North Ossetian authorities. By Anton Zurabov in Beslan (CRS No. 421 29-Nov-07)
TV at Heart of Georgian Crisis
Fate of opposition television station is subject of intense political haggling. By Eka Kvesitadze in Tbilisi (CRS No. 421 29-Nov-07)
Azeri Defence Spending Under Fire
Big increase in defence expenditure allegedly failed to lift soldiers out of poverty. By Rashid Suleimanov in Baku (CRS No. 421 29-Nov-07)

To be honest, I thought personal reasons would prevent me from taking part in this trip to South Ossetia. But things turned out right after all, and there I was freezing at Minvody airport together with Olga Metreveli, waiting for our plane, which had been delayed. Marshenkulova Marina, 27-Nov-07
Outcry at Azerbaijani Editor Arrest
Observers say hooliganism charge against opposition editor is politically motivated. Abbasov Idrak, 22-Nov-07
Saakashvili Woos the People
Embattled Georgian president appoints new prime minister and promises social welfare reforms. Avaliani Dimitry, 22-Nov-07
Black Sea News Blackout in Ajaria
Deprived of proper information, Ajaria is rife with rumour and suspicion.Turadze Eteri, 15-Nov-07
POLITIK: Gegespieler von Mikhail Saakashvili wird in Deutschland währrend des Wahlkampfes festgesetzt
28. November 2007 Der frühere georgische Verteidigungsminister Irakli Okruaschwili ist am Dienstag in einem Hotel in Berlin verhaftet worden. Zudem sei schon am Montag sein Mitarbeiter, Jason Tschichladze, ebenfalls in Berlin verhaftet worden. Das bestätigte am Mittwoch ein Sprecher der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Berlin der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung >>>.
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 11-29-07
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at
1. Former Georgian defense minister, a critic of president, arrested in Germany
2. video: Georgian rebel minister arrested in Germany
3. Okruashvili arrested in Germany
4. German news media say arrested Georgian oppositionists sought asylum
5. Mass media claim Okruashvili planned to ask political asylum in Germany
6. Berlin Prosecutor's Office pondering Okruashvili's handover to Georgia
7. Investors accuse Georgia of illegal bank seizure
8. In what case will “Imedi” be resurrected?
9. Imedi TV to resume broadcast upon fulfillment of Georgian government’s requirements
10. Provided Government requirements are satisfied Imedi will turn into a castrated television
11. Georgian authorities offer NewsCorp to fully buy out Imedi TV
12. Government sets conditions for reopening Imedi TV
13. Georgia has offered Imedi TV to News Corp
14. Talks on Imedi TV Company of Georgia disrupted
15. Probe into opposition TV's finances "laughable" - senior journalist
16. Lomaia demands setting of media council
17. Lomaia and Bokeria were most active during meeting with Pompadour
18. Candidate nominated by opposition council sent a challenge over debates to Saakashvili
19. Davitashvili held pre-election meeting
20. Candidate considers arrest of head of campaign staff to be pressure from authorities
21. Head of National Assembly of Georgian Azerbaijanis detained, accused of coup attempt
22. Saakashvili gives instructions to officials
23. Presidential hopeful drops out of race
24. Georgia's electoral body has 13 members
25. Three presidential hopefuls refused registration
26. Presidential candidates to correct inaccuracies in documents till 12:00 p.m. today
27. Gamkrelidze to meet Georgian experts
28. “Labourists” to hold manifestation in Republic Square on December 05
29. Presidential candidate Giorgi Chkhikvadze goes on hunger strike
30. An uncertain road to January 5
31. Soso Tsintsadze: Bidzina Ivanishvili won’t have much influence on the election!
32. Burjanadze pays official visit to Brussels
33. Speaker urges West not to give up on her country
34. Trouble in nowhere land
35. Opposition party to hold rally in Tbilisi on 5 December
36. Parliamentary Committee on Legal Issues considered law on “amnesty”
37. Police revenges the leaders of youth movement
38. Don’t hit me, I am on your side
39. Opposition candidate for PM says Georgia's NATO chances badly damaged by unrest
40. Saakashvili calls Georgia territorial integrity main task
41. Saakashvili vows to secure IDPs return to Abkhazia in months
42. Subeliani will be an energetic minister
43. Voting in Duma election over in 3 districts of Abkhazia
44. Voting starts in Abkhazia for Russian elections
45. How will Russian election affect Georgia? Georgian experts can see no connection
46. Minister plans to discuss bilateral relations with Lavrov
47. Georgia needs to consolidate in face of "threat" from Russia
48. Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia get new chief of staff
49. Parliamentary commission wants Russian peacekeepers' replacement
50. Paata Shamugia: Bagapsh’s threats cannot frighten Gali residents!
51. Ministry of Education disregards heroes who died in Abkhazian and Samachablo wars
52. “KasTransGAs-Tbilisi” states sabotage was observed in Tbilisi
53. Gas provider reports incidents of "sabotage"
54. Mayor promises severe reaction to "sabotage" on Georgian capital's gas network
55. Ugulava: Enough resources to supply country with gas
56. Regional locomotive not only for the railroad
57. Belarus to import fruit from Georgia
58. Finding new markets is apple farmers’ core challenge
59. Workers from Sighnaghi demand their wages
60. Central heating is on but classrooms are still cold
61. Rubbish and transport-main problems for Gori District
62. Firewood is inaccessible for people living near the forest
63. Receiving ID card to become compulsory at age of 14
64. Presentation of new human resources management system held today
65. museum exhibit: Wine, worship and sacrifice: The golden graves of ancient Vani
full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 11-29-07
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at
1. Former Georgian defense minister, a critic of president, arrested in Germany
2. video: Georgian rebel minister arrested in Germany
3. Okruashvili arrested in Germany
4. German news media say arrested Georgian oppositionists sought asylum
5. Mass media claim Okruashvili planned to ask political asylum in Germany
6. Berlin Prosecutor's Office pondering Okruashvili's handover to Georgia
7. Investors accuse Georgia of illegal bank seizure
8. In what case will “Imedi” be resurrected?
9. Imedi TV to resume broadcast upon fulfillment of Georgian government’s requirements
10. Provided Government requirements are satisfied Imedi will turn into a castrated television
11. Georgian authorities offer NewsCorp to fully buy out Imedi TV
12. Government sets conditions for reopening Imedi TV
13. Georgia has offered Imedi TV to News Corp
14. Talks on Imedi TV Company of Georgia disrupted
15. Probe into opposition TV's finances "laughable" - senior journalist
16. Lomaia demands setting of media council
17. Lomaia and Bokeria were most active during meeting with Pompadour
18. Candidate nominated by opposition council sent a challenge over debates to Saakashvili
19. Davitashvili held pre-election meeting
20. Candidate considers arrest of head of campaign staff to be pressure from authorities
21. Head of National Assembly of Georgian Azerbaijanis detained, accused of coup attempt
22. Saakashvili gives instructions to officials
23. Presidential hopeful drops out of race
24. Georgia's electoral body has 13 members
25. Three presidential hopefuls refused registration
26. Presidential candidates to correct inaccuracies in documents till 12:00 p.m. today
27. Gamkrelidze to meet Georgian experts
28. “Labourists” to hold manifestation in Republic Square on December 05
29. Presidential candidate Giorgi Chkhikvadze goes on hunger strike
30. An uncertain road to January 5
31. Soso Tsintsadze: Bidzina Ivanishvili won’t have much influence on the election!
32. Burjanadze pays official visit to Brussels
33. Speaker urges West not to give up on her country
34. Trouble in nowhere land
35. Opposition party to hold rally in Tbilisi on 5 December
36. Parliamentary Committee on Legal Issues considered law on “amnesty”
37. Police revenges the leaders of youth movement
38. Don’t hit me, I am on your side
39. Opposition candidate for PM says Georgia's NATO chances badly damaged by unrest
40. Saakashvili calls Georgia territorial integrity main task
41. Saakashvili vows to secure IDPs return to Abkhazia in months
42. Subeliani will be an energetic minister
43. Voting in Duma election over in 3 districts of Abkhazia
44. Voting starts in Abkhazia for Russian elections
45. How will Russian election affect Georgia? Georgian experts can see no connection
46. Minister plans to discuss bilateral relations with Lavrov
47. Georgia needs to consolidate in face of "threat" from Russia
48. Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia get new chief of staff
49. Parliamentary commission wants Russian peacekeepers' replacement
50. Paata Shamugia: Bagapsh’s threats cannot frighten Gali residents!
51. Ministry of Education disregards heroes who died in Abkhazian and Samachablo wars
52. “KasTransGAs-Tbilisi” states sabotage was observed in Tbilisi
53. Gas provider reports incidents of "sabotage"
54. Mayor promises severe reaction to "sabotage" on Georgian capital's gas network
55. Ugulava: Enough resources to supply country with gas
56. Regional locomotive not only for the railroad
57. Belarus to import fruit from Georgia
58. Finding new markets is apple farmers’ core challenge
59. Workers from Sighnaghi demand their wages
60. Central heating is on but classrooms are still cold
61. Rubbish and transport-main problems for Gori District
62. Firewood is inaccessible for people living near the forest
63. Receiving ID card to become compulsory at age of 14
64. Presentation of new human resources management system held today
65. museum exhibit: Wine, worship and sacrifice: The golden graves of ancient Vani
full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Thursday, November 29, 2007
ART: CAMERA-AUSTRIA-PREIS 2007 für Marika Asatiani

Daniel Baumann über Marika Asatianis im Heft 99/2007.
Symposion: Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007, 10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
Das Symposion gibt Einblicke in die Geschichte und Struktur des Market Photo Workshop: Vorträge von John Fleetwood, Zanele Muholi, Nontsikelelo Veleko; Vorstellung der Camera-Austria-Preisträgerin der Stadt Graz 2007: Marika Asatiani aus Georgien spricht über ihre Arbeit.
Bonile Bam / Jodi Bieber / Lerato Maduna / Sabelo Mlangeni / Zanele Muholi / Nontsikelelo Veleko
Ort: Camera Austria - Kunsthaus Graz, Österreich, 8020 Graz, Lendkai 1+43 316 81 55 500,
von 01.12.2007 bis 02.03.2008
Eröffnung: 30.11.2007, 18:00
GALLERY: Marika Asatiani (Tiflis/Georgia), January - April 2008 in Leipzig
Daniel Baumann wrote an article about her in: :
[...] This "stylisation of everyday life" forms the backdrop against which we – or I, at least – view the pictures of the Georgian photographer Marika Asatiani. In Camera Austria she presents pictures from three different series. more >>>

more photos from 2006: TBILISI 3. LET'S STAY ALIVE TILL MONDAY
further: photo from Marika Asatiani
WIRTSCHAFT: Gegenperspektiven
Von Georg Watzlawek (Handelsblatt)
Georgien ist ein zerrissenes Land; in Tiflis prallen Welten aufeinander: Während der Wirtschaftsminister Arweladse auf den Erfolg der jüngsten Reformen verweist, fürchten Oppositionelle ein autoritäres Regime und die gewaltsame Beschneidung von Freiheiten. Zwei Gespräche in Tiflis. mehr >>>
BLOG: To The Changing Of Situation
Posted: 21 Nov 2007 02:47 PM CST
Thanks for Foreign Policy Watch, here are two clips of Imedi, the opposition TV station Sakaashvili claimed was calling for the violent overthrow of his regime, being shut down—live.This serves as good context for some actually good reporting by Michael Weiss in the Weekly Standard (pace Ann Marlowe) about the crisis earlier this month… if you can ignore the petty comparisons to Pakistan.
Posted by Joshua Foust
ENERGIE: Wasserkraftwerk Projekt Khudoni, Georgien
Der ganze Text von Stefan Mützenberg (
Colenco Power Engineering AG
Täfernstrasse 26
5405 Baden-Dättwil, Schweiz
Tel: +41 (0)56 483 12 12
Fax: +41 (0)56 483 12 55
MUSIK: Bariton George Gagnidze

der ganze Artikel (23.11.2007) von Wolfgang Hirsch
Weimarer Termine: "Guillaume Tell" 23. Nov., 30. Nov., 14. u. 25. Dez., "Luisa Miller" 6. Dez., "Nabucco" 11. Jan., "Tosca" ab 19. April
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
BILDUNG: Erleben-Erinnern-Erforschen. Migration, Flucht und Vertreibung in Geschichte und Gegenwart
18. - 20. Januar 2008
Liebe Kaukasusinteressenten, liebe Mitglieder,
unter dem Thema "Erleben-Erinnern-Erforschen. Migration, Flucht und Vertreibung in Geschichte und Gegenwart" planen wir die "3. Internationalen Bildungstage in Linstow M-V".
Sie finden wie in den vergangenen Jahren in der Museumsscheune in Linstow statt, die Unterbringung wird im Van der Falk Resort organisiert. (Genaues Programm folgt.)
Hiermit sind alle Interessenten eingeladen sich mit entsprechenden Beiträgen anzumelden.Wir gehen zunächst von keiner regionalen oder zeitlichen Begrenzung aus, aber gerade in Osteuropa hat die Geschichte von Flucht und Vertreibung und die damit verbundene Erinnerungskultur besonders viele Facetten.
Wir erhoffen uns eine anregende Diskussion, wenn das gesamte 20. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Deutschland, Polen, Tschechien, Balkan, Kaukasien, Zentralasien) angesprochen wird. Gleichzeitig soll Raum sein, um spezielle aktuelle Fragen wie z.B. die Abwanderung junger Leute aus den neuen Bundesländern zu thematisieren, Migration als historisches und aktuelles Phänomen zu diskutieren.
Beiträge sind sofort anzumelden unter:
ANMELDUNG zur wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Kultur- und Wissenschaftsvereins EuroKaukAsia e.V. >>>
Rückfragen auch unter: 02224-9018776
Beste Grüße, Dr. Rasim Mirzayev
Geschäftsführer des Vereins EuroKaukAsia

VEREIN: EuroKaukAsia e.V. lädt zur Jahreshauptversammlung ein
Liebe Kaukasusinteressenten, liebe Mitglieder,
Hiermit möchten wir alle Mitglieder bzw. diejenigen, die sich für eine Mitgliedschaft interessieren, herzlich zu unserer Jahreshauptversammlung am Freitag, den 30. November 2007, um 16. 30 Uhr in die Abteilung für Osteuropäische Geschichte der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, 53 113 Bonn, Lennestr. 1 (Nähe Hofgarten, Gebäude der Slavistik, 2. Etage) einladen.
Wir bitten zu beachten, dass die Mitgliederversammlung nur beschlussfähig ist, wenn mindestens ein Drittel aller stimmberechtigten Vereinsmitglieder (bzw. ihrer Vertreter) anwesend sind. Ein zahlreiches Erscheinen ist also unbedingt notwendig. Die Übertragung des Stimmrechts ist lt. Statut durch schriftliche Bevollmächtigung zulässig. Folgende Tagesordnung ist geplant:
1. Begrüßung durch den Geschäftsführer und Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
2. Bericht des Vorstandes über die Tätigkeit des Vereins 2006/07
3. Bericht des Kassenwarts
4. Aussprache zum Tätigkeitsbericht des Vorstandes
5. Entlastung des Vorstandes
6. Neuwahl des VorstandsAnträge zur Jahreshauptversammlung müssen 3 Tage vor Abhaltung dieser, schriftlich, beim Vorstand eingebracht werden.
Am Vorabend (29. November, 19.00 Uhr) besteht die Möglichkeit an der Veranstaltung „Deutschland-Aserbaidschan. Kulturbrücken zueinander – miteinander“ im Lew Kopelew Forum Köln teilzunehmen (siehe separate Einladung bzw. website).
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Der Vorstand
Rückfragen unter 02224-9018776 oder
Vorstand des Vereins EuroKaukAsia

more: Paintings from Eka Miminoshvili (Set)
* EKA MIMINOSHVILI Blog public / Peintures & Dessins / Paintings & Drawings
* Galerie du XVI ème, 104, rue de la Tour 75116 Paris
23 November – 5 December 2007 Galerie du XVI ème104, rue de la Tour, 75116 Paris
Open daily, 2.30 pm to 7.30 pm
On saturdays and sundays ,11 am to 7 pm
* EKA MIMINOSHVILI - Artiste - Peintures & Dessins (Homepage)
* Saatchi-Gallery
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 11-28-07
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at
1. Georgia unplugged
2. Jan Kubiš - Resumption of Imedi will be indicator how healthily political processes are being developed in Georgia
3. Giorgi Targamadze – Government tries to make Imedi TV as submissive as the rest of the channels
4. Opposition politician calls on Burjanadze to act on Imedi TV
5. Grigolia, Khoperia and Targamadze have to leave Imedi?
6. Government targets bank with links to media tycoon
7. Saakashvili says opposition TV to resume broadcast
8. Patarkatsishvili’s assets targeted
9. Opposition MP beaten in Tbilisi
10. Beaten opposition MP suspects political "score-settling"
11. Patarkatsishvili's supporter beaten in Tbilisi
12. Several persons suspected of intentional health injury of Merab Khurtsidze arrested
13. Police arrest alleged assailants of MP
14. United opposition candidate campaigns against "violence, injustice"
15. Voting against someone or conscious choice?
16. Security Council discusses threat of "provocations" ahead of poll
17. Zurab Tkemaladze: Mikheil Saakashvili has very little chance of winning the presidential election!
18. Saakashvili gave consent to participate in TV debates
19. Salome Zurabishvili completes her European tour today
20. Gamkrelidze to hold meetings with medics and young supporters
21. Vice-Speaker Jemal Inaishvili to step down as an MP
22. Georgia on my mind
23. Memorable quotes from last week
24. Some speculation on the crisis
25. Two-faced Janus
26. Article in Washington Times
27. National Security Council to hold weekly meetings
28. Office of Civil Registry Agency opened in Batumi
29. U.S. uses double standards over protests: Russia
30. Russian Duma deputy responds to US criticism over Kasparov's detention
31. Russia ready to attack Georgia
32. Saakashvili attracts most Russian media coverage after Putin and Bush
33. Georgian, Russian Foreign Ministers may meet in Madrid
34. Minister slams Russia’s plans to open polling stations in Georgia’s region
35. Bezhuashvili deems inadmissible to hold elections of Russian “Duma” in conflict zones
36. Tbilisi slams CIS Council decision on chief Russian peacekeeper
37. Russian chief peacekeeper stays in Abkhazia for Now
38. Georgian side refuses to recognize Sergey Chaban as commander of CIS peacekeepers
39. Mandate of peacekeeping force commander extended
40. Abkhazian Deputy Defense Minister: we will be side by side with South Ossetia and Karabakh
41. Letters from Сухуми
42. USD 8 000 ransom demand for Gali resident
43. Momentous implications of Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey railroad (part one)
44. Baku–Tbilisi–Kars brings new hopes for (most of) the South Caucasus
45. Political situation in Georgia not to affect economic projects with Azerbaijan –opposition candidate
46. Tsiskarishvili paying three-day official visit to Byelorussia
47. NATO MAP chances ‘complicated’ – ruling party MP
48. Slovak Foreign Minister to visit Georgia
49. Interim administration appointed at Standard Bank
50. Many Georgians are wary of possible wiretaps
51. Gigi Ugulava opened renewed metro station “Varketili” today
52. Three years have passed since the murder of Amiran Robakidze
53. Georgia uncorked
full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
POLITIK: Regionale und Internationale Sicherheit
BAKU, 26. November (RIA Novosti). Diplomaten der Kaukasus-Republik Aserbaidschan und Deutschlands haben am Montag in der aserbaidschanischen Hauptstadt Baku Probleme der regionalen und internationalen Sicherheit erörtert.
Das teilte das aserbaidschanische Außenamt Journalisten mit. An den Konsultationen nahmen Aserbaidschans Außenminister Elmar Mamedjarow und der Sonderbeauftragte des Bundesaußenministeriums für Osteuropa, Kaukasus und Zentralasien, Hans-Dieter Lukas, teil.
Verwiesen wurde auf die große Bedeutung der Politik der neuen Nachbarschaft der Europäischen Union (EU) sowie auf Möglichkeiten Aserbaidschans in diesem Bereich. Die Gesprächspartner hoben die strategische Bedeutung Aserbaidschans bei der Entwicklung von Transportwegen zwischen Zentralasien und Europa hervor.
Die Diplomaten tauschten ferner Meinungen zu Stand und Perspektiven der Beilegung des armenisch-aserbaidschanischen Konflikts um Nagorny Karabach aus. Diskutiert wurden auch einige Fragen der bilateralen aserbaidschanisch-deutschen Beziehungen, aber auch Perspektiven gemeinsamer Projekte in Energie, Transport und Infrastruktur, heißt es in der Mitteilung.
Quelle: Ria Novosti
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 11-27-07
A service of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at
1. Ready or not, Georgia’s election season kicks off
2. Lithuanian president prompts Georgia to organize clear, democratic elections
3. Electoral threats
4. Georgian government to work efficiently and successfully during elections
5. Georgia to hold Jan 5 election in peaceful, democratic, free atmosphere
6. Burjanadze calls for calm ahead of 5 January snap poll
7. video: Magnificent seven run for Georgian presidency
8. CEC accepts 22 applications for 5 January presidential poll
9. CEC receives applications from 22 presidential candidates
10. Another opposition candidate set to run in presidential election
11. Irakli Tsereteli supports candidature of Shalva Natelashvili at presidential elections
12. Registered Azerbaijani candidate for presidential elections in Georgia
13. Patarkatsishvili files for presidential run
14. Gia Maisashvili: ‘I will become the new president of Georgia’
15. Gachechiladze says victory certain
16. Fugitive billionaire set for Georgia presidential polls
17. Gachechiladze says victory certain
18. Levan Gachechiladze do not believes other opposition candidates as competitors
19. Mikheil Saakashvili: from tomorrow I launch pre-election campaign
20. Presidential programs emerge as Saakashvili prepares for resignation
21. Saakashvili woos the people
22. Saakashvili comments on high-profile murder case
23. President Saakashvili meets Saburtalo district residents
24. Saakashvili bids for second term" "We are idealists, we are maximalists"
25. People shouldn't believe Okruashvili's single word – Saakashvili
26. Miklos Haraszti - I see Georgian government is willing to restore Imedi TV
27. Saakashvili sets conditions to Imedi TV
28. News Corp Executive Vice President visits Tbilisi
29. Giorgi Targamadze considers the popular journalists’ decision on quitting Imedi TV as a mistake
30. Imedi may resume broadcasting under Georgian, intl laws
31. NGOs call for Imedi TV to be put back on air
32. PM in talks with Imedi co-owner News Corp.
33. VIG to suffer usd 3.5 million loss from cancelled ads
34. Grigolia, Khoperia and Targamadze have to leave Imedi?
35. New Prime Minister outlines priorities
36. The prime minister’s presentation at the Assembly of the United National Movement
37. Burjanadze moves to presidential wing
38. Acting President Burjanadze addresses nation
39. Opposition leaders revive street protest strategy
40. MP urges probe into dispersal of November protests
41. Subari accuses Kheviashvili of negligence
42. No incidents happen during opposition rally in Tbilisi
43. Young oppositionists held action outside Tbilisi City Court
44. Gelbakhiani denies talks with Ivanishvili
45. Legal proceedings on case of Irakli Okruashvili and Dimitri Kitoshvili to resume on Monday
46. Jondi Baghaturia: the opposition must stick together
47. Irakli Batiashvili is innocent. Why would he ask for amnesty?’
48. New draft budget of Georgia for 2008 to be ready during 10 days
49. Special parliamentary session to be held on Thursday
50. Georgia referendum to include NATO membership question
51. Georgia to hold plebiscite on NATO accession
52. Introduction of another changes and amendments to state budget 2007 to begin
53. He never promised us a rose garden
54. Georgia on his mind
55. A tale of two color revolutions
56. A risky move
57. report: Georgia’s power sector: Energy crossroads in uncertain transition
58. Gasoline prices rise by another 5 tetri
59. Georgia’s natural gas supplies
60. Azerbaijani-Georgian border commission to meet by end of the year
61. Kars-Akhalkalaki-Baku not economic but military-political project
62. More farmers receive MCG grants
63. Georgia's performance? Millenium Challenge Corporation's meta-index
64. 40 percent of Georgian citrus fruit will go to export
65. Do business and politics mix? How bankers fare as Prime Ministers
66. Georgian-made wine receives Belgian OSCAR
67. Economic situation now more difficult to improve
68. The west must resist Putin's claim on the old Soviet space [excerpt]
69. Where is Russia heading? [excerpt]
70. Lavrov comments on ties with Georgia, Kosovo
71. Lavrov slams Georgia's actions as anti-Russian
72. Lavrov criticizes Georgia's unfriendly stance on Russia
73. Russians are preparing Abkhaz for attack on Kodori
74. Kokoyty, new OSCE head discuss South Ossetian conflict
75. Russians in Abkhazia take part in early state Duma voting
76. Bagapsh urges Abkhazia Georgians to boycott snap election
77. CIS to rotate peacekeepers in Georgian conflict zone Dec. 5-10
78. Press summary for Abkhazia 20-26 nov 07
79. Civil reception of National Archives of Georgia opened
80. About 100 residents of Iormuganlo village received IDs and passports
81. Police arrested suspect of robbery and murder of policeman in Leselidze Street
82. National Assembly of Georgian Azerbaijanis threatens to close roads
83. President’s initiative on amnesty connected to risk
84. Tehran - 2007 [excerpt]
full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
PRESSEMITTEILUNG: Feierliche Deutschlandpremiere von DER MANN VON DER BOTSCHAFT in Düsseldorf
Der Film kommt am 29. November in die deutschen Kinos.
Der Arsenal Filmverleih freut sich über die gelungene Deutschlandpremiere von Dito Tsintsadzes neuem Film „Der Mann von der Botschaft“ am 26.11.2007 im atelier des Düsseldorfer Savoy-Theaters. Neben Hauptdarsteller Burkhart Klaußner, der für seine Rolle als Botschaftsangestellter Herbert Neumann in Locarno den goldenen Leoparden als bester Hauptdarsteller erhielt, kamen Regisseur Tsintsadze und die georgischen Darstellerinnen Lika Martinova und Marika Giorgobiani, die zusammen mit Koproduzent Guka Rcheulishvili extra aus Georgien angereist waren. Arsenal-Chef Stefan Paul präsentierte den Film vor vollem Saal zusammen mit der Produzentin Christine Ruppert (Tatfilm) und dem Geschäftsführer der Filmstiftung NRW, Michael Schmid-Ospach.
Besonderes Highlight des Abends war die georgische Sängergruppe „Roots“, die vor und nach der Vorstellung für musikalische Unterhaltung sorgte und dem Abend eine wunderbare Atmosphäre verschaffte. Nach einem georgischen Weinempfang im Anschluss an die Premiere wurde im Rahmen eines deutschgeorgischen Abends im Düsseldorfer Brauhaus Schumacher ausgelassen gefeiert.
Um Veröffentlichung wird gebeten. Für weitere Informationen und Fotos wenden Sie sich bitte an den Arsenal Filmverleih.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Julius Windhorst
Arsenal Filmverleih GmbH
Hintere Grabenstr. 20
72070 Tübingen - Germany
phone: +49 7071 929 624
fax: +49 7071 929 644
mehr: Dito Tzinzadse "Der Mann von der Botschaft"
v.l.n.r. Burghart Klaußner, Lika Martinova, Dito Tsintsadze, Marika Giorgobiani (der Regisseur mit den Hauptdarstellern)
Uploaded on November 27, 2007 by Ralph Hälbig
VERANSTALTUNG: Die Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik im Südkaukasus – Chancen, Probleme, Perspektiven.
Zeit: 19:00h
Ort: Vertretung des Landes Saarland beim Bundin den Ministergärten 4, 10117 Berlin
zu Gast:
S.E. Levan Duchidze Botschafter der Republik Georgien
Steffen Reiche MdB Vorsitzender der Deutsch-Südkaukasischen Parlamentariergruppe Walter Kaufmann Leiter des Regionalbüros Südkaukasus der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Tbilisi Elisabeth Schroedter MdE
Moderation: Dr. Heike Dörrenbächer
Kooperation: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Art der Veranstaltung: Podiumsdiskussion
Podiumsgespräch und Diskussionzum Thema „Die Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik im Südkaukasus –Chancen, Probleme, Perspektiven“ am Donnerstag, dem 29. November 2007 um 19.00 Uhr in der Vertretung des Landes Saarland beim Bund in den Ministergärten 4, 10117 Berlin
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Walter Kaufmann
Walter Kaufmann
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Regional Office South Caucasus
5, Radiani str., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
T: +995-32-227705
F: +995-32-912897
DOKUMENATION: "Deutsche Spurensuche in Georgien" von Rudolf Sporrer
Die Botschafterin Frau Dr. Flor wird ein Grußwort sprechen. Anschließend findet ein kleiner Empfang statt.
Sie sind alle sehr herzlich zu dieser Vorführung eingeladen.
Mit besten Grüßen
Werner Wöll, Institutsleiter, Goethe-Institut Georgien, Sandukeli Str. 16, 0108 Tbilissi
Tel.: +995 32 / 93 89 45
Fax: +995 32 / 93 45 68
sächsische Musik wurde obdrein gehörig gefeiert. Nun ist es an der Zeit, den Dresdnern, Leipzigern und Chemnitzern von den aufregenden Fahrten zu berichten. Ihre Erlebnisse, Eindrücke und Gespräche präsentieren die Bands in ihren Heimatstädten. Die Klubfestivals
umfassen Foto- & Videopräsentationen sowie Showsets der Bands.
Mit dabei:
* Solche (Chemnitz) - Bericht über Mai 2007 in Belarus/Weißrußland
* The First Marracash World Session Orchestra (Dresden) - Juni 2007 Kosovo
* Zen Zebra (Leipzig) - September 2007 Nagorny Karabach
Dresden 01.12.2007 Club Puschkin (ohne Zen Zebra!)
Leipzig 07.12.2007 Villa Leipzig
Chemnitz 08.12.2007 ZV Bunker
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung:
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen
Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Wir danken allen, die dieses Projekt begleitet und unterstützt haben!!!
Mirko Sennewald - KulturAktiv e.V.
Tour Tagebuch mit Fotos von Zen Zebra
27.09.2007 - Tblisi / Georgien Eintrag Anzeigen
26.09.2007 - Kutaisi / Georgien Eintrag Anzeigen
25.09.2007 - Gjumri / Armenien Eintrag Anzeigen
24.09.2007 - Stephanakert / Karabach Eintrag Anzeigen
22.09.2007 - Yerewan / Armenien Eintrag Anzeigen
PHOTOGRAPHY: Polish People With A Volga To The Mt. Kasbek
Photo on November 26, 2007 by Daniel Rozpara (Skierniewice/Warsaw, Poland)
more photos from him to Georgia
NEWS: 22 Nov 07 | Caucasus Reporting Service 420
Embattled Georgian president appoints new prime minister and promises social welfare reforms. By Dmitry Avaliani in Tbilisi (CRS No. 420 22-Nov-07)
Outcry at Azerbaijani Editor Arrest
Observers say hooliganism charge against opposition editor is politically motivated. By Idrak Abbasov in Baku (CRS No. 420 22-Nov-07)
Chechnya’s Language Dilemma
Schoolchildren speak poor Russian but have almost no Chechen text-books. By Ilias Matsiev in Grozny (CRS No. 420 22-Nov-07)
NEWS: EurasiaNet Weekly Update
Giorgi Lomsadze
While international attention focuses on the upcoming Georgian presidential elections, Tbilisi's tussle with the opposition has coincided with a stepped-up campaign against Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia. The opposition contends that the alarm bells about an alleged Russian military build-up in the region are politically motivated. Some analysts, meanwhile, say that President Mikheil Saakashvili's administration stands to gain little, if any, domestic political benefit from confronting Russia at this time.
Gayane Abrahamyan
Nina Akhmeteli
Nina Akhmeteli
Molly Corso
Molly Corso
Joshua Kucera
Molly Corso
Molly Corso
Molly Corso
Elizabeth Owen
Mina Muradova
Nino Patsuria
Molly Corso
Haroutiun Khachatrian
INFORMATION: Situation tschetschenischer Flüchtlinge in Osteuropa
Organisiert vom Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg und borderline europe:
26.11.2007, in Potsdam, 14-18 Uhr, Stilfabrik
Die Flüchtlingszahlen in Zentraleuropa gehen seit Jahren zurück. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass weniger Menschen fliehen. An der, nicht nur in Deutschland, steigenden Zahl der so genannten DUBLIN II- Verfahren zeigt sich, dass die meisten Flüchtlinge, die über ein anderes EU-Land nach Deutschland gekommen sind, hier gar keine Chance mehr auf ein Asylverfahren haben. Brandenburg ist ein Grenzland.
Flüchtlinge, die zu uns über Polen einreisen, werden auf Grund der Dublin II Regelung aus der Abschiebehaft in Eisenhüttenstadt nach Polen zurückgeschickt. Ca. 90% der Asylsuchenden in Polen sind jedoch dringend schutzbedürftige Flüchtlinge aus Tschetschenien! Dort haben sie kaum eine Chance auf Integration, medizinische Versorgung und Ausbildung, selbst wenn sie als Flüchtlinge anerkannt werden.
Teilweise sind die Lebensbedingungen für Flüchtlinge so unerträglich und perspektivlos, dass sie "freiwillig" nach Russland bzw. nach Tschetschenien zurückkehren.
Die beiden ReferentInnen TINA ISMAJLOVA und RAMZAN AMPUKAEV arbeiten in Brüssel mit in einer Aktionsgruppe zum Monitoring über die Lage der tschetschenischen Flüchtlinge in Europa, einer der Schwerpunkte der Arbeit liegt auf den Auswirkungen der DUBLIN II - Verordnung. In diesem Zusammenhang haben sie Recherchereisen nach Polen und in die Ukraine durchgeführt und die Lage der Flüchtlinge vor Ort untersucht und entsprechende Studien für den UNHCR, für ECRE und das EU-Parlament angefertigt. Sie werden über die Situation von Flüchtlingen in Polen und der Ukraine berichten und über ihre Aktivitäten auf
belgischer und europäischer Ebene zur Veränderung der Dublin II Verordnung. Wir werden über die Notwendigkeiten und die Möglichkeiten der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit informieren und diskutieren.
WO: Stilfabrik, Posthofstr. 5, 14467 Potsdam
(Platz der Einheit - Am Kanal, an der Hauptpost vorbei, dann links in die Französische Str.
und sofort wieder rechts in die Posthofstraße, Tram 92 Pl. der Einheit oder Tram 99 Am Kanal und kurzer Fußweg)
WANN: 26.11.2007, 14-18 Uhr
Gefördert durch die Integrationsbeauftragte des Landes Brandenburg
Tel.: 0331- 887 15 460
Tel.: 0331 - 716 499
Uploaded on November 13, 2007 by Michal Przedlacki
More Photos: Grozny, Chechnya (Set) by Michal Przedlacki
AUSSTELLUNG: Über Armenien in Karlsruhe ZKM mit unterstützung von Firma conmet
Natur und Umwelt in Armenien
Eröffnung: 22.11.2007
Zur Eröffnung sprechen Andreas Reifsteck als Vertreter von Günter Pilarsky, Honorarkonsul der Republik Armenien, für den Konsularbezirk Land Baden-Württemberg und Ruben Khachatryan, FPWC Direktor und Leiter des Umwelterziehungsprogramms »Following the Sun«
Das ZKM präsentiert auf dem ZKM_Musikbalkon
Information in English / Das Programm »Following the Sun«
Link: ZKM Ausstellungen 112007 Natur und Umwelt in Armenien
NETWORK: This Week in IJNet

Grants available for Georgian election reporting projects Georgia 12/03/07
Georgian competition seeks human rights photos Georgia 12/03/07
Eastern Europe and Central Eurasia
Armenian journalists invited to apply for team-reporting project with Turkish journalists Eastern Europe-Central Eurasia
The Yerevan Press Club (YPC) is accepting applications from print and online journalists interested in participating in a team-reporting project with Turkish journalists. YPC is partnering with Turkey’s ARI Movement. Deadline: November 30.
Award honors best reporting on biodiversity in Georgia Eastern Europe-Central Eurasia
The Georgian branch of the BP fuel corporation is organizing its sixth Biodiversity Competition, open to all journalists who have covered biodiversity issues in 2007. Entry deadline: December 20.
Grants available for Georgian election reporting projects Georgia
Media outlets and NGOs in Georgia can apply for money that would pay for programs to encourage independent reporting and citizen participation amid the country’s upcoming elections. Deadline: December 3.
Upcoming deadlines
Coverage of disabilities eligible for contest in Armenia Armenia 11/23/07
Prize for Armenian journalists honors reporting on disabilities Eastern Europe 11/23/07
Eastern Europe and Central Eurasia
Coverage of disabilities eligible for contest in Armenia Eastern Europe-Central
EurasiaArmenian journalists who have reported on the need for equal opportunities for disabled people can enter a nationwide competition. Deadline: November 23.
Georgian competition seeks human rights photos Eastern Europe-Central Eurasia
The Human Rights Center in Georgia (HRIDC) has announced a photo contest on human rights for Georgian photojournalists. Entry deadline: December 3.
Competition invites students to write about refugees Eastern Europe-Central Eurasia
Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) is calling for entries to its annual Writing About Refugees competition for student journalists. Deadline: February 22.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Georgia’s geo-strategic location as an east-west energy corridor is frequently cited by western policymakers as justification for large-scale financial investment, technical and economic aid, and political support for the incumbent government. According to one estimate, Georgia received nearly 3 billion USD in combined international assistance, private investment, and gas and electricity loans between 1995 and 2003.1 TheEU/Georgia European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) Action Plan identifies “Enhancing cooperation in the fields of energy, transport and environment contributing to energy security and supply diversification needs for the EU” as a fundamental partnership goal (p. 2).2
Despite its location on a lucrative energy corridor, however, Georgia has struggled to secure a basic energy supply for its citizens since it declared independence from the USSR some eighteen years ago. Civil war and economic crisis in the early years of independence destroyed many state-owned energy assets, while the resources that remained were severely damaged or abandoned in disrepair.
In the recent years, the urgency of Georgia’s energy supply crisis peaked in the last year as a result of increased political tensions with Russia—Georgia’s primary energy supplier. On 1 May 2007 Georgia’s independent National Energy Regulatory Commission (GNERC) hiked consumer gas tariffs in response to the more than doubling of the price of Russian gas at the beginning of the year. This year alone Tbilisi consumers have faced electricity cost increases of up to five cents (approximately eight Georgian tetri) per kilowatt hour. According to one account, some rural residents have seen electricity costs more than double.3
The Ministry of Energy estimates average annual per capita electricity consumption at 1,900 kilowatt hours. The following report addresses the Georgian government’s handling of the ongoing energy crisis. Taking the State Energy Policy as the government’s central strategy document, the report assesses the goals set forth therein and the extent to which these goals have been met to date.4 Three principle objectives are set forth in the document: diversification of supply sources (to include harnessing of the full potential of domestic hydropower resources), liberalization and de-regulation of the market (to attract competitive private investment), and maximization of Georgia’s benefits as an energy transit corridor.
Full Text: Power Sector (2007).pdf
This report was prepared through TI Georgia’s Promoting Understanding of the Energy Sector in Georgia project, which is funded by BP. Through this project, TI Georgia will conduct monthly trainings for journalists and prepare monthly analytical reports on energy issues related to Georgia.
26, Rustaveli Av., Third Floor, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia
Phone: +(99532) 92 14 03; 99 93 35; 93 21 29
Fax: + 8995 32) 92 02 51